This study analyzed the nutritional composition (proximate composition, total dietary fiber, calories, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids) of 10 noodle products (tteok ramyun, jjamppong ramyun, kimchi ramyun, instant udon, cup ramyun, jajangmyun, bibimmyun, cream spaghetti, ssalguksu, and milmyun), which account for 85% of the cumulative intake of one or more key nutrients, using data from the 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The moisture contents of bibimmyun, jajangmyun, and cream spaghetti were lower than those of the other noodle products, whereas the crude fat, crude protein, carbohydrate, and calorie contents were the highest. Cream spaghetti had the highest mineral, fatty acid, and amino acid contents, followed by bibimmyun and jajangmyun. Ssalguksu had the lowest contents of most nutrients. These data could be used to populate a food composition database, which can provide consumers with the nutritional information about frequently consumed noodle products.
In this study, 70 kinds of nutritional composition for five bokkeumbap products(spicy chicken, shrimp(saeu), haemul, nakji, and barbecue bokkeumbap) in high-frequency processed foods were analyzed. Raw data of intake amounts were collected from the 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Regarding proximate composition, spicy chicken bokkeumbap had lower water content and higher carbohydrate content than other bokkeumbaps, resulting in the highest total calories. The proximate composition of other bokkeumbaps were all distributed within a similar range. Vitamin content differed according to ingredients added to the bokkeumbaps. Haemul bokkeumbap had high content of vitamins B1 and B2, nakji bokkeumbap had high content of vitamin C and β-carotene, and barbecue bokkeumbap had high content of total niacin, folic acid, and vitamin A. For mineral content, barbecue bokkeumbap showed the highest content distribution, while nakji bokkeumbap showed the lowest content distribution. Regarding fatty acid and fat content, the highest content of fatty acids, saturated fats, and trans fats was detected in shrimp(saeu) bokkeumbap. For amino acid content, barbecue bokkeumbap showed highest content distribution. These results can be used as salient basic data for a food nutrient composition database and to significantly contribute to consumers’ health.
This study was aimed to develop a gruel using rice extrudates and to evaluate physicochemical properties of Tarakjuk (milk porridge; MP) prepared with milk (M) and rice powder (RP, control), rice extrudate (RE), or enzyme treated rice extrudates (ETR). Pasting property of ETR was significantly different from those of RP or RE with significantly low peak viscosity, breakdown and setback values in the ETR sample. Viscosity of MP prepared with ETR was also significantly low, as compared to that of control (> 900 cP). The total solids and spreadability of MP with ETR was higher than those with RP or RE. Hunter color values varied significantly depending on enzyme treatment levels in ETR samples with enzyme dose-dependent increase in b-value. Average starch digestibility of ETR sample was higher by 10.2% than that of control sample. DPPH radical scavenging activities of ETR samples were greater than those of RE or RP. These results indicated that ETR could be beneficial for preparing easy-drink and diet food with higher starch digestibility and fluidity, especially for gastric tube-fed patients.
식품에 존재하는 주요 비타민 B12는 hydroxycobalamin, adenosylcobalamin, methylcobalamin이며 cyanocobalamin은 시리얼과 같은 강화식품에 사용되는 합성형이다. 비타민 B12는 식품 중에 낮은 농도로 존재하기 때문에 추출 및 농축과정이 매우 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 과자와 시리얼 같은 탄수화물 식품 중의 비타민 B12 추출을 위해 α-amylase처리와 산성조건과 cyanide 존재시 열처리, immunoaffinity column(IAC)로 농축과 세척, HPLC/DAD로 분리 검출하였다. 분석법 수행특성지표들을 측정함으로 분석법을 검증하였다. 정확성과 정밀성은 AOAC 가이드라인을 충족시켰고, LOD 0.01 μg/100g과 LOQ 0.03 μg/100 g을 얻었다. 국제정도관리 시험에서 z-score 1.4로 분석수행이 우수함을 확인하였고 QC chart를 이용한 분석품질관리로 모든 분석이 관리하에 있음을 확인하였다. 검증된 분석법으로 과자류 12종과 시리얼 11종의 비타민 B12 함량을 분석하여 각각 0.02-0.26과 0.03-2.67 μg/100 g 범위를 얻 고 이는 신뢰도높은 데이터로 식품성분표에 활용 가능할 것이며 IAC-HPLC/DAD법이 탄수화물 식품의 비타민 B12 데이터베이스 구축에 활용될 수 있을 것으로 보인다.
Effects of roasting on vitamin E content, color, microstructure and moisture of peanuts, and vitamin E content in peanut oils prepared from the roasted peanuts were investigated. Runner-type peanuts were roasted at 140, 150, and 160ºC for 10-20 min. As roasting temperature and time increased, the CIELAB L* value of peanuts decreased while a* and b* values increased, resulting in formation of the golden brown color of roasted peanuts. Moisture ratio (M/Mo) and color b* value of peanuts roasted at 140 to 160ºC showed a correlation of b* = 21.61 (M/Mo)2 – 40.62 (M/Mo) + 34.12 (R2 = 0.9123). Overall changes in the tocopherol contents of peanuts and peanut oils were significantly affected by roasting temperature and time (p<0.05). Roasting at 140ºC caused a slight increase in the levels of tocopherols of peanuts over roasting time up to 20 min (p<0.05). There was no significant change in the tocopherol levels of peanuts during roasting at 150 ºC for 20 min (p>0.05). At 160ºC, the levels of tocopherols significantly decreased during the initial 10 min of roasting (p<0.05) while there was no extended loss after 10 min, resulting in about 5, 12, 20, and 10% losses of α-, β-, γ- and δ-T, respectively. After 20 min, total tocopherols decreased by 18%. However, tocopherol contents of pressed peanut oils significantly decreased at all roasting temperatures (p<0.05). After roasting peanuts at 160ºC for 20 min, about 84% of initial α-T in peanut oils was retained. α-T was the most stable to roasting while γ-T was the least. Swollen epidermal cells on the inner surface and broken cell walls of parenchyma tissue of peanut cotyledon were observed in peanuts after roasting at 160ºC for 15 min. Severe changes in microstructure of peanut by roasting would contribute to vitamin E stability because of exposure of oil droplets in peanuts to oxygen.
This study aimed to investigate the germination characteristics of Saeilmi unhulled rice affected by different steeping (at 35℃) and germination (at 30℃) time. At first, the 24 h-germinated unhulled rice (GUR) were prepared by germination for 24 h after steeping for 8, 16, and 24 h. Next, the 24 h-steeped GURs were obtained by germination for 20, 24, 28, and 32 h after steeping for 24 h. Sprout lengths of GUR were more evenly distributed as steeping and germination time increased. Among 24 h-GURs, the thiamin, niacin, and GABA contents were the highest in 8 h-steeped GUR while the folate content was the highest in 24 h-steeped one. For 24 h-steeped GURs, their levels varied with germination time: the highest contents were observed in 24 h-GUR for the thiamin and the niacin contents (534.6 and 1,281.5 μg/100 g), in 32 h-GUR for folate (58.93 μg/100 g), and in 20 h-GUR for GABA (16.3 mg/100 g). The glucose content of GUR increased upto 7 times depending on the steeping and germination time: the highest level was observed in 20 h-GUR after 24 h-steeping. °Brix of saccharified solution prepared from GURs increased with germination time: the highest was observed in 28 h-GUR after 24-steeping. These results suggest that nutritional, functional, and saccharification properties of rice could be effectively improved by germination, especially with steeping for 24 h at 35℃ coupled with germination for 24 h at 30℃.
This study was performed to investigate the effects of different cooking methods (boiling, roasting, stir-frying, and deep-frying) on folate retention in 6 kinds of mushrooms (Beech-, button-, Juda’s ear-, oak-, oyster-, and winter-mushrooms) frequently consumed in Korea. In order to assure reliability of analytical data, trienzyme extraction-L casei method was verified and analytical quality control was also evaluated. Folate contents of mushrooms varied by 6.04-64.82 g/100 g depending on the type of mushrooms. and were significantly affected by cooking methods. Depending on cooking methods, folate contents of mushrooms decreased by 22-48%, 2-31%, and 17-56% for Juda’s ear-, oak- and oyster-mushrooms, respectively, while 17-90% of folate was increased in Beech mushroom. Overall, the largest weight loss was found in boiled mushrooms, but the lowest one in deep-fried samples. True folate retention rates considering processing factor were less than 100% for all cooked mushrooms except for Beech samples. Overall, folate loss was the largest by boiling with water but the smallest by deep-frying. Both accuracy and precision of trienzyme extraction-L-casei method were excellent based on a recovery close to 100% and coefficient variations less than 3%. Quality control chart of folate analysis (n=26) obtained during the entire study and an international proficiency test (z-score=-0.5) showed that trienzyme extraction-L casei method is reliable enough for production of national folate database.
본 연구는 국민 영양평가 및 정책 수립에 근간이 되는 국가표준식품성분표 개정을 위해 농촌진흥청과 국립축산 과학원이 공동으로 국산 돈육의 대표 시료를 선정하고 부위별로 신뢰성이 확보된 vitamin B12 함량 데이터 구축을 위해 분석법 검증과 분석품질관리를 수행한 연구이다. Immunoaffinity-HPLC 분석법을 특이성, 직선성, 검출한계 및 정량한계, 정확성, 정밀성 등의 분석수행특성 지표를 이용하여 평가한 결과 모든 항목에서 AOAC 가이드라인 수용기준에 충족되는 것을 확인하였다. 또한 모든 시료 분석 시 in-house QC sample을 분석한 결과 QC chart의 관리한 계선 안에 포함이 되어 본 연구 기간 동안 수행된 모든 시료 분석이 관리하에 정확성과 정밀성을 나타내는 분석값 임을 확인할 수 있었다. 총 7개 primal cut과 이들로부터 세분화된 22개 retail cut의 vitamin B12 함량 분석 결과 주요 부위(평균 0.42-0.69 μg/100 g) 뿐만 아니라 같은 부위 안에 서도 세부 부위에 따라 vitamin B12 함량에서 차이가 나타났다. 특히, 삼겹살과 목심 부위에서 vitamin B12 함량이 높게 나타났으며 세부 부위에서는 삼겹살 부위의 토시살이 0.98 μg/100 g로 최고값을 보였고, 등심 부위의 알등심살과 뒷다리 부위의 홍두깨살이 0.33 μg/100 g으로 가장 낮은 수준을 나타냈다. Vitamin B12 함량은 돈육의 부위별 단백질 함량과는 유의적인 차이를 보였으나 지방 및 수분 함량과는 유의 적인 차이를 보이지 않았다. 본 연구에서 생산된 국내산 돈육의 부위별 vitamin B12 함량 데이터는 분석법 검증과 분석품질관리를 통하여 신뢰성이 확보된 데이터로 국가표 준식품성분표 개정에 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
본 연구는 저지방 및 고단백 부위인 닭 가슴살을 백설탕, 황설탕, 조청, 프락토올리고당, 파인애플 농축액, 복분자엑기스, 꿀 등 총 7종의 감미제를 사용한 침지용액에 각각 침지 처리 후 50℃에서 9시간 건조하여 닭 가슴살 육포를 제조하고 이들의 이화학적 및 관능적 특성을 조사하였다. 또한, 품질 특성이 우수한 닭 가슴살 육포를 선정하여 50℃에서 저장하며 대조군(돈 육포 및 우 육포)과 지방산패 속도를 비교하였다. 제조된 닭 가슴살 육포는 수분 22.5-25.0%, 조단백 41.0-46.6%, 조지방 0.4-1.0%로 저지방 고단백 식품임을 알 수 있었다. 닭 가슴살 육포 제조에 사용된 감미료의 종류는 육포의 pH 5.2-5.9, 총균수(2.5-6.2×104 CFU/g) 및 수분활성도(0.744-0.812) 수준에 유의적으로 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). 수분활성도와 pH는 복분자 엑기스를 사용한 닭 가슴살 육포에서 가장 낮았으며 백설탕을 사용한 시료군에서 가장 높았다. 닭 가슴살 육포의 응집성, 탄력성, 씹힘성은 사용한 감미제의 종류에 따라 유의적인 차이를 보였으나(p<0.05) 경도와 검성에서는 유의적인 차이가 관찰되지 않았다. 한편, 관능평가 결과에서는 복분자 엑기스 시료군이 맛과 전체적인 기호도에서 가장 높게 평가되었다. 복분자 엑기스를 사용한 닭 가슴살 육포와 이와 동일한 방법으로 제조한 돈 육포와 우 육포를 대조군으로 하여 50℃에서 저장 시 돈 육포의 TBARS가 가장 빠르게 증가하여 저장 2주 후 98.03 MDA mg/kg, 우 육포의 경우 75.60 MDA mg/kg를 나타낸 반면, 복분자 엑기스 닭 가슴살 육포의 경우는 이보다 훨씬 낮은 58.30 MDA mg/kg 값을 나타내어 지방산패가 우 육포와 돈 육포에 비해 상당히 느리게 진행됨을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구 결과로 닭 가슴살은 돈육과 우육에 비하여 산화안정성이 우수한 저지방-고단백 육포 제조에 바람직한 원료가 될 수 있음을 확인할 수 있었으며, 닭 가슴살 육포 제조 시 복분자 엑기스 침지용액을 사용함으로 낮은 수분활성도와 우수한 관능성을 가진 제품을 제조할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.