
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 96

        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국내 수출용 절화 장미 ‘Lovely Lydia’를 농가에 서 수확 후 일본의 후쿠오카 및 도쿄로 수송 시 수송환경과 각 현지에서의 품질을 비교 분석하고자 수행하였다. 그 결과, 일본으로 선박 수송 시 후쿠오카는 약 2.8일, 도쿄는 약 4.2일 소요되었으며, 후쿠오카와 도쿄로 수출 되는 과정에서 온・습 도 및 VPD의 수송 환경 변화가 다소 큰 것으로 조사되었다. 특히, 도쿄로 수송된 절화 장미의 경우 시모노세키에서 검역 과정을 거친 후 도쿄로 약 24시간 수송을 하며 이 때 상온에 노출 되는 시간이 가장 많아 VPD 또한 높은 것으로 조사되었 다. 각 지역으로 수송된 후 품질을 조사한 결과, 후쿠오카에서 조사한 절화 장미의 수명은 13일인 반면에 도쿄에서 조사한 절화 장미의 수명은 11일로 약 2일 정도 단축되었으며, 위조 와 꽃잎 탈리의 노화현상이 발생하였다. 또한, 화폭변화율과 생체중 변화율이 후쿠오카에서 조사한 절화 장미보다 다소 낮 은 경향으로 나타났으며, 수분흡수량과 수분균형도 낮은 것으 로 조사되었다. 이는 일본으로 수출 시 상온 노출로 인한 고 온스트레스로 절화의 품질 저하가 발생한 것으로 판단되며, 일본으로 수출 시 저온유통시스템적용 등 일정한 환경유지를 통해 고품질의 절화 장미가 유통될 수 있도록 개선이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of the bakery products is important in order to establish healthy consumption patterns. Aronia and blackberry extract at different levels (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) were used to investigate their comparative effects on the physical properties and antioxidant capacity of cookies. The final cookies were evaluated for physicochemical and sensory properties as well as total phenol content, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and FRAP assay. Substitution of aronia and blackberry extracts significantly (p<0.05) increased the moisture content and spread ratio compared to the control that did not contain the extract. However, types of the extract (aronia or blackberry) did not significantly affects the moisture and spread ratio of cookies at the same concentrations (p>0.05). The lightness and yellowness values of cookies were decreased while the redness value was increased by the amount of the extract compared to control (p<0.05). For textural properties, the hardness and chewiness of cookies were increased by the concentration of extract, and highest at 20% of both extracts. Polyphenol content in the cookies was increased with the concentration of the extract added into the cookies. Consistently, the antioxidant activity was significantly increased as the concentration of the extract was increased (p<0.05). Cookies with aronia extract showed higher antioxidant activity compared to that with blackberry (p<0.05), due to the presence of higher content of polyphenol. In terms of appearance, flavor, taste, texture and overall acceptability, the sensory evaluation scores of cookies with 20% aronia and 10% blackberry were significantly higher compared to the control (p<0.05). Based on above result, using more than 10% of the aronia or blackberry extracts would appropriate for making cookies.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For the development of processed food for hypoglcemia, it is important to construct model system to confirm factors that reduce the glycemic index in real food. This study was to investigate the relationship between the gel model system and real food the high amylose type of segoami using response surface methodology. The independent variables were concentration (X1; 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30%) and steaming time (X2; 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 min). The predicted glycemic index (Y1) was analyzed as a dependent variable. The regression of pGI was 0.7343, indicating that the model fits the data well in the prediction test. The predict glycemic index of the gel was in the range of 71.38 ~ 83.78, depending on the gel preparation conditions and predicted optimum condition was 23.7% gel concentration and 43.8 minutes of gelatinization. The predict glycemic index of rice gel were decreased with an increase of gel concentration, rather than the steaming time. In order to confirm the effect on in vitro digestibility in real food, the real food (Garraedduk) was prepared by applying the optimal conditions. As a result, there was no significant difference between the predicted value (77.1) and the experiment value (76.6). This result showed that the in vitro digestibility in real food can be predicted by applying the gel model system.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This studies was conducted to compare functional diversity of terrestrial arthropods in commercial apple orchards under conventional and organic practices. We collected terrestiral arthropods using pitfall traps in four conventional and seven organic apple orchards from April to October, 2012-2014. Sampled arthropods were identified at the species level and then classified three functional groups (detritivores, herbivores and beneficial arthropods included pollinators, parasitoids and predators). Biodiversity was analyzed with species richness, abundance and shannon index for each group and compared between conventional and organic orchards. In results, species richness of detritivores and benefical arthropods were higher in organic orchards than in conventional orchards (detritivores: t=-2.68, df=9, P=0.03; beneficial arthropods: t=-3.98, df=9, P=0.003). Organic orchards showed significant difference at abundance of beneficial arthropods (t=-3.33, df=9, P=0.008) and higher shannon index at detritivores (t=-2.36, df=9, P=0.04) than conventional orchards. However, all biodiversity indices of herbivores were not significantly different between conventional and organic orchards at 95% confidence level.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 절화 장미의 절화수명 연장 및 수확 후 고품질 유지에 효과 있는 전처리를 선별한 후 일본으로 수출되는 절 화 장미의 잿빛곰팡이 방제에도 효과가 있는지를 알아보고자 수행하였다. 일본으로 수출 시 건식처리에 비해 습식 처리의 절화수명이 최소 5일 이상 연장되었으며, 이 중 ClO2 성분인 Vital Oxide 0.002mL·L-1 처리시 건식처리에 비해 절화수명 이 약 11.5일 연장되어 효과적인 것으로 조사되었다. 전처리 에 따른 잿빛곰팡이의 방제 효과를 조사한 결과 수확 및 전 처리 후 6일까지 ClO2 성분인 Vital Oxide, Vibrex 처리에서 발병이 없는 것으로 나타나 절화 장미의 수출 시 수출국 경 매장 및 판매처에서 잿빛곰팡이의 항균효과가 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 따라서 Vital Oxide 0.002mL·L-1 처리가 절화 장 미의 절화 수명 및 품질유지에 효과적인 전처리인 것으로 판 단되었다.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Phosphine(PH3) is very effective fumigant and is widely used to control pests. Oxygen treatment was found to enhance phosphine toxicity and reduce fumigation time. We researched the insecticidal activities and synergistic effects of oxygen with phosphine(PH3) against on adult stage of 6 agricultural pests as Frankliniella occidentalis, F. intonsa, Pseudococcus comstocki, Planococcus citri, Myzus persicae and Tetranychus urticae. Adults F. occidentalis, F. intonsa, P. comstocki and P. citri was highly susceptible to PH3 at 2mg/L for 2h treatment. However, M. persicae and T. urticae were showed very low fumigation effects at 2mg/L for 2h treatment. These 2 pests were treated with PH3 to increase the times (16h and 20h). And we also researched the synergistic effects of PH3 under controlled atmospheres of 50% and 80% oxygen(O2). Increase of the time and atmospheric oxygen showed improving activities of the PH3 in the 2 agricultural pests. Therefore, PH3 is an effective fumigant against F. occidentalis, F. intonsa, P. comstocki and P. citri, and its synergistic effect with oxygen is effective to control M. persicae and T. urticae. PH3 with oxygen could be useful for managing the agricultural and quarantine pests.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 사무직 종사자들의 직무스트레스 완화를 위 하여 원예식물 및 활동에 관한 사전 선호도와 직무스트 레스의 연관성을 분석하고자 실시하였다. 원예 활동 경 험과 관련된 사전 선호도 조사에서 원예식물 중 많이 키 워본 식물 및 선호하는 원예식물은 화훼, 채소, 과수 순 으로 조사되었으며 경험해 본 원예활동은 감상하기가 가장 높게 나타났다. 선호하는 원예활동은 키우기, 이용하 기, 감상하기 순으로 조사되었다. 또한, 원예활동 경험에 따른 직무스트레스 측정 결과 식물 가꾸기를 선호하는 사 람의 직무 스트레스가 낮게 나타나는 것으로 조사되었으 며, 채소류에 비해 화훼류를 선호하는 사람이 직무자율 성 결여에 대한 스트레스에서 유의한 차이로 높게 나타 났다. 직무불안정 및 관계갈등 대한 직무스트레스는 식 물이 비교적 유용하다고 응답한 집단의 점수가 낮았다. 이러한 연구결과를 통해 원예활동 프로그램이 직장 내 대 인관계 향상 및 직무스트레스 관리에 적용 가능한 활동 으로 개발할 필요성이 있는 것으로 판단되었다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 절화 수국 ‘Ruby’의 보존화 가공 시 탈수 및 탈색 시간과 보존및 착색 적정 조건을 구명하고자 실 시하였다. 탈수 및 탈색의 적정 처리 시간은 18 ~ 24시 간으로 판단되었으며, 24시간 후부터 무게가 감소하고 Hunter value a 값이 낮게 조사되었다. 24시간 처리의 Hunter value a 값은 0.94로 0시간 보다 낮게 조사되었으 며, 36시간 처리는 꽃잎의 갈변 현상이 나타났다. 보존 및 착색 처리 결과, 관능평가에서 Solution II와 Black 염료 처리한 보존화가 65%로 가장 높은 선호도를 받았으며, Solution II, Red 6.7mL + Yellow 6.7mL+ Blue 6.7mL + Black 10mL 처리와 Red 5mL + Yellow 5mL + Blue 5mL + Black 15mL 처리가 각각 25%, 10%의 선호도를 받았다. 또한, Solution I은 건조과정 중 형태변형이 나 타나 Solution II의 형태유지성, 유연성, 질감이 Solution I(제작용액)에 비해 다소 높게 조사되었다. 그에 반해, Solution I의 색상재현성은 다른 처리보다 높은 점수를 받 았으며, Hunter value L 값도 15.33으로 가장 낮게 조사 되었다. 따라서, Solution II(시판용액)가 절화 수국의 보존 화 가공 시 적정 처리인 것으로 조사되었으며, 색 재현성 을 위해 검정색 표현을 위해 Black 염료 단독처리가 효과적인 것으로 판단된다.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Calepitrimerus vitis (Nalepa) is a grapevine pest and distributed worldwide. This study was conducted to identify grapevine damage related to density of C. vitis and to suggest an effective control time. The damaged flower buds displayed retarded growth and became dried up, and symptoms of damaged leaves such as malformed and bronzed leaves were observed. Flower cluster and leaves were collected and density of the grape rust mite were observed by using a washing and sieving method. The highest mean density (±SE) of C. vitis was found to be 672.6±112.9 per flower cluster with mid-level damage, and 450.1±66.5 per 2 leaves was found on the damaged leaves. These severe damage symptoms were observed in the early spring, and the density of the grape rust mite was significantly higher as 80 times in damaged vineyard than in the undamaged at the early growth stages of the grapevine. To determine the emergence time of the grape rust mite from lower part of a winter bud the ratio of density of C. vitis on upper-bud to lower-bud was observed. On 13 April 2015, 80% of the grape rust mites were observed on upper-bud where the mite could feed at the bud burst stage. Therefore, once the symptoms of damaged flower clusters and leaves are observed, acaricides should be sprayed before inflorescence emergence, and at the early growth stage between bud burst and leaf development in following year. This would allow the decrease of the density of C. vitis in early spring, and the progression of severe damage could be prevented.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This studies was conducted to define community structure and diversity of epigeal spiders in apple orchards under different farming practices (organic and conventional). In 11 commercial apple orchards, epigeal spider community structure was investigated during 2012-2014 (3 orchards, 2012; 3 orchards, 2013, 5 orchards, 2014). Epigeal spiders were collected by pitfall traps from April to October, 2012 in Danyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do; 2013 in Muju-gun, Jeollabuk-do; 2014 in Cheongsong-gun and Uiseong-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea. Sampled spiders were identified to the species level. Biodiversity was analyzed with species richness (total numbers of spider species), abundance (total numbers of individuals) and Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H΄) for each site and compared between organic and conventional orchards. In all regions, abundance of the spider communities were relatively higher in organic orchards than in conventional orchards. But, no significant difference in species richness and specie diversity (H΄) between organic and conventional orchards. Lycosidae was the most dominant family in all orchards regardless farming practices. However, Linyphiidae dominated in organic orchards only. The most dominant species were Pardosa laura (Lycosidae), Erigone koshiensis (Linyphiidae) in organic, Piratula procurvus (Lycosidae) in conventional orchards.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to investigate the community structure and species distribution of ground beetle assemblages in western part of Yeongwol-gun, Korea. Ground beetles were collected by pitfall traps from 9 study sites during July to October in 2013. A total of 30 species were identified from 4,439 collected ground beetles. Two dominant species, Synuchus nitidus (1,916 individuals) and Synuchus cycloderus (1,900 individuals) were occupied 85.8% of total. Interestingly, Pterostichus orientalis orientalis and Synuchus melantho were only collected in relative high altitude above 350 m, such as Beopheung-ri, Unhak-ri, and Yongseok-ri. Large-sized beetles, such as Damaster, Leptocarabus, and Carabus species, were generally more collected from Suju-myeon (Beopheung-ri and Unhak-ri) and Jucheon-myeon (Docheon-ri and Yongseok-ri) as well-conserved area, but not occurred in Yeongwol-eup and Hanbando-myeon, which forests may have lower habitat quality for these species. These differences also lead to increasing of dissimilarity among study sites, which were diverged into 3 groups at 53.0% of similarity. In particular, species composition of Samok-ri was significantly different at 8.2% of similarity because of difference in habitat characteristics as river side. This study has an important value to provide the fundamental information of inventory and monitoring in Yeongwol-gun. For detail mapping of species distribution in Yeongwol-gun, however, further studies are necessary, especially eastern parts of Yeongwol-gun.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Epigeic spiders (Araneae) were surveyed in apple orchards under different farming practices (organic and conventional) in Muju-gun, Jeollabuk-do, Korea. The study was conducted from April to October in 2013 with 2 weeks interval using pitfall traps. Collected spiders were identified as 20 species of 6 families from 819 individuals in organic orchardⅠ, 19 species of 10 families from 759 individuals in orchardⅡ and 16 species of 8 families from 209 individuals in conventional orchard for from 1,787 captured spiders. Biodiversity was analyzed with species richness, abundance and Shannon diversity index (H΄). Species richness was statistically higher in organic orchard than in conventional orchard. Organic orchardⅡ comprised the greatest abundance followed by organic orchard and conventional. But species diversity was the highest in organic orchardⅡ, intermediate in conventional orchard and the lowest in orchardⅠ. Lycosidae was the most dominant family in all orchards regardless farming practices. However, Linyphiidae dominated in organic orchards only. The most dominant species were Erigone koshiensis (Linyphiidae) in organicⅠ, Pardosa laura (Lycosidae) in organicⅡ and Arctosa pungcheunensis (Lycosidae) in conventional orchard.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Urbanization is one of the leading causes of habitat loss, habitat degradation, and fragmentation. Urban development negatively affects biodiversity. This study aimed to clarify the change of butterfly communities on effect of urbanization in urban green areas. Butterfly survey was conducted using the line transect methods from April to October in 2012. A total of 59 species and 1,465 individuals of butterflies were observed in four urban green areas: Namsan Park (NS), Ewha Womans University (EW), Bukseoul Dream Forest (BD), and Hongneung Forest (HF), and natural forest: Gwangneung Forest (GF). The category of land use around study site was determined based on GIS data. Species richness and abundance of niche breadth and habitat type in urban green areas differed significantly from those in GF. Estimated species richness and species diversity (H’) in four urban green areas were significantly lower than those in GF. Species richness and abundance of forest interior species and specialist were positively correlated with paddy, field, and forest, whereas those of forest interior species and specialist were negatively correlated with urban area and road. Butterfly communities in four urban green area differed from that in GF. The result suggests that the decrease of paddy, field, and forest associated with increase of urban area and road negatively influences species composition and changes butterfly communities.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to identify which width of the base of support(BOS) is safer and more effective in lifting by comparing muscle activations and body sways when lifting objects under the width variation of the BOS. A total of fifteen healthy adults participated in this study. For the width variation of the BOS, the participants changed the width between their feet into three different types(10cm, 32cm, 45cm) and lifted a 10kg four times in each type after going up on a force plate. In order to measure body sways according to the width variation of the BOS, a motion analysis system was used. In addition, in order to measure the muscle activations of lower extremities, including the erector spinae, gluteus maximus, rectus femoris, and tibialis anterior, an electromyogram(EMG) analysis was employed. In addition, the Borg's scale was drawn by quantifying the subjective discomfort levels felt from each width of the BOS. In conclusion, no statistically significant differences according to the width variation of the BOS were observed(p=.295, .308)(p>.05). However, a statistically significant difference was exhibited between the Borg's scale, which indicates the discomfort levels from lifting performances, and the width variation of the BOS (p=.000*).
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