
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,884

        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to identify which width of the base of support(BOS) is safer and more effective in lifting by comparing muscle activations and body sways when lifting objects under the width variation of the BOS. A total of fifteen healthy adults participated in this study. For the width variation of the BOS, the participants changed the width between their feet into three different types(10cm, 32cm, 45cm) and lifted a 10kg four times in each type after going up on a force plate. In order to measure body sways according to the width variation of the BOS, a motion analysis system was used. In addition, in order to measure the muscle activations of lower extremities, including the erector spinae, gluteus maximus, rectus femoris, and tibialis anterior, an electromyogram(EMG) analysis was employed. In addition, the Borg's scale was drawn by quantifying the subjective discomfort levels felt from each width of the BOS. In conclusion, no statistically significant differences according to the width variation of the BOS were observed(p=.295, .308)(p>.05). However, a statistically significant difference was exhibited between the Borg's scale, which indicates the discomfort levels from lifting performances, and the width variation of the BOS (p=.000*).
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study effectiveness of core strengthening exercise programs on symmetric double limb support and balance ability for elderly. The subjects that 30 persons between the ages of 65~80 elderly participated were divided into two groups randomly for 8 weeks. Tetrax interactive balance system and Berg's balance scale were used to assess support and stability. Paired t-tests were used to evaluate the changes before and after intervention. The difference between the groups was compared using an independent t-test. The experimental group showed significantly increase weight support, stability, balance(p<.05). However, the control group not showed significantly increase weight support, stability, balance(p>.05). In a variation, experimental and control groups showed significantly increased rate of weight support, stability, balance(p<.05). Consequently, core strengthening exercise program should be considered as a therapeutic method for the elderly to improve the balance ability and effectiveness on falls.
        2012.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Experiments were conducted in order to assess the healing effect of bee venom (BV) cream on full-thickness skin wounds in rabbits. BV cream was compared with silver sulfadiazine (SS) as a topical medicament against a control on experimentally created full-thickness wounds. Two wounds measuring 2 × 2 cm were created bilaterally (four wounds/rabbit) on the dorsolateral aspect of the trunk of seven New Zealand white rabbits. Wound treatments were evenly distributed on four sites, using a Latin square design. The contact layer of wounds was treated with physiological saline (control), SS cream, and BV cream over a period of 28 days. Assessment of wound healing was based on scab hardness, wound exudates, wound area, unepithelialized granulation tissue, and histopathological findings. Topical application of BV and SS creams to wounds resulted in reduced inflammation, debridement of necrotic tissue, and promoted granulation and epithelialization. Wound healing was faster, with statistical significance in BV and SS treatments, compared to the control (P<0.05). Treatment with BV evoked an anti-inflammation effect in a rabbit model. BV cream produced a wound healing effect similar to that of commercially available SS cream. Anti-inflammation effect as a topical treatment with BV cream appears to be better than that with SS cream. These results suggest that topical application of BV cream may be an alternative treatment for full-thickness skin wounds.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A study was conducted on four crossbred bulls, used as artificial insemination (AI) sires, to correlate their semen quality with their non return rate (NRR). Semen was collected once a week via an artificial vagina, diluted in egg yolk-citrate and maintained at for three days. It was evaluated for sperm motility, viability, morphology immediately after collection and was examined daily for sperm motility, viability and morphology of acrosome, mid piece and tail for a total of three days. A total of 2016 cows were inseminated by two AI technicians. The proportions of sperm with normal heads were 83.4% (63.7~91.7%), the proportion of spermatozoa exhibiting normal morphology (acrosome, mid piece and tail), motility and viability were 89.2% (82.3~92.0%), 71.3% (61.7~75.0%) and 76.7% (65.7~85.0%), respectively in fresh ejaculates. Sperm motility and sperm viability was significantly ( <0.05) lower in Holstein-Friesian Local bull than in other bulls during all three days of storage. The overall NRR for four bulls was 82.7% (72.9-87.5%). Bulls with higher sperm motility, viability and normal morphology of spermatozoa of individual bull had significantly (each <0.05) higher NRR. The highest ( <0.01) NRR (87.5%) was observed in a Red Chittagong bull whose semen qualities were significantly ( <0.05) higher than Holstein-Friesian Local bull (NNR 72.9%). The results of the present study concluded that NRR at 56 days post AI is related to parameters of semen quality. Therefore, semen evaluation may allow the discarding of bulls with poor fertility in an AI program.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recurrence-metastasis status of squamous cell carcinoma of tongue is a challenging oncologic problem. This study examined the expression of E-cadherin/β-catenin cell adhesion complex in squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue through an immunohistochemical study. Twenty samples from 15 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue, who were treated at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, consisted of primary or recurrent tumors along with matched metastatic lymph nodes were retrieved for immunohistochemical staining and grouped based on recurrence-metastasis status.Differences in stain localization were noted in E-cadherin, β–catenin and phospho β–catenin staining between different tumor groups based on the recurrence-metastasis status. The number of phospho β-catenin stain positive cells was found to have a significant role in survival. E-cadherin confirms its role as a powerful individual differentiation indicator and the role of β-catenin specially the phospho type elicts interest
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        서울 기상 관측소(서울시 종로구 송월동, 37˚34'N, 126˚57'E, 이하 송월)의 일 최저기온과 결빙 자료, 그리고 인근인 한강 관측소(37˚30'N, 126˚57'E, 이하 한강)의 결빙 자료를 사용하여, 1907-2006년(100년) 동안 한국 서울에서의 결빙기후의 장기 변동을 조사하였다. 송월의 결빙은 옥외 노장의 물이 동결하는 현상으로 정의하였고, 이곳에서 6 km 떨어진 한강의 결빙은 한강 대교 남단에서 2번째와 4번째 교각의 상류 100 m 부근이 완전히 얼었을 때로 정의한다. 평균 첫 결빙일은 송월이 10월 28일, 한강이 12월 28일이며, 각각 0.78 days decade-1와 3.47 days decade-1로 점차 늦어지는 추세를 나타냈다. 평균 연 결빙 일수는 송월이 159.06일, 한강이 50.33일이며, 각각 2.01 days decade-1와 5.24 days decade-1로 감소하는 추세를 보였다. 특히, 1950년대 후반을 기점으로 변화율이 급변하였는데, 한강에서 100년 동안 발생한 7번의 무결빙해(1960, 1971, 1972, 1978, 1988, 1991, and 2006)도 모두 1950년대 이후에 발생하였다. 송월과 한강에서 첫 결빙일의 일 최저기온은 평균적으로 각각 0.55˚C와 -12.22˚C이다. 영하의 일 최저기온이 송월은 6.43일, 한강은 8.94일 지속되고 난 뒤 첫 결빙이 발생하였다. 송월과 한강의 연 최저기온에 대해서 첫 결빙일은 양의 상관을 보였고, 결빙 일수는 음의 상관을 보였다. 이러한 결과는 결빙기후의 변화가 기후변화의 일환으로 나타나는 기온변화와 유관함을 보였다. 향후 더 넓은 지역에서 다양한 추가 연구를 실시함으로써, 지속적으로 결빙기후를 주시하고자 한다.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We discuss the influence of few-walled carbon nanotubes (FWCNTs) treated with nitric acid and/or sulfuric acid on field emission characteristics. FWCNTs/tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) thin film field emitters were fabricated by a spray method using FWCNTs/TEOS sol one-component solution onto indium tin oxide (ITO) glass. After thermal curing, they were found tightly adhered to the ITO glass, and after an activation process by a taping method, numerous FWCNTs were aligned preferentially in the vertical direction. Pristine FWCNT/TEOS-based field emitters revealed higher current density, lower turn-on field, and a higher field enhancement factor than the oxidized FWCNTs-based field emitters. However, the unstable dispersion of pristine FWCNT in TEOS/N,N-dimethylformamide solution was not applicable to the field emitter fabrication using a spray method. Although the field emitter of nitric acid-treated FWCNT showed slightly lower field emission characteristics, this could be improved by the introduction of metal nanoparticles or resistive layer coating. Thus, we can conclude that our spray method using nitric acid-treated FWCNT could be useful for fabricating a field emitter and offers several advantages compared to previously reported techniques such as chemical vapor deposition and screen printing.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The goal of this study is to determine, based on survey results, the underlying factors that affect the intention of the farmers who have not adopted the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system for the rearing phase of pig production to adopt this system in the future. The research model for this study was con structed based on strategic contingency theory, the theory of the diffusion of innovation, and the technology acceptance model (TAM). Using structural equation modeling with partial least squares (PLS), this study analyzes the effects of the intensity of competition, the environmental uncertainty, the innovativeness and self-efficacy of the individual farmers, and the impact of the credibility of the Agricultural Technology Service Center (ATSC), which acts as the principal agent of technology dissemination and as a leader of change, on the perceived usefulness of technology and the farmers’ intention to adopt the system. The results of the analysis are as follows. First, with regard to the underlying factors affecting the intention to adopt the new system, the intensity of competition within the industry and the institutional credibility of the ATSC were inferred to underlie the perceived usefulness. Second, institutional credibility has a positive impact on the perceived usefulness of the system, and the perceived usefulness, in turn, has a positive impact on the intention to adopt. The perceived ease of use also has a positive impact on the intention to adopt. Because the factor that has the biggest impact on the intention of a farm to adopt is the credibility of the ATSC, it is crucial for extension organizations, such as the ATSC, to make greater efforts to promote the expansion of the HACCP system. Because farmers feel that the implementation of the HACCP system is an instrumental strategy for coping with the high intensity of competition within the industry, they attempt to gain a competitive edge through the production of safe livestock products.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2011.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ultrasonography (US) is a recent technique that has proven to be useful for assessing muscle thickness and guiding the rehabilitation decision-making of clinicians and researchers. The purpose of this study was to determine the inter-rater reliability of the US measurement of transversus abdominis (TrA), internal oblique (IO), and external oblique (EO) thicknesses for different probe locations and measurement techniques. Twenty healthy volunteers were recruited in this study. Muscle thicknesses of the transversus TrA, IO, and EO were measured three times in the hook-lying position. The three different probe locations were as follows: 1) Probe location 1 (PL1) was below the rib cage in direct vertical alignment with the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS). 2) Probe location 2 (PL2) was halfway between the ASIS and the ribcage along the mid-axillary line. 3) Probe location 3 (PL3) was halfway between the iliac crest and the inferior angle of the rib cage, with adjustment to ensure the medial edge of the TrA. The two different techniques of thickness measurement from the captured images were as follows: 1) Muscle thickness was measured in the middle of the muscle belly, which was centered within the captured image (technique A; TA). 2) Muscle thickness was measured along a horizontal reference line located 2 cm apart from the medial edge of the TrA in the captured image (technique B; TB). The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC [3,k]) was used to calculate the inter-rater reliability of the thickness measurement of TrA, IO and EO using the values from both the first and second examiner. In all three muscles, moderate to excellent reliability was found for all conditions (probe locations and measurement techniques) (ICC=.70~.97). In the PL1-TA condition, inter-rater reliability in the three muscle thicknesses was good to excellent (ICC=.85~.96). The reliability of all measurement conditions was excellent in IO (ICC=.95~.97). Therefore, the findings of this study suggest that TA can be applied to PL1 by clinicians and researchers in order to measure the thickness of abdominal muscles.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of gait training using functional electrical stimulation on the improvement of hemiplegic patients' functions for balance and gait velocity. The subjects of the experiment were determined to be 10 each hemiplegic patients who had been diagnosed with stroke or brain damage six months or longer earlier assigned to an experimental group and a control group respectively. The subjects were evaluated before the experiment using Tetrax and 10M gait tests, received gait training five times a week for four weeks using functional electrical stimulation and were evaluated after the experiment in the same method as used in the evaluation before the experiment. In order to examine differences between the experimental group that received gait training using functional electrical stimulation and the control group that was treated by functional electrical stimulation and received gait training thereafter, differences between before and after the experiment were analyzed using paired sample t-tests and differences in changes after the experiment between the experimental group and the control group were analyzed using independent sample t-tests in order to compare the two groups with each other. Experimental results showed significant differences in weight bearing, balance and gait velocity between before and after the experiment in the experimental group(p<.05). In the control group, whereas weight bearing and gait velocity did not show any significant difference between before and after the experiment(p>.05), balance showed significant differences(p<.05). Weight bearing, balance and gait velocity change rates showed significant differences between the experimental group and the control group(p<.05). In conclusion, it was indicated that gait training using functional electrical stimulation is effective for enhancing stroke patients' weight bearing rates, balance abilities and gait velocity.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Despite of the presence of estradiol-17β (E2) in ovarian follicles, its role(s) in in vitro maturation (IVM) is still largely unknown, especially in pigs. Thus, the current study was conducted to investigate the effect of E2 on in vitro maturation (IVM) of porcine oocytes and subsequent preimplantation development using in vitro fertilization (IVF)- or somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)-derived embryos. To define the effects of E2 on IVM and early embryogenesis, porcine oocytes were matured in the presence or absence of E2, fertilized in vitro and cultivated to blastocyst stage. Compared to control group, the production of MII oocytes was significantly increased by treatment with E2, accompanying with the increase in MPF content and ERK phosphorylation, and monospermic fertilization and blastocyst development rates were also greatly elevated in the E2-treated oocytes. In addition, the advantageous role of E2 was also found in blastomere survival, which was further evidenced by both elevation of anti-apoptotic transcript Bcl-XL and decrease of pro-apoptotic transcript Bax. Furthremore, these positive effects of E2 were highly reproducible in early development of SCNT embryos. Collectively, the current study strongly suggests that E2 can be used as a efficient IVM supplement leading to successful nuclear/cytoplasmic maturatioin in pigs.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Successful early embryogenesis of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos is very important to produce cloned animals. However, poor preimplantation development of SCNT embryos has been a major obstacle to the generation of cloned animals due to a lack of understanding of developmental events and underlying mechanism(s). In the current study, we show that production of SCNT embryos with high developmental competence is dependent on the fusion method. Electrofusion causes spontaneous egg activation, accompanied by an increase in intracellular Ca2+ and improper nuclear remodeling, whereas Sendai virus (SV)-mediated fusion greatly reduces these events. In addition, SV-SCNT increased the blastocyst development rate and trophectoderm cell number compared to electrofusion-mediated SCNT (E-SCNT). In particular, expression of ER stress-associated genes and blastomere apoptosis were significantly increased in E-SCNT embryos, which could be alleviated by inhibition of ER stress or by using the SV-mediated fusion method. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that SV is a useful fusion material for improvement of preimplantation development of SCNT embryos through reduction of ER stress-associated apoptosis.