
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 230

        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently pathogenic E. coli is one of the main foodborne pathogens resulting in many patients in Korea. To understand the characteristics of pathogenic E. coli outbreaks in Korea, the epidemiological investigation reports of pathogenic E. coli outbreak in 2009 (41 reports) and in 2010 (27 reports) were collected in the web site of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reviewed and analysed in this study. The main places of the pathogenic E. coli outbreaks were food catering service area (64.8%) and restaurants (25.0%). The main type of the pathogens were EPEC (44.7%) and ETEC (34.2%). EAEC and EHEC was responsible for 10.5 and 9.2%, respectively. Eight of 68 outbreak cases were caused by more than 2 types of pathogenic E. coli which implicates the complicated contamination pathways of pathogenic E. coli. The incidence rate of pathogenic E. coli was 33.6 ± 30.5% and the main symptoms were diarrhea, stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, and fever etc. The two identified food sources were identified as frozen hamburger pattie and squid-vegetable mixture. To improve the food source identification by epidemiological investigation, food poisoning notification to the agency should not be delayed, whole food items attributed the outbreak should be collected and detection method of the various pathogenic E. coli in food has to be improved. In conclusion, the characteristics between the EHEC outbreaks in the western countries and the EPEC or ETEC outbreaks in Korea needs to be distinguished to prepare food safety management plan. In addition, the development of the trace back system to find the contamination pathway with the improved detection method in food and systemic and cooperative support by the related agencies are necessary.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate of changes for organic acids in takju during storage conditions. Two types of takju, unsterilized and sterilized, were used. Acetic acid, citric acid, lactic acid, malic acid and succinic acid were detected in sample. Residues of malic acid was not detected after 7 days storage in room temperature( 25oC). In contrast to lactic acid was increased by times after storage. Acetic acid concentrations was gradually increased in room temperature but was not changed in cold temperature(4oC). After storage for 10 days, the organic acid residues lactic acid > citric acid > succinic acid > malic acid > acetic acid in unsterilized takju. Compared to unsterilized sample, organic acid residues in sterilized sample was not significantly changed. Consequently, organic acids residues mainly affected by sterilization.
        2012.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        안동시, 영덕군, 의성군, 청송군 일대 총 17개 지역에서 2010년 5월과 8월 두 차례에 걸쳐 노린재목과 매미목 분포를 쓸어잡기법으로 정량 조사한 결과 노린재목은 16과 82종, 매미목 13과 78종이 채집되었다. 그리고 노린재목에서 소금쟁이과 1종, 쐐기노린재과 3종, 장님노린재과 22종, 침노린재과 3종, 실노린재과 3종, 뽕나무노린재과 1종, 긴노린재과 10종, 허리노린재과 7종, 호리허리노린재과 1종, 잡초노린재과 4종, 알노린재과 2종, 뿔노린재과 5종, 땅노린재과 1종, 광대노린재과 1종, 억세노린재과 1종, 노린재과 17종이 채집되었고 매미목에서는 쥐머리거품벌레과 1종, 거품벌레과 5종, 뿔매미과 4종, 매미충과 45종, 큰날개매미충과 3종, 긴날개멸구과 1종, 줄강충이과 1종, 좀머리멸구과 1종, 꽃매미과 1종, 상투벌레과 1종, 장삼벌레과 4종, 멸구과 8종, 매미과 3종으로 총 160종이 채집되었다. 한반도 전체의 노린재목 687종중 11.9%인 82족과 매미목 501종중 15.6%인 78종이 채집되었다. 이 중 노린재목 1종과 매미목 7종이 한국특산종으로 조사 되었으며 주로 의성군에서 채집되었다.
        2012.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Remodeling is a process which creates a new environment based on the formal building. So we should reflect residents' demands faithfully and complement weak points of the formal building throughly, after grasping many problems, when we have a plan to do a remodeling. This study aims to make decision for remodeling company using AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process).
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 코골이 방지 베개의 효율성을 검증하기 위해 수면다원검사 측정 결과를 이용한 분석 방법 및 총 수면 시간과 코골이 시간 등의 효율성 평가에 유용한 변수를 제안하는 것으로 연구가 진행되었다. 사용된 코골이 방지 베개는 두 개의 polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) 진동 센서와 펌프, 밸브, 공기주머니로 구성되어있다. 두 진동센서를 통해 코골이 신호를 정확하게 검출하고, 코골이 판정 시 제시된 알고리즘에 따라 베개 내부에 부착된 공기 주머니를 팽창시켜 목을 들어줌으로써 좁아진 기도를 확보하게 해 코골이를 경감시키도록 베개가 설계되었다. 베개의 유효성을 검증하기 위해 수면다원검사를 실시하였고, 실험에는 두 명의 피실험자가 참여하였으며 코골이 베개의 사용 유무에 따라 실험이 진행되었다. 수면다원검사로부터 다양한 변수값을 측정하여 분석하였고, 이 결과 값들로부터 베개의 유효성을 판단하였다. 두 피실험자 모두 총 수면시간은 큰 차이를 보이지 않았으며 총 코골이 시간과 가장 긴 코골이 시간은 감소하는 것을 확인하였고 코골이방지 베개가 코골이를 효율적으로 경감하도록 하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구의 결과로부터 수면다원검사를 통해 코골이 방지 베개의 유효성을 확인하였으며 측정된 각 변수들과 수면의 질과의 관계를 살펴봄으로써 향후 많은 연구에 활용될 것이다.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The removal amount of pesticide residue which were remained in baechu (Chinese cabbage) and perilla leaf were measured during the preparation process of kimchi. The amounts of diazinon, procymidone and endosulfan applied to chinese cabbage were 9.18 ± 0.03 mg/kg, 22.27 ± 0.22 mg/kg and 10.46 ± 0.02 mg/kg respectively. When chinese cabbage was brined with 10% salt solution for 12 hours, the removal rates of three pesticides were 22.5%, 25.3% and 0.6% for diazinon, procymidone and endosulfan, respectively. When chinese cabbage was brined and rinsed 3 times with water, the removal rates of three pesticides were 69.9%, 85.6% and 11.2% for diazinon,procymidone and endosulfan, respectively. When kimchi was prepared and fermented for 28 days at 4oC, the removal rates of three pesticides were 79.4%, 94.4% and 21.0% for diazinon, procymidone and endosulfan, respectively. The relative percentages of removal dose of pesticides during brining were 28.4%, 26.9% and 3.2% for diazinon, procymidone and endosulfan, respectively and which were 59.7%, 63.8% and 50.4% during rinsing and which were 11.9%,9.3% and 46.4% during fermentation, respectively. The amounts of diazinon, procymidone and endosulfan applied to perilla leaf were 18.11 ± 0.62 mg/kg, 31.80 ± 0.33 mg/kg and 12.01 ± 0.01 mg/kg, respectively. When perilla leaf was rinsed 3 times with water, the removal rates of three pesticides were 60.5%, 52.0% and 23.7% for diazinon, procymidone and endosulfan, respectively. When perilla leaf was rinsed and brined with 10% salt solution for 14 days, the removal rates of three pesticides were 93.9%, 92.4% and 49.6% for diazinon, procymidone and endosulfan, respectively. The relative percentages of removal dose of pesticides during rinsing were 64.5%, 56.3% and 47.8% for diazinon,procymidone and endosulfan, respectively, and which during brining were 35.5%, 43.7% and 52.2% for diazinon, procymidone and endosulfan, respectively.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZEN) are mainly contaminated mycotoxins in feeds. The study was carried out to analyze and survey the contamination of DON and ZEN in one hundred thirteen samples of feeds. After cleaning all samples with immunoaffinity column, the mycotoxins were analysed by using high performance liquid chromatography/fluorescence with diode array detector (HPLC /FLD with DAD). The average recoveries of DON were 88.76 and 95.40% at the levels of 200 and 1,000 μg/kg and 87.09 and 98.40% of ZEN were recovered at the levels of 100 and 500 μg/kg, respectively. The limit of detection (LOD) were 6.0 and 3.0 μg/kg for DON and ZEN, respectively. The average concentrations of DON were 372.1, 324.0 and 990.9 μg/kg in chicken, pig and cattle feed, respectively. Those of ZEN were 76.1, 43.7 and 196.2 μg/kg for them, individually.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nivalenol (NIV), deoxynivalenol (DON), T-2 toxin (T-2) and zearalenone (ZEN) are mycotoxins produced by some Fusarium species known to be very frequently contaminated in feed. The study for simultaneous analysis and contamination survey in animal feed carried out. All mycotoxins were analysed by using high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass with internal standard. The limits of detection (LOD) were 2.0 μg/kg,1.0 μg/kg, 1.0 μg/kg and 0.1 μg/kg for NIV, DON, T-2 and ZEN, respectively. Two hundred and thirty nine samples of feed were collected. The average concentration of DON was 212.3 μg/kg, 207.8 μg/kg and 812.1 μg/kg in chicken,pig and cattle feed, respectively. The average concentration of ZEN was 31.2 μg/kg, 35.6 μg/kg and 147.2 μg/kg for them, respectively. Especially, the levels of contamination for DON and ZEN were higher than those of NIV or T-2. And, the levels of contamination for four Fusarium mycotoxins in cattle feed appeared higher than those of pig and chicken feed. It was investigated that the high level of mycotoxin contamination in cattle feed was caused by corn gluten feed of ingredients for feed, mainly.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was planned to monitor the change in the content of sulfur dioxide during the drying process of fresh vegetables. The analysis of sulfur dioxide was conducted by the Optimized Monier-Williams Method based on the Korea Food Code. The samples were kinds of vegetables which consisted of naturally-originated sulfur compounds (green onion, onion, cabbage, garlic, radish leaves, radish). Fresh vegetables (n = 182) and dried vegetables (n = 41) purchased from different local areas were investigated for the content of sulfur dioxide. The fresh vegetables were dried at 50~60℃ using hot-air dryer. The moisture contents of dried samples were adjusted to keep 10percents. The contents of sulfur dioxide in self-dried vegetables were 104.6 mg/kg in green onion, 75.4 mg/kg in onion, 129.1 mg/kg in cabbage, 197.6 mg/kg in garlic, 23.0 mg/kg in radish leaves and 52.5 mg/kg in radish, respectively. The increase of sulfur dioxide content according to the moisture content reduction was different from the expected. It means that the contents of sulfur dioxide can be altered by other factors except moisture contents. This results can be utilized as materials for the safe management of sulfites of dried vegetables.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        수입과일을 대상으로 captan, chlorpyrifos, methidathion 및 kresoxim-methyl 을 각각 1000, 250, 400 및 157 mgkg−1 농도 로 수확 후 처리 하여 저장 기간에 따른 경시적 변화를 관찰한 결과 captan 은 처리 직후 과일 전체에서 0.9-12.5 mgkg−1, 과육에서 ND-0.23 mgkg−1 으로 조사 되었으며, 4주 후에는 과일 전체에서 0.7-3.2 mgkg−1, 과육에서 ND-0.67 mgkg−1 으로 조사되었다. chlorpyrifos 은 처리 직후 과일 전체에서 0.4-2.2 mgkg−1, 과육에서 ND-0.32 mgkg−1 으로 조사 되었고, 4주 후에는 과일전체에서 0.3-0.9 mgkg−1, 과육에서 ND-0.02 mgkg−1 으로 조사 되었다. methidathion 은 처리 직후 과일 전체에서 0.7-3.1 mgkg−1, 과육에서 ND-0.05 mgkg−1 으로 조사 되었고, 4주 후에는 과일 전체에서 0.4-2.0 mgkg−1, 과육에서 ND-0.05 mgkg−1 으로 조사 되었다. kresoxim-methyl 은 처리 직후 과일 전체에서 1.3-2.1 mgkg−1, 과육에서 ND-0.16 mgkg−1 으로 조사 되었고, 4주 후에는 과일 전체에서 1.3-1.8 mgkg−1, 과육에서 ND-0.15 mgkg−1 으로 조사 되었다. 농약처리 4주 후 농도의 감소율은 captan 이 52% 로 가 장 높았으며 다음으로 chlorpyrifos, methidathion 및 kresoximmethyl 이 각각 47, 41 및 11% 순으로 조사 되었다.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is associated with porcine circovirus diseases (PCVD), of which postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome is considered to cause considerable economic losses in pig industry worldwide. As the virus-like particle (VLP) is a highly effective type of subunit vaccine and has unique advantages in terms of safety and immunogenicity, this study aimed to develop PCV2-like particles, which matched currently circulating Korean PCV2 and were applicable as vaccines. The ORF2 genes encoding PCV2 capsid protein were amplified from the PCV2 subgroup 1A/B Korean C275 isolate and the subgroup 2E C94 isolate by PCR assay with primer pair specific to PCV2 ORF2 gene, and were cloned into baculovirus transfer vector. Recombinant baculovirus was generated by cotransfection with the transfer vector and linear baculovirus DNA into the Sf9 cells, and then by plaque purification. Expression of PCV2 capsid protein was determined by the indirect immunofluorescence and Western blotting assays, and electron microscopy. By both immunological assays, PCV2 capsid antigen was detected in the Sf9 cells infected with the recombinant baculoviruses. The formation of empty virus particles, characteristic of VLP, was detected in the lysate of Sf9 cells infected with the recombinant baculoviruses by negative electron microscopy. From these results, VLPs of two genogroups of PCV2 were successfully expressed and generated in a baculovirus expression system. It is expected that the expressed VLPs of two genotypic groups can be used for control of PCV2 infection as good vaccine candidates.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although several enteric viral pathogens including the porcine groups A, B and C rotaviruses (PGARV, PGBRV, and PGCRV), sapovirus (PSaV), and torovirus (PToV) are known to cause endemic diarrheas in weaning and post-weaning piglets, their precise prevalence in Korea is not clear. Therefore, we examined 1,222 diarrhea stools obtained from 627 farms during 2004~2009 by RT-PCR and/or nested PCR for evaluating their precise prevalence in Korea. PGARV was the predominant pathogen during 2004~2007 but its prevalence was markedly reduced during 2008~2009. PGBRV infections caused endemic diarrhea during 2004~2007, but was hardly detected during 2008-2009. PGCRV was detected at 27.0%, 14.5%, 42.4%, 28.8%, 7.3%, and 54.2% during each year of 2004~2009, respectively, indicating its high prevalence in Korea throughout the years. PSaV induced with high prevalence (32.4-39.2%) during 2004~2005 but its detection rate was markedly decreased during 2006~2009. PToV caused sporadic infections only during 2006 (1.0%) and 2007 (6.9%). These enteric viruses were detected in diarrhea specimens in piglets usually in combination with each other and/or together with bacterial pathogens including the Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Brachispira hyodysenteriae, and Lawsonia intracellularis. Infections with PGARV, PGCRV, PSaV, and PToV were more prevalent in fecal samples collected in cold seasons. These results provide important epidemiological data for the control and establishment of a surveillance system for the prevailing enteric viruses in Korea.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Moths were collected using a 22W UV black light trap in June through September in 2005 and May, June, August and September in 2006. The study sites were Namsan (Mt. Nam), Jirisan (Mt. Jiri), Woraksan (Mt. Worak) which are part of the Korean National Long Term Ecological Research (KNLTER). There were two common forest communities, Quercus mongolica and Pinus densiflora. The purpose of this study was to compare species diversity of the major plant feeding Lepidoptera in the two forest types at the regional KNLTER sites. We collected a total of 435 species from the KLTER sites in 2005 and 2006. Abundance of moths was highest at Woraksan (Mt. Worak) followed by Jirisan (Mt. Jiri). The Namsan (Mt. Nam) site had the lowest, with five families (Arctiidae, Geometridae, Noctuidae, Notodontidae, and Pyralidae). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed statistically significant differences at sampling date in species abundance as a response variable and at site in species richness as another response variable. Although we expected a distinct cluster with the forest type at each study site, one of ordination analyses, nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS), showed distinct clusters with the moth assemblages at each site only but NMS did not show any distinct cluster with the different forest types at each site as we expected.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        과학기술이 발달함에 따라 정보통신의 대표적인 유형으로서 인터넷이 등장하게 되었으며, 인간에게 많은 편의를 제공하고 있다. 초기의 인터넷은 단순 정보 검색과 상호간의 의사소통의 수단으로서 이메일이 주 역할을 수행한데 반하여, 현재는 포털사이트의 역할이 다양하게 이루어지고 있다. 특히, 포털사이트의 역할 중 이용자에게 뉴스를 제공하는 기능은 그 언론성의 여부에 따라 포털의 법적지위에 영향을 미치는 단계에 이르고 있다. 우리나라의 경우, 종래에는 포털사이트의 뉴스제공에 관하여 기존 언론사의 뉴스를 제공받아 이를 인터넷을 매개로 이용자에게 전달하는 뉴스전달자로 보아, 언론관계법으로부터 배제하여 왔다. 그러나 최근에는 포털이 사회에 미치는 영향력이 상당할 뿐 만 아니라 몇 몇 포털 사이트는 자체 기사편집 및 작성을 하고 있는 바, 더 이상 단순한 전달자가 아닌 언론으로서의 역할을 지니고 있는 것으로 판단하고 있다. 따라서 언론중재 및 피해구제 등에 관한 법률」(일명‘언론중재법’)에 의하여 ‘인터넷뉴스제공자’로서 규제의 대상이 되고 있다. 언론중재법에 의하면 인터넷뉴스제공자는 언론사로부터 뉴스를 제공받아 이를 인터넷을 통하여 매개하는 제공자를 의미한다. 하지만 이와 같은 인터넷뉴스제공자의 경우, 정의에 의하여 자체 제작 뉴스는 포함하지 않는 바, 이는 언론중재법의 대상이 되지 않음에 따라 언론중재위원회의 규제 대상에서 제외된다는 문제점을 지니고 있다. 따라서 이와 같은 문제점을 해결하기 위한 법적 방안이 마련되어야 하는바, 신문법의 개정을 통하여 인터넷신문에 포털 뉴스서비스를 포함시키는 방안이 제시가능하다. 다만, 자체 제작 기능과 언론사의 뉴스를 매개하는 기능에 대하여는 그 책임의 정도가 다를 수 있는 바, 이를 구분하여 그 기능에 따른 적절한 제재가 이루어질 수 있도록 법적 개선이 이루어져야 한다. 뿐만 아니라 향후에는 인터넷을 이용한 뉴스서비스라는 점에서 인터넷의 특성에 따라 명예훼손과 표현의 자유간의 관계를 고려한 적절한 법적 규율방안 논의가 이루어져야 한다.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        미취학 아동의 창의적 사고, 다양한 경험 기반의 학습 활동, 그리고 인성 및 감성 중심의 교육에 대한 욕구를 충족시켜줄 수 있는 새로운 교육 방식으로써 체감형 교육 방식의 보급이 활발해지고 있다. 체감형 학습은 사용자의 움직임이나 감각을 통해 디지털 교육 콘텐츠를 조작하는 인간-컴퓨터 인터랙션을 활용한 교육 방식이다. 그러나 사람의 움직임이나 목소리 같은 음성/영상 인식의 정확도가 높지 않아 실제 교육 시스템 적용에는 한계를 보인다. 이러한 한계점의 극복을 위해 인간과 서비스 콘텐츠 사이에 매개체를 두고 이를 통해 사람의 움직임을 가속도, 각속도와 같은 숫자 값으로 변환/전송하여 인터랙션 하는 매개 인터페이스 개념이 제안된다. 본 연구에서는, 교육 시스템의 대상인 미취학 아동의 행동을 관찰하고 프로토콜 분석을 통하여 사용자 중심의 매개 디바이스 디자인 요구사항을 제안한다. 분석 결과, 미취학 아동들은 물체를 조작하는 데 서툴고, 무의식적으로 물체를 만지작거리거나 기대는 행동을 보였다. 또한 물건을 사용할 때 그에 종속되어 행동의 부자연스러움을 보였다. 따라서 체감형 교육을 위한 매개 디바이스는 사용자의 익숙하지 않은 조작을 보조할 수 있어야 하며, 디바이스 사용 중에도 자연스러운 행동을 유지할 수 있도록 디자인되어야 한다.