
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 632

        1996.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The defects occurred in knitted fabrics have several types due to some trouble sources. In particular, the defects caused by knitting machine troubles give a serious damage to the whole webs. It is, therefore, necessary to discriminate the kind of defects. The method to discriminate the type and size of defects has been proposed, which is used a pair of narrow band eliminating spatial filters. This method is based upon an isotropic signal processing in time domain. This paper is to confirm that the proposed method can be useful in the discrimination of defects, having analyzed in spatial frequency domain.
        1995.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The increase of population and industrial activities had brought into eutrophication in the Nakdong river. A remarkable acceleration of eutrophication brought about serious problems for water supply. Therefore, for the purpose of conservation of water quality in the Nakdong river it is necessary to control nutrients. MBOD method was used to evaluate algal growth limiting factor and algal growth potential in the Nakdong river from June to August 1994. The modified biochemical oxygen demand(MBOD) depends on the amount of available inorganic nutrient and organic substrate during 5 day incubation in the dark at 20℃. The MBOD assay depends on inorganic nutrients such as P and N as well as reduced carbon and called the MBOD, the MBOD-P, and the MBOD-N, respectively. The results of bioassay by MBOD(Modified BOD) method showed that the MBOD, MBOD-P and MBOD-N value were found to be in the ranges of 3.8∼96.0 ㎎O_2/ℓ, 5.6∼94.0 ㎎O_2/ℓand 42.0∼220 ㎎O_2/ℓ, respectively. And the the bioassay value was found to be the highest in Koryong area and the lowest in Waekwan area throughout the Nakdong river. The variations of MBOD-P and MBOD-N value showed similar tendencies to the variations of phosphorus and nitrogen value, respectively. By MBOD method, the relationships of MBOD, MBOD-P and MBOD-N value were MBOD ≒ MBOD-P ≪ MBOD-N. The MBOD value was nearly equal to the MBOD-P value, and the MBOD-N value was 3 to 20 times more than the MBOD-P value, approximately. Therefore, in the Nakdong river, phosphorus was the limiting factor for algal growth during summer season. The algal growth potential as the concentration of chlorophyll-a in the summer was maximum 5 times more than standing crop as it.
        1995.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        춘천 지역 구봉산층군 내에서 산출되는 백색 및 흑회색 투감섬석에 대하여 전자현미분석과 리트벨트법에 의하여 결정화학적 특징이 연구되었다. 화학 조성상 백색 투감섬석 (WHT)은 흑회색형 (BLT)에 비하여 Al과 Na의 양은 많고, Mg와 Ca의 양은 적은 차이를 보여준다. 단위포의 크기에 있어 b축의 길이는 WHT가 BLT보다 약 0.013a 크다. 이는 후자의 M(4) 자리에 보다 많은 Na와 Mg가 치환된 결과로서 계사된 〈M(4)-O.가 각각 2.522, 2.512a로 잘 일치하고 있다. 자리 점유율에 있어 BLT의 경우 모든 Al이 T(2)에 채워지며, WHT에서는 T(1), T(2)에 각각 0.138, 0.181씩 Si를 치환하고 있다. M(1), M(2), 및 M(3)는 모두 Mg에 의해 채워지고 있으며, Ca가 채워지는 M(4)에는 BLT에서는 소량의 Mg가 들어 있다. (001) 방향으로 투각섬석의 구조를 작도해 보면, WHT에서는 사면체의 바닥면이 T(1) 안쪽으로 다소 기울어져 있으나, BLT에서는 T(1)과 T(2)가 서로 마주보며 기울어져 있는 특이한 양상을 보여준다. 이러한 구조상의 차이점은 앞으로 보다 많은 투각섬석에 대한 구조적인 연구를 수행할 필요가 있음을 보여준다.
        1994.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        맥주보리 품질에서 중요한 성분인 단백질함량을 NIRS를 이용하여 신원하고 정확하게 분석하기 위해 최적의 검양식 작성에 관한 일련의 시험을 실시한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. Micro-Kjeldahl법에 의해 분석한 단백질함량을 이용하여 작성된 NIRS의 검양식중 2095 /1941/ 2282/ 2086nm 파장으로 구성된 검양식에서 결정계수(R2 )가 0.95로서 가장 높았다. 2. NIRS의 2095/1941/2282/2086nm 파장으로 구성된 검양식으로 '92년도에 생산된 18품종을 분석한 결과 SDD가 0.47, SEP가 0.43, r이 0.95로서 매우 우수하였으며 평균 단백질함량도 Micro-Kjeldahl법의 10.25%와 동일하였다. 3. NIRS의 2095/1941/2282/2086nm 파장으로 구성된 검양식으로 '93년에 생산된 미지의 시료 31품종을 Micro-Kjeldahl법과 비교분석한 결과 SDD가 0.69, SEP가 0.67, r(simple correlation)이 0.91이었다. 4. 본 시험에서 작성된 NIRS의 검양식을 이용할 경우 Micro-Kjeldahl 분석치와 r값이 0.91로서 고도의 유의성이 인정되었으며 bias값을 보정해 주면 단백질함량의 평균값이 Micro-Kjeldahl법과 매우 근접된 값을 얻을 수 있어서 맥주보리 육종의 초기세대에서 단기간 다량의 계통을 분석할 수 있을 것으로 기대되었다.
        1993.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        When the breach of contract is at issue between the contracting parties, the decision of the contents of obligation has an important meaning. The contents of obligation is decided by the construction of cont-ract. Therefore, the construction of contract has very important meaning for the decision of the contents of obligation. And the Civil Law of Korea includes provisions to settle disputes related to contract, and most of these provisions have the nature of voluntary law. And when there is no intention of the contracting parties, or it is not clear, the voluntary law comes into application(Civil code art. 105). Ultimately, voluntary law not only becomes the standard of the construction of the contract, but also it is applied as the law to settle dispute. Thus, it needs to clear what is the relation between the construc-tion of contract and the application of law. Therefore, this paper aims to clarify the relationship between the construction of contract and the appli-cation of law.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A combination of acerocarininc-Wright C-banding technique was utilized to identify each chromosomes in durum wheat ,Triticum durum var. Hordeiforme (2n=4x=28 AABB), This technique elucidated qualitativr and quantitative traits of the indi-vidual chromosomes In coinplement. Most comspicuous bands were observed at thecentromere of B-genome chronmosomes. Each chromosomes of A-genome had some-what weak centromeric, proximal and terminal bands. Chromosomes 2A and 4A hasa small subterminal bands. 6A is smallest and metacentric chromosome and , has two faint interstitial band. Chromosomes 1B and 6B showed satellite and constriction lage band. Short arm of 3B has three heavily interstitial bands. Both arms of chromosome 4B has a lagc centromeric band and a very lage proximal band. 5B had heavilycentromeric band and the long arm showed prominent two interstitial bands. Chromo-somes 25 and 7B has a small terminal band of both arms.
        1980.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As the NNSS system calculates ship's position by the doppler shift of the NNSS radio waves caused by the change of the distance between Transit Satellite and the ship, ship's speed error inevitably results in the position error, and moreover this kind of erroris most dominant compared with other errors especially in high speed ships and airplanes. Most NNSS receivers now in use have adoptedsuccessive short doppler counts as positioning data and by investigating the dispersion of serval successive positions calculated and by neglecting the mean position having dispersion of over certain threshold level, more accurate adn safe position is to be achieved. This paper proposes the method of finding ship's true speed by selecting a speed having least position dispersion for given successive doppler counts. And by computer simulation it was verified that the method proposed here is reasonable in finding the ship's desired correct speed together with the correct ship's position.
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