
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 501

        2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Building cities with a cultural identity consists in making cities, which are not unified and standardized but differentiated. As methods for creating the identity of a city, tradition-based urban design and architectural design are effective. Essence is at once crucial value and identity. That is why the identity of architectural culture is important. As the first project for understanding the identity of architectural culture, we need to understand traditional architecture. Around us, we have countless architectural works worth scrutinizing for such understanding. Hanok is an interesting topic for all Koreans. Any Korean who wants to learn more about hanok can easily get books on it. They include books written by a master carpenter, an architecture professor, an architect, and a writer. And those books treat a general overview of hanok, focus on such design elements or architectural elements as materials, colors, wooden structure, discuss the principles of hanok, describe hanok building, or address royal palaces and traditional hanok. We should build the ability to lead the global architectural culture by fusing together the merits of the Western architectural culture and those of our architectural culture and thereby developing another version of our unique culture. A lot ofleaming is required to create Korean architectural culture as the 'only one'. Study is about training to know relationship. The relationship among people and the relationship with nature which appear in space constitute the essence of our architecture.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research analyzedconsumer culture and usage of sugar in modern times based on 12 modern popular Korean cooking books with sugar recipes. Procedures were formed via textual analysis. The outcomes of the study can be summarized in brief statements. According to「Banchandeungsok」,「Booinpilj」, and「Chosunmoossangsinsikyorijebeob」, sugar was utilized in 34 out of 663 or 5.1% of cooked foods during the 1910s to 1920s. According to books such as 「Ganpyounchosunyorijebeob」,「Ililhwalyongsinyoungyangyoribeob」,「Chosun’s cooking of the four seasons」,「Halpaengyoungoo」, 「Chosunyorijebeob」, and 「Required reading for housewife」, sugar was added to 165 out of 998 or 16.5% of cooked foods during the 1930s. According to the books like「Chosunyorihak」,「Chosunyoribeob」, and「Woorieumsik」, sugar was an ingredient in 241 out of 756 or 31.9% of cooked foods during the 1940s. Sugar depicted within the 12 modern popular Korean cooking books primarily functioned as an alternative sweetener, starch, sweet enhancer, preservative, and seasoning. Similar to illustrated sugar from modern popular Korean cooking books, sugar has continually been favored by Korean cooks starting from the 1910s with 5.1% usage, the 1930s with 16.5% usage, and the 1940s with 31.9% usage. Despite its short history, sugar’s culinary importance in Korea has been on the rise ever since the early 1900s. Although sugar is an exotic spice in Korea, it has gained social, cultural, and symbolic recognition as well as practicality within Korean food culture. Thus, it has become more internalized and familiarized as an inseparable sweetness that characterizes current Korean food.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chinese often use some pronouns as Exclamatives tone markers, such as "zhe" "Na" "zheme" "name" "Shenme", and they can be noun phrases, adjective and verb phrases constitute a minority of some commonly used exclamation structure, these exclamation structure have different features. The author intends to syntactic structure, semantic features and pragmatic aspects of a preliminary study on them. The adverb marked exclamatory sentence features: first, if the adverb in the exclamatory sentences, then the sentence is generally exclamation exclamatory center adjectives, state adjectives cannot be used in exclamatory sentence; second, adverb as a marker of exclamatory sentence semantics is expressed according to the speaker's subjective standard, objectivity weak. This kind of Exclamatives objective level is relatively low, the subjective color is very obvious, this type of exclamatory sentence is judged from the speaker's subjective standard, objective understanding and others are not consistent. The characteristics of exclamatory sentences marked by pronouns are as follows: first, when the "Ni" "zhe" and the noun predicate constitute an exclamatory sentence, the way of expressing feelings is negative. General ellipsis. "Ni" "zhe" after the addition of nominal predicate exclamatory sentences can only use the second person pronouns. But behind the plus noun predicate, second person or third person can use; second, "Shenme" "hedeng" "zenme" "Zenyang" "duoshao" interrogative pronouns in exclamatory sentences are used to represent the exclamatory mood, then you no longer have the pronoun itself with the interrogative mood.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 중국 현대소설, 특히 신감각파(新感覺派)의 작품에 나오는 상품과 광고를 추출 하여 그 표상과 브랜드의 역사를 살펴보고자 한다. 이들 작가의 작품엔 수많은 시각 매체와 도시 매체가 출현한다. 그 가운데 현대 상품은 현대인이 갖고 싶어 하는 욕망의 리스트이자 오마주(Hommage)다. 자동차, 보석 등과 같은 고급 사치품에서부터 일상 생활용품에 이르기 까지 현대 상품은 각종 매체를 통해 자신의 가치를 온갖 방법을 동원하여 선전한다. 위의 작 품들을 토대로 현대 상품 목록을 뽑은 결과 크게 몇 가지 범주, 즉 영화나 배우 광고, 담배 광고, 양주 광고, 자동차 광고, 일상용품 광고 등으로 나눌 수 있겠다. 본 연구자는 상품 매체 와 공간 매체를 모두 상품 광고의 범주 속에 넣을 수 있다고 보고 다시 이를 도시 경관 광고, 공인 광고, 기호품 광고, 사치품 광고, 일상용품 광고 등으로 분류하여 논의할 것이다
        2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 한국뮤지컬의 창작과 공연과정에서 큰 비중을 차지하는 현대무용을 중심으 로 한 대학교과과정을 위한 효과적인 무용교수법을 연구하여 노래와 연기, 그리고 춤까지 병행해 야하는 학생들을 위해 체계적이고 합리적인 무용교육 방법을 제시하는데 있다. 이에따라 뮤지컬 에서의 연극 및 음악적 관점에서 무용을 우선 살펴보고 현대무용과 발레 테크닉, 라반의 에포트 (Effort)움직임, 머스 커닝햄의 안무특징 중 우연기법을 적용한 사례, 그리고 TES즉흥프로그램 훈 련법을 검토한다. 연구자들의 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째. 바(bar)를 이용한 발레의 기본훈련 및 점 프와 스트레칭훈련은 현대무용으로도 뮤지컬을 위한 훈련으로 충족 가능한 부분이다. 둘째, 연극 및 음악적인 측면에서 에쮸드(Etude)를 이용한 안정된 움직임과 목소리 그리고 음정과 리듬감은 현대무용훈련으로 향상 될 수 있다. 셋째, 라반의 시간, 공간, 무게, 흐름의 8가지 에포트(Effort) 훈련을 통해 더욱 섬세하게 신체로 표현 할 수 있다. 넷째, 머스커닝햄 우연기법의 움직임 훈련 사례를 통하여 현대무용의 테크닉과 느낌(표현력)을 향상 시킬 수 있다. 다섯째, 현대무용을 기반 으로 TES즉흥프로그램을 이용한 움직임 훈련은 보다 창조적인 캐릭터 형성에 기여한다. 특히 현 대무용을 이용한 교수법은 즉흥과 상상력 그리고 신체접촉으로 무대와의 시공간적인 캐릭터를 적극적으로 창조하고 연기와 움직임, 움직임과 노래의 융합적 훈련을 함으로써 뮤지컬이 가지고 있는 다양한 요소들을 통합된 예술로 정립 시키는데 효율적인 무용교수법이라고 사료된다.
        2017.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 현대 성서번역의 핵심적 인물인 유진 나이다와 윌리엄 카메론 타운트의 비교 연구를 통해 현대 성서번역의 중요성을 조사한 것이다. 본 논문에서는 다음과 같은 논지를 펴고 있다. 첫째, 교회의 선교 역사에서 하나님은 각 시대별로 촉매적 역할을 하는 인물들을 사용하시며, 둘째, 그들의 선교 방법론은 고정되어 있기 보다는 역동적으로 시대와 상황에 맞게 새로운 형태의 조직을 이용한다는 점이다. 또한 본 연구를 통해 드러난 몇 가지 사실은 타운젠트는 성서 번역의 선교학적인 면에 공을 들인 반면에, 나이다는 성서 번역의 학문성에 초점을 맞추었다는 점에서 차이가 있다는 점이다. 그리고 이들의 성서 번역에 대한 새로운 접근법들은 식민주의에서 민족주의로 전환할 수 있는 계기를 마련해 준다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 그리고 하나님의 선교는 그 시대의 상황과 필요에 적합한 창의적인 사고와 새로운 형태의 모임들을 통해 활성화 된다는 것을 이 연구는 말해준다.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본고는 상호텍스트성의 개념을 통하여 근대적 저작권에서의 ‘저작’ 개 념에 대한 새로운 이해를 시도하였다. 상호텍스트성이란 텍스트가 언제 나 다른 텍스트들과의 상호작용을 통하여 구성됨을 의미하며, 원본의 고 유한 독창성 관념을 해체하고 독점적 저자의 상징적 죽음을 뒷받침하는 근거가 된다. 그러한 관점에 입각하였을 때 원본과 저자에 대한 배타적/ 독점적 권리보호는 작가를 작품의 창조자로 형상화하는 ‘문화적 지식권 력’과 저작권자를 문학/예술재의 배타적 권리의 담지자로 파악하려는 ‘법 적 지식권력’의 이해관계 속에서 구축된 보호 이데올로기의 구현이라고 할 수 있다. 본고에서는 먼저 저작권의 역사적인 형성과정을 고전적 해 석학의 자기동일성과 인격권으로서의 자기결정권, 그리고 근대적 재산권 개념의 발전을 통하여 간략히 살펴본 다음, 각각이 노정하는 문제점을 짚어보았다. 이어서 텍스트가 한 사회의 문화 안에서 상호텍스트성을 가 지며 재구성되는 과정을 문화인류학적 연구와 독자반응비평의 문학이론 을 통하여 살펴보았다. 아울러 작품이 역사적․사회적 맥락 속에서 재구성 되는 것과 마찬가지로 저자 역시 작품 이전에 존재하는 것이 아니라 작 품과 함께 태어난다고 할 때, 저자의 권리를 어떻게 새롭게 이해해볼 수 있을지 가늠하고자 하였다.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the present study is to figure out what the issues faced by architecture were at the time immediately before the transition to modern era centering of the works of Otto Wagner who acted in Vienna, Austria at the Fin de siècle. Therefore, the following points were examined in the present study; first, how were new spaces necessary to accommodate modern lives organized and how were the plans changed; second, how did the external expressions of architecture pursued by Otto Wagner appeared between arts and technologies, between historicism and modernity, and between decorations and functions. Through the study, it could be seen that Wagner began from historicism and traditionalism and tried to compromise them with modernity. Many modern characteristics appeared a priori in Wagner’s works from the construction of ‘Linke Wien Zeile housing block’ in 1898, his works completely broke from the typical historicism styles to open the period of inventive ‘Secession styles.’ At that time, Wagner concentrated on so called ‘flat decorations.’ Thereafter, his residential architecture completed to modern styles with ‘Neustiftgasse housing block’ as the peak. The characteristics of modern housing as above became a cornerstone of the modern functionalism later.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In modern Chinese, nouns act as adverbials, which are very special grammatical phenomena. Nouns as adverbials refer to the question of whether or not the adverbials mark "de(地)". By means of syntactic and semantic analysis, common nouns of table time, place and position are used as adverbials without markedness. By the constraints of context, weaker means the meaning of reference expression tools and compares. The common names of people, animals and objects, This is the ancient Chinese syntax structure of the results of the grammaticalization. In modern Chinese, abstract nouns act as adverbials, which are related to the "subjectivity" of linguistic typology. These abstract nouns carry the semantical case of mark "de(地)" to express subjective meaning. In particular, it was manner adverbial that the common nouns are expressed in the form of juxtaposition, and the quantity structure is expressed by the reduplication structures. Nominal component modified action behavior whether there is mark divisded into two kind of meanings in the semantic for the objective and subjective sense. Objective meaning refers to the speaker has nothing to do and Subjective meaning refers to the speaker's subjective beliefs and attitudes associated with the significance. The reduplication structure and the noun juxtaposition structure express the subjective meaning, while the preposition structure does not have the subjective and objective points. It only expresses the semantic meaning of the prepositive markings which have been completely grammaticalization.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인상학은 몸의 물질적 표면에서 내면의 정신성을 파악하려는 지식 구성물이다. 얼굴 이미지로 부터 성격유형론을 추론하려는 인상학 담론은 근대 신경과학에 의해 물질성 담론으로 번역된다. 이 과정에서 측정과 기록을 위한 의학 기계와 미디어 기계의 기입 방식이 자각된다. 벨라 발라즈와 발 터 벤야민은 기계에 의한 사물세계의 인상학적 구성을 해명한다. 사물의 인상학에서 기계의 작동은 하나의 표현으로 옮겨진다. 이러한 현상은 인간, 사물, 기계가 혼종된 미학의 가능성을 보여준다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라 최초의 근대적 잡지는 1908년 최남선이 창간한 소년(少年)지였다. 소년은 경영 및 편집이 체계를 갖추었고, 체제나 내용이 혁신적이었으며, 학회 및 단체의 기관지가 아닌 독립적 상태에서 불특 정한 다수의 독자를 대상으로 한 잡지라는 점을 들어 근대 종합잡지의 효시로 평가한다. 소년(少年) 폐간 이후 발간된 청춘(靑春)과 태서문예신보(泰西文藝新報)는 각각 대중 교양 계몽지, 문예전문지 로서 큰 의의를 지닌다. 1919년 3・1 독립운동 이후 일본이 문화정치(文化政治)를 표방하는 유화책을 쓰 면서 신문과 잡지의 발행이 허용되어 동아일보, 조선일보, 시대일보 등의 신문과 개벽(開闢), 조선지 광(朝鮮之光) 등의 잡지가 발행되었다. 개벽(開闢)은 천도교를 기반으로 하였지만 천도교뿐 아니라 민족주의, 사회주의를 아우르는 통합적 면모를 보여주었고, 이를 경계한 식민당국의 탄압으로 폐간 당 하였다. 조선지광(朝鮮之光)은 사회주의 사상을 표방하였으며, 조선문단(朝鮮文壇)은 이광수가 주재 한 문예잡지로 민족주의적 경향을 보여주었다. 1920년대 창조(創造), 폐허(廢墟), 백조(白潮) 등의 동인지는 문학 동인들을 중심으로 다양한 문학 관과 다양한 경향의 작품들이 발표되었다. 동인지는 전문적 문예지의 탄생을 의미하며 문학작품을 발표 할 수 있는 지면의 확대와 더불어 문학작품이 예술 장르로서 독립적 위치를 차지하게 되었다는 의의를 지닌다. 순문예 월간지로 발행된 문장(文章)은 일제 말기 암흑기의 문단을 밝히는 등불 같은 존재였지 만 조선어 사용을 금지하는 등 일본 식민지 당국의 민족혼 말살 정책과 같은 탄압을 견디지 못하고 자 진 폐간함으로써 민족적 자존심을 지켰지만 해방이 될 때까지 우리 문학의 명맥이 일시 단절되었다는 점에서 아쉬움을 남겼다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chinese Character studies have mainly been focused on four areas: orthography, phonology, meaning, and character frequency. To add a new dimension to the existing approaches, this paper will provide and examine a quantitative data about the range of the vocabulary in Chinese character dictionaries. As a promising new method, the new approach, both diachronic and dynamic, will be very useful in exploring changing aspects of Chinese Characters usage, compared with the existing synchronic and static approaches. This paper aims to provide analysis of all Chinese Characters included in Chŏnun-okp'yŏn, the most authoritative dictionary of Joseon dynasty published in 1805 meaning ‘Chinese Rhyme Dictionary’, and in Sinjajeon, meaning ‘New Dictionary of Chinese Characters’ published in 1915, to explain their changing aspects in the entries of two dictionaries, and then to show how social change affected the use of Chinese Characters in early twentieth-century Korea. To that end, I construct the database of the two dictionaries on the basis of a detailed analysis of all the characters with respect to the radicals, strokes, components, and structures of these characters, which shows that Chŏnun-okp'yŏn includes 10,997 Chinese characters and Sinjajeon contains 13,348 characters with 13,084 in the body text and 264 in three appendices. 2,114 characters were newly inserted and 7 characters were removed in the body text of Sinjaeon. In particular, the number of the radical headings containing more than 20 newly inserted characters are 35, with 1,624 new characters in total, accounting for 77.1% of the total. The total number of radical headings including more than 30% newly inserted characters are 26. In addition, the number of radical headings containing more than 10 newly inserted characters with a growth rate of more than 20% is 903, accounting for 43% of the total number of characters. Based on these data, modern Koreans appears to have a wider vocabulary consisted of Chinese characters. The number of characters under the radicals meaning animal and plant ( 犬 (dog), 牛 (cow), 肉 (meat), 木 (tree), 米 (rice), 禾 (pine), 田 (farmland), 虫 (insect) etc.), those meaning mineral (石 (stone), 玉 (jade), etc), those meaning industrial products (皮 (leather), 巾 (towel) ect.), those meaning pathology (疒 (illness), 歹 (broken bones), etc.), increased quite a bit, the words reflecting newly emerged phenomena of industrialization or modernization in the early 20th century. In addition, it can be pointed out that the words used for spoken Chinese newly appears in Sinjaeon.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this paper is to consider the effect of the manufacturing processes on corrosion and centerline cracking of ancient bronze spoons. The ancient bronze spoons in question were made by several steps of forging, in reheated condition with cast ingots. The manufacturing method is similar to that of the modern spoons. The investigations include observations from light and scanning electron microscopes of the microstructure in terms of the crack propagation. Cracks in the centerline are caused by solute segregation in the center-line region; this solute is solidified in the final stage of bronze spoon manufacture. Centerline cracking is also caused by α phase segregation, accompanied by forged overlapping along the longitudinal direction of the spoons. A vertical stripe with cracks along the centerline of the spoon’s width is formed by folding in the wrought process. The overlapping area causes crack propagation with severe corrosion on the spoon surfaces over a period of a thousand years. The failure mechanisms of ancient bronze spoons may be similar to that of modern spoons, and the estimation of the failure mechanisms of ancient spoons can be appropriate to determine failure causes for such modern spoons.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study presented attempts to analyze and categorize Chosun’s food ingredients and culture through a Western perspective based on 32 representative Western documents pertaining to old Korea. Before modernization, Westerners visited Chosun during their visits to old China or Japan. Westerners were most active in Chosun from the open port period to the annexation of Korea to Japan occupation. They were teachers, missionaries, diplomats, and doctors visiting Chosun with personal goals. In 31 book traveler’s journal, it records Chosen’s mainly produced ingredients, such as grains, spices, fruits, cabbage, chicken, and chestnuts; foods from Chosen include kimchi, soup, and tofu. Foreigners especially liked foods made of eggs and chicken, but they did not enjoy Chosun’s lack of sugar and dairy. Thirty-one book foreigners’ records describe Chosun’s Ondol, kitchen, crock, fermented foods, low dining tables, and chopsticks. Chosun people liked dog meat, unrestrained drinking culture, sungnyung, and tea culture. Foreign documentation on Chosun’s food culture allows modern scholars to learn about Chosun people’s lifestyles, as if their lives were a vivid picture
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The combining 'adverb+noun' in Chinese sentence has been regarded as a special case which break a regular grammar rule. Regardless its conception, the combination is used frequently, and further it make a new grammar rule for itself. Based on this context, various scholars have been arguing its suitability about whether accepting new grammar rule in Chinese or not. The present study aimed two things: first, as historical approach, 'adverb+noun' was analyzed based on its birth, usual usage patterns, and types of adverb+noun used for the combination. Second, as grammar perspectives, syntax and pragmatics of the combination were articulated. As conclusion, this study discussed the direction and tips for teaching this sentence structure for accomplishing efficient pedagogical purposes.
        2016.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Siheyuan, is the traditional Chinese courtyard style building, has a long history, and is an extremely important historical and cultural heritage. It carries the folk culture of old Beijing and the history of the old Beijing. Therefore, its cultural connotation should be maintained. With the growing number of skyscrapers, construction industrialization replacing traditional construction technology today, hutongs and Siheyuan have lost their luster, most of the traditional Siheyuan have become shabby, inner vitality and old form that were the social mechanism are rotting away. Just relying on protection and repair Siheyun is far from a healthy survival. Instead development and innovation is needed for a vibrant sustainable preservation of Siheyuan. In order to make Siheyuan more comfortable, more vibrant and to achieve its sustainable development, it should be combined with modern materials and construction technology.
        2016.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료