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        검색결과 523

        1991.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The earth science was set down as a regular subject of high-school curricilum in 1956 and has been constantly transited since then. This study is to discover the theoretical basic of science education by analyzing the background of formation of the curriculum and the process of transition. The aim of this study is to give an important suggestions for the future Earth Science Education. The summary of the study and suggestions for the sixth amendment of Earth Science curriculum are as follows 1. To promote the development of Science Education, Science subjects should be decided to be a compulsory subject by authority and supported financially. 2. It is necessary that the Earth Science be selected as a required subject in both human and natural course ; at least 4 unit for the human study course, and 8 unit for the natural course. 3. In the sixth amendment of curriculum the Earth Science should be fixed as a regular compulsory subject and both experiment and practice should be reinforced.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Intermediated-basic plutons in Jirisan area consist of Pre-Cambrian anorthosite and gabbro, and Jurassic diorite and syenite. Many of bodies of massif type anorthosite are multi-intrusion and intruded by gabbroic rock which compose gabbro, norite, troctolite and leucogabbro. Younger intermediated plutons intruded into older basic plutons and formed contaminated zone at margin of basic plutons. Plagioclase of these plutons is of labradorite(An_(56∼60)) to bytownite(An_(60∼86)) in anorthosite, andesine(An_(35∼49)) in diorite and andesine(An_(30∼41)) in syenite: Continuous variation of anorthosite amount in these plutons suggest that basic and intermediated plutons are a series of differentiated product from two co-magma. Pyroxenes are correspond to salite of CPX, and hypersthene of OPX, and show continuous variation of component diopside to hedenbergite in salite and enstatite to ferrosilite in hypersthene. Variation of these component indicate these plutons are also a series of differentiated product from co-magma. Two synchronous plutons plotted on Harker diagram and AMF diagram show mostly similar trend to Daly's values and calcalkali rock series. Accoding to REE(La/Yb)_(cn) and Eu/Sm, it is concluded that intermediated-basic pluton having enriched LREE than HREE and emplaced by the tectonic setting in continent and/or continental margin.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Temperature depth profiles measured in permafrost and western Utah generally represent anomalous curvatures. The accurate climate change can not be resolved with existing geothermal data, but general magnitude and timing explain the model of global warming. Differences between borehole temperatures observed in different intervals may concur with modeled temperature differences computed from the nearest air temperatures. This agreement indicates that boreholes are recording climate change.
        1991.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Kongju basin of Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, which is located in the area between Ogcheon fold belt and Gyeonggi massif, is developed by the strike-slip fault and shows elongated rhombic shape trending roughly NE and SW with about 4㎞ in width and 25㎞ in length. Two stripes of ductile shear zone are traced in basement rocks along the boundary of basin. The shear sense of ductile shear zone is suggested to be sinistral. The Cretaceous sedimentary rocks within the Kongju Basin also exhibit deformed state in terms of developments of en-echelon arrayed folds, faults and various kinds of joint systems. The majority of joints is occupied by the fractures whose strikes are approximately normal to the directions of en-echelon arrayed fold axes. The shortening(α^(-1)) of fold system is most pronounced at the central part of the basin and gradually decreases toward both ends of the basin. Both of the strikes of fold axial planes and the azimuths of fold axes change discontinuously to form sigmoidal style of en-echelon arrayed folds. The en-echelon arrayed folds, all plunged towards SW direction, indicate that upper layers of the sedimentary rocks are more distributed in the SW area of the basin than in its NE area. The gravity anomaly around the Kongju basin shows 12∼17 mgal in the outer metamorphic zone and 8∼10 mgal in the basin; and its minimum value occurs in NE-SW direction along the western boundary of the sedimentary basin. The electric resistivity study on both boundaries of the basin shows 200∼300Ω-m in the boundary zone, 500∼600Ω-m in sedimentary rocks, and 1000Ω-m or more in the granite-gneiss region. These values indicate that the east boundary be gentle slope and the west one be steep fracture zone. 'These patterns of geophysical data implicates that the Kongju sedimentary basin should be dipping down to the west.
        1990.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Punch Bowl basin is analysed for the earth science and terrain factors such as geology, geophysical features, topography and water systems. The study area is composed of two kinds of rocks : Jurrasic granite in the central part and Precambrian metamorphic complex in the marginal part of she basin. The depth of the base rock is about 20 to 40 meters below the surface at the center of the basin. The process which has formed the basin may be the differential weathering of the rocks. The morphology of the slope of the basin is concave and the slope is about 20° above the nickpoint and about 5° below it. The water system of the region is very poor in drainage pattern.
        1990.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the present study is to figure out the characteristics and differences among eight textbooks of high school Science I B (Earth Science) among all currently used high school Earth Science textbooks (Science I B and Earth Science) published in accordance with the fifth amended high school curriculum by comparing and analysing the contents in them The conclusions are as follows 1. The contents of each unit are not much different among textbooks since they are written according to the curriculum ordinance and textbook guidelines of the Ministry of Education. However, the contents and the sizes of the newly introduced unit 1 on $quot;Exploration of the Earth$quot; are found to vary significantly from one to another. This unit is also found to be rather formally and inattentatively written. 2. In many instances certain identical concepts and phenomena are found to be described using different terminology in different textbooks. 3. Some physical quantities are found to be described in different ways for the identical conceps and phenomena in different textbooks. 4. The amount of pages devoted to each field is found to be ordered as follows : Geology, Astronomy, Meteorology, Geophysics, Oceanography, etc. However, the relative amounts vary significantly among different textbooks with exceptions of textbooks A and D. This is believed to be caused by preponderence of authors in certain fields instead of balanced composition. Therefore, the education authorities are urged to unify the terminology and physical quantities that are used differently for identical concept and phenomena by consulting with textbook writers and professional institutions so that efficient teaching and learning can be achieved in the school. In addition, considering the multi-science nature of Earth Science which emphasizes the interdisciplinary approach as well as the importance of Earth Science as a basic science, the textbook should be written without preponderating of certain field over others.
        1990.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Research studies about students' intuitive ideas in earth science were classified into two categories, classical and actional views, according to researchers perspectives on prior knowledge. The topics of the studies reviewed here are $quot;the earth and the sun$quot;, $quot;earth science$quot;, $quot;season$quot;, $quot;air pressure$quot;, and $quot;water in the atmosphere.$quot; Several intuitive ideas showed quite strong stability across task context. Cultural influence on a few intuitive ideas were reported and should be studied further. Students may commonly hold various intuitive ideas about some instruments used for instruction. For example, humidifier may be used for the relative humidity class. Students views about humidifier seems to be quite different from those of the teachers, and should be studied further.
        1990.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ilmenite-rich titanium orebody was newly discovered from anorthositic mass distributed in the Handong-gun, Kyungsangnam-do. The orebody ranges from 2m to 30m in width and runs at least 14Km. The anorthositic mass may be zoned whose boundaries run parallel to almost north-south direction on the basis of abundance of mafic minerals and diagnostic texture observed. The titanium orebody is nearly conformable to the lithological zonation boundaries, striking N30°E-N20°W and dipping vertical to 50°-70°NW or SW. Gravity, resistivity and seismic exploration have been performed over the area. Gravity anomaly near the orebody varies from 115mgal to 122mgal, showing higher value than those of the surroundings of anorthositic rocks. Resistivity sounding indicates the value significantly lower than that of the surroundings. However, not special indication has been obtained from the seismic method for the orebody. All the geophy sical data obtained thus far correspond well with those observed on the surface and support the possibility that the orebody continues downward at least 150m below the research position.
        1990.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        One of fundamental bases for the desirable Science Education is effective evaluation, and the objectives of the Science Education can be used for the reasonable basis of this evaluation. In this paper, to study the current state of the high school Earth Science Education, comparison was made between the objectives of Education proposed by textbook and those to be measured by Scholastic Achievement test, and the result was analyzed. 1. The objectives of both the textbook and Scolastic Achievement test are highly oriented to obtain theory and comprehension. 2. The objectives which measure the Process of Scientific Inquiry are to some extent satisfied by the textbook but not by the Scholastic Achievement test. Consequently the future evaluation process should be modified in order to evaluate properly the ability for the process of Scientific Inquiry of the students properly.
        1990.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Around Umsong-Jeungpyeong, the Cretaceous sedimentary basin is located along NNE direction which can be associated with Kongju basin. These basins are studied in terms of field geology, stratigraphy, paleontology, geological structure and geophysical prospecting. Chopyung Groups were deposited in the Cretaceous period : Baegyari Formation conformably over Chopyung Formtion in fault-generated tan and river basin with lake characteristics in the central part. The fossils found for the first time in this study area are Onychiopsis elongata and Euestheria, and they suggest the Chopyung Groups may be identified with the Naktong Subgroups of Kyungsang Basin. After depositon of Chopyung Groups, igneous activity became vigorous : granite intrusion in westside, andesite and basalt in east fault line and tuffaceous deposits. The gravity survey shows high Bouguer anomaly over andesites and metamorphic rocks, and low in granite area. The mean depth of density discontinuity boundary seems to be 1200∼1400m. The electric resistivity survey suggests that the cast boundary of the basin be a vertical fault.
        1990.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Granitic rocks around Namsan area, Kyeongju, were studied from petrographic and petrochemical point of view. The Naman granite is generally medium to coarse grained hypersolvus granite dominated by pink K-feldspar and quartz, and shows miarolitic cavities. K-feldspar is the most abundant mineral(57-64% in volume), forming tabular microperthite crystals, or granophyric intergrowths with quartz. Plagioclase($lt;0.3%) appears only as perthitic streaks in microcline perthite. It contains biotite(X=pale brown, Y=Z=brown), blue amphibole(X=deep blue, Z=pale to inky blue) and fluorite. Petrochemically the Namsan granite is distinguished from the Bulgugsa granites of I-type, by higher abundance of SiO₂, K₂O, (Na₂O+K₂O) and large highly charged canons such as Nb, Y, Zr and the REE, and lower abundance of Al₂O₃, MgO, CaO, Ba, Sr, Eu, Co, Sc, Cr, and Ni. The Namsan granite shows higher strontium initial ratio(^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr) of 0.713±0.002, and the age yielded 51±1.4Ma(Rb-Sr age) to 49.3±0.9Ma(K-Ar age). These petrographic and petrochemical characteristics indicate that the Namsan granite belongs to the A-type granitoid series. And the Namsan granite is originated by direct, high-temperature partial melting of a melt depleted I-tape source rock in the lower crust.
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        지난 십여년 동안 학생들의 자연 현상에 대한 직관적 견해가 활발하게 연구되어 왔다. 그러나 지구과학 분야에서는 소수의 개념만이 연구되었다. 학생들의 직관적 견해 연구 대상으로 지구과학의 가능성이 이론적 및 실증적 견지에서 고찰되었다. 그 결과 지구과학의 연구 대상인 여러 자연 현상에 대하여 학생들이 많은 직관적 견해를 보유하고 있을 가능성이 매우 큰 것으로 밝혀졌다. 이미 발표된 지구과학 분야의 직관적인 견해에 대한 연구들이 현재 이 분야의 연구 진척 상황의 이해 및 지구과학 교수 학습에 활용을 위해 소개 되었다. 직관적 견해의 과학 학습에의 중요성과 지구과학의 전국민의 과학적 소양 함양 및 초·중등과학 교과 과정에서의 중요성, 지구과학 분야에 대한 학생들의 직관적 견해 보유 가능성, 그리고 대부분의 지구과학 분야에 대한 직관적 견해 연구의 부족함 등을 감안하면 앞으로 지구과학 분야에 대한 학생들의 직관적인 견해는 계속적인 연구가 요청된다.
        1989.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1. The aim of this study is to find the theoretical foundation of science education and to offer a basic materials and efficient suggestions for the 2000s Earth Science by analyzing and comparing the new curriculum amended in 1988 and the old one amended in 1981. 2. The main contents of this study is to find the problems in curriculum and to suggest the way to improve the curriculum by analyzing and comparing the new and old curriculum. 3. The problems that may appear in the new curriculum are as follows. (1) It's hard to expect the normal Earth Science Education in high school because Earth Science is designated as an optional subject in natural course. (2) It is contradictory to relation in learning to unify the Earth Science I and Biology I into Science I in new curriculum. (3) If the new curriculum goes in effect it is natural that Earth Science teachers quality should be lowered because able students will avoid entering the Department of Earth Science Education in university. 4. The suggestions to help improve the Earth Science curriculum in 2000s are as follows. (1) For the normal Earth Science Education, Earth Science should be designated as a required subject in civic science course as well as in natural course in high school. (2) The aim of Earth Science Education should be amended not to be dicipline centered curriculum but to satisfy the future society or individual's desire (3) The intergrated science should be researched profoundly and it is necessary to name Earth Science Geophysics, which is unified with physics. (4) Natural science curriculum should be amended by the committee constituted with the specialist in science education, scientists, and science teachers ; it is not proper that science curriculum be reached and discussed by an reorganization in which a few specialists in science education join.
        1988.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study is to provide useful advices and basic data for the future Earth Science Education by analyzing the High School Earth Science textbooks. The analysis included 1) whether the contents of the textbook are properly selected suiting with Piaget's Intellectual development stage 2) whether the basic concept and successive concept are properly selected and organized. This study arrived at the following conclusions. 1) The greater part of highschool students are not able to think the formal operation when they are in need of thinking power in formal operation in the study of 48.696 of curriculum. 2) The contents of Earth Science textbook should be developed naturally from the concrete operation stage to the formal operation stage, but the methods of approaching curriculum are scattered through out the textbook. 3) There are many lessons that can't be practiced in laboratory. The textbook should be developed naturally from the simple structures to the complicated ones. Also it is necessary for teachers to conceive those problems and to be able to help the students approach the curriculum easily.