
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 51

        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 땅콩 파종후 발아기의 내습성 기초자료를 얻고자 파종일수와 침수처리에 따른 출현율을 조사하고 적정 내 습성 검정방법을 찾고자 하였으며 이를 이용하여 품종별 내 습성 차이를 구명해보고자 본시험을 수행하였다. 종자의 흡수율 50%에 도달한 것은 공히 5시간 정도 소요 되었으며 24시간 후에는 조광 66.6%, 대광 65.1%, 팔광 67.1%에 도달하여 품종간 큰 차가 없었다. 땅콩종자를 vermiculite 풋트에 파종한 후 바로 침수시켰을 때 대광땅콩 과 팔광땅콩은 공히 침수 16일까지도 90% 정도의 출현율 을 유지하였고 그 후로는 급속히 감소하여 침수 25일에는 출현율이 거의 없었다. 파종 후 발아일자 1~4일에 각각 침 수일자 1~5일간 침수처리를 하였을 때 발아일수가 길어질 수록, 침수일자가 길어질 수록 땅콩의 출현율이 급속히 떨 어졌다. 대광땅콩은 파종 1~3일 후 2일 침수처리까지, 팔광 땅콩은 파종 1~2일 후 2일 침수처리까지 정상 출현하였으 며 두 품종 공히 3일 이상 침수에서는 모든 발아일수(1~4 일)에서 출현율이 급속히 떨어지고 있었다. 파종 2일 후 3일간 침수처리 방법에 따라 국내육성 31품 종에 대해 침수 시 내습저항성을 검정한 하였을 때 출현율 은 0에서 69%까지 분포하였고 대광땅콩 가장 높았다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        간식용 대립 땅콩의 선호도가 높음에 따라 단경 대립 다수 성 신품종 육성을 위하여 대립 다수성인 ‘남광’과 ‘U2-12-6’ 의 교잡계통과 단경 품종인 ‘사도노카’를 인공교배하여 육성 한 ‘연풍’의 주요 특성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. ‘연풍’은 버 지니아 초형으로 개화기가 빠르고 지상부 생장습성은 단경다분지성이다. ‘연풍’은 ‘대광’에 비해 성숙협수, 협실비율, 100협립수, 100립중등 양호한 수량구성요소를 보이며 100립 중이 88 g인 대립품종이고, 도복은 매우 강한 특성을 나타내 며 흑반병, 그물무늬병에 비교적 강하고 낙엽율도 낮아 생육 후기까지 녹엽 유지에 유리하였다. ‘연풍’은 단백질이 31.9%, 기름함량이 49.8%이고 지방산은 올레산과 리놀산의 비율이 같은 특성을 가지고 있다. ‘연풍’은 3년간 지역적응시험 결과 ‘대광’에 비하여 전국 평균 4.81 ton로서 15% 증수되었다. ‘연풍’은 경장이 짧고 병해에도 강한 편이나 충분한 성숙을 위하여 경기북부와 강원도, 산간 고냉지를 제외한 지역에서 적응성이 높은 품종이다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘보원’은 단경, 소분지 계통인 ‘SP8603-16-2-B(찌바한다치 /대광땅콩)’를 모본으로 하고 내병, 대립 특성을 가지는 대원 땅콩을 부본으로 하여 2001년도에 작물시험장에서 육성한 품 종이다. ‘보원’은 신풍초형(Arachis hypogaea ssp. fastigiata) 으로 키가 작고 지상부 생육 습성이 완전 직립형이다. 분지수 가 적고 꼬투리가 달리는 포기주변 반경이 작아 기계화 재배 에 유리하며 조숙형이다. 협당립수는 2립이고 종피색은 살색 이며 100립중이 ‘대광땅콩’보다 더 무거운 91 g으로 대립종 에 속한다. ‘보원’은 그물무늬병 저항성이 ‘대광땅콩’ 보다 강 하며 수확기의 낙엽정도가 대광땅콩보다 낮고 도복저항성도 ‘대광땅콩’ 보다 더 높다. ‘보원’의 수량성은 지역적응시험에 서 3개년간 평균수량이 3,720 kg/ha으로 ‘대광땅콩’ 보다 12 ~18% 증수를 보여 전국평균 17%의 증수를 보였고 연차간 및 지역간 변이가 ‘대광땅콩’ 보다 적어 수량안정성이 높다.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Korean peanut yield by new varieties has marvelously increased since first variety with 1.09 MT/ha was developed in 1960. This means 77.58kg/ha yield increment every year from 1960 to 2012. A new peanut variety “Sinpalkwang”(Arachis hypogaea ssp. hypogaea L.) showed the highest grain yield, 5.40 MT/ha, of Korean varieties was developed at the Department of Functional Crop, NICS, in Milyang in 2012. This was developed from the cross between cultivar “Palkwang“ and crossing line from cultivar “Palkwang” and “PI156649”. “Sinpalkwang” which is Virginia plant type has 41cm of main stem length and 25 branch number per plant. 45 pod number per plant, 79% of shelling ratio and 92g of 100-grain weight in the regional yield trials(RYT) greatly contributed to increase the yield potential of this variety. Each pod has two grains with brown testa and ellipse shape. Seed quality showed 45.4% of crude oil and 29.2% of protein content. This variety also showed more resistant to web blotch and stem rot, compared with check variety, Daekwang. In the regional yield trials “Sinpalkwang” outyielded check variety by 28% with 5.40 MT/ha for kernel.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, fresh peanut eaten after boil is popular to korean consumer owing to its sweet taste. A new vegetable peanut variety “Ami”(Arachis hypogaea ssp. fastigiata.) was developed at the Department of Functional Crop, NICS, in Milyang in 2012. It was developed from the cross between the short stem cultivar “Satonoka” and the large grain cultivar “Milyang 16”. “Ami” which is Shipung plant type has 50cm main stem length and 10 branch number per plant. Each pod has two grains with brown testa and long-ellipse shape and dried 100-seed weight was 84g in the regional yield trials(RYT). The Sucrose and tannin content of fresh peanut are 24.9mg/g and 4.9mg/g, respectively. Functional compound content was 3944㎍/g of Luteolin in peanut shell, This variety also showed more resistant to stem rot and lodging, compared with check variety, Palkwang. In the regional yield trials “Ami” was outyielded than check variety by 9% with 10.10MT/ha for fresh pod and by 14% with 4.51MT/ha for dried kernel.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        간식용 대립 땅콩의 선호도가 높음에 따라 대립 양질 다수성 신품종 육성을 위하여 단경 박피 다수성인 ‘팔광’과 직립다수성 ‘유데라카’를 인공교배하여 ‘일평’을 육성하였다. ‘일평’은 버지니아 초형으로 개화기가 빠르고 지상부 생장습성은 단경 다분지성이다. ‘일평’은 ‘대광땅콩’에 비해 성숙협수,협실비율, 100협립수 등 양호한 등숙특성을 보이며 100립중이 85 g인 대립품종이다. ‘일평’의 도복은 매우 강한 특성을나타내며 흑반병, 그물무늬병에 비교적 강하고 낙엽율도 낮아 생육후기까지 녹엽 유지에 유리하였다. ‘일평’은 단백질이27.6%, 기름함량이 49.5%이고 지방산은 올레산과 리놀산이비슷한 비율로 나타났다. ‘일평’을 3년간 지역적응시험 결과‘대광땅콩’에 비하여 전국평균 4.47 ton로서 8% 증수되었다.‘일평’은 경장이 짧고 병해에도 강한 편이나 충분한 성숙을위하여 강원도와 산간 고냉지를 제외한 지역에서 적응성이높은 품종이다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        새로운 참깨품종 ‘밀성’을 농촌진흥청 작물시험장 영남 시험장에서 2007년에 개발하였다. 교배조합은 이리4호와 ‘수원131호’로 고품질, 다수성, 내병성을 목적으로 하였다. ‘밀성’은 계통육종법을 이용하여 생산력검정시험, 지역적응성 검정시험을 거쳐 개발되었다. ‘밀성’은 소분지이고 3과성, 2실 4방의 꼬투리를 가지고 있다. 그리고 ‘밀성’의 개화기는 7월 1일로 표준품종인 ‘양백’보다 2일 빨랐다. 또한 성숙기는 8월20일로 ‘양백’과 같았다. ‘밀성’의 경장은 129 cm로 ‘양백’과비슷했다. 하지만 ‘밀성’은 ‘양백’보다 많은 27개의 착삭절을가지고 있어 밀삭형이다. ‘밀성’의 천립중은 2.79 g으로 ‘양백’보다 컸다. ‘밀성’의 역병저항성 및 도복저항성은 ‘양백’과비슷했고 ‘밀성’의 수량은 98 kg/10a로 ‘양백’보다 5% 증수하였다. ‘밀성’은 유지함량은 ‘양백’보다 적었으나 단백질함량은 많았다. 지방산 중 올레산의 비율은 45.8%였고 세사민함량은 2.8 mg/g, 세사몰린 함량은 3.0 mg/g이었다.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new peanut variety “Sangan”(Arachis hypogaea ssp. fastigiata L.) showed the highest yielding of Korean varieties was developed at the Department of Functional Crop, NICS, in Milyang in 2011. This was developed from the crossing line between cultivar “Palkwang” with high quality and “local collection” with short stem. “Sangan” which is Shinpung plant type has 44cm of main stem length and 10 branch number per plant. Each pod has two grains with long ellipse shape of brown testa and yield components is composed of 40 mature pods of per plant, 96g of 100-seed weight, 79% of pod shelling ratio in the regional yield trials(RYT). Seed quality showed 48.5% of crude oil and 29.1% of protein content. This variety also showed more resistant to early leaf spot and web blotch, compared with check variety, Daekwang. In the regional yield trials “Sangan” outyielded check variety by 15% with 4.87 MT/ha for kernel.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment was conducted to develop new black sesame variety with multi-disease resistance and high yield potential. A new sesame variety ‘Daheuk’ was developed from Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute in 2009. Cross was made by ‘Whahuck’ with high disease resistance and F1 line of ‘Yoosung’ and ‘Keunhuck’ with high yields capacity & disease resistance, followed by pedigree selection, yield test and RYT by the sesame breeding team at the National Institute of Crop Science and Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute up to 2009. The variety showed higher disease resistance and yield potential rather than that of check variety ‘Yangheuk’. Average stem length and the number of capsules per plant were 117cm, 75 respectively. It’s 1000 grains weight was about 2.80g indicating 0.20g higher than that of ‘Yangheuk’, and it’s protein content was about 25.7% which is higher than that of check variety. ‘Daheuk’ also contained total 3.0mg/g of lignan compounds which is lower than that of ‘Yangheuk’. The average yield of ‘Daheuk’ was 97kg per 10a at the national-wide regional performance.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new vegetable peanut variety “Jaseon”(Arachis hypogaea ssp. fastigiata.) was developed at the Department of Functional Crop, NICS, in Milyang in 2011. It was developed from the cross between the Large grain cultivar “YG60” and the short stem cultivar “YG55”. “Jaseon” which is Shipung plant type has 43cm main stem length and 11 branch number per plant. Each pod has two grains with brown testa with long-ellipse shaped large kernel and dried 100-seed weight was 105g in the regional yield trials(RYT). The Sucrose and tannin content of fresh peanut are 25.0mg/g and 4.4mg/g, respectively. This variety also showed more resistant to late leaf spot, stem rot and lodging, compared with check variety, Palkwang. In the regional yield trials “Jaseon” was outyielded than check variety by 15% with 10.21MT/ha for fresh pod and by 11% with 4.37MT/ha for dried kernel.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment was conducted to develop optimum sesame cultivation practices as succeeding cropping system of watermelon in the greenhouse condition. We also compared major components in sesame seed cultivated in the greenhouse and open field condition. The adaptable varieties under the greenhouse condition were white sesame 'Pyoungan' and black sesame 'Jinki' which showed higher yield and disease resistance. We also conducted several experiments to determine optimum sowing date, planting density and pinching time. Grain yields were statistically different according to the several sowing dates. In general, sesame sowing on June 30th showed higher grain yields than July 10th, July 20th and July 30th in the greenhouse. We also found out sesame cultivation practice with the row spacing of 40 cm and interplant spacing of 30 cm (a few branch type) or 40 cm (many branch type) showed higher yield than other treatments. Optimum pinching time was 25 days after first flowering in main stem when thousand seed weight and grain yield were highest. In the comparison of major components of sesame at the different cultivation conditions, sesame seeds cultivated in the greenhouse contained 4% much more oil content than open field condition. The lignan compounds, sesamin and sesamolin were also higher by 6% in the greenhouse than open field condition. It was concluded that sesame cultivation practices as succeeding cropping system of watermelon in the greenhouse condition guaranteed higher grain yield with less labor input which is now emerging alternative farming practice system in present aging rural society and will also give sesame cultivation farmers to increase net income in Korea.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to determine the free amino acid contents, total phenolic contents and antioxidant activity in raw Sesamum indicum seeds (cv. Kopum and cv. Mihuk) and their sprouts germinated for 7 days. Total free amino acid contents of sprouts (29.34±3.3 mg/g DW) were significantly higher than that of raw seeds (6.85±0.39 mg/g DW). All individual free amino acid, including asparagine, alanin, arginine, and leicine were significantly increased in the sesame sprout. And also germinated sprout significantly increased the total phenolic contents (2.2±0.3 mg GAE/g) that resulted in the increased DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) free radical scavenging capacity. Subsequently, two varieties of sesame and its sprouts were analyzed for their phenolic constituents using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Catechin, sinapic acid and salicylic acid were identified as the major phenolic acid presented in sesame sprout. However, the major biological constituents sesamin and sesamolin content were significantly decreased during germination.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The influenza neuraminidase (E.C. is an antiviral target of high pharmaceutical interest because of its essential role in cleaving sialic acid residues from surface glycoproteins and facilitating release of virions from infected cell. In this context, polyphenolic compounds including luteolin, rosmarinic acid, and apigenin from Perilla frutescens were evaluated for their inhibitory effect on recombinant virus H1N1 neuraminidase. Among the test compounds, luteolin and rosmarinic acid inhibited the rvH1N1 neuraminidase with an IC50 of 8.4 and 46.7 μM, respectively. The inhibition kinetics analyzed by Dixon plots indicates that luteolin and rosmarinic acid are noncompetitive inhibitor and inhibition constant, Ki, were established as 14.3 and 43.9 μM, respectively. Subsequently, we also analyzed the rosmarinic acid and luteolin contents of 383 accessions of perilla seed germplasms by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The rosmarinic acid and luteolin contents of perilla seeds were ranged from 15.7 μg/g to 2,894.9 μg/g and from 1.6 μg/g to 949.1 μg/g, respectively.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The perilla [Perilla frutescens (L.)], which belongs to the family Lamiaceae, have been used as a not only important traditional source of oil but also used traditional herbal medicine for treating various disease including depression, anxiety, tumor, cough, bacterial and fungal infections, allergy, detoxication and some intestinal disorders in east asian countries. In this context, luteolin isolated from the P. frutescens inhibited the linoleic acid peroxidation catalyzed by soybean lipoxygenase-1 (EC, Type 1) with an IC50 of 5.0 μM. To investigate the inhibitory effect of luteolin on dioxygenase enzyme, we assayed soybean lipoxygenase-1 activity with the inhibitor. Soybean lipoxygenase-1 showed time-dependent inhibition in the presence of luteolin. Increasing luteolin concentrations led to the decrease in both the initial velocity (vi) and the steady-state rate (vs) in the progress curve. Thus luteolin showed a simple reversible noncompetitive slow-binding inhibition against soybean lipoxygenase-1 with kinetic parameter (k3 = 0.056 μM-1min-1, k4,= 0.006 μM-1min-1, Ki app = 0.106 μM).
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A total of 162 accessions of Perilla germplasm collected from diverse habitats in South Korea. The oil content of the seeds varied from 19.8 to 49.6%, the average being 33.3%. Oil content showed wide ranges of variation. The fatty acid composition of the seed oil showed the following overall ranges: palmitic 4.5 to 8.1%, stearic 1.6 to 7.4%, oleic 13.4 to 23.6%, linoleic 9.5 to 19.5%, and linolenic acid 48.6 to 66.4%. No correlation was found between oil content and fatty acid composition. The results obtained in this study provide useful background information for developing new cultivars with a high oil content and different fatty acid. Several accessions could be used as parental lines in breeding programs aiming to increase perilla oil quantity and quality.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment was conducted to develope optimum cultural system of sesame under greenhouse condition with the comparison of open field cultural condition. The relatively higher adaptable varieties under greenhouse condition were white sesame "Pyoungan" and black sesame "Jinki" which showed higher yield potential and disease resistance. To set up standardized cultural system under greenhouse condition, we conducted several experiments of optimum sowing date, planting density and pinching time etc. When it came to sow sesame seed soon after early cultivated crops were harvested, the yield potential was higher than those of other sowing dates. Therefore, "June 30th" was optimum sesame sowing date in the greenhouse cultivation system. We also found out the space of 40㎝ between rows and 30cm(a few branch type) or 40cm(many branch type) between plants was better than those of other treatments. Optimum pinching time was 25 days after first flowering date when 1000 seeds weight and yield potential showed higher than other treatments.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment was conducted to develope optimum seedling quality for the sesame transplanting system. To determine optimum seedling quality condition, we conducted several experiments. At the optimum pot selection experiment for the sesame transplanting, plastic pot with 105 holes showed relatively better early growth status of sesame than those of other plastic pots with 72, 128, 164 and 200 holes. And the soil combination, 'Bunong + Plant World' which is mixed 50% respectively showed higher germination rate, lower disease and lodging rate than those of other nursery soils at the determination of optimum nursery soil mixtures. We also conducted one experiment to find out seedling duration for the optimum transplanting seedling quality. According to the result, the seedling stage with about 4 or 5 regular leaves which came to 40 days after sowing showed higher number of capsule per plant and yield potential. Those results will help to develop mechanized sesame seedling transplanting system to reduce labor and increase net income for the sesame cultivation farmers.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment was conducted to select cultivar suitable for peanut sprout from general Korean peanut cultivars developed already. On sprouting peanut, it rapidly increase the content of trans-resveratrol that has effects on anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, blood-sugar-lowering and other beneficial cardiovascular in mouse. For this experiment we tested peanut sprout characteristics on 37 cultivars cultivated for 7 days at 26℃ temperature. The characteristics among cultivars showed the variations as follow: The range of 100 grain weight is 56 to 142, hypocotyl length 4.3 cm to 5.8 cm, diameter of hypocotyl 5.0 to 8.0 mm, epicotyl 0.8 cm to 4.6 cm, seedling ratio per seed number 84 % to 100 %, weight per seedling 4.9 g to 8.4 g, the rate of hypocotyl cleavage 0 % to 46 %, the content of trans-resveratrol 22.5 ㎍/g to 88.2 ㎍/g and sprout yield 360 % to 820%. We considered the selecting points as high sprout yield, high seedling rate, high resveratrol content, high low brownish cotyledon, no hypocotyl cleavage, and fat hypocotyl etc. Fortunately, the best cultivar "Jokwang" was selected on these conditions with 7.8 mm diameter, clean cotyledon color, 100 % seedling rate, 0 % hypocotyl cleavage, 63.3 ㎍/g resveratrol, and 820 % sprouting yield. This cultivar may use as new food and nutraceutical material.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment was conducted to find out optimum priming treatment conditions to the sesame seed as a preliminary study for enhancing sesame germination properties. Effective priming agents and concentrations for sesame seed were K3PO4 , 200 mM and PEG6000, -1.0 MPa respectively. Optimum priming temperature and duration were 15~circC , 4 days in view of germination speed and germination percentage. PEG6000 with -1.0 MPa was selected as an efficient priming treatment condition at 15~circC , 4 days. This study suggested that priming treatment to sesame seed would be an effective technique enhancing sesame seed germination and shortening time to the T50 at the field condition, but the efficiency of priming treatments to the sesame seed would be strongly dependent on individual or integrated conditions of priming agent, concentration, temperature and duration etc.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to evaluate the growth characters and yield components of 18 collected sesame cultivars to get basic information on the variation for the sesame breeding using principal component analysis. All characters except days to flowering, days to maturity and 1,000 seed weight showed significantly different. Seed weight per 10 are showed higher coefficient of variance. Capsule bearing stem length and liter weight showed positive correlation with seed yield per 10 are. The principal components analysis grouped the estimated sesame cultivars into four main components which accounted for 83.7% of the total variation at the eigenvalue and its contribution to total variation obtained from principal component analysis. The first principal component (Z1 ) was applicable to increase plant height, capsule bearing stem length and 1,000-seed weight. The second principal component (Z2 ) negatively correlated with days to flowering and maturity by which it was applicable to shorten flowering and maturity date of sesame. At the scatter diagram, Yangbaek, Ansan, M1, M2, M4, M7 and M9 were classified as same group, but M10, Yanghuk, Kanghuk, M5, M6, M12 and M13 were classified as different group. This results would be helpful for sesame breeder to understand genetic relationship of some agronomic characters and select promising cross lines for the development of new sesame variety.
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