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        검색결과 1,826

        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzed response characteristics of Nitrogen Oxide according to injection location and change of injectionamounts by spraying food waste on the combustion platform and the latter part of the first combustion chambers inincinerators. The analytical results have found to have no major difficulties in keeping more than 850oC, the legal standardof the 2nd combustion chamber according to injection of food waste in all the test subject facilities. For spraying foodwaste in the combustion platform in the first combustion chambers, the removal efficiency of 14.76% was shown as NSRis 2.98. For spraying food waste in the latter part of the first combustion chambers, the removal efficiency of 46.40%was shown as NSR is 0.95. On the other hand, when food waste of 3 tons per hour respectively is sprayed on thecombustion platform and the latter part of the first combustion chambers, the highest removal efficiency of 84.97% wasshown as NSR is 1.02.
        2015.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study attempted to find an optimum operation codition for co-incineration of food waste and industrial wastes, focusing on injection position and rate. As the result of analysis, during injection of food waste incineration facilities, atmospheric pollutant standard satisfied all requirement. However when injected into the primary combustion chamber, the dioxin exceeded emission standard. This result has been determined that contaminants generated as processing the more amount (150 ton/day) than the designed capacity (72 ton/day) emitted and exceeded not completely removed from the control facilities.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, the increased consumption of mixed-grain flour products have led to improved human health in busy modern life. For this reason, the verification of commercial food authenticity is one of important subjects. The development of DNA techniques such as real-time PCR has led to the increasing efficiency of illegal food product detection. Here, we have developed a comprehensive method for detecting the grain flour of various rice cultivars in commercial food products derived from different plant species. In the genetic variation analysis of different protein coding genes on various chloroplast genomes, we found the high numbers of segregating sites in rpoB and rpoC2 more than in other genes. Thus, we have attempted to develop chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) markers, which were Os_m_rpoB in rpoB, and Os_m1_rpoC2 and Os_m2_rpoC2 in rpoC2. To assess the applicability of three cpDNA markers, we have identified the appropriate statistical measurements of each marker in various mixed-grain flour samples derived from rice cultivars and different plant species by real-time PCR, In addition, the three cpDNA markers successfully applied for detecting of nonexistent rice flour in different commercial food products.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        According to the elementary analysis on organic wastes, the C/N ratio, a major condition for anaerobic digestion, is 5.40 to 9.23, except for food waste leachate (FWL). Defined by Tchobanoglous’ mathematical biogas prediction model, methane gas and biogas productions increased, depending on the mixing rate of FWL. Furthermore, anaerobic digestion both wastewater sludge and food waste leachate based on the right mixing ratio, increases methane gas productions compared to digesting wastewater sludge alone. In other words, co-anaerobic digestion is more likely to realize biogasification than single anaerobic digestion. We mix food waste leachate and wastewater sludge from the dairy and beer manufacturing industry by the proportion of 1 : 9, 3 : 7 and 5 : 5. It turns out that they produced 118, 175 and 223 CH4 mL/g VS in the dairy manufacturing and 176, 233 and 263 CH4 mL/g VS in beer manufacturing of methane gas. The result suggests that as the mixing rate of food waste leachate rises, the methane gas productions increases as well. And more methane gas is made when co-digesting wastewater sludge and food waste leachate based on the mixing ratio, rather than digesting only wastewater sludge alone. Modified Gompertz and Exponential Model describe the BMP test results that show how methane gas are produced from organic waste. According to the test, higher the mixing rate of food waste leachate is, higher the methane gas productions is. The mixing ratio of food waste leachate that produces the largest volume of methane gas is 1 : 9 for the dairy industries and 3 : 7 for brewery. Modified Gompertz model and Exponential model describe the test results very well. The correlation values (R2) that show how the results of model prediction and experiment are close is 0.920 to 0.996.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we examine the relationship between climate change and food productivity using empirical econometric methods. The existing literature shows that natural hazard caused by climate change has a negative impact on food productivity since the natural disaster devastates farmers and food supply. The conventional study however considered only the correlation between food productivity change and climate condition such as optimum air temperature rather than the association between food productivity and climate change. Agricultural area, crop per unit area and crop productivity are known as the most important factors in food productivity. Thus, we explore the relationship between the three factors and climate change. We analyze the carbon dioxide concentration level in the atmosphere as a proxy for the climate change since the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere affects global temperature. We found that agricultural area, crop per unit area and crop productivity are negatively associated with climate change.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the clinical safety and toxicology of oral ingestion of supplement capsules containing ginsengradix was investigated in healthy young volunteers. This study was a pilot randomized, double blinded, placebo controlledtrial. The healthy volunteers were divided into 6 groups of 20 each (10males and 10 females). They took the ginseng powderfor 35 days (3g/day) for safety evaluation. There were measured general healthy levels such as hematological, biochemical andelectrocardiographic parameters. After the first week, besides Korean white ginseng the other treatments led to an significantincrease of white blood cells. Korean red ginseng increased UREA (blood urea nitrogen) in healthy volunteers, but it didn’texceed the range of normal values, and in the subsequent process of treatment there is no effect of elevating UREA. After thethree weeks, Korean white ginseng showed relatively low the content of blood glucose and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.After the five weeks, compared with the other treatments, Korean red ginseng increased white blood cells, platelet distributionwidth and average volume of platelet. Korean white ginseng decreased low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. American ginsengdecreased blood creatinine in healthy volunteers. In conclusion, through test the blood routine, urine routine, liver function,renal function, blood glucose, blood lipid and electrocardiogram, the healthy volunteers continuous taking ginsengfor 35 days (3g/day) is safe and reliable, and have no obvious adverse reactions and side effects.
        2015.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the effect of NH4 + concentrations on microalgae growth by appling mixotrophic microalgae chlorella vulgaris in order to treat anaerobic digested food waste leachate. The growth rate and final microalgae growth were an order as 400 > 100 > 800 > 1300 mg-N/L. As results, The growth rate and final growth of microalgae were highest at ammonia concentration of 400 mg-N/L, On the other hand microalgae growth was inhibited when ammonia concentrations were over 800 mg-N/L. high concentrations of nitrogen over 800 mg-N/L interrupt the growth of microalgae. All of nitrogen and phosphorus were removed by microalgae at the ammonia concentration of 100~400 mg-N/L. In addition, when ammonia concentration was over 800 mg-N/L, the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus was limited mainly due to the microalgae growth limit. It was possible to treat anaerobic digested food waste leachate with mixotrophic microalgae when the ammonia concentration was controlled below 400 mg-N/L.
        2015.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the experiment was carried out to produce methane by applying Semi-Continuous Leachate Recirculation Anaerobic Digestion System fed with source separated food waste from school cafeteria. There were two systems and each system consisted of a bioreactor and a leachate tank. Each bioreactor had a screen near the bottom of the reactor. 2L of Separated leachate was collected to the leachate tank each day by using a tubing pump and the leachate from the leachate tank was pumped to the bioreactor at the upper of the bioreactor. Through this circulation, the leachate having high concentration of VFAs was supplied to the bioreactor. At the beginning of the experiment, food waste/inoculum anaerobic sludge volume ratio was 2:8 that is 9g VS/L of OLR(Organic Loading Rate). Feeding was conducted every two weeks. Initial conditions of bioreactor was 30g VS/2・week and 33g VS/2・week were fed to bioreactor A and bioreactor B, respectively. Average biogas yields of the bioreactor were 0.723m³ Biogas/kg VS added in reactor A and 0.648m³ Biogas/kg VS added in reactor B.
        2015.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the applicability of the microbial fuel cell for the combined treatment of food waste water and landfill leachate. Contents of the study was to develop a carbon-containing electrode material radially to maximize microbial attachment. Also to evaluate the electric energy production efficiency by combining the electrode surface coating technology. By using a microbial fuel cell organic matter and nitrogen removal efficiency is evaluated for the food waste water and landfill leachate. BET to evaluate the surface characteristics of the developing electrode (Brunauer Emmett Teller) To evaluate the coating adhesion through measurement and to evaluate the adhesion characteristics micro-organism Weighing. Excellent electrical conductivity in the development electrode platinum, cobalt, by coating a catalyst such as palladium and to evaluate the electric energy generation efficiency. Lab. scale reactor capacity is a 5 L, and to configure the cross-section and the oxidizing electrode as cathode sequentially added.
        2015.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        There is about 80% organic acid in the Food wastes leachate and organic acid can be used as organic carbon source for mixotrophic microalgae. The mixotrophic cultivation is that the combination of autotrophic and heterotrophic cultivation, where inorganic and organic carbon sources are used in their methabolism simultaneously. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of various organic acid on the microalgae when Food wastes leachate treatment. Chlorella vulgaris was used in this study, also NaHCO3 is supplied at all conditions as inorganic carbon source. In order to see the effect of organic carbon sources centrally, the carbon source conditions was set in 5 conditions - glucose known to have excellent effectiveness to increase of biomass productivity 1500 mg-COD/L, acetate 1500 mg-COD/L, isobutyrate 1500 mg-COD/L, propionate 1500mg-COD/L and the mixed organic acid (acetate, isobutyrate, propionate each 500 mg-COD/L). This study evaluated final biomass production, consumption of organic carbon, and N,P removal. In the result, the final biomass productivity by using glucose, acetate and isobutyrate is the highest level, followed by mixed organic acid and propionate. This is same aspect in N,P removal; the more rapid growth rate is, the more rapid N,P removal rate is. In the view of consumption of organic carbon, acetate make best use among organic acid.
        2015.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the semi-continuous and continuous cultivation of microalgae-sludge for artificial digested food wastes leachate treatment, and the effect of hydraulic retention times(HRT) on microalgae growth and nutrient removal. In this study, two reactors were examined the HRTs from 4 to 1 day, the Chlorella vulgaris cell density of semi-continuous and continuous cultivation reached a maximum value at HRT 3 day, then decreasing HRT to 2 day and 1 day the Chlorella vulgaris cell density was decreased. The maximum Chlorella vulgaris cell density in semi-continuous cultivation was 1.4 times higher than continuous cultivation. The maximum NH4-N, PO4-P removal efficiency was 100%, 75.7% with HRT of 3 day in semi-continuous cultivation, while 96.5%, 65.7% with HRT of 4 day in continuous cultivation. These results indicate that semi-continuous cultivation is more suitable than continuous cultivation. And the effect of increased light intensity from 100 μmol/m²/s to 400 μmol/m²/s was also evaluated, as the result, increased light intensity improved Chlorella vulgaris cell growth and nutrient removal.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was to select five places among apartment houses (apartment), detached houses (including houses, villas), downtown area (markets, shops, restaurants) being operated in Korea and use the analysis of physical and chemical characteristics for treatment residues of weight reduction equipment as basic data. Also, we were to evaluate the recyclability by determining whether discharged treatment residues are available in the thermochemical process such as cement sintering facilities and power plants in which energy can be recovered based on the quality standards of Bio- SRF and SRF. Three components for food waste were analyzed and as a result, moisture average, combustibles average and ash average were found to be 11.9% (2.0 ~ 24.8%), 78.9% (63.3 ~ 93.0%) and 9.2% (5.0 ~ 11.9%) respectively and all of them were found to satisfy less than 25%, the moisture content standard of Solid Refuse Fuel (SRF) products. The results of the elemental analysis were analyzed to be carbon average 49.71% (48.41 ~ 52.14%), hydrogen average 6.62% (31.32 ~ 40.63%), oxygen average 37.92% (31.32 ~ 40.63%), nitrogen average 3.82% (2.79 ~ 5.81%), sulfur average 0.26% (0.19 ~ 0.46%), chlorine average 1.67% (1.10 ~ 3.16%). In addition, the low-heating value measurement result is average 4,016.6 kcal/kg (3,255.9 ~ 4,657.9 kcal/kg) and turned out to satisfy most general Solid Refuse Fuel (SRF) product standards but that of Facility E is 3,255.9 kcal/kg and was analyzed not to meet the quality standard 3,500 kcal/kg. However, if maintaining the moisture content of treatment residues to 20% or less, it is determined to satisfy the caloric value standards of general Solid Refuse Fuel products.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper describes the performance of the module-type drying apparatus for the composting of a food waste. The drying apparatus mainly consists of a screw-type food waste agitator, an air exhaust blower, a heat supply tube and a heat source. Two different discharging flow conditions of the drying apparatus, 4 and 5 m3/min, are introduced. Partly dried by-products after six hours drying operation in the drying apparatus is obtained while drying temperature keeps constant of 60oC. It is noted that the by-products needs to sufficient decay period for the composting. Deodorizing apparatus having a zigzag flow and a nozzle, which is connected to the drying apparatus, is also designed to enhance the removing performance of the odor. Throughout experimental measurements, time to the drying temperature of 60oC near the screw-type food waste agitator is shortened as discharging flow rate of the system decreases. The moisture content decreases to 50 percent after operation for 4 hours. Furthermore, the odor of the food waste is satisfied with the environment exhaust standard through the deodorizing apparatus.
        2015.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Present day, 1.1 billion people face the lack of water; 1.3 billion people cannot access modern energy and 1.02 billion people are still starving. Meanwhile, the number of human population keeps increasing and this will induce the water, energy, and food scarcity in the future even worse. Increasing the stock or finding new alternative resources of water, energy and food individually is the most practical way to avoid the scarcity. Behind this improvement, it must be realized that these resources are connected each other. Water needs energy to be treated and distributed; in opposite way energy production requires water for cooling system or as the sources in hydropower plant. Food is in needed water and energy for growing, producing and delivering. Food can also become new energy source from biofuel but the food intensification will deteriorate water quality. Therefore, the integrated development and management, known as Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus, is needed to reach the balance and optimal development. Fulfilling the human need faces another challenge when the climate change influences the availability of these resources. Many researchers report that climate change causes increase in the earth temperature alters the rainfall pattern and magnitude which affect the safe water availability. Further, it can affect the food and energy production. Taking an inappropriate use of water, energy and food will threaten the amount of resources itself. As it is a complex and complicated interconnection, it is difficult to determine the appropriate uses solely based on human judgment. Many researchers have developed computer models to simulate the correlation between each element and aid the decision maker. Due to its complexity, most of models only focus on one or two elements such as water-energy or water-food and put other element as the secondary parameter. This study provides overview of the WEF Nexus and inter-connections among the three elements. Furthermore, we will envision a development of an evaluation model that can simulate and optimize the use of water, energy and food efficiently under the climate change condition. If succeed, this model could be a decision support system for government or stakeholder to implement a regulation related to efficient use of water, energy and food.
        2015.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was initiated to examine the potential impacts on the environment during the management of food waste by anaerobic digestion in Daejeon Metropolitan City (DMC) that is built in 2017. The evaluation was based on both material flow analysis (MFA) and life cycle assessment (LCA). The MFA study was performed using STAN 2.5, while the LCA was conducted according to ISO standards by utilizing Total 4 LCA software with the incorporation of CML 2002 methodology. According to the LCA results, global warming potential (GWP), acidification potential (AP), eutrophication potential (EP), and photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP) were found to be approximately 166 kg CO2-eq/ton of food waste, 0.43 kg SO2-eq/ton of food waste, 0.66 kg PO4 3−eq/ton of food waste, and 0.08 kg C2H4-eq/ ton of food waste, respectively. The disposal stage showed higher impact of GWP on the environment due to the landfilling of solid sludge and screening waste. In case of eutrophication potential, the treatment phase showed the highest impact on the environment, mainly because of the consumption of electricity. Based on the results of normalization, the highest environmental impacts was found in the treatment stage related to eutrophication potential. The results of LCA would provide policy-makers to identify and reduce potential environmental impacts associated with food waste to biogas conversion in DMC by life cycle.
        2015.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Food waste, a putrescible form of waste, comprised of 30% of the total municipal solid waste stream in Daejeon Metropolitan City (DMC) in 2012. Proper management of food waste is a challenging task for local government. This study was conducted to determine material flows when treated food waste in various recycling facilities. Material flows in the recycling processes were collected by site surveys, field trips and discussion with operators and governmental employees. Material flow analysis (MFA) was conducted to quantify the flow of food waste from generation to disposal for the year 2012. MFA along with its mass transfer coefficients were determined based on the inputs, outputs and waste fluxes. According to the mass transfer coefficient results, treatment efficiency for the dry and wet feed manufacturing facility was found to be higher than other treatment facilities. Water consumption was higher for the composting site, resulting in large volume of wastewater (mass transfer coefficient 1.539). While large amounts of screening materials such as plastic, chopsticks, aluminum foils, and bottle caps were generated at the composting site, mass transfer coefficients (0.312) at the dry and wet feed facility were relatively high, implying effective treatment of food waste occurring. The results of this study help to facilitate waste management policy decision-makers in developing effective food waste management techniques in DMC.
        2015.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of this study were to evaluate biogas production and changes of CH4 contents by trace elements solution dosing to improve the operation efficiency of anaerobic digestion. The solution with trace elements was manufactured by Co, Mo, Ni, and Fe, and the trace elements dosages were gradually increased from reactor R1 to R4. Operation was performed as four modes and organic loading rate was increased from R1 to R4. As a result, digestion efficiency of R2 or R3 was higher than R1 without trace elements solution. Also, it showed that biogas production and CH4 contents of R3 were high compared with R2. However, R4 had a negative effect on the efficiency of anaerobic digestion due to the additional dosing of unnecessary trace elements. Moreover, from the results compared with anaerobic digestion conditions on effect of each trace element, it showed that experiment with the mixture of Co, Ni, Mo, and Fe was the highest digestion efficiency and individual trace element showed high digestion efficiency in the order of Fe, Co, Mo, and Ni. In conclusion, the additional dosing of optimum trace elements is essential to enhance the efficiency of anaerobic digestion.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recycling of food wastes was tried based on fermenting and composting food wastes using a microbial consortium. Manufactured compost (using 11.3% food waste) turned out to be effective in increasing soil fertility and crop growth (radish; Raphanus sativus). More specifically, the treatment of the composted food wastes enabled a stimulated growth of radish leaves by 80% and an increased uptake of δ15NAIR by 250% compared with a commercial organic compost. Moreover, the compost derived from the wastes appeared to allow a sustainable management of nitrogen fertilizer compared with the chemical fertilizer, minimizing nitrogen pollution. The microbial community analysis showed significant difference in the microbial community pattern in soil treated with the composted food wastes relative to soil treated with a commercial organic fertilizer or a chemical fertilizer. The results may indicate that the wastes processed by the consortium could result in an efficient recycling of the nuisance materials such as food wastes and other organic solid wastes.