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        검색결과 895

        2011.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        자연하천은 사행을 보이며 만곡부 외측에 웅덩이 그리고 만곡과 만곡을 연결하는 직선 유로에 여울이 형성된다. 웅덩이는 수심이 깊으며 유속이 느리고, 여울은 수심이 비교적 얕고 유속이 빠른 특징이 있다. 사행유로를 따라 자연적으로 발달하는 웅덩이-여울 연속구조에 근래들어 관심이 집중되는 이유는 이러한 하천형태학적 구조가 생물학적인 다양성을 증가시키기 때문이다. 본 연구에서는 금강의 지류인 갑천 상류구간을 대상으로 웅덩이-여울 연속구조에서 하상토의 입도특성을
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        저항성원이 다른 7개이 근동질 저항성 계통과 감수성 품종인 Toyonishiki에서 X. oryzae pv. oryzae의 증식과 이동에 관한 시험을 실시하였다. 접종 10일 후, NIL의 접종부위 잎의 세균밀도는 약 105~106cfu/cm2 이었으나 감수성 품종인 Toyonishiki에서는 약 107cfu/cm2 로 높게 나타났다. 이와 같이 감수성 품종에서의 세균 수는 급속히 증가하였으나 NIL에서는 점차적으로 증식하였다. IRBB 103과 Toyonishiki는 접종 25일 후에 접종부위로부터 20cm 위쪽에서 세균이 검출되었으나 다른 NIL에서는 검출되지 않았다. 이와같이 Xa1, Xa4, xa5, Xa7 저항성 유전자는 세균의 이동을 크게 억제하였다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 X선 조사에 의해 생성된 전하의 이동현상을 조사하기 위해 비행시간 측정방법을 이용하였다. 이 측 정기술은 일반적으로 디지털 X선 영상 변환물질의 전하 트랩 및 수송현상에 유용한 방법이다. 비행시간 측정법을 이용 하여 a-Se 광도전체의 전하 수송자의 과도시간 및 이동속도를 측정하였다. 시편제작을 위해 열증착법을 이용하여 유 리기판위에 400 ㎛ 두께의 a-Se 필름을 제작하였다. 측정결과, 전자와 정공의 과도시간은 10 V/㎛의 전기장에서 각각 229.17 ㎲ 와 8.73 ㎲ 였으며, 이동속도는 각각 0.00174 ㎠/V․s, 0.04584 ㎠/V․s 였다. 측정결과, 전자와 정공의 이 동 속도의 측정값에 다소 큰 차이를 보였으며, 이 결과로부터 전하수송 및 트랩 기전을 분석하는데 이용하였다.
        2010.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We presents a dynamic modeling of 4-wheel 2-DOF. WMR. The classic dynamic model utilizes a greatly simplified wheel motion representation and using of a simplified dynamic model confronts with a problem for accurate position control of wheeled mobile robot. In this paper, we treats the dynamic model for describes relationship between the wheel actuator force/torque and WMR motion through the use of Newton's equilibrium laws. To calculate the WMR position in real time, we introduced the Dead-Reckoning algorithms and the simulation result show that the proposed dynamic model is useful. We can be easily extend the proposed WMR model to mobile robot of similar type and this type of methodology is useful to analyze, design and control any kinds of rolling robots.
        2010.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        One of the requirements for autonomous vehicles on off-road is to move stably in unstructured environments. Such capacity of autonomous vehicles is one of the most important abilities in consideration of mobility. So, many researchers use contact and/or non-contact methods to determine a terrain whether the vehicle can move on or not. In this paper we introduce an algorithm to classify terrains using visual information(one of the non-contacting methods). As a pre-processing, a contrast enhancement technique is introduced to improve classification of terrain. Also, for conducting classification algorithm, training images are grouped according to materials of the surface, and then Bayesian classification are applied to new images to determine membership to each group. In addition to the classification, we can build Traversability map specified by friction coefficients on which autonomous vehicles can decide to go or not. Experiments are made with Load-Cell to determine real friction coefficients of various terrains.
        2010.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Marionette controlling robot has a problem that generates interference in rotation and intersection, therefore, the research on the independent shifter to move freely on the stage is required. Connecting omni-directional mobile robot with marionette controlling robot can solve this problem. Omni-directional mobile robot makes itself rotate and translate in 2D plane freely. Magnetic device is used to connect the moving part with the control part of the robot to minimize the intereference generated by the movement of robot. When robot moves, it can move to all directions with the suitalbe setting of banlance power. The moment of inertia is minimized by dividing the robot to the upper and lower parts in the marionette performance stage. Rotation and interference problem of independent omni-wheel Robot can be solved by using the permanent magnet. The efficiency and safety of the marionette controlling robot is proved by the experiment.
        2010.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A gradient method can provide a global optimal path in indoor environments. However, the optimal path can be often generated in narrow areas despite a sufficient wide area which lead to safe navigation. This paper presents a novel approach to path planning for safe navigation of a mobile robot. The proposed algorithm extracts empty regions using a ray-casting method and then generates temporary waypoints in wider regions in order to reach the goal fast and safely. The experimental results show that the proposed method can generate paths in the wide regions in most cases and the robot can reach the goal safely at high speeds.
        2010.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For indoor mobile robots, the performance of autonomous navigation is affected by a variety of factors. In this paper, we focus on the characteristics of indoor absolute positioning systems. Two commercially available sensor systems are experimentally tested under various conditions. Mobile robot navigation experiments were carried out, and the results show that resultant performance of navigation is highly dependent upon the characteristics of positioning systems. The limitations and characteristics of positioning systems are analyzed from both quantitative and qualitative point of view. On the basis of the analysis, the relationship between the positioning system characteristics and the controller design are presented.
        2010.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this paper, a wall climbing robot, called LAVAR, is developed, which is using an impeller for adhering. The adhesion mechanism of the robot consists of an impeller and two-layered suction seals which provide sufficient adhesion force for the robot body on the non smooth vertical wall and horizontal ceiling. The robot uses two driving-wheels and one ball-caster to maneuver the wall surface. A suspension mechanism is also used to overcome the obstacles on the wall surface. For its design, the whole adhering mechanism is analyzed and the control system is built up based on this analysis. The performances of the robot are experimentally verified on the vertical and horizontal flat surfaces.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        2010.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        2010.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        설계홍수량산정과 관련하여 국내 실무에서 어려움을 겪는 가장 큰 문제 중 하나는 설계강우의 결정이다. 설계강우와 관련된 문제는 보다 세부적으로 살펴보면 강우의 시간분포와 강우의 공간분포 결정 문제로 집약될 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 강우의 시간분포와 공간분포에 관련된 문제를 해결할 수 있는 방법으로 티센가중치를 반영한 교호블록형 이동강우(TWBK moving storms)에 의한 설계홍수량 산정기법을 제안하고 그 적용성을 검토하였다. 100년 빈도 48시간
        2010.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 연구에서는 지구온난화의 영향이 산림 생태계에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위해 기후자료와 지형고도 자료를 이용하여 남한의 온량지수 분포도를 작성하고자 하였다. 이를 통하여 지구온난화에 따른 과거 20년 (1968~1987), 최근 20년(1988-2007), 미래(한반도 매월 평균기온이 0.5℃상승하는 어느 시기)의 난온대 상록활엽수림대 이동을 분석하고자 하였다. 연구 결과 과거 20년에 비해 최근 20년 동안 온량지수는 대부분 상승하였으며, 동해안에 비해 서해안의 상승폭이 높았다. 그리고 난온대 상록활엽수림대의 북상 면적은 서해안에서 두드러지는 것으로 분석되었다. 난온대 상록활엽수림대의 면적은 과거 20년에 비해 최근 20년간 약 2.7배 증가하였다. 따라서 최근의 한반도 기후변화는 난온대 상록활엽수림의 분포를 북쪽으로 확대시킨 것으로 판단된다. 미래에는 난온대 상록활엽수림대가 서해안을 따라 김제평야와 익산만경평야, 충남 내륙 방면으로 넓게 퍼져 북상하고, 동해 해안선을 따라 좁고 길게 북상할 것으로 추정되었다.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper suggests a multiple robot simulator which considers the uncertainties in robot motion and sensing. A mobile robot moves with errors due to some kinds of uncertainties from actuators, wheels, electrical components, environments. In addition, sensors attached to a mobile robot can't make accurate output information because of uncertainties of the sensor itself and environment. Uncertainties in robot motion and sensing leads researchers find difficulty in building mobile robot navigation algorithms. Generally, a robot algorithm without considering unexpected uncertainties fails to control its action in a real working environment and it leads to some troubles and damages. Thus, the authors propose a simulator model which includes robot motion and sensing uncertainties to help making robust algorithms. Sensor uncertainties are applied in range sensors which are widely used in mobile robot localization, obstacle detection, and map building. The paper shows performances of the proposed simulator by comparing it with a simulator without any uncertainty.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently researches on the window cleaning robot are being conducted actively. Moving mechanisms of these window cleaning robots are divided into two categories, which are towed type and walking type. Towed type is focused on fast cleaning on the flat surface of building and walking type has priority on cleaning task on relatively complex surface with overcoming obstacles. Currently commercialized towed type window cleaning robot has weakness that it is hard to adhere closely with the wall and easy to be affected by wind. In case of walking type it has the problem that the position errors are continuously accumulated during motion. In this paper, we propose new towed and walking type mechanism which can compensate previous weaknesses. After that we estimate the performance of each proposed mechanism by simulation.
        2009.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper presents the development and control of a two wheeled car-like mobile robot using balancing mechanism whose heading control is done by turning the handle. The mobile inverted pendulum is a combined system of a mobile robot and an inverted pendulum system. A sensor fusion technique of low cost sensors such as a gyro sensor and a tilt sensor to measure the balancing angle of the inverted pendulum robot system accurately is implemented. Experimental studies of the trajectory following control task has been conducted by command of steering wheel while balancing.