이 연구는 최근 37년(1977-2013) 동안 여름철 동중국해에 영향을 준 태풍빈도와 북서태평양 몬순지수와의 상관 을 분석하였다. 두 변수 사이에는 뚜렷한 양의 상관관계가 존재하였으며, 엘니뇨-남방진동 해를 제외하여도 높은 양의 상관관계는 변하지 않았다. 이러한 두 변수 사이에 양의 상관관계의 원인을 알아보기 위해 가장 높은 북서태평양 몬순 지수를 갖는 11개 해(양의 북서태평양 몬순지수 위상)와 가장 낮은 북서태평양 몬순지수를 갖는 11개 해(음의 북서태평 양 몬순지수 위상)를 선정하여 두 위상 사이에 평균 차를 분석하였다. 양의 북서태평양 몬순지수 위상에는 태풍들이 열대 및 아열대 서태평양의 동쪽해역으로부터 동중국해를 지나 한국 및 일본을 향해 북상하는 경향을 나타내었다. 음의 북서태평양 몬순지수 위상에는 태풍들이 남중국해를 지나 중국 남부지역을 향해 서진하는 패턴을 보였다. 따라서 동아 시아 중위도까지 먼 거리를 이동하면서 바다로부터 충분한 에너지를 얻을 수 있는 양의 북서태평양 몬순지수 위상에의 태풍강도가 더 강하였다. 또한 양의 북서태평양 몬순지수 위상에 태풍들이 더 많이 발생하는 특성을 보였다. 850 hPa과 500 hPa에서의 수평 대기순환에 대한 두 위상 사이에 차에서는 열대 및 아열대 서태평양에서 저기압 아노말리가, 동아 시아 중위도 지역에는 고기압 아노말리가 강화되었다. 이 두 기압계 아노말리로 인해 동중국해에서는 남동풍 아노말리 가 발달하였으며, 이 남동풍 아노말리가 태풍들을 동중국해로 향하게 하는 지향류 아노말리의 역할을 하였다. 또한 열 대 및 아열대 서태평양에서 발달한 저기압 아노말리로 인해 양의 북서태평양 몬순지수 위상에 태풍들이 좀 더 많이 발 생할 수 있었다.
이 연구는 한국-중국 북부 지역(35°-40°N, 110°-130°E)에서 영역평균 된 여름(6-8월) 강수량의 증가경향이 1990 년대 후반에 뚜렷하게 나타났음을 분석하였다. 따라서 한국-중국 북부지역에서 1998년 이후에 여름 강수량이 증가한 원 인을 알아보기 위해 1998-2012년 평균과 1981-1997년 평균 사이에 종관환경에 대한 차를 분석하였다. 850 hPa 유선 분석에서는 북태평양 지역과 호주 동쪽지역에서 거대한 고기압성 순환 아노말리가 강화되었다. 양반구에서 이러한 순환 아노말리에 의해 적도 중태평양으로부터 열대 서태평양에 편동풍 아노말리(무역풍 아노말리)가 강화되었다. 이는 라니 냐 해에 나타나는 순환 패턴의 아노말리였다. 200 hPa 유선에서는 남·북태평양 모두에서 거대한 저기압성 순환 아노말 리가 역시 강화되었다. 이러한 두 순환 아노말리에 의해 적도 중태평양 및 서태평양에서는 서풍의 아노말리가 강화되었 다. 이는 1990년대 후반 이후 한국-중국 북부 지역에서 여름 강수량의 증가가 라니냐 패턴과 연관되었으며, 이 결과는 결국 워커 순환의 강화로 이어졌다. 또한 최근 동아시아 지역에서는 적도 서태평양과 동아시아 중위도 지역에서 상승한 기류가 아열대 서태평양지역에서 하강하는 지역 해들리 순환이 강화되었다.
이 연구에서는 통계적 변동시점 분석을 통해 한국 상륙태풍의 빈도가 1981년 이후로 급격하게 증가함이 확인되었다. 이러한 증가는 북태평양 고기압의 동쪽으로의 이동에 의해 동아시아 대륙에 저기압 아노말리가 강화되는 반면, 북서태평양에는 고기압 아노말리가 강화되어 결국 저위도로부터 한반도 부근 지역으로 남풍의 아노말리가 형성되었기 때문이었다. 이 남풍의 아노말리는 아열대 서태평양에서 발생한 태풍을 한반도로 이동시키는 지향류의 역할을 하였다. 이렇게 동아시아 대륙에 저기압 아노말리가 강화된 원인을 알아보기 위해 이전 봄(3-5월)동안의 적설량을 분석하였다. 그 결과 동아시아 대부분의 지역에서 1981년 이전보다 적은 적설량이 관측되었다. 따라서 봄부터 시작된 동아시아 대륙의 가열로 인해 여름철 이 지역에 저기압 아노말리가 발달할 수 있었으며, 결국 태풍을 한반도로 이동시킬 수 있는 남풍 아노말리의 지향류가 형성될 수 있었다.
Fibro-osseous lesion(FOL) has been known a lesion that normal bone is replaced by cellular fibrous connective ti ssue and nonfunctional bone, FOL has been classified and revised by several investigators and World Health Organization(WHO) , For correct diagnosis and treatment, it is necessary to classify FOL precisely, Compared to the class ificat ion by WHO in 1992‘ the new version of 2005 makes it simpler to classify , Therefore, the aim of this study is classifying FOL by the WHO classification in 1992 and compare it with the new ve1'sion in 2005 The material was 1'e tl‘ ieved f l'om the cases which were diagnosed as FOL from 1992 to 2005 in the Department of Oral Pathology, Yonsei University College of Dentistl'Y, Clinical, rad iological and pathological observations were conducted for this study Comparing WHO classifi cation in 1992 with the one in 2005, there were no differences regarding clini cal, radiological a nd hi s tological f indings in each classified disease entity of both osteogenic neoplasm and non neoplastic bone lesion , Hence, the new classification by WHO in 2005 would be a useful yardstick for correct diagnosis and treatment , For the differential diagnos is between osteogenic neoplasm and non neoplastic bone lesion, it is important to observe the degree of cell ularity microscopi cally and definiteness of the border radiographically,
Combined epithelial odontogenic tumors are very rare and represent hybrid lesion comprising adenomatoid odontogenic tumor intermixed with calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor. The authors present 3 cases of combined epithelial odontogenic tumor which contained diagnostic areas for both adenomatoid odontogenic tumor and calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor. Their behaviour and histogenesis were discussed.
World Health Organization(WHO) revised the classification of neoplasms and other tumours related to odontogenic apparatus in 1992. The aim of this study was to classify the odontogenic tumors of Korean according to the WHO Histologic classification. A total of 271 cases were reviewed for the study which were diagnosed as odontogenic tumors at the department of Oral Pathology, Yonsei University College of Dentistry for the period from Jan. 1997 to March 2003. Clinical and pathology reports were reviewed & radiographic feature were examined. The following results were obtained :
1. Among 271 cases, 269 cases(99.3%) were diagnosed as benign odontogenic tumors, and the remaining 2 cases(0.7%) were malignant tumors, which were diagnosed as odontogenic ghost cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma ex odontogenic cyst.
2. Four cases were not able to classify into the WHO classification. All of them were belonged to mixed odontogenic tumors; two cases of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor with calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor, one case of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor with odontoma, odotogenic cyst and one case of ameloblastoma with immature odontoma.
3. The most frequent odontogenic tumour was odontoma(45.2%), followed by ameloblastoma (29.2%), odontogenic fibroma(9.2%)
4. One case of atypical amelobalstoma and one case of calcifying odontogenic cyst with ameloblastic fibroma were not able to subclassify histologically.
5. Male to female ratio of odontogenic tumors was 1.2:!. Odontogenic tumors mainly occured in the first and second decade, occurred twice as much as in the mandible than in the maxilla
6. The odontogenic tumors was discovered by routine oral x-ray examination, whereas the chief complaint of ameloblastoma were swelling, pain.
7. Ameloblastoma, adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, calcifying odontogenic cyst and odontoma were related to the impacted teeth and tooth displacement. The root resorption was frequently observed in ameloblastoma and calcifying odontogenic cyst.
The coffee grounds generated during the coffee extraction process contain several resources, but the technology for their recycling has not been commercialized yet, causing various environmental problems. Due to the recent increase in coffee consumption worldwide, the amount of coffee grounds produced has been continuously increasing, reaching more than 750 million tons. In Korea, about 120,000 tons of coffee waste are annually generated; however, most of them are landfilled or incinerated. Although there is still a shortage of coffee waste recycling technologies compared to the amount of coffee grounds produced, various recycling approaches are being actuated in many countries including Korea. In this study, the generation of coffee grounds at home and abroad, the status of coffee grounds recycling, and the associated technology development trends were investigated. The coffee grounds recycling has been studied in the fields of energy, adsorbent, construction, agriculture, and bio-foods. Research is most active in the energy and biotechnology areas; in particular, since the oil in the coffee grounds is valuable as a feedstock for biomass energy, the technology related to energy recovery is currently under development worldwide. Removed because confusing and unnecessary.
A statistical change-point analysis examined the existence of climate regime shift in the time series of the Asian dust frequency in Seoul during spring. As a result, the Asian dust frequency in Seoul during spring has sharply increased since 1993. To investigate the cause of the increasing Asian dust frequency in Seoul during spring, therefore the averages during the period of 1993 to 2011 and the differences in large-scale environment during the period of 1974 to 1992 were analyzed. According to the analysis results for 850 hPa, 500 hPa, and 200 hPa stream flows, northwesterly anomaly was formed from the Lake Baikal to the Korean Peninsula due to the intensification of anomalous anticyclonic circulation in Northern China. This northwesterly anomaly has become a major circulation that moves the sand particles from Northern China to Seoul.
This study analyzed the frequency of heatwave occurrences in Jeju Island in summer season (June to September) for the recent 46 years (1968-2013). The frequency showed an increasing trend up until now and we applied statistical change-point analysis in order to determine whether this increasing trend had a climate regime shift. As a result, it was discovered that frequency of heatwave occurrences has rapidly increased since 1990. Thus, to determine the causes of rapid increase in frequency of heatwave occurrences in Jeju Island since 1990, a difference in mean values of June to September between a period of 1990-2013 and a period of 1968-1989 was analyzed. The analysis result of differences between two periods about stream flows showed that large anomalous anticyclonic circulations were strengthened in the subtropical western Pacific and the center of the small anomalous anticyclone, which was branched westwardly out of the anticyclonic circulations was located within the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. This strengthening of the anomalous anticyclone in the Korean Peninsula was also shown at the middle and upper troposphere. The anomalous anticyclonic circulations, which were expanded to the Korean Peninsula from the subtropical western Pacific in recent years was due to strengthening of the western North Pacific subtropical high (WNPSH) in the Korean Peninsula. Hot and humid air can be introduced into the Korean Peninsula due to the strengthening WNPSH in the Korean Peninsula. Furthermore, a difference in daily maximum temperature at 2m height as well as sensible heat net flux between two periods were analyzed in order to determine the degree of the heat at the ground. There was positive anomalies found along the coast in East Asia and the center of the positive anomalies was linked to the Korean Peninsula via the northern part of China. Thus, the Korean Peninsula including Jeju area had more heat than usual in recent years.
영주산 '후지' 사과의 전처리 및 포장방법별 저장기간 동안 품질변호를 알아보기 위하여 사과를 5% 용액에 15분 동안 침지한 후 완전히 건조시켜 두께의 LDPE 필름으로 박스단위로 포장하여 의 농협 현지저온저장고에서 21주간 중량감소율, 경도, 적정산도, 가용성 고형분함량, 비타민 C함량, 부패율 조사하였다. 중량감모율, 경도변화, Vitamin C 변화, 부패율 등에서 칼슘처리과 필름포장을 병행한 처리구(Ca-MA)가 다른 처리구에 비해 저