
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 246

        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Toxocara (T.) canis, round worm of dogs and cats, is probably the most common gastrointestinal helminthes of domestic canid and is ascarid nematodes in the order Ascaridida, family Toxocaridae. The prevalence of patent toxocariasis is highest in the young dogs and much less common in adult dogs. There are few reports on the status of T. canis prevalence of dogs in Korea. Few cases of human visceral larva migrans also reported in Korea. However, as far as we know, there is no report on the canine toxocariasis case determined by pathological findings in Korea until now. In this research, we diagnosed canine toxocariasis by fecal egg test and pathologic findings in 2-month old two Pointer dogs. Typical T. canis eggs were detected in the fecal test. Numerous adult ascarids in the lumen of small intestine and stomach in one dog and multifocal white necrotic lesions in lung, liver, and kidney in another dog were observed grossly. Histologically, multifocal necrosis, eosinophilic inflammation and intralesional ascarid larva were prominent findings in the lung, liver and kidney.
        2009.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research aims to examine consumers’ general types of information search and their unsatisfactory factors in purchasing agricultural products on electronic commerce and analyze consumers’ behavioral characteristics. As study subjects, 802 consumers who have visited the home pages of 14 households or companies, whose home pages are actively managed, were sampled. As a research tool, pop-up post and e-mail were used as research tools and questionnaires were asked three times. The date on research result were analyzed using SPSS 13 statistics package in terms of frequency, percentage, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and correlation analysis.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is ultimately subjected to the Orientalism, even though this deals with some positive effects in the realm of art and architecture as the scope of study, because through which the relationship between two different cultures will be discussed. That is to say, this research focused not only on how the presentation of ‘avant-garde’ visual art, which is explained as formal ‘purity’ and ‘abstraction’ as the characteristics of modern arts, could be made in the transition to the 20th's World, but also on what is the role and meaning of Eastern thoughts, which is popular in that time, for the new philosophical background of the artistic revolution. As a result, this study found that a lot of ‘avant-garde’ architects such as F. L. Wright, M. Mahony in Prairie School and L. Sullivan, D. Burnham, J. Root in Chicago School, and Lauweriks, H. P. Berlage who introduced Wright's works into the Europe, had possessed the ‘Universal Philosophy’ including Unitarianism, Transcendentalism, Deism, and Theosophy which are all influenced by Oriental religions and thoughts through historic western philosophers, although it is generally well-known that W. Kandinsky and P. Mondrian were belong to that. Furthermore, they gave attention to the Oriental religions and thoughts in that time, eventually made a historical progressive process of unification of thoughts between East and West. In a word, the new universalism was the philosophical background that made the artist's idea and presentation on ‘from Being into Becoming’.
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        本文爲了摸索韓國未來外交政策的適當的方向,主要考察的是韓國的最近的兩個政府即,盧武鉉和李明博政府的對中政策。從他們所主張的政治立場來看,這兩個政府是在一定程度上持有正相反的態度,前者是進步;後者是保守。因此本文主要進行比較這兩個政府的對中政策。雖然李明博政府上台了不久,但是在總統競選過程以及當選以後已經發表了自己對外交政策的一些基本原則和方向。因此本文認爲通過分析這些資料可以判斷對中政策的基本方向。研究結果,盧武鉉和李明博政府在對美政策上持有介入和放棄的選擇性組合/積極性介入態度。同時在對中政策上,在基本上實行兩方向政策的前提下盧武鉉政府實行的是全方位性介入政策和軟性均衡化政策而李明博政府可能實行經濟方面的介入政策和其他方面的軟性均衡化政策。總的來說,韓國政府要注意在外交政策上早變夕改所帶來的弊病。 本文以共五章組成。在第二章闡述中國的外交政策以及對韓半島的政策。雖然本文在分析過程中不把中國設定爲獨立變數,但是在本文裏中國的外交政策及對韓半島的政策是以背景的形式存在。在第三和四章裏分析和預測盧武鉉和李明博政府的外交政策和對中政策。在結論裏本文主要提出李明博政府要克服的一些任務。其主要內容是:第一,盡快制定對中政策的具體內容;第二,要警惕韓美同盟非對秤性所造成的一些負作用;第三,要增加對中國專家的關心。
        2008.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the introduction of the video display terminal (VDT), the efficiency and productivity of work has improved. However, VDT syndrome is threatening the health of workers as a side effect of prolonged use of a VDT. Among various VDT syndromes, the musculoskeletal disorder, especially, the cumulative trauma disorder (CTD) is the common research topic related with upper extremities function. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the wrist-hand orthosis (WHO) on fatigue in middle deltoid, anterior deltoid, serratus anterior, and upper trapezius during one-hour computer keyboard typing. Twelve healthy subjects participated in this study. Surface electromyography was used to assess the localized muscle fatigue (LMF), and the LMF was calculated at 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 40 minutes, and 60 minutes in each muscle, with and without the WHO. Data were analyzed by paired t-test with a level of significance of .05. The results of this study are as follows: 1) At 10 minutes, the LMF decreased significantly with applied WHO in the middle deltoid, anterior deltoid, and upper trapezius (p=.001, p=.026, p=.019, respectively). 2) As the computer keyboard typing period increased, there were no significant LMF differences, except for the upper trapezius. Therefore, it can be concluded that the WHO can be applied to decrease the LMF for the initial 10 minute period in the middle deltoid, anterior deltoid, and upper trapezius' but that the long term effect of WHO in reducing the LMF was proven only in upper trapezius during continued computer keyboard typing.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 정상성인남성의 마시기 동작을 표면근전도와 삼차원 동작 분석기를 통하여 상지 움직임에 대한 계량적(운동형상학: kinematics, 근활성도: muscle activity) 자료를 수집하여 마시기 과제 수행 시 운동 패턴과 전략에 대해서 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법 : 연구 대상자는 건강한 20대 젊은 남성 30명을 대상으로, 삼차원동작분석기(VICON MX System)와 근전도기(MP-100)를 이용하여 마시는 동작의 관절가동범위, 속도, 근활성도를 측정하였다. 결과 : 물 마시기 수행 중 컵을 잡는 동안 어깨에서 최대 내전과 팔꿈치의 최대 신전이 나타났고, 마시는 동안 어깨에서는 최대 굴곡 및 외전이 팔꿈치에서는 최대 굴곡이 나타났다. 뻗기 단계에서 각 관절의 각도 변화에 대해 피어슨상관계수(pearson product-moment correlation coefficient)를 이용한 결과 어깨와 팔꿈치사이에서 (r=-.904), 어깨와 손목사이에서(r=.722), 팔꿈치와 손목사이에서(r=-.700)로 통계학적으로 유의한 상관관계를 나타냈다(p<.05). 입으로 가져오기 단계에서는 위쪽등세모근(7.31%)과 위팔두갈래근(1.60%)이 가장 높은 활성도를 보였고, 정리하기, 마시기, 뻗기 단계에서 각각 위팔세갈래근(.43%), 중간어깨세모근(1.33%), 긴노쪽손목폄근(2.20%)에서 활성도가 높게 나타났다. 결론 : 본 연구는 작업치료사가 중추신경계 및 근 골격계 환자의 치료 계획 및 치료 전략을 설정 시 적용 될 수 있으며, 또한 치료적 중재 후 상지 움직임 향상에 대한 평가의 기초자료로 이용 될 수 있을 것이라고 사료 된다.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study researched the art-educational thoughts as a modern idea influenced with the social and philosophical transitions in the 19th century. Moreover, this study focused on Frank Lloyd Wright's educational thoughts, because those educational revolutions had appeared as one of the results that Western society's character was rapidly changed by those revolutions, so called, Industrial Revolution, American and French Revolution, and Cultural Revolution of Romanticism, from late 18th century, and eventually because that revolutionary educational ideas had closely and basically many relations with Wright's thought. As a result, even though Wright's education such an apprenticeship was a traditional shape, which was not the old-fashioned educational method discipling to the skillful man, but against the existing education through the self-learning from experiences in nature. That is similar to transcendentalists such as Emerson who searched for having an inspiration in Nature. Namely, Wright himself had struggled against the existing dualistic educational concepts through Wright's monistic thoughts on art-education including architecture based on not naturalism but the philosophy of nature by romantic idealistic philosophers such as Shelling, Fickle, Kant, Hegel including with his Master, Sullivan, and by revolutionary educators such as Freobel, Ruskin, Dewey, and above all by his Unitarian doctrine. However, Wright's thoughts was at that time so radical, and as Wright himself acknowledged that, 'because the philosophy back of it, of course, as you know, is midway I guess between East and West', such all philosophical objects to influence on Wright were so abstruse idea which is usually called 'Romantic' or 'Mystic' that is mingled with East's and West's essence. That is, because Wright himself catched that the theories and methods of the art-educational thoughts would not be easily perceived, and he judged that in a word as a character which could not be taught. After all, Wright's romantic progressivist art-educational thoughts have not been perceived, disseminated in general and widely.
        2004.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2004.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내 고속국도 및 일반국도의 약40%, 98%가 아스팔트 포장으로 구성되어 있으며 아스팔트 포장의 주요 파손 형태는 러팅(rutting) 및 균열이다. 파손이 심한 아스팔트 포장에 공용성이 좋은 것으로 알려져 있는 UTW(Ultra-Thin Whitetopping, 이하 중 신 콘)가 국내 도로의 유지보수 공법으로 적용될 수 있는가를 판단하였다. 본 논문은 경기도 폐도에 시험 시공된 중 신 콘 포장에서의 정적하중재하실험을 통하여 교통하중 및 환경하중 조건에 따른 중 신 콘의 거동 분석 결과이다. 콘크리트 두께를 50, 100, 150mm로 하여 두께에 따른 거동을 분석한 결과, 콘크리트 두께가 50mm일 때 콘크리트 하부에서 발생하는 인장 변형률이 급격하게 증가한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 또한 계절별 실험을 통해 포장 온도가 중 신 콘 거동에 미치는 영향이 큰 것을 알 수 있었다. 하중재하위치에 따른 거동분석 결과에서는 슬래브 중앙부와 줄눈부에서 약 25cm 떨어진 지점부터 하중이 재하될 때 중앙부와 줄눈부에 영향을 미치기 시작하였고 이 때, 최대 인장 변형률의 75%까지 변형률이 발생함에 따라 줄눈간격 결정에 주의를 요해야 할 것으로 판단되었다.
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