This study explores ways to enhance pre-service English teachers’ curriculum development competency through collaboration with in-service teachers. To this end, a course was designed to incorporate three key competencies of curriculum development (curriculum literacy, curriculum development competency, and curriculum evaluation competency) while adopting task-based language teaching and collaboration with inservice teachers as teaching methods. The designed course was implemented in a university for validation and revision. Ten pre-service English teachers participated in the course, where they developed English curricula in response to requests from three in-service middle school English teachers. A questionnaire survey conducted at the end of the semester with both pre-service and in-service teachers revealed that the proposed course model adequately worked to improve the three key competencies of English curriculum development among pre-service teachers. Further, collaboration with inservice teachers was found to enhance pre-service teachers’ responsibility and active engagement in curriculum development, while also providing practical assistance and creative teaching ideas to in-service teachers.
This study investigated the feasibility of adopting an automatic scoring system (ASS) in a domestic English-speaking education context. Scope, test items, assessment criteria, scoring methods, and reporting strategies of six overseas English-speaking tests utilizing ASSs were examined. Moreover, a comparative analysis was conducted to identify disparities between ASS-based and non-ASS-based speaking tests. Findings were: 1) some ASS-based tests utilized ASS technology throughout the assessment, while others adopted a hybrid scoring system involving human raters; 2) compared to non-ASS-based tests, ASS-based tests used more test items targeting low-level skills such as sound and forms but fewer test items targeting conversation and discourse level skills; 3) pronunciation, fluency, and vocabulary were widely employed as evaluation criteria with sparse use of organization, content, and task completion in most ASS-based tests; 4) differences were minimal in assessment criteria application and score calculation between ASS-based and non-ASS-based tests; and 5) some ASS-based tests provided criteria-specific results and feedback with total scores and proficiency levels.
This study defines Korean wave stars as Korean wave human brands and examines the influence of the characteristics, attachment, and self-congruity of the Korean wave human brand on brand equity. For this, this study surveyed Chinese female consumers in their 20s and 30s who consume many Korean wave products from May 2018 to June 2018. First, human brand characteristics, attachment, self-congruity, Korean wave aspiration level, and brand equity according to demographic characteristics were identified. Second, characteristics, attachment, self-congruity, and the aspiration level of the Korean wave human brand showed correlations with brand equity. However, brand awareness, a sub-factor of brand equity, does not show correlations with self-congruity. Third, characteristics, attachment, self-congruity, and Korean wave aspiration level had a positively influenced brand equity. Fourth, when looking into the mediated effect of attachment on brand equity, both human brand characteristics and self-congruity showed a partially mediated effect. Fifth, when analyzing the adjustment effect in the Korean wave aspiration level, a group with higher Korean wave aspiration level showed more correlations with attachment and brand equity. This study found that attachment and self congruity are important elements in forming human brand and brand equity. This study is significant in that it verified the influence of Korean wave brand power that has been on the rise recently on brand equity and provided a theoretical basis that has allowed researchers to determine that the characteristics, attachment, and self-congruity of Korean wave human brand significantly influence brand equity.
Teachers’ job satisfaction is a crucial factor to determine the quality of education in that it affects their dedication and participation. While teachers’ job satisfaction in general has been widely investigated, subject-related job satisfaction has been sparsely explored. Thus, this study investiaged both general and subject-related job satisfaction and compared them. A total of 117 secondary English teachers in Seoul participated in a survey which measures job satisfaction in terms of seven factors: relationship with people, job duties, work environments, opportunities for professional development, compensations, administration systems, and recognitions. Overall, the participants showed a modest level of satisfaction in both general and subjet-related jobs. Yet, subject-related job satisfaction was higher than general job satisfaction. They were particularly satisfied with their relationship with students and teachers. They also showed high satisfaction with recognition they receive as a teacher as well as an English teacher. In contrast, they were dissatisfied with compensations and workloads in general, and the number of students in charge and administrative support in teaching English. Finally, their job satisfaction was affected by gender, school type, position, and marriage. Based on the results, suggestions to enhance secondary English teachers’ job satisfaction were made.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the current state of research on learner factors in second language acquisition by reviewing relevant studies published in English Teaching over the past 50 years. A total of 182 articles on various learner factors were extracted from the journal. Further detailed analyses were conducted on 110 articles on strategy, motivation, and personality traits in terms ofpublication year, research topics, participants, methods, and researchers' concentration. The results reveal that research on learner factors has significantly expanded over time in terms of volume and diversity, reflecting increasing research interests in the field. As for research methodology, a quantitative approach was far more frequent but qualitative and mixedmethod approaches have gained visibility since 2000. Yet, most of the studies focused on tertiary level learners, while overall neglecting primary and secondary level learners. Furthermore, individual researchers' interests in the factors looked rather sporadic as revealed in the lack of research concentration. Based on the findings, suggestions for future research on learner factors are made.
목 적 : 자기공명영상은 물과 지방 사이에 화학적 이동 현상을 가지고 있고 지방에 의해 구조적 현상이 나타난다. 또한 지방은 기본적으로 강한 신호를 나타내어 잘못된 인공물을 형성함으로써 병변 주변부의 진단을 어렵게 한다. 이런 이유로 효과적인 지방소거기법에 대해 많은 연구가 이루어지고 있는데 본 논문은 평소 균일한 지방제거 영상을 얻기 어려운 경추 근골격에 대해 기존의 지방소거 기법과 Dixon 기법을 정량적 평가하여 임상적 유용성을 알아보았다.
대상 및 방법 : 2013년 10월 01일부터 2013년 12월 31일까지 본원에 방문한 경추 근골격에 대한 병변이 없는 환자 20명(평균나이: 62.2세)을 대상으로 하였다. 연구 장비는 3.0T Skyra(SIEMENS, Germany)와 20 channel Head & Neck coil을 이용하였으며, 사용한 sequence는 TSE(turbo spin echo)이며, sacn parameters FOV:250×250 mm/ TR:2500 ms/ TE:96 ms/ Image Matrix:269×384/ thickness:3 ㎜/ Gap:0.3 ㎜/ Slice No.11/ Scan time: 2:30 sec로 동일하게 하였고 지방 소거 기법만을 FS(Spectral fat saturation), SPAIR(Spectrally Adiabatic Inversion Recovery), Dixon(Water only excitation)으로 변화하여 경추부위 근골격이 포함된 영상을 획득하였다. 획득한 영상을 이용하여 근골격계 중 가장 높은 신호를 나타내는 부위와 가장 낮은 신호 부위에 관심 영역 ROI를 측정하여 [1- (Imax-Imin)/(Imax+Imin)]x100 식을 통해서 지방제거영상의 균일성을 백분율로 계산하여 정량적 방법으로 비교 분석하였다. 이를 통해 도출된 결과는 SPSS 21.0의 반복측정 분산분석(Repeated Measurement ANOVA)으로 통계학적 처리를 하였으며, 유의수준은 0.05로 설정하였다.
결 과 : 정량적 분석결과 FS 11.83±3.27%, SPAIR 10.11±4.03%, DIXON 93.27±8.83%으로 Dixon기법 지방소거 영상의 균일성이 다른 기법에 비해 아주 높게 나왔다. 각각의 기법으로 구한 값을 RM ANOVA를 사용하여 분석한 결과, 구형성 가정의 유의확률이 0.00으로 통계적으로 매우 유의한 결과를 보였으며, 사후검정을 실시하였을 때, 기존의 지방소거 기법인 FS 기법과 SPAIR 기법 간에는 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았지만(p>0.05), FS 기법과 DIXON 기법 간 및 SPAIR 기법과 DIXON 기법 간에는 통계적으로 매우 유의한 차이를 나타냈다(p<0.01).
결 론 : 본 실험을 통하여 세 기법을 적용했을 때 경추 근골격의 지방소거 균일성 정도의 차이를 정량적으로 알 수가 있었다. FS, SPAIR 기법은 인체 굴곡부위에 검사를 할 경우에 중심 주파수 값이 굴곡 부위에 따라 다르기 때문에 굴곡 정도가 심하지 않은 마른 체형의 환자를 검사 할 경우에는 비교적 나은 균일성을 보였지만, 일반적으로 보통 이상의 체형에서는 균일성이 많이 떨어졌다. 반면 Dixon기법은 물성분과 지방성분의 위상이 동일한 동위상(in-phase)영상과, 180° 다른 반대위상(opposed-phase) 영상을 얻어, 위상보정(phase correction) 과정 및 두 가지 영상을 이용한 calculation을 통하여 지방소거 영상을 생성하게 된다. 이로 인하여 3.0T MRI에서의 흔히 발생되는 B0와 B1에 의한 불균일성에 영향을 받지 않고 기존의 지방 소거 기법들 보다 월등히 균일한 지방 소거 영상을 제공하는 것으로 생각된다. 향후 본 논문에서 연구한 Dixon 기법은 경추 근골격계 뿐만 아니라 다양한 부위와 병변에 적용되어 진다면 임상적으로 더욱 유용하게 이용될 것으로 기대되어진다.
This study investigated how Korean EFL students’ self-directed English learning abilities, learning strategy use, and the relationship between the two constructs change as they advance to upper level schools. Data were collected from 447 elementary, middle, and high school students in Seocho-gu, Seoul, using Self-Directed Language Learning Readiness (SDDLR) and a revised version of Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL). The results showed that elementary school students’ SDDLR and SILL scores were significantly higher than those of middle and high school students, with no significant difference between the two groups. Among the learner factors, interest toward English study was the only factor which affected all the three groups’ SDDLR as well as SILL scores. The influence of study-abroad experience and starting age of private education was limited to the elementary school student group, indicating their short-lived effects on self-directed learning and strategy use. Lastly, there was a high or moderately high positive correlation between SDDLR and SILL in all the three groups. However, the specific relationship among subcategories of the two constructs was complicated and different among the three groups.
This study investigated the effects of pairing based on English proficiency and gender on high school students’ speaking task performance. A total of 16 high school students - 4 female advanced, 4 female intermediate, 4 male advanced, and 4 male intermediate learners - performed two information gap tasks spotting differences between two pictures, once with a same-level learner and once with a different-level learner. Their performance was analyzed in terms of degree of task completion, amount of utterances and fluency. The results showed (a) advanced level learners performed the task more accurately, more fluently, and in higher length when they were paired with advanced level learners than paired with lower level learners, although the differences were not significant; (b) For intermediate level learners, male students demonstrated a better performance when paired with higher level learners, but female students performed better when paired with the same level learners. The findings are discussed with regard to more feasible and more effective ways of grouping for pair work in high school English classes.
Melamincyanurate(MC), as an non halogen flame retardant are used as the polymer and plastic materials. In this study, melamine and cyanuric acid were used for the synthesis of MC. The optimum condition of synthetic MC were controlled by different molar ratio of melamine to cyanuric acid. MC was modified by coupling reaction with four different agents. The influences of modified MC were based on the coupling agent types. Preparation methods are available to offer the prospect of improved morphology control deposit stability in polyol. The results reveal that glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane(GDS) has the best storage stability. The best properties were obtained with melamine and cyanuric acid from 1:1 molar ratio. Modification of MC through coupling agent can efficiently enhanced the deposit stability in polyol up to 30 %.
Different types magnesium hydroxide groups have been obtained using the hydrothermal precipitation technique from magnesium sulfate and calcium carbonate solution. The Mg atom coordinated around O atom of SO42- in another layer to form a multi-layer structure crystal. The influence of synthesis parameters on the morphological characteristics and size of magnesium hydroxide groups precipitated in aqueous were investigated such as different of additive and pH. Magnesium hydroxide groups were decomposed gradually and converted finally to MgO particles after heated in air temperature up to 1050℃. The particle size and it's distribution morphology, crystal phase and thermal behavior of the samples were characterized through XRD, SEM, EDS, and TG/DTA.
마늘을 각종 기능성 식품 재료로 이용하기 위한 기초자료를 제공하기 위하여 산지별 마늘의 화학성분 및 항균활성을 조사하였다. 색도 중 L값은 53.41∼57.15, a값은 -3.49∼-4.38 및 b값은 11.47∼17.55였으며, 일반성분 중 수분, 조단백질, 조지방, 가용성 무질소물, 조섬유 및 회분 함량은 각각 65.24∼71.96, 6.24∼9.35, 0.21∼0.49, 19.01∼22.72, 0.58∼0.95 및 1.01∼2.01%로 나타났다. 산지별 마늘의 주요 무기성분으로는 Na, Mg, K, Ca 및 P였으며, 그 함량은 각각 27.22∼112.03, 18.17∼32.56, 242.16∼569.28, 28.60∼63.93 및 117.72∼265.21 mg%였고, 유리당은 sucrose, glucose 및 fructose였다. 마늘은 17종의 아미노산이 분석되었으며, 그 중 proline, arginine, glutamic acid 및 aspartic acid가 주요 아미노산으로 나타났고, 총 아미노산 함량은 2,709.33∼4,561.04 mg%이었다. 비타민 C 함량은 2.966∼8.673 mg%이었다. 산지별 마늘의 주요 지방산으로는 linoleic acid, oleic acid 및 palmitic acid였으며, 불포화지방산이 72.18∼74.35%였고, 포화지방산은 25.65∼27.82%였다. 산지별 마늘 물 추출물을 이용하여 항균활성을 측정한 결과, 농도 의존적으로 그램 음성 및 양성 모든 세균에서 높은 항균활성을 보였다.
We make high-functional inorganic-composite pearlescent pigment material that coated with carmine on the plate-type particle such as mica. In this experiment, we synthesized composite powder using pH control precipitation method. We make an experiment with changing as synthesis factors that are concentrations of starting material and precipitation materials. We analyzed pearlescent powder's shape, and crystallization with FE-SEM, XRD, and EDS. Optimum condition for preparation of carmine coated mica pearlescent pigment is pH 4.5~5.5.
Eu3+ doped YGdO3 phosphors particles which have fine size and narrow size distribution with non aggregated uniform morphology were prepared by solvent evaporation method for the improvement of emission efficiency. Several parameters have been investigated in this study such as the influences of composition ratio of host materials, calcination temperature, amount of activator, surfactant, pH and flux on the photoluminescence intensity, particle size and dispersion. Eu3+ doped YGdO3 phosphor presented a strong narrow band emission peak at 612nm. The maximum emission intensity ofYGdO3:Eu3+ occurred when Eu3+ concentration is 3wt% under vacuum ultra violet excitation. Prepared phosphors were found to have small round-shaped particles about 150nm in size. The addition of PVA as a surfactant inhibits the grain growth and the agglomeration of particles efficiently by reducing the oxygen bridge bonds. As the pH reduces, PL intensity increase due to reducing the formation of oxygen bridge bonds. The particles prepared from solvent evaporation method with 5wt% LiCl were found to have 120% PL intensity compare to particles prepared without LiCl flux.
Field emission display(FED) is actively investigated in view of the development of full color flat-panel display, which can replace some cathode-ray tube(CRT). Thus, the development of new phosphors appropriate for FED is urgently needed and has been actively investigated. In this work, SrTiO3:Pr3+ phosphor was prepared by sol-gel method and the coating was applied by sol-gel method combined with sonication on these phosphor's surface into diluted precursor solution. It was found that very fine particles of coating material were formed on phosphor's surface. The luminescent intensity of SrTiO3:Pr3+ phosphor coated with SiO2 and Al2O3 was considerably increased without any noticeable change in color chromaticity. The optimum concentration of coating material was found to be 1wt% and the optimum pH value of the solution was 10.
Y2-xGdxO3:Eu, phosphors for plasma display panel(PDP), were prepared by Pechini method which use yttriun chloride, gadolinium chloride, and europium oxide as starting materials. This method is a different way to the synthesis of europium(Eu)-doped phosphors, and it consists of the formation of a polymeric resin obtained by polyesterification between metal chelate compounds and a polyfunctional alcohol. This needs lower temperature than solid-state synthetic method. The prepared Y2-xGdxO3:Eu phosphor particles had spherical shape and coherence. The luminescence intensity of Y2-xGdxO3:Eu phosphor particles increased according to the increase of gadolinium(Gd) content(to 0.8mol%), and Y1.2Gd0.8O3:Eu phosphors had the highest luminescence intensity under vacuum ultra violet(VUV) excitation. The optimum concentration of Eu in the phosphor and optimum calcination temperature was 3wt% and 1100℃. The prepared phosphors were consist of particle, and its size was between 100nm and 150nm. Among the different polyfunctional alcohols, diethylene glycol(DEG) improved the luminescence intensities of phosphors more than other additives. The Pechini method proved that it is demonstrated to be suitable for the synthesis of phosphors used in PDP.
The silica nanoparticles were used as support of catalyst, filling material, electronic assembler, thin film material, and sensor material. And, the titania nanoparticles were used as pigment, dielectric substance, sensor and photocatalyst. In this paper, the spherical composite particles of TiO2/SiO2with narrow size distribution and phase pure were synthesized by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis method from TiOSO4 and colloidal silica solution. Using ultrasonic apparatus, this starting solution was vaporized to droplets, and these droplets were induced into tube furnace by carrier gas. The resulting composite powder was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, TG-DTA, in vitro sun protection factor(SPF) and BET surface area analysis.
Transparent films were prepared using the sol-gel process by mixing TEOS with PVA solution that was solved in EtOH and distilled water homogeneously. HCl, CH3COOH and NH4OH were used as catalysts of the sol-gel process, and for improving the flexibility of films glycerol was used as plasticizer. In case of each catalyst, transparency and tensile strength were increased, and glass transition temperature (Tg) was shifted to higher temperature with increasing TEOS ratio. Also, in case of adding the plasticizer, the flexibility of films was increased. On the contrary, transparency, thermal stability and tensile strength were decreased with increasing HCl and NH4OH ratio. Also, the range of being made of film type was expanded when CH3COOH was used than HCl and NH4OH.
Spherical alumina powders were prepared by the controlled hydrolysis of aluminum iso-propoxide in a solution consisting of n-octyl alcohol and acetonitrile. As aluminum alkoxide's concentration increased, the particle size was increased and size distribution was more broad. As-prepared particle morphology was not spherical when acetonitrile volume fraction was increased over than 60%. As-prepared amorphous powders crystallized to γ-alumina at 1000℃ and converted to α-alumina at 1150℃. The particle morphology was retain after crystallization α-alumina. When aluminum iso-propoxide was used as aluminum source, the optimum preparation condition of spherical alumina was 0.1M AIP, 0.2M H2O, 0.1g/l HPC with a volume fraction (1/1) of the n-octyl alcohol/acetonitrile, 10min of reaction time and 30min of aging time.