
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,591

        1994.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The vertical distribution and activity patterns of fishes during the evening and morning transitions between day and night were studied acoustically and by bottom trawling in November 1990-1992 in thermally stratified waters of the East China Sea. The acoustic data were collected from six stations with a scientific echo-sounder operating at two frequencies of 25 and 100kHz, and the echograms were used to determine the vertical distributions of fish. Biological sampling was accomplished by bottom trawling to identify fish species recorded on the echograms, and the species and length compositions were determined. At each station, vertical profiles of water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen were taken with a CTD system and were related to the diel movements and the depth distributions of fish. During the day most fish were within several meters above bottom, but began to migrate upwards just before sunset, and during the night they were dispersed in midwater. Prior to sunrise with a thermocline present, one group of the fish aggregation occurred in dense schools slightly above the thermocline, while the other group occurred with the numerous single fish-traces bellow it. These groups of aggregations rapidly began to migrate toward the bottom across the thermocline from about 40 min before sunrise. Trawl hauls in the bottom strata below the thermocline with the characteristic single fish traces yieled invariably catches dominated by snailfish and fishing frog with minor quantities of other species in all stations. Hence, the results indicate that snailfish and fishing frog were the dominated scatterers in the depth strata below the thermocline, and the single-fish recordings were mainly snailfish. The fish species such as anchovy and juvenile mackerel in bottom trawl catches is poorly represented in relation to the mesh selectivity of the trawl net, but their occurrence suggest that the fish-school recording above the thermocline were due to these species which migrated vertically across the thermocline, with a temperature gradient of about 8℃, from the water layers near the bottom at night. Accordingly, we conclude that the vertical distribution and activity patterns of snailfish were strongly temperature dependent and in the termally stratified waters, the upper limit to diel activity was closely linked to the position of the thermocline.
        1994.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 조명나방 성충의 우화시간대, 나이에 따른 암컷의 유인해동양상과 교미능역, 1일부터 5일된 암컷이 분비한 성페로몬에 대한 3일된 수컷의 반응 그리고 성페로몬샘의 구조와 위치를 조사하였다. 광주기를 16L/8d로 햇을 때 성충운 일잔벅으로 암시간대 시작 한시간 이전부터 1~2시간이후까지 우화 하였다. 그리고 2일과 3일된 암컷ㅇ에서 6시부터 7시 사이에 가장 황성한 유인행동을 보였으며, 3일된 암컷에 대한 수컷의 반응이 암시간대 5~8 시간에서 가장 높게 나타났다. 교미쌍은 암시간대 4~7시간에서 가장 많이 관찰되었다. 1일부터 4일된 암컷중 성페로몬샘을 돌출시킨 개체들은 65%이상의 교미율을 보여주었다. 그리고, 성페로몬샘을 돌출한 2~3일된 암컷은 1~5일된 각각의 수컷과 60%이상의 교미율을 보여주었다. 암컷의 성페로몬샘으로 추측되는 두꺼운 세포층들은 복부 8번째, 9번째, 그리고 9번째와 10번째 사이의 막질성 표피층에 위치하고 있었다.
        1993.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Food is an expression of social identity. The food we eat identifies us as members of a social group, distinguishes us from other groups, and binds us together through a process of self-categorization and social identification. This research extends the theory of collectivism versus individualism as basic dimensions of culture and personality to research on food and identity. We tested 2 hypotheses among 402 university students in Korea and the U.S. 1) Americans assume relatively individualistic orientation while Koreans relatively collectivistic in orientation. 2) Koreans and Americans differ in their orientation toward food, with Americans assuming an individualistic orientation and Koreans assuming a collectivistic approach. The level of collectivism versus individualism was measured by using Hui's INCOL Scale. We initially hypothesized that the Americans would be strongly individualistic and Koreans strongly collectivistic, however our results did not prove this. The two groups showed collectivistic social identity with the Americans being a bit more collectivistic, so little support was found. In order to test the second hypothesis, we devised a new set of questions based on a idea by Hui and Fischer. It was found that this hypothesis was strongly supported. In conclusion, it is difficult to find overall differences in collectivism versus individualism between the two groups. But in the area of attitude toward food, we found clear differences. For Koreans, food is an expression of collectivistic identity, whereas Americans assume a more individualistic approach.
        1993.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the socio-economics status and the dietary behaviors of college students in Pusan. This survey was carried out through questionnaries and the subjects were 244 men and 229 women students of 7 universities in Pusan. The results of this study can be summarized as follow: 1. 54.1% of men and 43.5% of women were having breakfast regularly, while 43.9% of men and 30.1% of women were having dinner regularly. 2. Mean score of the eating behavior was 3.29 in men and 3.21 in women, and of the concern on food and nutrition was 8.46 in men and 9.98 in women. 3. Eating behavior had significantly high relationship with concern on food and nutrition but had a little relation with valuation on food and nutrition. 4. Variation in valuation and concern on food and nutrition or in eating behavior were negatively related with smoking and drinking. A considerable correlationship between smoking and drinking was found.
        1992.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The movements of three striped jack (Caranx delicatissimus, 24cm of body length) were tracked by ultrasonic telemetry in the Nunoura Bay in August 1990. A school of the striped jack has been released near by the fish farming rafts by Goto branch of the Fisheries Agency and Japan Sea-Farming Association. To investigate the staying area and the swimming pattern of the fish, small size pinger(Φ8.5×L35mm, 140dB re 1μPa at 1m, 69kHz) was tagged on the dorsal fin without any anesthesia. The movements of three tagged fish are monitored at the same time with four omni-directional hydrophones. The locations of the fish are calculated by the hyperbolic method and tracked by a technique so called time division scheme which uses both the pulse interval and the phase. Three pingers used have the pulse interval of 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9sec, respectively, and the common pulse duration of 15ms. In results it was capable to estimate behavior right after the release, swimming speeds and approximate moving area of the fish. The movements were tracked for a week continuously, and it was found out that the staying area of the fish was around or under the farming rafts. Sometimes they swam together but most of the time they move separately. The average swimming speed of those fish was about two times of the body length.
        1992.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Eight hundred college students in Seoul area were surveyed for consumer behaviors and opinions about fast food restaurants at library, student center and class room from August 26 to 30, 1991. The result of this study showed that 70% of college students preferred to eat hamberger or chicken and 49% of them visited to fast food restaurants 1-3 times per month. The reasons given by students for patronizing fast food restaurants were the following, from most to least frequence: 'convenient', 'pleasant atmosphere', 'nice place to stay with friends', 'taste of food', 'speed of service', 'to be able to stay as long as I want', 'hygiene', 'variety of food price', 'nutritious food'. Majority of college students(71%) selected their food by preference, but 22% of them done by price. They were least satisfied with price and quantity of fast food. Therefore, it is important to develop domestic brand fast food restaurants to lower the price of fast food.
        1992.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was attempted to investigate the sex bias in nutrition knowledge, food preference and food roles in the family. 152 couples living in Seoul, Cheonan in the 20s∼60s were selected for this research as subjects from October 1 to December 20, 1991. The data analysis was made by way of frequency, percentage, χ^2-test using SPSS package. The summarized results are as follows. 1. The survey on the sex bias in nutrition knowledge related heart disease on the subjects showed that there were no significant differences between men and women. But women had a relatively good nutrition knowledge than men. Especially women had a good nutrition knowledge that low sodium diet and exercise are efficient on preventing heart disease. 2. On the food preference, the subject showed significant difference between men and women. Men showed a relatively highest preference for protein food just as pork, fish, and tofu. Women showed a relatively highest preference for bread, fruit and vegetable. 3. On the food roles, the subjects showed that gender difference in household labor regarding food preparation still exit. Food-related activities are clearly still the domain of women in most families. Husbands and wives in younger families tended to think the husbands showed increase their efforts in food related activities.
        1992.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to evaluate Korean eating behavior which is highly correlated with their nutritional status, and to analyze the effect of various factors on eating behavior. The above information was used to develop a nutritional status for Korea. The 2000 Korean people were selected with the stratified random sampling method. This study used a questionaire as instrument tool. The questionaire consists of :1) socio-demographic characteristics of the subjects; 2) the valuation of food and nutrition; 3) the concern of food and nutrition; 4) psychological health condition; 5) physical health condition; 6) nutrient consumption status and 7) analysis of eating behavior. Data were analyzed by using a SPSS PC Package. Significant differences and correlation among variables were determined by the t-test, 2-test, ANOVA, pearson's correlation coefficient and Multiple regression analysis. The results of this study can be summarized as follow, All nutrient intakes were significantly correlated with eating behavior score(p〈0.001). Factors such as socio-economic status, valuation and concern on food and nutrition, and psychological health condition had significant relationship with eating behavior. But the physical health condition had no significant effect on it. Multiple regression analysis showed that valuation of food and nutrition made the greatest contribution(35.6% explained) and concern made the second greatest contribution(10.5% explained). The third was education level(9.8% explained), and the forth psychological health condition(1.8% explained).
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An eating behavior research was done with 50 females at a buffet styled restaurant during their lunch time. Of the respondents, 52.0% were professional and 54.0% were graduate school graduates. Of the respondents, 58.0% of the company were friends and 24.0% were relatives. The average time period of eating was 93.0±23.4 minutes. The average frequency of taking food was 4.0±1.1 and the average frequency of taking food after satiety was 1.4±0.8. It is significant that lower frequency of food consumption was directly proportional to the age groups of respondents. The average selected food items were 30.4±7.1 out of 175 and the average weight of the consumed food was 995.0±240.9 g. The older age group chose a similar number of food items, but the amount of each food item was considerably less than younger. So the younger the age group was, the more they ate. The average food items at one time was 7.1±2.2 and the average food weight time was 233.7±69.7 g. The percentage of respondents who evaluated themselves as 'ate too much' was 70.0% and those who evaluate themselves 'ate properly' was 14.0%. Most of them were satisfied with the buffet service. The average of number of food items consumed by respondents before cooking was 50.5±8.9. The consumption of calories and nutrients was compared with the Korean Daily Recommended Dietary Allowances. The consumed calories were 60.9% of RDAs, protein 104.4%, calcium 77.1%, iron 129.8%, vitamin A 66.5%, thiamin 96.0%, riboflavin 95.7%, niacin126.6% and ascorbic acid 112.3%. This data exceeded 1/3 of the Korean Daily RDAs tremendously and tells us extreme overeating. The energy ratio of carbohydrate: fat: protein was 51.6: 29.9: 18.5. Caloric consumption of animal food was 27.9% and the consumption rate of the other nutrients from animal food was considerably high. But the consumption rate of vitamin A was 90.9% from vegetable groups. Accoding to this study, buffet service gives some advantages. It gives customers an good opportunity to vary their food intake, which enhances eating experiences and can cause an improvemont of food habits. But overeating is a problem. Therefore, we think it is necessary for those women who have influence over their family's food selection, to have nutrition education about a desirable order of eating a meal, food selection, and health problems due to overeating at buffet styled restaurant. There should be some improvement in the management of buffet service. For example, proper temperature, texture, and freshness of the food should be maintained. Prevention of mixed food smells should be considered as well. To lower the price it is desirable to reduce the number of similar items and to use seasonal food as much as possible. A buffet styled restaurant with less food items with cheaper prices is recommended. Various traditional food should be developed for the menu items. We expect buffet services to be sutable to maintain good health and to be popular to any eater.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 부페식당 이용자의 식생활 태도를 알아보기 위해 설문조사를 실시하였는데 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 조사대상자의 일반환경 조사대상자의 연령은 6세부터 70세까지로 20대, 30대, 40대가 주를 이루었고, 여자가 65.1%로 여성들이 많이 찾는 조사대상 부페식당의 특색을 보였다. 직업은 가정주부가 27.2%, 사무직이 19.3%, 전문직이 17.3%였고, 학생이 30.3%였다. 2) 평소 부페음식에 대한 견해에 관한 조사 평소 부페식당 이용이 '한 주에 1~2회'가 1.6%, '한 달에 1~2회'가 13.7%, '서너달에 1~2회'가 43.9%, '일년에 1~2회'가 36.9%, '처음'이 2.7%였다. 대상자들은 부페음식에 대해 음식의 가지수가 많고 마음대로 선택할 수 있고 음식의 모양, 진열 및 정갈함, 많이 먹을 수 있는 점 등에 대해서는 좋다고 생각하는 반면, 음식을 가지러 왔다 갔다 하는 점, 가격 등에 대해서는 부정적인 반응을 보였다. 3) 부페식당에서의 식사행동 부페식당에 온 이유는 '가족파티'가 31.3%였고, 동행인은 평균 9.3±4.3명이며 주로 가족 및 친척, 직장 동료였다. 식사에 소요된 시간은 1시간 32분±26분이었고, 음식을 가져온 첫수는 평균 3.7±1.2회였으며, 최고 10회가 있었다. 만복감 후 식사첫수는 평균 1.2±0.8회였다. 부페식사시 가장 먼저 먹은 음식은 스프 23.9%, 샐러드 23.9%였는데, 여자는 스프, 샐러드의 비율이 높은 반면, 남자는 육류, 어패류의 비율이 높았으며, 음식 선택시 기준은 '내가 좋아하는 음식'이 70.7%로 가장 높게 나타나 부페식당 이용자들이 바람직한 식사순서 및 음식선택에 대한 인식이 낮음을 알 수 있었다. 부페식당에서 가장 좋아하는 음식의 국적은 54.4%가 한국음식으로 나타났다. 부페식사에서 '약간' 또는 ‘대단히 과식했다'고 응답한 경우가 64.0%로 많은 대상자들이 과식하는 것으로 나타났는데 이로 인한 건강 및 영양문제에 대한 교육이 필요하고 운영면에서는 이러한 일종의 음식의 낭비를 줄일 수 있는 방안에 대한 연구가 필요하다고 사료되었다. 5) 향후 부페식당의 발전방향에 대한 의견 부페식당의 발전방향에 대해 '가지수를 줄여서라도 가격을 짜게 하자'는 의견이 82.9%로 대부분 조사 대상자들이 현재 부페가격에 대해 부정적인 반응을 보였다. '한국음식을 더 많이 해서 전통음식과 친밀한 장소로 발전시키자', '계절식품을 이용하고 비슷한 종류의 음식은 빼서 가격을 낮추자', '연령에 따라서, 또, 성인에서는 성별에 따라 가격 차이를 두자'는 의견 등이 있었다.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        멸구류의 난기생봉인 Anagrus incarnatus Haliday의 기주탐색, 고매행동, 산란습성 그리고 생색형태 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 난괴가 있는 엽초까지 도달하는데 소요되는 시간은 평균188.5초였고 기주에 도달후 안테나의 drumming시간은 17.5초, tapping 72.4초, 삽입하여 산란하는데 206.7초 걸렸으며 교미 시간은 16~21초 정도였다. 본 종은 양성생식과 단위생식을 겸하며 교미시의 암수 비율은 약 3:1이었고 자성단위 생식형이었다.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1990.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was carried out as a basic survey to provide more effective and improved food service for the soliders of the Armed Forces who are serving to defend the Republic of Korea subjects were selected randomly who were serving in the army for a short-term. Following is the result of a survey regarding the situation of their meals, dietary life, and their food preference of 190 kinds of foodstuffs. As a result of surveying the dietary life of the soldiers, they indicated that there was dissatisfaction in the current Food Service because it lacked tasted and the same kind of meals were being served too frequently with regard to this, many subjects expressed that they were eating out because of the quality of they get from the regular meal service the meals, that is they were eating in restaurants to resolve their dissatisfaction over the quality of the meals. It was also surveyed that in the current meals there is a need to diversify ways in preparing food, increase the number of dishes, and improve the tasts of the food by using improved cooking method. It seemed that the soldiers were satisfied in the quantitative level of the current food service but that there is a need to improve the meals in quality. Following is the result of a survey on the preference of foodstuffs. In case of rice as the stationary food, mixture of five-grain plain white cooked rice showed a higher propensity compared to plain whte boiled rice. This shows that soliders prefer various cereals in their rice. Soliders liked soup made from meat better than vegetable soup or soup made from fish. Especially there was a high performance for beef soup. Soliders liked One-dish meals such as fried rice or boiled rice with asserted mixtures, noodled, and dumplings on the whole-soliders generally liked vegetables and they liked uncooked vegetables better than cooked vegetables. Generally everyone liked beverages and there was a high preference for dessert. Among various rice cakes soliders liked songpyon(rice cake steamed on a layer of pine needles) and injolmi (cake made from glutinous rice). On the other hand, soliders did not like food prepared with fish, biscuits and candy very much. In the way of preparing food, soliders liked food that were fried in deep far rather than food cooked in water. Also they liked pot stem better than soup. As examined in the survey, those surveyed wanted improvement in the quality and diversity of the food rather than increase the number of food and quality. Therefore there is a need for diversified supply and demand of quality of meal service.
        1990.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        정치망에 대한 방어와 쥐치의 행동을 분석하기 위하여 한국 동해안에서 보편적으로 쓰이는 낙망의 1/30크기의 모형정치망을 망지로서 제작하고, 이것을 수면조도 1 lux정도의 실내에 설치된 가로.세로 700cm, 깊이 100cm, 수심 70cm의 수조에 고정했다. 공시어는 정치망에서 어획된 전장 37~45cm짜리 방어와 18~21cm짜리 쥐치이며, 이것을 3~20마리씩 방류하여 통그물에의 입망수, 탈출수 등을 1분 간격으로 조사하고 10분간 누계하여 검토한 결과는 대략 다음과 같다. 1. 방어는 통그물 입망율은 그다지 크지 않으나 원통 입망율은 상당히 크다. 유영궤적은 비교적 원활하며, 입망도 잘하나 탈출도 잘하므로 정치망을 설계할 때는 입망하기가 다소 어렵더라도 탈출하기가 쉽지 않도록 하는 것이 유리할 것 같다. 2. 쥐치는 통그물 입망률은 방어보다 크나 원통입망률은 매우 낮다. 유영궤적은 원활하지 않고 꼬불꼬불 원형으로 맴돌면서 전진하므로 입구가 넓은 헛통에는 잘 입망하나 원통에는 잘 입망하지 않는 것 같다. 따라서 쥐치를 주대상으로 하는 정치망을 설계할 때는 특히 등망부분을 조금 넓게 하여 군이 맴도는데 지장이 없도록 해주는 것이 유리할 것 같다. 3. 방어나 쥐치의 어느 경우에도 원통탈출율은 거의 0이고 헛통탈출율도 거의 10% 이하여서 낙망이 상당히 효과적인 어구임을 보여주고 있다.
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was surveyed by 318 male and 288 female college students eating out behaviours in Seoul. The results were summarized as follows; 1. Listed below are the major kinds of eating out of the home, breakfast form 8.9%, lunch 76.9%, supper 24.5% and snacks 25.7%. 2. 'Lunch out everyday' by male 53.5%, by female 52.5% 3. The reason why they lunch out indicates carrying a lunch box is 'inconvenient' by 35.1%, 'convenient' by 32.2%, 'hard to prepare the lunch box' by 19.9%. 4. When they choose kinds of food they are ascribed to 'preference' by 66.5%-74.6% the highest percentage of all. 5. The percentage rate of families who eat out Korean food gained the highest percentage by 59.7% next western food 16.6%, chinese food 15.2%, but the lowest percentage was Japanese food by 4.3%. 6. Ra-myun and noodles occupy the highest percentage of male by 43.7%-40.6%, female by 32.4%-54.3%. 7. When viewed from food preference for eating out take fried chicken, Pizza, Kalbi, Bulkoki and Tangsuyook. 8. The price the students generally pay for lunch was 500-1400 wons, averages to 1,000 wons. The price of eating out per capita a day, when taken by family unit averages to 5,200-5,900 wons. 9. College students offered suggestions for 'expensive in prices' 59.1%, 'Unsanitary' 14.1% when eating out.
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        매미나방알좀벌, Ooencyrtus kuvanae (Hymenoptera : Encyrtidae), 이 기주를 발견한 후 산란을 끝내고 기주를 떠날 때까지 11단계의 연속행동과정, 그리고 자기몸청소, 휴식 등과 같은 부수적인 행동이나 산란관에 의한 상처로부터 나오는 기주체액을 먹는 습성 등이 조사되었다. 기생벌에 기주난이 연속적으로 주어졌을 때는 처음 산란을 마친 매미나방알좀벌은 활발히 주변을 움직이며 다음 산란대상이 되는 기주에 보다 빨리 접근하는 경향을 나타내고, 또한 기주접촉단계에 소요하는 시간이 첫 번째 난에서 보다 두 번째 세 번째난에서 단축되는 경향을 나타내는 것으로 관찰되어 산란경험이 기주발견과 인식에 중요한 영향을 미치는 것으로 조사되었다.
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was conducted to evaluate individual difference of chewing speed and chews per bolus duing the rumination using twenty three heads of grazing cattle and thirty six heads of barn feeding cattle. Rumination behaviour was measured and recorde