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        검색결과 123

        2019.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to examine the effects of different degrees of defoliation during harvest season on hydroponically cultured ‘Seolhyang’ strawberry's fruit characteristics, plant growth, and changes in nonstructural carbohydrates, and find an effective defoliation method. On November 29, 2013, some of the ‘Seolhyang’ leaves were nondefoliated and the others were defoliated remaining 9 and 5 leaves. The number of fruits and fruit weight were not significantly different in the first flower cluster but in the second, third, and fourth flower clusters decreased as the level of defoliation increased. The soluble solids content and acidity of fruits decreased in all the clusters as the level of defoliation increased. The leaf area and leaf dry weight of strawberry plant in all the treatment groups decreased from January to March and root dry weight sharply decreased during February. Thereafter, during April, the growth of plant increased. As defoliation increased, the dry weight of fruits, flower clusters, crowns, and roots decreased, and during late growing period, difference in dry weight according to the degree of defoliation was considerable. The content of carbohydrate was greater in the leaves than the fruits excepting January 30 and February 28, 2014 and in the case of strawberry plant that continuously produce fruits, the content of carbohydrate decreased in the leaves and roots. As defoliation increased, the content of carbohydrate in fruits, flower clusters, crowns, and roots decreased. Defoliation for strawberry plants is carefully done during harvest season. Twelve leaves during December and 14 leaves from January to March should be maintained, and in April when the number of leaves increases, old leaves should be defoliated.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to estimate the growth curve parameters of body weight for female Elk. Weight and age data from 115 does raised at the Animal Genetic Resources Research Center in Korea were used in this study. The growth curve parameters were estimated from a nonlinear regression using Gompertz and Logistic models. Mature weight (A), growth ratio (b) and maturing rate (k) of female Elk were 214.1±2.17 kg, 2.12±0.0045 and 0.0043±0.00011, respectively, according to the Gompertz model. They were 208.3±2.17 kg, 5.56±0.234 and 0.0065±0.00017, respectively, according to the Logistic model. The goodness of fit determined by R2 was higher in the Gompertz model than that in the Logistic model. The growth curve functions obtained from the Gompertz and Logistic models in female Elk were f(t)=214.1×e-2.124×e-0.00484×t and f(t)=208.3×(1+5.561×e-0.00651×t)-1, respectively. The absolute growth rate functions from the Gompertz and Logistic models in female Elk were f'(t)=0.0043×f(t)×1n(214.1/f(t)) and f'(t)=0.0065×f(t)×[1-f(t)/208.3]respectively. The growth pattern of female Elk generated from this study can be useful in determining the most appropriate feeding plans and the best breeding strategies for deer.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Because freesia is a crop that is typically vegetatively propagated from offsets, a degradation in its genetic character or an onset of after successive culturing over a long period. To produce virus-free freesia corms, apical meristem culture and rapid mass propagation must be established. This study aimed to establish the rapid mass production of in vitro freesia corms using a bioreactor. Shoots (12 – 15 cm in height) obtained from tissue culture were used as the plant material in a balloon-type bubble bioreactor in which medium strength, sucrose concentration, inoculation plant volume, and medium exchange method were determined. Medium strengths tested included full strength (1), 1/2, and 1/4 strength MS medium; sucrose concentration 9% 12%, and 15%, and inoculation plant volumes were tested at 40, 80, 120, and 160 shoots/1L medium. MS medium was supplemented with a 1/2 volume of the initial volume or the medium was completely exchanged with a new medium or not exchanged at all throughout the experiment. Results indicated the best growth of freesia corms at 1/2 strength medium, 9% sucrose, 120 shoots/L medium, with complete medium exchange 4 weeks after initiating the experiment. Under these culturing conditions, corms with 0.5 g fresh weight, 0.15 g d ry w eight, 1 3 mm h eight, a nd 0 .9 mm diaeter were harvested from the bioreactor within only 6 weeks, which were large enough to be planted in field. Thus, our results indicated that the cost and period for the production of freesia corms in vitro can be markedly decreased.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 울진군 죽변의 암반조간대에서 2년(2015-2016)간 계절별 저서동물의 군집구조와 분포양상을 분석하였다. 죽변 암반조간대의 종조성은 5문 41종으로 자포동물 4종, 연체동물 19종, 환형동물 3종, 절지동물 13종, 극피동물 2종이 출현하였으며, 총개체수 1,642 inds./m2, 총생체량 1,959.42 gWWt/m2 조사되었다. 조간대 상부는 조무래기따개비(Chthamalus challengeri), 좁쌀무늬총알고둥(Nodilittorina radiata)이 우점하였다. 하부는 지중해담치(Mytilus galloprovincialis), 배무래기(Nipponacmaea schrenckii), 구멍밤고둥(Chlorostoma turbinata)이 우 점하였다. 계절별 우점종의 경우, 조간대 상부에는 겨울과 봄에 조무래기따개비, 여름과 가을에 좁쌀무늬총알고둥이 우점하였다. 조간대 하부는 전 계절에 걸쳐서 지중해담치가 우점하였다. 군집분석을 통해 생물군집의 분기별 유사성을 분석한 결과, 이들 지역은 세 개의 그 룹으로 구분되었다. 조간대 하부의 2015년 11월, 2015년 8월, 2016년 2-8월의 Group A와 조간대 하부의 2016년 11월, 2015년 5월의 Group B, 2015년-2016년 조간대 상부의 Group C로 구분되었다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to estimate growth curve parameters by sex in Korean native Goat. Weight-age data from 148 male goats and 169 female goats raised at Animal Genetic Resources Research Center in Korea were used in this study. Growth curve parameters were estimated from nonlinear regression using Gompertz and Logistic models. Mature weight ( ) and growth rate () of male goats were 50.0 kg, and 0.0038, respectively, when Gompertz model was used. They were 47.9 kg and 0.0062, respectively, when Logistic model was used. In female goats, mature weight ( ) and growth rate () were 35.8 kg and 0.0030, respectively, when Gompertz model was used. They were 34.6 kg and 0.0046 when Logistic model was used. The goodness of fit determined by R2 was higher in the Gompertz model than that in the Logistic model. The growth curve functions estimated from the Gompertz model in Korean-native male and female goats were , respectively. The inflection point () showed that the maximum growth rate and the weight at inflection (  ) estimated from the Gompertz model were 234.8 days and 18.37 kg, respectively, in male goats. They were 235.7 days and 13.16 kg, respectively, in female goats. The growth pattern of Korean-native goats obtained from this study might be useful for determining their feeding and management plans by sex and design breeding strategies.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해상 유통되는 유해액체물질(NLS)의 유출사고대비 물질군 선정을 위해 596종의 NLS를 대상으로 위해성 DB를 구축하고 우선순위 선정시스템을 통해 전체 우선순위를 선정하였다. 우선순위 목록을 바탕으로 2014-2015년 해상유통물질 158종을 추출한 뒤 물질군 구분 기준을 적용하여 0~3순위의 4개 물질군을 제시하였다. 국가차원의 NLS 유출사고대비를 위해서는 물동량 및 유해성이 높은 0~1순위 물질군의 집중관리와 함께 2~3순위 물질군의 정보 구축작업이 지속되어야 한다. 항만별로는 NLS 유통 유형이 다르므로 각 항만의 물질별 유통특성을 파악한 뒤 0~1순위 물질군 위주로 관리하는 것이 효율적일 것으로 판단된다. 또한, 동해남부권역(울산, 부산), 남해중부권역(광양, 여수), 서해중부권역(평택, 대산, 인천)을 NLS 사고대비를 위한 특별관리구역으로 지정하여 해상유통되는 NLS 의 감시·감독을 강화하고 방제 장비, 자재 및 약제를 집중 배치해야 할 것으로 판단된다. 향후, 위해성 DB의 구축과정에서 나타난 위해성 정보 부재 물질들의(만성독성) 지속적인 생산 및 보완이 필요하며, 특히 수생태 독성의 경우 해양생물종을 대상으로 한 자료 생산 및 확보가 지속되어야 할 것이다. 또한, 해상 HNS 사고 관리를 위해서는 HNS 해상유통에 대한 정보를 확인할 수 있는 시스템이 조속히 구축되어야 한다.
        2016.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, Product-Service System(PSS) is a rising paradigm that enables integration between products and services offering. Also, academic interests for product-service design using the house of quality (HOQ) have been emerged. the engineering characteristics of the HOQ are usually extracted by experts. However, as the new technologies were merged, it was difficult to find the optimum expert for extracting the engineering characteristics in the fusion technology. Therefore, this paper applies the topic modeling technique using patent data to extract the engineering characteristics which considers not only products features but also services characteristics. Also, a case study demonstrates the usefulness of our approach with augmented reality-head mounted display. It was conducted to make the HOQ with distinct four steps. First, the customer needs were collected through the latest device review from website and grouped into the representative customer needs. Second, the engineering characteristics of the augmented reality-head mounted display were extracted by using the US patent data of augmented reality head mounted display through the topic modeling technique. Third, the correlation degree of product - service characteristics was drawn by using the extracted topic’s cosine similarity. Finally, the relationship matrix of customer needs and engineering characteristics was filled with experts. After which we suggest product-service business concepts from HOQ. Main advantage is appeared from the result of this research paper is that it can provide the business concepts of the integrated product-services to reflect the customer requirements. This business concepts are utilized for the early phase in R&D planning.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        경상북도 구룡포 해역에서 하계 냉수 발생 특성과 어류 폐사를 유발하는 냉수대 강도를 파악하고자 2007년 8~11월 멍게양식장에 수온로거를 설치하여 수층별 수온을 측정하였으며, 2015년과 2016년은 국립수산과학원 실시간어장정보시스템의 표층수온 자료를 이용하였다. 동해 남부해역의 냉수대 발생 원리와 부합하게 남~남서풍이 강하게 불 때 용승으로 표층수온이 급격히 하강하였으며(2007년 8월 하순, 9월 20~22일, 2015년 7월 13~15일), 반대로 북~북동풍이 우세할 때 저층수온이 급상승하는(2007년 9월 5~7일, 9월 16~18일) 것으로 나타났다. 그 외에도 7~8월 구룡포 해역에 나타나는 약한 강도의 표층수온의 하강과 상승은 바람 방향과 밀접한 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 구룡포 해역에서 최대풍속이 5 m/s 이상인 남~남서풍이 최소 이틀 이상 유지되면 표층수온이 약 10 이하로 하강하는 강한 냉수대가 발생하고 이로 인해 어류 폐사가 발생하는 것으로 파악되었다. 이를 바탕으로 포항기상대의 최대풍속과 최대풍속 풍향을 이용하여 냉수발생지수(Cold Water Index)를 정의하고 계산한 결과, CWI2d(CWI 2일 평균)가 100 이상일 때 어류 폐사가 주로 발생하였으며, CWI4d(CWI 4일 평균)는 7~8월 구룡포 표층수온과 높은 음의 상관성을 나타내었다(R²=0.5). 2007년 10월 30 m 수층의 수온 일변화(7~23 )는 조석변화와 일치하는 주기와 스펙트럼을 보였으며, 이는 북한한류수 영향인 것으로 파악된다. 이와 같이 조석과 북한한류수로 인한 일변화가 어류 가두리가 설치된 수심에도 영향을 미친다면 어업 피해로 이어질 수 있으므로 정밀한 조사가 필요할 것으로 생각된다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to determine grazing intensity of growing Korean native goats (Capra hircus coreanae) on mountainous pasture. It was carried out to obtain basic information for improvement of mountainous pasture management and establishing feeding system of Korean native goats. Castrated, male goats (n=10) with average initial body weight (BW) of 23.33±2.15kg and an average age of 4 months were used in this study. Grazing goats were supplemented by concentrates with 1.0% of BW. The crude protein content of forage was the highest in October (22.71±0.25%) and there were significantly differences (p<0.05) in monthly comparison. The forage productivity of pasture was the highest from May to June (1718.7±207.5~ 1672.0±422.8 kg/ha) but it was decreased in July (1356.0±103.8 kg/ha) because of drought and summer depression. Average daily gains (ADG) of goats were the highest in June (99.5±6.4 d/g). Grazing intensity was calculated by forage productivity and dry matter intake (DMI) and was the highest in May (65 head/ha). As shown in the results of this research, grazing intensity was suggested to average 39 head/ha from May to October. It is desirable that adequate grazing intensity was maintained by adjusting supplemental feed.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Objective : This study examined effect of Dynavision training on visual attention while conducting tasks after a stroke, and performed an eye-tracker analysis.Methods : Across an ABAB single-subject research design, three stroke patients conducted Dynavision training during the intervention period, and the eye-tracker evaluated their visual attention after each session. A visual analysis was conducted using a graph, and the changes in the values were analyzed through two standard deviations and the trend line.Results : The values of eye fixation, eye saccade, and eye scan-path remained high within the two standard deviation band more than twice during the intervention and reversal intervention period. The trend line for the intervention and reversal intervention period was steep. The trend line for the percentage of correct answers on paper was increased during the reversal baseline period. In addition, the trend for the line reversal intervention period was steeper than for the intervention period.Conclusion : Dynavision training after a stroke affected the visual attention while conducting tasks, and an eye-tracker evaluation was more objective than a pencil-paper evaluation.
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