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        검색결과 266

        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Lately, CRISPR-Cas9 has become one of the most essential tools to understand gene’s function. In the honeybee, however, the application of CRISPR technology has been hindered by various factors leading to very few reports of success in genome editing. Among these, collection of honeybee embryos for microinjection has been a time-consuming procedure, mainly limiting the applicability of the genome editing technique to honeybees. To improve the drawbacks of the conventional plastic plug-based system, we have developed a film-assisted honeybee embryo collection system (FECS) using transparent film as a detachable bottom layer. In this new system, eggs are laid on the detachable film surface and collected in a batch, and thus no additional alignment is required for microinjectoin. As the film can be easily replaced with in a few seconds, embryo collection can be repeated continuously after a single caging of a queen. Also, unlike conventional plug-based systems, the new system utilizes 100% of the eggs laid by the queen, thereby increases the yield three times in theory. The main unit of the system can be printed with ordinary SLA/DLP type 3D printer and the stl file for 3D printing will be distributed online.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Over the course of the past decades, technological advancements accompanied a plethora of new types of data and consumer insights (e.g., Erevelles, Fukawa, & Swayne, 2016). Companies value opportunities provided by the availability of large data sets for their business strategy. Customers, however, are wary, as these analyses require the collection and storage of large amounts of personal information. Therefore, it is vital for companies to understand what customers perceive to be fair with regard to their personal data (e.g., Malhotra, Kim, & Agarwal, 2004). However, research still lacks deeper insights into customers’ expectations of fair data handling (Marketing Science Institute, 2016). Yet, only few studies have covered the field of expectations regarding fair data collection and use (Earp, Antón, Aiman-Smith, & Stufflebeam, 2005; Milne & Bahl, 2010). Importantly, however, previous studies have frequently neglected how companies’ fulfillment of customers’ expectations translates into subsequent consumer behavior. Moreover, we have yet to understand if companies’ actual behavior meets customers’ expectations. Grounded on psychological contract and justice theory, we investigate how customers want their data to be handled and in which ways they want to be informed about its usage, while also exploring how customer expectations translate into subsequent behavioral intentions. Additionally, we shed light on current company behavior, thus analyzing if customers’ expectations of fair data collection and usage are aligned with company perspectives. Responding to calls for a mixed methods approach in business research (e.g., Harrison, 2013; Woodside, 2010), we undertook qualitative and quantitative studies to address our research goals. In Study 1, we conduct in-depth interviews with customers and experts to gain an overview of customer expectations with regard to fair data collection and usage. Based on these findings, we conducted a quantitative study (Study 2) investigating each of the customer expectations identified in the prior study. The findings of Study 2 reveal that customers expect a simplification of privacy statements as well as easier control options for their data. Moreover, customers are willing to switch to a competitor, if it better fulfills expectations. Study 3 applies a content analysis of company homepages and privacy statements. Aligning the results from Study 2 and Study 3, we demonstrate that companies currently do not sufficiently meet customers’ expectation of fair data collection and usage.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we analyzed the whole design of the necklace in detail, which reflects the artistic sense of handicraft in couture. The purpose of the study was to identify the characteristics of the design based on the analysis findings and to provide basic data to help fashion designers. The research method entailed analyzing trends in necklace design - viewed in fashion magazines and on websites - by year, season, brand, kind, material, color, and image. The identified necklace design characteristics were as follows. First, artistry and originality are dramatically expressed through the use of a broad range of materials. Second, due to the necklace’s role as an object of perfect beauty, in a number of images, the necklaces were presented in convergence and contrast with overall costumes. Third, the dramatic effects of layering revealed a strong presence and individualized styling. Necklaces are created with diverse sculptures by realizing the creative imagination of fashion designers. Even though they looked a little different every year, there were designs in the collections constantly. Round shape and princess length were preferred. In particular, the mix type was used to express dramatic effect by focusing neck part in entire styling which different length of necklaces were layered and worn. As a result, it meets the needs of consumers who emphasize brand differentiation and diversity, and it is believed that the role of necessities in fashion will continue and it creates economic demand in the fashion industry.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Using a theoretical framework of cultural capital, the present study analyzed a collecting system in AbyssRium, a mobile healing game. AbyssRium provides users with emotional satisfaction by allowing them to decorate a virtual aquarium using fishes and other sea creatures. We conducted a content analysis using contents generated in online communities and focus group interview with heavy users of AbyssRium. Results suggest that game players feel superiority by possessing rare fishes over others. These rare items were also utilized to distinguish users who collected the items from others not possessing such fishes. Also, the game operator of AbyssRium maintains the game balance by imposing greater costs for experienced users than for novice users in collecting fishes and decorate the aquarium. Such a strategy contributes to sustaining the social ecosystem of Abyssrium by encouraging new users to start to play the game. The current study suggests that a simple mobile game can afford a social interaction and a social system allowing users to constructs social meaning of artifacts presented in the virtual environments. Future research may broaden the generalizability of the cultural capital framework by replicating these findings in different video games.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, we introduce the technology that provides the driver with the information related to the traffic information application such as the traffic center or T-map when the slippery situation occurs on the road by collecting the slip information by the vehicle speed on the road surface. Road surface detection technology collects road surface information by using black box and DTG which are installed in commercial vehicles and detects dangerous sections for road safety. It transmits information to a traffic center and transmits it to a rear vehicle driver It is aimed at delivering safe driving information.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze Alexander Wang’s collections representing the athleisure look, and suggest a multilateral direction for fashion design based on the data. The present study examines literature, journals, and mass media to define the athleisure look and understand the background of its emergence, and assess its key design characteristics. The collections examined are from 2007 fall/winter to 2017 spring/summer, and T by Alexander Wang from 2011 spring/summer to 2016 fall/ winter. A total of 446 photos were collected and verified by a group of experts. The characteristics of the athleisure look in Alexander Wang’s collections were described by the following themes: dynamism (39.46%), unexpectedness (34.30%), sensuality (14.57%), and resistance (11.65%). Results revealed a number of findings: First, regarding the sensuality of the athleisure look found in Alexander Wang’s collections, it was found to exhibit the lines of the human body and highlight sexiness and healthy beauty - with either direct or indirect body exposure. Second, the concept of dynamism is the most frequently seen - utilizing items with a comfortable or loose fit or materials that are flexible to enhance activity. Third, resistance appears as a specific style using aggressive and rough decorations. Alexander Wang’s signature color, black, appears often, and showcases resistance through black clothing and fashion. Fourth, the unexpectedness of the athleisure look found in Alexander Wang’s collections creates its own uniqueness with playful expressions made by various materials’ mixed and matched or made visually fun.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to reestablish the innovative and experimental designs of Rei Kawakubo by considering and analyzing the flow on the avant-garde nature of her design collection from 1981 to 2017. Design trends such as the art trend, silhouette, color, and expressive technique showcased in Rei Kawakubo’s collection from 1981 spring/summer to 2017 spring/summer were examined through precedent studies, books, internet materials, and the avant-garde expressive nature of her designs appearing in modern fashion. Additionally, this study considers the definition of avant- garde and analyzes the expressive nature of Rei Kawakubo’s 137 works from the Comme des Garcons collection, exhibited in New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art. As a result of this examination, the avant-garde expressive nature seen in modern fashion was classified into the following themes: historicity, de-structure, exaggeration, intermixture, and surrealism. As a result of reclassifying these characteristics according to historical flow, the historicty, intermixture, and de-structure appeared in the 1980s, while intermixture, exaggeration, and de-structure appeared in the 1990s. More recently, historicity, intermixture, and de-structure appeared in the 2000s, and intermixture, de-structure, exaggeration, and surrealism appeared in the 2010s. The present study is significant in providing theoretical material for the more innovative and various design development in diverse domains while helping to define and understand the avant-garde expression through Rei Kawakubo’s collection.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article study the Letter of Collection(LOC) of U.S. National Cancer Institute(NCI) and the INBio-Merck Agreement as a international cases of the Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit- Sharing. These cases have the matching parts to the provisions of concern international norms. But, these cases not reflected the provisions of international norm because they concluded before 2010. So access to genetic resources and benefit sharing agreement will be concluded in the future must include the following contents. First, the provisions of the provider and the user of genetic resources as a parties of benefit sharing agreement. Second, the provisions of participation of stakeholders. Third, the provisions of prior informed consent. Prior informed consent must provide basic principles, elements, competent national authority granting and information of procedures for obtaining prior informed consent. Fourth, the provisions of mutually agreed terms. Fifth, the incentive measures could be used in the implementation for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, to promote accountability of access and benefit sharing, to provide for national monitoring and reporting.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        On the early stage of Emperor Qianlong period, Qianlong ordered the ministers to sort out interior cultural relics. Therefore ministers successively compiled four antiques catalogue, they are "Midian Zhulin Buddhism and Taoism paintings appreciation", "Shiqu Baoji paintings appreciation", "Ancient bronze vessels collection appreciation in Qing Dynasty" and "Tianlu Linlang official books collection catalogue appreciation" respectively. The stylistic rules and layout of the first two was borrowed from Gao Shiqi "Jiang Cun Xiao Xia Lu". The stylistic rules and layout of the record of "Ancient bronze vessels collection appreciation in Qing Dynasty" was borrowed from Wang Fu "Bo Gu Picture" and Lv Dalin "The Archaeological Picture". To a great extent, the stylistic rules and layout of "Tianlu Linlang official books collection catalogue appreciation" was inherited from the connoisseur ideology of "Shiqu Baoji paintings appreciation" and "Ancient bronze vessels collection appreciation in Qing Dynasty", which was the evolutionary adaptation of style reference and actual situation of books identification and collection. As the classic examples of official connoisseur catalogue, "Tianlu Linlang official books collection catalogue appreciation" had a significant impact on Qing dynasty bibliography. As the development of textology in Qing Dynasty, the connoisseur gradually flourished in society. Under its inspiration and influence, the edition bibliography of Qing dynasty continued to develop.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The distribution of mosquitoes collected in Cheongju area in 2016 and 2017 were compared. The collection sites wereestablished from residential area, migratory bird sanctuary, and cattle feedlot using BL trap and BG trap. Culex pipienswere the most collected in residential area, and Aedes vexans were the most collected in migratory bird sanctuary andcattle feedlot in both years. BG trap was more collected than BL trap in residential area and migratory bird sanctuary.However, cattle feedlot was more collected in BL trap. A variety of mosquito species were collected from BG trap thanBL trap. However, the number of Anopheles sinensis collected in cattle feedlot showed significant differences betweenBL trap and BG trap. Based on the results of this study, it is considered that effective monitoring of mosquitoes mightbe done by using appropriate trap type according to the region
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        “Cobranded endorsement”, i.e. the interactive partnership between a brand and a celebrity, seems to be the last frontier for endorsing a brand and increasing brand popularity. Indeed, the collaborations between a celebrity and a brand are increasing in number and growing in importance. Many new products or capsule collections are created and launched after these partnerships. The paper wants to investigate whether this cobranded endorsement has positive effects on brand equity. Findings from an experimental study carried out in the fashion segment reveal that cobranded endorsements foster a better attitude towards the brand and a higher purchase intention.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Embryo transfer (ET) could be a relevant tool for genetic improvement programs in horses similar to those already underway in other species and produce multiple foals from the same mare in one breeding season. However, there have been no reports describing equine embryo transfer performed in Korea. In the present study, we performed an equine embryo collection and transfer procedure for the first time. We examined the embryo collection and pregnancy, size of embryo during the incubation period after collection, and progesterone (P4) and estradiol-17ß (E2) concentrations in mare’s serum at embryo collection and transfer. A total of 16 donors responded to estrus synchronization; estrus was induced in 12 donors and 4 recipients, and artificial insemination was successful in 10 donors and six blastocysts were collected from donors. Of these blastocysts, we monitored the size of blastocysts for 3 day during incubation and transferred 2 blastocysts to a recipient, with 1 successful pregnancy and foal achieved. The dimensions of equine embryo at day 7 to day 9 were 409 μm, 814 μm and 1,200 μm. The serum P4 and E2 concentrations were 7.91±0.37 ng/μL and 45.45±12.65 ng/μL in the donor mare, and 16.06±3.27 ng/μL and 49.13±10.09 ng/μL in the recipient mare.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Entomopathogenic fungi are expected to play a role as great biological control agents in the global bio-pesticide market in the future. The first step is the collection of fungal isolates and it should be a platform for the development of highly effective biopesticides. In this work, we constructed a fungal library using a mealworm pathogenecity-based fungal collection method and further characterized some isolates with high virulence. A phylogenetic tree was generated, and of the isolates 17 isolates’ biological features were characterized, such as morphology, virulence against several insect, stability of conidia for heat, production of biologically active materials, such as enzymes. This work reports an attractive entomopathogenic fungal library including the information of effective isolates in pest management.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 국제해사기구의 데이터수집 시스템 도입에 따른 MRV 지원 및 국제해운 에너지 효율 포탈 시스템에 대한 기술적 검증을 수행하였다. 데이터 수집 시스템과 연료 사용량 데이터 수집 방법론을 포함하는 SEEMP 가이드라인의 주요 내용을 검토하고, EU MRV와 차이점을 분석하여 MRV에 대한 국내 해운선사의 대응전략을 제시하고 이에 대한 MRV 지원시스템의 기술적 적합성을 검토하였다. MRV 지원시스템은 배출량 데이터를 원시단계에서 최종단계까지 통합 관리함으로서 검증을 위한 비용과 업무 효율성을 높일 수 있으며, 현재 해운선사의 보고절차를 유지하면서 데이터 변환 기능을 통해 표준양식으로 배출량 데이터를 수집하고 보고 할 수 있다. 또한, 포탈시스템에 대한 접근권한을 구분하여 해운선사의 데이터 수집과 보고, 검증자의 데이터 검증업무를 지원할 수 있으며 전자적인 방법으로 보고서 제출이 가능하여 MRV 국제 규제에 대한 대응이 가능하다.
        2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 2002년 런던 화이트 큐브 갤러리(White Cube Gallery)전시인 ≪<채프먼 패 밀리 컬렉션>의 작품들≫(The Works from <The Chapman Family Collection>)을 중심 으로 채프먼 형제가 미술작업의 소비상품화에 대해 어떻게 풍자하고 있는지를 바타이유 이론과 금기에 대한 도전을 중심으로 논한다. 이 전시는 전통적으로 순수 미술로 여겨 져 많은 아방가르드 미술가들에게 영감을 주었던 원시 부족 미술의 형식을 갖춘 일군의 토템상들이 전형적인 미술관의 진열 방식으로 전시되고 있었다. 그러나 그 부족은 대중 적이고 가격이 저렴한 패스트푸드 체인기업인 맥도날드(McDonald’s) 로고와 이를 대표 하는 로날드(Ronald)와 빅맥(Big Mac)을 형상화 한 신상(神像)과 성물(聖物)을 보여주 면서 종교적 신성함과 대중적인 소비가치를 나란히 공존시켜 또 다른 괴리감을 불러일 으킨다. 사실상 그들은 1990년대에 기이하고 그로테스크하며 보기 불편한 형상들이 주를 이 루는 작업들과 이와 관련한 충격적인 주제들로 잘 알려져 있었다. 형제의 작품은 주로 마네킹이 주매체이며 기형의 신체와 포르노그라피를 주제로 작업해 왔다. 그러나 2002 년이 이 전시에서 채프먼 형제가 직접적인 신체의 절단이나 재조합에서 벗어나 직접적 으로 인간 관념을 절단하고 재조합을 시도했다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 또한 이후의 채 프먼 형제 작품이 직접적인 시각적 충격보다는 오히려 이러한 관념의 이질적 조합 방식 을 사용하고 있으므로 그 시작점으로서 의의를 가진다고 본다. 이러한 접근 방식의 변 화는 갑작스러운 것이 아니라 2000년부터 테이트 모던의 전시에 yBa 그룹의 미술가들 이 초청받지 못하자 이전 작품의 형식이 미술 시장과 비평적 평가에 견주어 전략적으로 수정되고 발전된 것으로 보인다. 미술이 고급한 문화 영역이라고 보는 것은 사회를 구성하는 계급의 기호와 가치척도 가 정한 것이므로 이러한 금기에 의문을 던지는 것이 바로 미술 작품이라고 보는 시각 에서 살펴보면 채프먼 형제의 <채프먼 패밀리 컬렉션>은 확실히 전략적 전복을 꾀하고 있다. <채프먼 패밀리 컬렉션>에서 현재 창작물을 거꾸로 원시 부족 미술과 연관시킨 것도 이 같은 맥락이며 그 이면성을 현대 소비사회까지 확장시킨 첫 번째 시도이다. 채 프먼 형제의 작품은 전략적인 미술사의 계보 설정과 포스트모더니스트 사고의 전복, 그리고 미술시장에 대한 비판적 시각을 모두 역으로 드러내고 있음을 주목하고 실재와 비 실재의 이면성을 드러내는 작품을 제시한 것에서부터 고야의 판화이미지를 차용하여 처 음에는 미니어처 조각으로 제작하고 이후에 다시 형식까지 차용한 에칭으로 만들면서 반복적인 차용과 재현 작업을 통해 우리의 기존 관념을 기본부터 해체하고 와해시키면 서 작품을 보는 주체의 관념과 사고에 대한 고찰을 시도하고 있다.
        2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 판자 컬렉션(Panza Collection)에 나타난 이상주의 미학을 당대의 사회 적 맥락 속에서 폭넓게 조명하고자 한 연구이다. 주세페 판자 디 비우모(Giuseppe Panza di Biumo, 1923-2010)는 1957년부터 1999년까지 다양한 형식의 미술작품을 수 집해왔으며, 그 수는 2,500여 점에 이른다. 지금까지의 판자 컬렉션에 대한 선행 연구 는 미학적인 측면에 대한 논의가 주를 이루거나, 1960년대 이후 변화된 전시 방식의 사례 연구에 그친다. 그러나 판자 컬렉션은 한 개인의 미학과 더불어 당대의 현실이 반영된 것이라는 전제에서 본 연구는 시작되었으며, 따라서 컬렉션의 출발점인 이상주 의적인 미학과 그 이면의 상업적 면모라는 양면성을 전시장과 유통과정을 통해 이를 고찰하고자 하였다. 18세기 바로크 양식으로 지어진 빌라 판자 안에서 색채와 형태의 적절한 구성으로 이루어진 판자의 미니멀리즘 회화는 실내 디자인의 요소이자 추상회화로 이루어진 순수 조형적 공간이라는 양면성을 통합한 독특한 전시공간을 만들어낸다. 빌라 판자의 별채 에 전시된 미니멀리즘 설치 작품 역시 실내장식 혹은 건축적 환경을 조성하면서도 동시 에 물성을 초월하는 경험을 제공하기도 한다. 판자는 실제의 건축적 공간에 형광 튜브 를 설치하거나 건축의 물리적 구조 자체를 작품으로 제시하면서 빌라를 하나의 예술적 공간으로 만들었다. 이를 통해 그 공간은 형광튜브의 물성과 빛에서 오는 비물질적인 경험, 실제 공간에 대한 물리적 체험과 그 안에서의 ‘걷는 행위’를 통한 명상적 체험이 공존하는 장소가 되었다. 그의 개념미술 컬렉션에서 나타나는 문자의 반복 역시 이미지의 복제 시스템을 드러 내면서도 단어의 반복으로 인해 일종의 사유의 과정을 이끌어낸다. 이처럼 판자는 실제 의 건축적 공간에 작품을 설치하거나 건축의 물리적 구조 자체를 작품으로 제시하면서 빌라를 하나의 예술적 공간으로 만들었다. 그는 빌라 판자의 전시공간을 통해 삶의 세 속적인 측면까지도 이상화시킨 예술지상주의를 구현한 것이다. 반면 판자 컬렉션의 유통과정에서는 판자의 이상주의 미학의 이면이 구체적으로 드 러난다. 판자는 자신의 미적 취향에 부합하면서도 합리적인 가격일 경우에만 작품을 구 입했으며, 작품을 매매하거나 교환하기도 하였다. 이후 그는 컬렉션을 미국의 주류 미술관에 판매하였으며 순회전을 통해 국제적 명성을 얻게 되었다. 특히 순회전은‘판자 컬렉 션’이라는 라벨과 작품의 설치 및 변경과 관련된 사항에 대해 판자의 의견을 반영하여야 한다는 계약 조건 하에 이루어졌다. 즉, 그것은 일종의 문화상품처럼 유통된 것이다. 이와 같이, 판자 컬렉션의 전시공간에 드러난 이상주의 미학과 그 이면의 상업적 유 통이라는 현실은 미술작품과 그 컬렉션이 순수한 미적 취향의 구현체일 뿐 아니라 당대 사회와의 관계 속에서 형성된 매우 다원적인 성격의 산물임을 드러낸다. 판자는 현실적 인 면모와 예술적인 감성을 모두 갖춘 후기 자본주의 시대의 전형적 컬렉터였으며, 판자 컬렉션의 전시와 유통과정에서 드러난 이상주의 미학과 그 이면 역시 이러한 당대성을 드러내는 하나의 표본과 같은 것이다. 본 연구는 이처럼 판자라는 한 개인의 미적 취향과 그 예술적 발현으로서의 컬렉션 을 당대의 사회적 구조라는 폭넓은 맥락에서 접근하였다는데 그 의의를 둘 수 있다. 즉 판자의 이상주의 미학의 인문, 사회학적 측면을 재고하게 하였다는 점에서 본 논문의 궁 극적인 의미를 찾을 수 있을 것이다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        These seven chapters of Chu slips─‘Chéng wáng wéi chéng pú zhī xíng(A、B versions)’、‘Líng wáng suí shēn’、‘Chén gōng zhì bīng’、‘jǔ zhì wàng tiān xià (5 sections and chapters)’、‘bāng rén bú chèng’、‘shǐ zhòu wèn yú fū zǐ’、‘bǔ shū’─from the “Shanghai Museum Collection IX” were edited by Professor Ma, Chen-Yan. One of these chapters ‘Chéngōngzhìbīng (Chen gong zhibing)’ is a talking between King Chu and Duke Chen (Chéngōng), especially discussed a topic of battle array in military affairs. This study discuss four language-units: “shēnluán 罙”、“shībùjué 帀 (師)不”、“bùzhīqí qǐ zúlíngxíng 不智亓啓行”、“yǒu suǒ wèi è 又 (有)所胃(謂)綌” which were discussed frequently in the academic community, Currently. I have generalized most of these view points and try to annotate these language units with ancient Chinese character structure、 phonology、word formation、grammer and semantics. I hope that could really make an appropriately exegesis.
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