
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2,947

        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of this study were to measure price elasticities of menu items of a family restaurant, identify differences of price elasticity between subgroups, and provide a comprehensive understanding on price elasticity. 3 menu items of a salad buffet family restaurant in Seoul were selected for analyses, and a questionnaire was developed through literature review and modified after pilot test. The questionnaires for main survey were distributed to 250 customers on their visit to the restaurant, and a total of 139 questionnaires were used for analyses (55.6%). Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS Win (12.0) for descriptive analyses, t-test, ANOVA, and the main results of this study were as follows. The demands were expected very elastic to the changes in prices of all 3 menu items, and there were significant differences between groups of different company types. In addition, the changes in use were less affected by the changes in menu price when customers were satisfied with each menu item. On the basis of these results, it was concluded that price increases of menu items should be companied by quality improvement of products and services, and differentiated marketing strategy for each segments of customers would be helpful to profitability of the restaurant. Overall, measurement of price elasticity could help to predict customer behaviors on price changes, and give much useful information for managers and marketers of foodservice organizations in development of price strategies.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper was concerned about case study for preventing WMDSs(Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders) by using Thinking Process of TOC(Theory Of Constraints), Unfortunately, the number of WMDSs are rising steadily in auto-part manufacturer. These WMDSs have on worse and worse influence not only on the competition of enterprise but on the life quality of a worker. The research results are helpful to establish the preventing WMDSs and improvement of workplace environments for small-medium sized auto-part company.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        버섯재배사에서 표고생산은 3월부터 11월에 이루어지며, 자연환경 조건의 변화를 이용하여 화고의 생산도 함께 추진하 였다. 5℃이하인 동절기에는 연료비에 대한 비용부담이 커서 이재배사는 버섯생산을 하지 않는 상황이었다. 그러나 상대 습도는 계속 75%를 유지하여 배지가 너무 건조하지 않도록 관리하였다. 보온과 난방으로 표고에 의한 소득을 올리는 재배 사관리가 고려될 가치가 있다고 생각한다. 1월은 버섯가격이 높으나 버섯생산이 적은 기간이다. 이것은 온도가 낮기 때문 이며, 톱밥재배사에서는 보온재와 햇볕을 이용하여 1월 중에는 -2℃~ 5℃로 유지하였다. 10월중에는 온도를 20도 이하 로 유지하였으며 상대습도를 60 ~85%로 유지하였다. 버섯품질은 상대습도에 크게 좌우되므로, 배지를 수직으로 180cm 에 이르는 7-8단으로 배열한 중국식 톱밥재배는 지면에서 높아질수록 수분관리가 불리할 수가 있다. 그러므로 수시로 재 배사의 통풍을 조절하여 상하 습도를 균질화시켰다. 이렇게 함으로써 육면체 배지의 모든 방향에서 표고를 발생시켰다. 노출된 배지로부터 수분관리 효과적으로 하기 위하여 온도를 조절하여 상대습도를 조절하고 있다. 이에 비하여 대만식 톱 밥재배에서는 25cm 높이에서 버섯이 발생하므로 이 위치에서 온도 습도를 집중 관리함으로써 고품질의 버섯생산을 추구 하고 있었다. 톱밥재배사에서 하루 중의 변화는 상당히 극심한 편이다. 1월 중에는 0~ 12℃까지 변하며, 이에 따라 상대습 도는 70%에서 거의 100%에 달하였다. 이 조건은 버섯생장은 느리지만 수분유지에는 좋은 조건으로 화고의 생산이 고려 된다. 10월 중에도 밤낮의 온도변화가 10~24℃로써 폭이 14℃나 되면서 상대습도는 60~100%를 유지하여 버섯생산이 매우 유리한 상황이다. 특히 이 기간에는 버섯가격이 낮으므로, 고품질의 표고생산이 매우 중요하다.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          기술집약적인 경제성장의 중요성이 강조되고 있는 가운데 이공계 진학과 과학기술직종선택의 감소는 성장잠재력에 가장 근본적인 위협이 된다. 이를 유지하려는 여러 가지 정책이 교육학적이나 사회학적 근거에서 제시되고 있으나 이를 분석하는 이론적 경험적 틀이 상대적으로 부족한 상태이다. 직업선택모델은 사회학적인 접근법이 활발하게 진행되었으나, 경제적 동인에 대한 분석이 부족하다. 본 논문에서는 2000년 미국 센서스 데이터에 나타난 가장 국제화된 미국의 과학기
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구의 목적은 국제합작기업에서의 파트너 간 신뢰관계 형성의 요인을 분석하는 것이다. 국제합작기업을 설립한 파트너 간에 신뢰관계를 형성하는 중요한 요소로서 프로세스 공정성과 분배 공정성을 주목하고, 두 가지 공정성을 국제합작기업에 적용하기 위한 개념의 확장을 시도한다. 국제합작기업에 있어서, 프로세스 공정성으로서 공정한 공동 의사결정 프로세스와 문화적 적응을 제시하고, 분배 공정성으로서 공정한 결과물의 분배와 교섭력의 분배를 제시한다. 한국내 109개의 국제합작기업에서 구성된 표본을 사용해 실증분석을 실시한 결과, 프로세스 공정성과 분배 공정성이 국제 합작기업에서의 파트너 간 신뢰관계 형성에 영향을 미치는 것으로 밝혀졌다.
        2006.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2006.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The authors devised and presented the method of development for project management system. The function and item for project management system are also presented in this article. This is the case of developing a practical system for project management in electronic company. The electronic company can utilize this method as a guideline of development. This can bring great economical effect to electronic company by saving the costs and time for development. The electronic company can apply this method easily. Moreover, waste of costs can be prevented by installing system just with necessary function and items.
        2006.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research is to develop the management strategy for a take-out specialty sore on the basis of SWOT analysis which requires analysis of internal and external environmental informations. The survey was performed in order to gather the internal and external customer informations for a take-out specialty store. The questionnaires developed were distributed to customers (N=188) and employees (N=23) at 5 take-out specialty store branches from April 25, 2002 to April 29, 2002. The statistical data analysis was completed by SPSS WIN 10.0 for descriptive analysis, factor nalaysis, and Pearson's correlation. IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis) was applied in order to identify the critical management issues which would be explained with the organization's weakness or strength. SWOT analysis was performed through identifying the organizational strength and weakness as internal environment factors and external environmental opportunity and threat as uncontrollable external factors.
        2006.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        자연사 박물관을 비형식교육기관으로 정의하게 될 경우, 가장 먼저 고려하는 것은 형식교육기관과 어떤 형식으로 보조를 맞추고 도움을 주고받을 수 있는가 이다. 이는 전시의 내용과 전시의 형태에서 과학교육과정을 어느 정도로 또한 어떻게 반영하고 있는가를 통해 알아볼 수 있을 것으로 가정하였다. 본 연구에서는 미국 자연사 박물관인 스미소니안 자연사 박물관과 뉴욕의 아메리칸 자연사 박물관의 전시물 중에서 지구과학관련 전시물 461점을 선별하였다. 선발된 전시물의 다양한 측면을 개발된 도구를 이용해 조사하였다. 개발된 교육과정분석틀은 미국 국가과학교육기준(National Science Curriculum Standard; NRC, 1996)과 TIMSS(Third International Mathematics and Science Study; Robitaille et al., 1993)의 과학교육과정 프레임을 근거로 구성하였다. 고려되었던 전시의 특징은 우선 전시의 활동 유형, 전시 기술, 전시 매체, 전시 표현 등이고 아울러 과학의 본성이 어떻게 전시물에 나타나는가를 살펴보았다. 비형식 교육기관으로서의 자연사 박물관의 역할에 대한 잠재력을 본 연구를 통해 재검토하였다.
        2006.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Standardization strategy is considered as an important approach for the organization growth and competitiveness. Major contents of standardization are the selection of standardization area and management of standardization timing under limited resources. The developments of standardization road map and its driving strategy in construction area are important policy subjects in view of investment scale and national economy. In this paper, we aim to survey on the standardization theory and its application in construction field and suggest research direction for driving strategy of standardization road map development.
        2006.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Multi-criteria decision making is deducing the relative importance in the criterion of decision making and each alternative which is able to making a variety of choices measures the preferred degree in the series of low-raking criterions. Moreover, this is possible by synthesizing them systematically. In general, a fundamental problem decision maker solve for multi-criteria decision making is evaluating a set of activities which are considered as the target logically, and this kind of work is evaluated and synthesized by various criterions of the value which a chain of activities usually hold in common. In this paper, we are the eigenvector methods in weights calculating. For the purpose of making optimal decision, the data of five different car models are used. For computing, we used Visual Numerica Version 1.0 software package.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Preservation of wooden architecture by means of synthetic resin, is physical and chemical work. Synthetic resins are using for consolidation and restoration of decayed members. Since 1978, synthetic resin became useful preservation of architectural heritage in Korea. The first object was Chimgyeru of Songgwang-temple in Suncheon city. In the 1980s, have begun the care of materials for conservation on the architectural heritage, it was influenced according to authenticity of UNESCO Venice charter's principle, in 1964. In Korea, preservation of wooden architecture by means of synthetic resin that is sing many kinds of epoxies. Among the specific types of epoxies are araldite XN1023, SV427, etc. The use of synthetic resin have merits and demerits in the restoration for architectural heritage. The merit is that it is more smaller change with new members during preservation work. But the demerit is an irreversibility of the epoxy resin. In 1999, 'ICOMOS International Wood Committee' recommend contemporary materials and techniques, should be chosen and used with the greatest caution. And preservation work should reversible, as possible as technically. Therefore, should be data continous for preservation of wooden architecture by synthetic resin. Because data is very important work about a preservation of wooden architecture by synthetic resin. And should be try to think about new materials and techniques instead of synthetic resin, in the long view.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt mag es noch eine wissenschaftliche Fantasievorstellung sein, über die Reform des Strafvollzugs auf dem Gebiet Nordkoreas nach der koreanischen Wiedervereinigung zu sprechen, schliesslich ist die Herstellung der koreanischen Einheit ein politisch sehr komplizierter Prozess. Trotzdem muss man sich bereits jetzt auf die koreanische Einheit und die damit verbundenen rechtlichen Probleme vorbereiten. Diese Notwendigkeit wird besonders deutlich, wenn man die Nachwirkungen der deutschen Wiedervereinigung betrachtet. Ich denke, dass eine Untersuchung zur Reform des Strafvollzugs auf dem Gebiet Nordkoreas bereits heute dringend geboten ist und für die Zukunft des gesamten koreanischen Strafvollzugs von nicht zu unterschätzender Bedeutung. Natürlich unterscheidet sich die koreanische Situation von der deutschen im November des Jahres 1989 in wesentlichen Punkten. Dennoch denke ich, dass auch etliche politische und rechtliche Probleme nach der koreanischen Vereinigung den deutschen ähneln werden. So ist Korea in der glücklichen Lage, dass es bei der Lösung dieser Probleme von den deutschen Erfahrungen lernen kann. In diesem Aufsatz möchte ich zunächst analysieren, wie der Geltungsbereich des Strafvollzugsgesetzes auf das Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR ausgedehnt wurde und welche rechtlichen Probleme damit in der Praxis verbunden waren(II). Im Weiteren möchte ich die Festsetzung einer einheitlichen Bemessungsgrundlage für alle Gefangenen nach der koreanische Wiedervereinigung untersuchen sowie den Orientierungsrahmen zur Reform des Strafvollzugs auf dem Gebiet Nordkoreas diskutieren(III). Abschliessend soll aufgezeigt werden, welche Konsequenzen diese Änderungen für das koreanische Strafvollzugsgesetz haben wird(IV).
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Quality system management adapted by small and medium enterprises in Kangwon province to enhance the competitiveness was studied. Variance analysis on several questionnaire answers was performed. Motives for acquiring the accreditation, such as product export, adjustment to international trend, enhancement of brand/product recognition, CEO's mind change, and management innovation, have been changed significantly among business types. Mind changes after the accreditations were setting company's first priority on quality, enhanced recognition on compliance of in-house standards and regulations, employee's performance with the recognition of quality. Amongst service problems to maintain the ace reditations were difficulties in maintaining the recognition of the company's finality management, labor increase to maintain the ISO 9000 enforcement team, and financial burden to keep the accreditation. Quality recognition after the accreditations was significantly improved in setting company's first priority on quality, enhanced recognition on compliance of in-house standards and regulations, employee's performance with the recognition of quality.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          This paper is concerned with a six sigma application to non-manufacturing process. Based on the comparison to manufacturing process, non-manufacturing process has some specific characteristics. The main focus of this study is to introduce an empirical c