This study was conducted to investigate the changes in quality characteristics of frozen maesil according to thawing methods. The quality of maesil thawed in microwave oven was superior to those thaw in refrigerating temperature(5 ˚) and in room temperature(25 ˚). Drip loss of maesil thawed in microwave oven was 3.2±0.2%. The total content of free sugars of maesil was 426.6 mg%, and 3% of them was decreased during thawing in microwave oven. The total content of organic acids was 5,297.2 mg%, and 2.5% of them was decreased during thawing in microwave oven. The total content of free amino acids was 281.4 mg%, and 2.1% of them was decreased during thawing in microwave oven. The principle ingredients of frozen maesil was stand for the lost contents of free sugar and a content loss of free organic acid and free amino acid were the fewest by thawing. Antioxidant effect for soybean oil and linoleic acid of maesil extract were expressd POV and TBA values. Antioxidative activity of fresh maesil extract was highest followed by maesil thawed in microwave oven, thawed in refreezing temperature (5˚)and room temperature (25˚)
된장과 고추장에 대해 cdELISA에 AFB_(1)의한 의 분석방법을 확립하고 국내에서 생산되는 재래식 및 개량식 된장과 고추장을 수거하여 AFB_(1)의 오염도를 조사하였다. 표준곡선을 작성하였을 때, 이의 검출 한계는 0.2ng/㎖(ppb)이었다. 된장의 Spike test 후 회수율은 1~100 ng/g 범위에서 평균 71.5%로 나타나 이 범위에서 cdELISA에 의한 AFB_(1)의 측정이 가능함을 보여주었다. 이로부터 된장 및 고추장에서 cdELISA를 통한 AFB_(1)의 분석 방법을 확립하였다. 된장 및 고추장 시료의 AFB_(1)의 오염도는 총 30종의 고추장 시료에서 AFB_(1)이 검출되지 않았고 총 30종의 된장 시료 중 6종에서 1.0~6.0 ng/g 수준으로 검출되었다. 이는 우리 나라의 허용기준인 10 ng/g(ppb) 이하였다.
In this study, occurrence of aflatoxin M₁ (AFM₁) in domestic milk and milk products was determined. The level of AFM₁ in market milk (0.047 ppb) was lower than that in raw milk (0.083 ppb) but this looks like that is due to dilution in collecting process rather than the effect of sterilization. In the case of nonfat dry milk, level of AFM₁ appeared high by 0.24 ppb but it is thought to be not different from market milk actually because nonfat dry milk is diluted at intake. In the case of ice cream, finished products were contaminated with AFM₁ of 0.020 ppb and also have the possibility of the contamination of AFB₁ due to secondary raw material such as nuts and alinond. On the basis of the results of this study and previous studies, Monte-Carlo simulation is conducted to estimate the contamination level of AFM₁ in domestic market milk. To consider uncertainty and variability fitting procedure was passed through. And we used beta distribution to estimate the prevalence and triangular distribution to estimate the concentration level of AFM₁ in milk. As a result, the 5%, 50% and 95% points of the distribution of the probability of AFM₁ contamination level in milk is 0.0214, 0.0946 and 0.1888 ppb, respectively. Also we estimate that AFM₁ in almost milk was low more than 0.5 ppb that is American acceptable level but 80.4% exceeded far 0.05 ppb that is European standard.
Nivalenol(NIV)의 검출을 위한 효소면역측정법(ELISh)을 개발하기 위하여 tetraacetyl nivalenol(Ac4-NIV)에 대한 다클론항체를 생산하고 그 조건을 확립하였다. Ac4-NIV-hemisuccinate를 bovine serum albumin에 공유결합 시킨 Ac4-NIV-HS-BSA를 Freund's adjuvant와 함께 수차례 토끼에 피하면역하였다. 가장 높은 항체가를 나타낸 항혈청으로부터 정제한 항체와 Ac4-NIV-HS-HRP conjugate를 이용하여 직접 경합 ELISA(cdELISA)를 확립하였다. 그 표준곡선으로 부터 Ac4-NIV의 검출범위는 10~5,000 ng/ml(ppb)임을 알 수 있었다. 특이항체의 Ac4-NIV과 acetyl T-2에 대한 반 응성은 각각 100, 70%였으나, NIV, deoxynivalenol, 3-acetyl deoxynivalenol, 15-acetyl deoxynivalenol, triacetyl deoxynivalenol, fusarenon-X, T-2에 대한 반응성은 0.1% 이하로 극히 미약하였다. NIV를 인위적으로 오염시킨 옥수수시료를 70% acetonitrile로 추출하고 acetylation한 다음 cdELISA를 행하였을 때, 분석의 회수율은 100, 300, 1,000 ng/g(ppb)에서 각각 108, 143, and 70%(평균, 107%)로 나타났다.
We have reported a sensitive, specific and simple direct competitive ELISA method to detect aflatoxin in agricultural commodities. We evaluated the ELISA for practical use to detect aflatoxins contaminated in the domestic and foreign agricultural commodities. The detection limits of the direct ELISA for residual aflatoxins in rice, pine nuts, corns, almonds, bean nuts, and pistachio were 10 ppb and in peanuts and cashew nuts were 20 ppb, which were elucidated from the standard curves of ELISA for aflatoxin fortified into the agricultural commodities. Residue studies of naturally contaminated aflatoxins in the agricultural commodities were also carried out by using direct ELISA. As the results of the studies, it was revealed that there were no residues of aflatoxins in 20 rice samples produced in south Korea, 20 pine nut samples in south Korea (9 samples), USA (1 sample) and China (10 samples), each of 20 almond, pistachio and bean nut samples in USA. However, aflatoxin residues were detected in corn samples imported from north Korea (350-585 ppb in 2 of 3 samples), from USA (109-326 ppb in 6 of a samples) and domestic corns (61-326 ppb in 7 of 17 samples). The toxins were contaminated in corn imported from USA for popcorn (17-20 ppb, in 3 of 10 samples) whereas no residues were detected in corn from south Korea and China. In case of cashew nuts imported from India, 11.4-23.1 ppb of aflatoxins were detected in 4 from 20 samples. Most of the contaminated foods were harvested before 1995. Thus, hygienic managements of the foods should be required during storage and circulation at market.
본 연구는 복령 균사체 발효 쌀의 첨가가 된장 발효에 미치는 영향을 확인하고자 수행되었다. 복령 균사체 발효쌀을 이용한 된장을 시판하기 위해서는 15%를 첨가하는 것이 가장 적합하였으며, 90일 동안 숙성시킨 된장의 총 유리 아미노산의 함량은 1,889.17 mg%로 분석되어 대조구에 비해 증가하였다. 복령 균사체 발효 쌀의 필수아미노산은 7종이 분석되었으며, 일반 쌀과 비교했을 때 lysin, threonine, valine, methionin
본 연구에서는 경제적 측면에서 일반 소금보다 우수한 해양심층수 소금을 이용하여 간장을 제조한 후 발효기간에 따른 품질특성을 조사하였다. pH와 완충능은 발효가 진행됨에 따라 점차 감소하였다. 순추출물의 함량은 점차 증가하여 발효 120일째에 7.5%로 나타났다. 간장의 갈색화는 발효 30일 째에 대부분의 갈색화가 진행되었다. 총질소와 아미노태 질소는 발효가 진행됨에 따라 점차 증가하여 발효 12일째 각각 1.4%와 0.75%를 나타내었다. 유리아
본 연구에서는 보리등겨, 보리메주 및 시금장의 향기성분 조성차이를 규명하였다. 보리등겨, 보리메주 및 시금장에서 동정된 향기성분은 각각 46, 67 및 61종이었다. 시금장의 향기성분은 tetramethylpyrazine > 2-furancarboxaldehyde > ethyl palmitate > 4-ethylphenol의 순으로 많았다. 보리등겨, 보리메주 및 시금장에서 공통적으로 검출된 성분은 13종이며, 이 중 butanoic acid,