
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 453

        2003.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 한국 축구심판들이 심판수행 과정에서 유발되는 판정실책 원인과 한 경기에서 경험하는 판정실책 횟수, 판정실책 시간대, 경기규칙 숙지도, 판정실책을 한 후 그 실책이 다음 판정에 어떤 영향을 주는지를 분석하기 위해 한국 축구심판 1급 심판 40명, 2급 심판 40명, 3급 심판 40명 총 120명을 대상으로 개방질문지를 사용하여 분석한 결과, 1) 축구심판들이 심판수행 과정에서 경험하는 판정실책 원인은 신체적요인, 심리적 요인, 인지적 요인, 환경적 요인, 경험적 요인 5개 영역으로 나타났다. 2) 한 경기에서 판정실책 횟수는 1급 심판 2회, 2급 심판 3회, 3급 심판 4회, 전체 평균은 4회로 나타났다. 3) 축구심판들의 판정실책 시간대는 1급 심판은 후반 종료 10분전에, 2급 심판은 전?후반 10분 사이에, 3급 심판은 전?후반 10분에서 후반 20분 사이에, 전체 심판은 후반 종료 10분전에 가장 많이 판정실책을 경험하는 것으로 나타났다. 4) 축구심판들의 경기규칙 숙지도는 1급, 2급 심판은 90%이상, 3급 심판은 70-89%가 가장 높게 나타났고, 2급 심판에서 70-89%가 2번째로 높게 나타났다. 5) 경기 중 판정실책이 있은 후 다음 판정에 미치는 영향을 조사한 결과, 1급 심판은 초지일관 처음과 같이 판정하며, 2급과 3급 심판은 그 후 판정기준의 흔들림을 느끼어 판정실책을 경험한다고 하였다. 결국 축구 심판들의 판정실책이 유발되는 원인은 심리적 요인으로 인한 판정실책이 가장 많이 조사되었다. 따라서 축구 심판들의 심판수행 능력을 향상시키기 위해서는 신체적인 훈련 뿐 만 아니라 정규적인 심리훈련과 심리적인 문제를 해결할 수 있도록 하여야할 것이다.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        지금까지 IMO를 비롯한 해운산업분야에서는 해상의 인명 재산, 해양환경보호에 항상 큰 관심을 가지고 해양사고예방을 위한 많은 노력들이 견주되어 왔다. 하지만 이러한 노력에도 불구하고 크고 작은 해양사고가 지속적으로 발생하고 있는 것이 오늘날의 현실이다. 한편, 선박충돌사고는 수많은 원인이 서로 복잡하게 상호작용을 하고 있어서 사고예방대책마련에 어려움이 많다 따라서, 선박충돌사고의 정량적인 분석을 위해서는 이들 상호작용요소간의 관계를 시스템적으로 파악하고 분석하는 것이 선행되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 먼저, 지난 10년(1991-2000)간 국내에서 발생한 선박충돌사고에 대한 위험성을 분석하였고, 또한 사고발생에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 위해요소(Hazard)인 인적요소(Human Factor)에 대해서 전문가집단의 의견을 수렴하여 FSM기법을 이용하여 인적 위해요소를 계층화한 후 각 요소 상호간의 관련성을 분석하였다. 그 결과로써 인적요소에 의한 선박충돌사고의 발생과정과 각 계층에 속한 요소가 사고에 미치는 영향력을 규명하고, 각 요소간 상호관계를 파악하여 사고예방대책마련을 위한 우선순위를 결정할 수 있는 선박충돌사고의 인적요소 구조그래프를 제시하였다.
        2000.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The collisions at sea among marine casualties are not reduced as the tonnage and speed of ship's increase as well as the traffic quantity increase at sea, in spite of the improvement of nautical equipment, enforcement of crew's education and training as well as improvement of quality standard according to the implementation of ISM code. The measures to prevent the collisions at sea are simple, and are composed of six stage.: The first stage is that the officer on duty detect the target from his eye or radar information. The second stage is determining the type and kind of target-ship. The third stage is target tracking; calculation of target speed, course, CPA and TCPA from radar information or visual check. The fourth stage is determination of vessel in danger after calculation of third stage. The fifth stage is the judgement of situation if own ship is stand-on or give way vessel according to the 1972 COLREG. The last stage is to carry out proper action according to 1972 COLREG, under the circumstances. But by the case, the situations are so different under the different external conditions; for example, natural/navigational conditions, crew's human factors, ship's particular, rule or regulation, management system on board, the condition of watch keeping. Therefore the reasons and casualties are so complicated. This study aims to investigate the collision casualty at sea which needs to clarity all these causal factors of afore-mentioned, and to analyze the causes of problems so as to utilize them to establish the measures of preventing marine accidents. This study, described the concepts of causal factors into three groups; environmental factor, and company/on board management system and navigator's act. Also described how to investigate and analyzes the casual factors. Even though it was described in this paper how to detect the causal factors and reasons of collisions, and how to analyze the inter-relation of each causal factors, it is necessary to do further study how to analyze between the liability of concerned parties and the casual factors involved.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        After analyzing the correlation between air pollution and visibility, TSP and NO2 is responsible for poor visibility in Pusan. After analyzing the correlation between meteorological factors and visibility, general pattern of humidity has clear negative correlation. The variation of wind speed has a positive correlation. In order to investigate the cause of poor visibility in Pusan area, the Andersen sampler and PM-2.5 are used to collect and analyze aerosol. This study was carried out to monitor the visibility using Forward scattering meter and to find out the characteristics and the cause of good visibility case and poor visibility case by measuring and analyzing a variety of parameters, such as particle size distributions, chemical compositions, and meteorological conditions in Pusan. According to the analysis of intensive sampling, NO3-, NH4+ ion concentration increased together with the mass concentration around 0.5∼2.5㎛ approximately during the case of poor visibility. NH4NO3, NH4Cl, and NaCl were thought to be the major components of fine particles.
        1999.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        자간전증은 임신중 흔히 발생하는 고혈압성 질환으로 임산부와 태아에 많은 의학적 문제를 유발하지만 발병 원인은 아직 규명되지 않고 있다. 원인 규명을 위한 최근의 연구는 태반 미토콘드리아 돌연변이가 그 원인일 가능성이 높아져 가고 있다. 본 고찰은 현재까지 진행되고 있는 자간전증의 원인으로 태반 미토콘드리아 돌연변이 가설을 뒷받침하는 여러 연구 결과를 살펴보고, 만일 그 가설이 타당하다면 향후 자간전증의 예방, 진단, 치료의 전략을 임상적으로 어떻게 응용
        1999.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The incidence of aseptic meningitis infection is ensuing and threatening the health of children. Enteroviruses are the major agents of aseptic meningitis and identification of virus has been a clue to diagnosis and epidemiology. The outbreak of aseptic meningitis occurred in Pusan, 1998. Patients were concentrated from April through November. Children were more susceptible than adults. Among 306 cases of specimens from stool, throat swab tested, only 7.2% were positive on virus isolation, 12 cases from stool and 10 from throat, respectively. All isolated 7 serotypes of viruses represented cytopathic effect on cultured cells. Three types of echovirus 6, 25, 30 and coxsackievirus B2, B3, B4, B6 were identified by neutralizing antibody test. Isolated coxsackievirus and echovirus were observed by an electron microscope with negative staining.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Today the number of high school drop-outs is increasing , and also it is serious social problems. But almost factor analyses on the drop-outs are projected by questionnaire. This paper find out by the real data form the concerned documents what factors of drop-outs are. In order to accomplish this study purpose, the methodology are used such as Fequency Analysis, Correlation Analysis, Crosstabulation Analysis. Through the this study this paper could siome suggestions as followings. The first , all education authority should analysis what factors of drop-outs and what drop-out situation is . The second, every teacher should counsel with all problem students sincerely regarding to their characters, future occupations, life course and etc. The third, the most and worst important factors of drop-out is runaway. Because it is very difficult for teacher to teach, lead and guide a runaway student, therefore thepreventino of runaway is efficient for reducing of drop-outs. The fouth, the students violating rules are retrained propoerly in view of guide for good path. The fifth, besides of the above factors. there are drop-out factors such as the health, disease, dafety accidents . All parents. teachers, and students should try their best to solve. To the end, education authority try to encourage teachers to do their role with maximum sense of duty.
        1998.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Traffic density has increased recently in Korean waters due to an expansion of the sea trade and the development of coastal fisheries. The enlargement of the coastal industrial belts and the development of coastal inslands further increases marine traffic. The rapid increase of marine traffic has often resulted in marine casualties with the attendant loss of life, damage to property, and marine pollution. Especially, tanker casualties may destroyed the food web and an untold amount of ocean resources. Un regard to the potential of tanker spills in Korean waters, systematic research in this field is lacking. In this paper, the data relating to a total of 261 tanker casualties in Korean waters has been compiled and statistically anlaysed. The result of this study describes the general trend of marine casualties in Korean waters, and describes the casualtiy database, from which their causes and consequences are derived and this results in the determination of the causal relationships connected to tanker casualties, and quantifies the effective level of causal factorsin Korean waters.
        1997.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        작약(芍藥) 분주묘(分株苗)의 활착불량(活着不良) 실태(實態)와 원인(原因)을 구명하기 위하여 시험 연구한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 작약 분주묘의 농가 포장 활착 실태 조사 결과 활착불량 피해율은 32%에 이르고 외형적 피해 실태는 무출현(無出現) 5.6%, 출현후(出現後) 고사(桔死) 20.7%, 출현후(出現後) 위조가 5.7%였다. 2. 활착불량 피해 정도별 농가 실태는 71%이상 피해를 본 필지가 4%, 70~41% 피해는 13%, 40~11% 피해는 45%로 많은 면적이 활착불량으로 인하여 결주가 된 것으로 나타났다. 3. 농가포장에서 정식시기에 따른 활착불량(活着不良) 피해율(被害率)은 가을 정식의 경우 18.2%인데 비하여 봄정식은 42.9%로 매우 높았고 실생묘(實生苗)보다는 분주묘(分株苗)에서 피해가 더 많았다. 4. 분주후 정식까지의 경과 일수가 길수록 생육과 수량이 크게 떨어졌고 봄정식시는 활착율이 66.7%로서 매우 낮았으며 종근소독과 토양살충제 혼용처리시 생육과 활착이 양호하였으나 무처리는 불량하였다. 5. 작약 분주묘의 활착불량(活着不良) 주원인(主原因)은 뿌리썩음병(Cylindrocarpon sp.)과 불량종(不良種) 묘(苗)로 나타났다.
        1997.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        From the beginning of 1990s , also in the shipping industry, especially liner shipping industry competition has been more intensive and difference of the service quality among shipping companies has been learned . On the other hand, a shipping company has some limitations to do its international mission for itself just by broadening service area. For this reason, the necessity for the global strategi alliance among the shipping companies, which is orginally aimed at sharing of facilities and organixation, has been developed. Through strategic alliance, liner shipping companies do not need to input the additional capitals to increase the material assets such as vessel capacity and spread the risk by the enlargement of the market. Also, they can secure the competitive edge through efficient utilizaton of assets. The purpose of strategic alliance of Hanjin Shipping Ltd., can be summarized as follows ; broadening of service area, cost reduction through vessel sharing, realization of rationalized shipping service by terminal and equipment or facilities sharing. Liner strategic alliances are agreement among liner companies to pol their equipment , andterminals for joint operations and services in which each alliance partner continues to serve its market using jointly operated or used inland feeders,inland terminals, port terminals, and mainline fleets of ship as well as joint pools of containers and equipment. Strategic alliances are generally more formal agreements than consortia and impose longer term and far reaching obligation on their members. It also acts as one in developing and advancing the strategic aims of the alliance members. The most important objective for liner strategic alliances is cost reduction and improvement in capital asset utilization. Main aims of strategic alliance drawn in this paper, can be enumerated follows : 1. improvements in service frequency and quality : 2. improvements in vessel and equipment utilization and thereby reductions in fixed and variable cost ; 3. improvements in market shares and high value cargo booking ; 4. reductions in intermodal storage and port terminal throughput costs ; 5. improvements in negotiating powers with ports and feeder transport providers ; 6. reduction in financial and other fixed costs such as insurance; 7. coordination and integration of MIS and EDI systems and service for greater efficiency and market penetration ; and, 8. improvements in logistic chain management and economic of scale by equipment depot, terminal, and vessel sharing.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To research the cause of the low and the poor visibility phenomena of Kimhae international airport statistically, we analyzed the field routine data for the last five years from 1985 to 1989. The poor visibilities below l㎞, 3㎞, and 5㎞ usually occurred at about 6 o`clock in the morning under the condition of calm or light wind from south to southwest direction, and lasted for from 1 to 3 hours. They were caused by the radiative cooling and the inflow of moisture from the South Sea. The frequency of the low visibility(below 9㎞) recorded 48.1% a year. And the low visibility below 8㎞ with relative humidity below 70% often occurred in the case of southeast, southwest, and northwest wind. And it reveals a peak at 11:00 a.m.. It is supposed to be caused by the pollutants flowing from the neighbouring industrial complex, Sasang, Jangnim and by the photochemical reaction. And, when the industrial complex is built in Sinho, Myongji, Noksan located southwest, and Changyu area located northwest direction from Kimhae international airport, the visibility and the air pollution may become worse and worse by the increased pollutants.
        1993.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The economy of Korea has grown up significantly in its scale. It has, therefore, become imperative to develop countermeasures to prevent work related injuries and occupational illnesses resultining from haza-rdous working conditions and handling harmful substances. A lot of cargo handling accident in port have occurred due to the characteristics of poor working environment, diversity of working place and method, fluctuation of the amount of cargo and handling of heavy, long, harmful and dangerous cargo, etc. According to '91 industrial accident analysis carried out by the ministry of labour, the number of the stevedores injured by cargo handling accident in port were 1, 432 persons (the death accident : 22 per-sons), the amount of industrial accident compensation in port was 6.7 billion won (the amount of economic loss : 33.6 billion won), and the injury occurance rate of the stevedoring industry was higher than that of the whole industry. This paper, therefore, aims to the actual status of the stevedoring industry and to extract the main cau-ses of the accidents related to cargo handling in port through factor analysis using the data of the accide-nts in the whole habour from 1990 to 1992, and to suggest the countermeasures to prevent such accident. The main causes of the accident and countermeasures are found to be as follows through the factor analy-sis : Factor1, factor2, and factor3 related to a defect of human being and management, a defect of state and environment, and an insufficiency of education and law are extracted. The short-term countermeasures to prevent these accidents are 1) to consolidate the safety and health organization in the working spot, 2) to secure a safe condition in working spot before dock work, 3) to strengthen a dock worker's safety educa-tion. The long-term countermeasures are 1) to promote a decasualisation of dock workers, 2) to modernize the cargo working methods through constructing exclusive pier and introducing exclusive cargo handling equipment, 3) to establish a exclusive dock accident prevention organization and the dock workers law. Factor 4, factor5, factor6, and factor7 related to an unfitness, a deficiency of technical knowledge, a nonfu-lfilment of safety measures, and a bad arrangement are extracted. The countermeasures to prevent these accidents are 1) to perform a complete safety inspection of cargo handling equipments and tools and to carry out the dock work according to a working plan, 2) to publish and supply technical safety books, safety instruction book, safety check list, etc., 3) to strengthen the safety patrol at the working spot in habour and to activate a safety fund, 4) to maintain always a clean workshop with the safety consciousness in which the good arragement of the working spot is considered to be the beginning of safety.
        1993.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        참당귀(當歸)(Angelica gigas Nakai) 종자(種子)를 파종(播種)했을 때 발아율(發芽率)이 낮아 종근(種根)의 안정적(安定的) 생산(生産)에 큰 문제점(問題點) 으로 부각(浮刻)되어 있기 때문에 종자(種子)의 발아율(發芽率)을 향상(向上)시킬 방안(方案)을 모색(摸索)하고자 발아특성(發芽特性)과 발아율(發芽率) 저조(低調) 원인(原因)에 대하여 시험(試驗)한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 출아율(出芽率은) 추파구(秋播區)에서 66.6%, 춘파구(春播區)에서 41.1%로 (추파구)秋播區에서 높았고 출아시(出芽始)도 춘파구(春播區)보다 (추파구)秋播區가 빨랐다. 2. 저온구(低溫區)(10℃)나 고온구(高溫區)(30℃)보다 20℃구(區)에서 발아율(發芽率) 62.7%, 발아세(發芽勢) 51.7% 발아계수(發芽係數)7.57로 가장 높은 수치(數値)를 보였다. 3. 종자침종시(種子浸種時) 흡수속도(吸水速度)는 수온(水溫)이 높을수록 증가(增加) 하였고, 발아시(發芽時)의 함수양(含水量)은 음건종자(陰乾種子) 무게에 대한 함수종자(含水種子) 무게의 비율(比率)로 각피종자(刻皮種子)는 2.3배(培), 무박피종자(無剝皮種子)는 3.4배(倍)로 나타났다. 4. 종자(種子)의 배유(胚乳)가 클수록 발아율(發芽率)이 증가(增加)하였고 녹색(綠色) 종자(種子)다 갈색(褐色) 종자(種子)가 발아율(發芽率)이 높았다. 5. 저장기간(貯藏期間)에 따른 발아율(發芽率)은 채종(採種) 당년(當年) 종자(種子)가 가장 높고 묵은 종자(種予)일수록 낮아졌으며 실온(室溫)에서 2년간(年間) 저장(貯藏)한 종자(種子)는 전혀 발아(發芽)하지 않았다. 6. 종자내(種子內)에 함유(含有)한 발아(發芽) 및 생장억제물질(生長抑制物質)에 대한 참당귀종자(當歸種子)와 상추종자(種子)로 생물검정(生物檢定)했을때 Methanol 추출물(抽出物)이 가장 효과(效果)가 컸고 다음은 증류수(蒸溜水)이었으며 Ether가 가장 낮았다.
        1992.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        습식체질법, 퇴적법 및 원심분리법을 이용하여 얻어진 산청고령토의 9개 입도분리시료에 대하여 체계적인 X-선 회절 및 주사전자현미분석을 시행한 결과, 각 입도분의 점토광물 조성은 고령토의 원조직과 관련이 있음을 알 수 있었다. 침전작용에 의하여 생성된 10-a 형 할로이사이트, 일라이트 및 침철석은 미세입도분에 농집되고 모광물의 가상으로 생성된 버미큘라이트는 굵은 입도분에 농집된다. 침전작용 및 가상으로 생성된 다양한 유형의 캐올리나이트는 넓은 입도 분포를 보이지만 일반적으로 굵은 입도분에 농집된다. 굵은 입도분의 할로이사이트는 고령토 원래의 방상구조의 파편들인 할로이사이트 또는 하로이사이트와 캐올리나이트의 덩어리들로 존재하며 분쇄, 초음파처리 및 화학처리에 의해 분산되지 않은 것들이다. 체계적인 습식입도분리 실험에 의하여 10-a형 할로이사이트와 캐올리나이트의 구분도 가능하였다. 버미큘라이트와 캐올리나이트 등의 굵은 광물은 2μm 이하의 점토입도분에서는 검출되지 않는 반면 일라이트 및 침철석은 그 양이 적은 경우 원시료만의 X-선 회절분석에서는 검출되지 않는다. 따라서 고령토의 광물조성을 이해하기 위해서는 체계적인 습식입도분리 실험이 필수적이다.
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