
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,826

        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        여대생의 평일 및 일요일의 식생활에서의 식사구조의 기본패턴을 파악하기 위하여 섭취된 식물을 16식품군으로 분류하여 식품 및 영양소섭취량과 16식품의 인자분석을 행하여 얻는 결과를 다음과 같이 요약한다. 1. 식품섭취량에서 16식품군 중 두류, 육류, 음료를 제외한 13식품군의 섭취량은 평일의 식사에서보다 일요일의 식사에서 더 높았다. 2. 식품군간의 상관행렬에서 밥은 평일 및 일요일식사에서 여러 식품군과 정(正)의 상관을 가졌고, 특히 일요일의 경우는 평일보다 정(正)의 상관을 가지는 식품군이 더 많아 섭취된 식품이 다양함을 나타내었다. 또 빵 면류는 평일의 경우 과자 사탕류와, 일요일의 경우는 우유, 난류와 정(正)의 상관을 가지므로 평일은 간식형으로, 일요일에는 식사대용으로 이용된 것으로 볼 수 있다. 야채류, 김치류, 난류, 음료는 평일 및 일요일의 경우 거의 같은 종류의 식품군과 정(正)의 상관을 나타내었다. 평일은 어류, 육류, 유지류가, 일요일은 해조류, 과일류, 우유가 여러 식품군과 정(正)의 상관을 나타내었다. 3. 상관행렬을 인자분석하여 얻은 제1인자는 평일 및 일요일의 경우 한국형의 전통식사(밥식)인자로 해석되었고, 야채류, 감자류, 해조류, 김치, 난류 등의 식품군은 일상 섭취하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 평일의 경우 두류, 어류, 유지류가, 일요일에는 밥, 육류, 해조류가 식사패턴에 깊게 관련되는 인자로 나타났다. 제2인자는 평일에서는 조절소인자, 일요일에서는 한국형식사인자이었고, 제3인자는 평일에는 간식 대용식인자, 일요일에는 조절소인자로 나타났다. 제4인자에서 평일은 부식인자, 일요일은 열량원인자이었고, 제5인자에서 평일은 밥식인자, 일요일은 빵식인자로 나타났다. 4. 평일 및 일요일의 2차원공간도에서 제1주성분은 평일 및 일요일에서 한국전통식(밥식) : 서구식(영양이 고려되지 않은 대용빵식), 제2주성분은 평일에서는 조절소 : 주식(열량)공급원, 일요일은 식사형 : 간식형을 나타낸 것으로 풀이되었다. 5. 영양소섭취량에서 아침식사의 경우 평일은 열량과 구성소영양소의 섭취량이, 일요일은 조절소영양소의 섭취량이 높았다. 점심식사에서는 일요일의 경우가 평일보다 모든 영양소의 섭취량이 높았다. 간식에서 일요일의 경우 당질, 섬유소, 비타민 C를 제외한 영양소의 섭취가 많았으며, 특히 비타민 C, 동물성에너지, 지질, 칼슘, 당질은 1일 평균영양소섭취비로 볼 때 간식에서 높은 섭취비율을 나타내었다. 저녁식사는 평일은 일요일보다 열량, 지질, 당질, 철분 이외의 타 영양소 섭취가 많았고, 일요일의 1일 평균영양소섭취량은 비타민 B1 C, 동물성단백질을 제외한 영양소가 평일의 그것보다 높았다. 또 RDA와 비교한 영양소섭취비는 평일 및 일요일에서 열량(각각 77.4%, 82.3%), 철분(82.8%, 90.6%)이 RDA에 미달되었고, 그 외 영양소는 RDA를 상회하였다.
        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A study of eating behavior was conducted among 274 children of Nan Hyang elementary school, located in low income area of Seoul, where a school lunch program is not operated. During weekdays, 19.6% of children ate breakfast and 18.4% ate supper alone or with their siblings. The school provided boxed lunches for 10.5% of the children with governmental funds, who were chosen by the school based on their household income. But the percentage of the children skipping breakfast was 14.6%, lunch 10.3% and supper 8.0%. The results of nutritional analysis of the children who had three meals a day and those of children skipped one of the regular meals were compared. The group who had three meals consumed more nutrients except vitamin C than the group skipped meal (p〈0.01). Most common meal pattern was consisted of cooked rice, Kimchi and side dishes. When the children didn't have afternoon classes, 10.0% of the children ate Ramen only at home without any side dishes. Among the protein sources, the beans and bean products were the most common items. When we studied the three different lunches such as A) the boxed lunches provided by school, B) the boxed lunches from home and C) the lunches ate at home, the A) lunches provided the most common items. When we studied the three different lunches such as A) the boxed lunches provided by school, B) the boxed lunches from home and C) the lunches ate at home, the A) lunches provided the milk products, fruits, ice cakes·setc. Their favorite foods were fruits, yoghurt, Chinese black noodle, and sweet potatoes whereas being not prefered foods, were aromatic vegetables. It seemed that the increasing rate of working mothers and the overflooding of instant foods have caused to neglect children's meal management. To solve these problems, nutrition education and extend of school lunch programs should be emphasized.
        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was attempted to investigate the correlation between food habits as well as preferences and health conditions of middle-aged people. 380 people living in Dae-gu, kimchon and kumrung gun in the 40's or 50's were selected for this research as subjects from July 1 to August 15, 1990. The data analysis was made by way of frequency, percentage, χ2-test and Pearson correlation using SAS package. The summarized results are as follows. 1. Among the total subjects of this research, 200 people (52.6%) were male and 180 people (47.4%) were female. The regional distribution was like this; 115 people (30.3%) lived in large city, 154 people (40.5%) in small and medium city and 111 people (29.2%) in rural region. 2. The survey on food life attitude on the subjects showed that they had a relatively good attitude, and there were little significant differences (p〈.05) between men and women. But there were significant differences (p〈.001) between rural region and city. 3. On the preferences for taste, food and cooked food the subjects showed the lowest preferences for processed milk-fat food and the highest for soybean and processed soybean food. 4. The research on health condition 1) 30.8% of the subjects were obesity. And this research showed that the percentage of obesity was higher among men (33.5%) than women (27.8%), and higher in cities (40.4, 34.4%) than rural region (16.2%), (p〈.05, p〈.01). 2) 90.8% of the subjects showed negative according to Diabetes inspection. 3) 2.0% of the subjects were hypertensive, and the percentage was higher among women than men, and higher in rural region than cities. 4) 12.6% of the subjects were anemia, and the percentage was higher among women (17.8%) than men (8.0%), and higher in rural region (23.4%) than cities (7.0, 9.1%). 5) DMFT index and DMF rate of dental caries was higher among women (DMFT index; 10.6 DMF rate; 88.9) than men (DMFT index; 7.3 DMF rate; 81.5), and higher in rural region (DMFT index; 11.8 DMF rate; 90.1) than cities (DMFT index; 7.4, 7.9 DMF rate; 79.1, 85.7). 6) According to the survey on self-diagnosed health status of subjects, the percentages of articular·neuralgia (48.9%) was the highest. And that of stomach digestion troubles (31.1%), headache (22.4%), anxiety excitement (12.9%), spastic constipation (12.4%), insomnia (9.7%), melancholia (7.9%) and etc (1.6%) followed. 7) People had allergied food which contained animal protein such as pork, chicken, mackerel, siakworm pupa, clam and so on. 8) In female cases, 46.7% of women became already menopausal and 13.3% of them was under menopause. 5. This research showed that there were significant correlation between food life attitude and health condition in obesity, anemia and dental caries but not in blood pressure. 6. And this research also showed that there were significant correlations between food preference and health condition in obesity, anemia and dental caries but not in blood pressure.
        1991.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study were to investigate opinions on the contents and method of the educational public information of food sanitation, to enrich education of food sanitation for consumer. Data of questionnaires were collected from 78 consumer protection association and 66 food industrial company. The results of the study were summarized as follows; The educational public contents of food sanitation appropriated is remarked as a basic knowledge in a safety of food (an additive, an agricultural medicines) and in nutrition and sanitation. The effective method of public information is suggested as a TV, Radio, utilization of periodicals and pamphlet. The crucial problem of the imported food surveyed in the consumer protection association is an agricultural medicines and a heavy metal. In the food industrial company, it is remarked that the problem occurs in deposit and storage of food from the standpoint of sanitation. Finally, improvement of sanitary condition in food selling place is suggested.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국의 김치와 일본의 지물(漬物), 그리고 한일양국의 젓갈류는 공통(共通)의 전통식품이다. 이들 식품을 식품학적 관점에서 비교, 검토하는 것은 한일양국간의 식문화의 공통성과 상위성 그리고 독자성을 파악하는데 중요하다고 보아 금번 이들 전통식품의 무기질을 분석, 비교 검토했다. 1. 한국의 김치 중의 식염농도는 1.8%이고 일본지물(日本漬物)는 1.8~5.3%(저농도 조미지물(漬物) : 2.8%, 일본산김치 : 1.8%, 간장지물(漬物) : 5.3%)이다. 2. 김치의 Na/K치는 1.7이고 지물(漬物)의 Na/K치는 2.6~27.3(저조미농도지물(漬物) : 4.6, 일본산김치 : 2.6, 간장지물(漬物) : 27.3)이다. 3. 김치는 지물(漬物)보다 식염이 적고 Na/K치가 낮으므로 고혈압의 원인이 되는 식품으로 볼 수 없는 것으로 사려된다. 4. 김치 중의 K, Ca, Mg는 지물(漬物)보다 현저하게 높다. 5. 김치 중에는 어개류를 통해 들어온 Ca량(量)이 높고 지물(漬物)에는 식물성식품에 의한 Ca이 들어 있다. 6. 한국의 젓갈은 일본에 비해 식염과 Na양이 많고 Na/K치도 높다. 이상의 결과에서 양국간에 유사성이 보이는 김치와 지물(漬物)에서 그 재료와 식습관상의 차이점이 나타났고 김치는 다양한 식품이 혼합되어 복합적인 맛을 내나 일본은 단순, 단백한 맛을 기호하는 각각(各各)의 특징이 보이고 있다.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of this study were to: (a) identify the changes in food patterns for last 20 years; (b) analyze the factors affecting on the changes in food patterns; (c) investigate the impact of changes in food patterns on nutritional composition of the diet and diet-related health problems. A questionnaire was developed and mailed to 30 country members of the International Federation for Home Economics(IFHE) regional representatives. The response rate was 60%; simple descriptive and content analyses indicated that the significant differences of food consumption pattern were existed between western and eastern countries. Traditional food consumption patterns were maintained even though each countries' food consumption patterns have been dramatically changed due to the development of food technology and industrialization. The factors most frequently affecting on the changes in food patterns were nutrition and heallth-related educations. The food pattern changes have considerable effect on the nutritional composition of the diet among countries. The major diet-related health problems with nutrient deficiency were reported by underdeveloped countries such as India. In contrast to the above, in the developed countries, the adult disease related to the nutrition have been increased, while the developing countries such as Korea have the problems with nutrient deficiency and adult diseases simultaneously.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An eating behavior research was done with 50 females at a buffet styled restaurant during their lunch time. Of the respondents, 52.0% were professional and 54.0% were graduate school graduates. Of the respondents, 58.0% of the company were friends and 24.0% were relatives. The average time period of eating was 93.0±23.4 minutes. The average frequency of taking food was 4.0±1.1 and the average frequency of taking food after satiety was 1.4±0.8. It is significant that lower frequency of food consumption was directly proportional to the age groups of respondents. The average selected food items were 30.4±7.1 out of 175 and the average weight of the consumed food was 995.0±240.9 g. The older age group chose a similar number of food items, but the amount of each food item was considerably less than younger. So the younger the age group was, the more they ate. The average food items at one time was 7.1±2.2 and the average food weight time was 233.7±69.7 g. The percentage of respondents who evaluated themselves as 'ate too much' was 70.0% and those who evaluate themselves 'ate properly' was 14.0%. Most of them were satisfied with the buffet service. The average of number of food items consumed by respondents before cooking was 50.5±8.9. The consumption of calories and nutrients was compared with the Korean Daily Recommended Dietary Allowances. The consumed calories were 60.9% of RDAs, protein 104.4%, calcium 77.1%, iron 129.8%, vitamin A 66.5%, thiamin 96.0%, riboflavin 95.7%, niacin126.6% and ascorbic acid 112.3%. This data exceeded 1/3 of the Korean Daily RDAs tremendously and tells us extreme overeating. The energy ratio of carbohydrate: fat: protein was 51.6: 29.9: 18.5. Caloric consumption of animal food was 27.9% and the consumption rate of the other nutrients from animal food was considerably high. But the consumption rate of vitamin A was 90.9% from vegetable groups. Accoding to this study, buffet service gives some advantages. It gives customers an good opportunity to vary their food intake, which enhances eating experiences and can cause an improvemont of food habits. But overeating is a problem. Therefore, we think it is necessary for those women who have influence over their family's food selection, to have nutrition education about a desirable order of eating a meal, food selection, and health problems due to overeating at buffet styled restaurant. There should be some improvement in the management of buffet service. For example, proper temperature, texture, and freshness of the food should be maintained. Prevention of mixed food smells should be considered as well. To lower the price it is desirable to reduce the number of similar items and to use seasonal food as much as possible. A buffet styled restaurant with less food items with cheaper prices is recommended. Various traditional food should be developed for the menu items. We expect buffet services to be sutable to maintain good health and to be popular to any eater.
        1991.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was surveyed the Preference for the Korean Traditional Food. 500 wives residing in Seoul, Kyngkee, Kangwon region, and 150 cookers of Korean Restaurants in Kyugin region were sampled randomly. The results were as follows; 1. The concept of the traditional food was 53.5% in more 「excellent than that of overseas」, 59.8% in 「excellent and delicious」, 78% in 「the need for the partial development of fastfood」. 2. The present viewpoint of traditional food was 78.7% in preference for korean food, 81.3% in preference for boiled rice and podrridge at breakfast, Soy-Sauce and Kimchi of home-making was highly marked in 65.9, 96.1% respectively. The kinds of traditional food descended to home were rice cake (dduk), shikke, kimchi, stuffed bun (mandu), fruit punch in the order named. Korean kookies and beverage were preferred, but they were very difficult in making at home. Therefore 50.8% of the answered bought them at market. The preferred korean kookies and beverage were shikke, yakgwa, sujunggwa, gangjung, fruit Punch in the order named. 3. When dined out, 65.6% of the people made much of 「preference」. In the case of few side dishes, 34.1% answered using fast food. 4. 「Preferrence」 for boild rice and podrridge was generally high, but 「frequency」 was low. Both 「preference」 and 「frequency」 of sauce and stew were high. 「Preference」 for traditional beverage was low on the whole. Therefore we must activate the unknown kinds of traditional beverage earnestly. 5. The need of education about the traditional food at home & school was very high. 6. The answers of the cookers in Korean Restaurants could be summarized as; 1) The Korean traditional food was relatively excellent (54.3%). 2) The taste of food ought to be shown food stuffs property (65.8%). 3) In order to cultivate the professionals, the systematic education should be enforced.
        1990.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is designed to forecast the characteristics in food consumption patterns under per capita GNP growth. Ordinary least square(OLS)method was employed as analyzing technique. Equation was Y=a0+a1X, in which X was per capita GNP and Y were Engel coefficient, food supply, energy supply, nutrient intake and ratio of self-supply of food. The result obtained indicates that the intake of nutrient such as protein and fat will be increased, and wheat, corn and legume are expected to be imported wholly due to lower ratio of self-supply, and rice will be over-supplied continually. Therefore, the relevant policy of government must be established in the field of supply and demand of food, and the research of sound national health should be done.
        1990.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was carried out as a basic survey to provide more effective and improved food service for the soliders of the Armed Forces who are serving to defend the Republic of Korea subjects were selected randomly who were serving in the army for a short-term. Following is the result of a survey regarding the situation of their meals, dietary life, and their food preference of 190 kinds of foodstuffs. As a result of surveying the dietary life of the soldiers, they indicated that there was dissatisfaction in the current Food Service because it lacked tasted and the same kind of meals were being served too frequently with regard to this, many subjects expressed that they were eating out because of the quality of they get from the regular meal service the meals, that is they were eating in restaurants to resolve their dissatisfaction over the quality of the meals. It was also surveyed that in the current meals there is a need to diversify ways in preparing food, increase the number of dishes, and improve the tasts of the food by using improved cooking method. It seemed that the soldiers were satisfied in the quantitative level of the current food service but that there is a need to improve the meals in quality. Following is the result of a survey on the preference of foodstuffs. In case of rice as the stationary food, mixture of five-grain plain white cooked rice showed a higher propensity compared to plain whte boiled rice. This shows that soliders prefer various cereals in their rice. Soliders liked soup made from meat better than vegetable soup or soup made from fish. Especially there was a high performance for beef soup. Soliders liked One-dish meals such as fried rice or boiled rice with asserted mixtures, noodled, and dumplings on the whole-soliders generally liked vegetables and they liked uncooked vegetables better than cooked vegetables. Generally everyone liked beverages and there was a high preference for dessert. Among various rice cakes soliders liked songpyon(rice cake steamed on a layer of pine needles) and injolmi (cake made from glutinous rice). On the other hand, soliders did not like food prepared with fish, biscuits and candy very much. In the way of preparing food, soliders liked food that were fried in deep far rather than food cooked in water. Also they liked pot stem better than soup. As examined in the survey, those surveyed wanted improvement in the quality and diversity of the food rather than increase the number of food and quality. Therefore there is a need for diversified supply and demand of quality of meal service.
        1990.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study were to investigate relationships between the franchisors and franchisees in terms of management, satisfaction and cooperation, and to establish a model for improvement of the foodservice management structure of fast food franchise system. Data were collected from 4 hamburger and 7 noodle franchisors, and from 21 hamburger and 38 noodle franchisees. Surveyed chains were composed of 10 franchisor-owned units and 49 franchised units. The instrument used in this study was Liker type 5-scale guestionnarie. Hypotheses concerning relations between management practices by franchisor and satisfaction of franchisee, cooperation of franchisee were tested using path analysis. Unit management practices by franchisors were significantly different according to the operation style. Franchisor-owned hamburger chains rather than franchised noodle chains were better managed by franchisors in terms of QSC and management support. Management practices by franchisors in the whole showed a significant relationship with the satisfaction, cooperation, and the implementation of standardized recipes by franchisees. Franchisees' satisfaction had a significant positive relation with the cooperation and the implementation of standardized recipes. QSC management practices and management support by franchisors, had no direct relevance to the general cooperation of franchisees, and management practices in the whole had a little relevance to it, but franchisees' satisfaction in terms of QSC and the whole had a strong effect to their QSC Cooperation.
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An ecological study of food and nutrition was conducted among 198 children, 6 to 12 years old, of the Songmyun elementary school and Samsong elementary school, located in remote villages of Chungchun-myun, Goisan-gun, Chung Buk Province between July 11 and 16, 1988. The results were summarized as follows. In regard to frequency of skipping breakfast, 3.3% of subjects skipped every morning; 15% often skipped; and the others never skipped. The most common reason for skipping a meal was lack of appetite. 6.6% of subjects often skipped an evening meal because of delayed meal preparation by a mother who returned home late. The survey found that 5.1% of subjects skipped a lunch at school. The reasons for skipping lunch were the mother’s being too busy to prepare a boxed lunch; a school bag too heavy to carry for a long distance to school; no adequate side-dishes for the boxed lunch. Growth patterns of those children having poor food habits, were reflected in lower figures in arm circumference and weight for height. The percentage of children having meals with their family on weekdays was 84.7% for breakfast; 85.6% for evening meal. About 7% of subjects had many dislikes and 74.1% had some dislikes in what they ate; 18.9% had good food preferences. There was a strong correlation between appetite or food preferences and anthropometric measurements or nutrient intake. Boiled rice was the predominant dietary staple, and principal sources of protein taken by subjects at home were soy beans and soy products. Regarding the boxed lunch prepared at home, most popular was one with only one kind of side-dish, including kimchee. 43.4% of the side-dishes were prepared with vegetables only. As for between meal snacks, milk and milk products, fruits and breads were popular among the subjects. The survey found that the children liked fruits, yogurt, corn, Chajang noodle; in contrast, lowest preference was for soup made with bones, curried meat with rice, and aromatic vegetables. The survey discovered a local dietary characteristics; 46.2% of the children customarily ate frog meat, an unconventional food.
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the types and characteristics of rice cake, cookies were investicated in the rice grown area-Korea, Japan (Tokyo, Osaka), China (Hongkong), Thai (Bangkok, ChiengMai), Indonesia (Bali, Jakarta), and Philippine (Manila). 1. Rice cakes and cookies were made from rice powder and rice granule. Specially, there were two kinds of basic rice powder one was rice powder in dry and the other was rice juice grinded with water on the millstone. Rice juices were named in China, MeeChang, in Manila, Galapong, in Bangkok, rice powder. 2. The kinds and numbers of steamed rice cakes were the most available in all investicated area. In Hongkong, Bangkok, ChiengMai, and Manila, beatened or kneaded rice cakes could not be seen almost. Only in Hongkong and Bangkok, fried rice cakes were available, while in Japan, boiled rice cakes were not seen almost, and also baked rice cakes were not seen in Korea, Hongkong, Bali, Jakarta. 3. In the east-south Asian area, except rice and glutinous rice, coconut and palm fruits and banana were using in recipies of rice cakes and cookies. They gave soft and tender mouth feeling, white color, and good emulsifying status. 4. The kinds and numbers of rice cookies were the most available in Bangkok, but in Bali and Jakarta, the least. The cookies of Japan had similar texture and shape to rice cake while most of cookies in Hongkong were fried in oils. In Korea, the kinds and numbers of rice cookies were less than those of rice cakes.