본 연구는 작약의 품종간 개화시기 차이와 저온에서 장기 저 장이 가능한 품종을 선발하여 절화 유통 기간을 연장하기 위하 여 수행하였다. 작약 24품종을 대상으로 2022년 국립원예특작 과학원 시험포장에서 개화시기와 절화 품질을 조사하였다. 봉오 리 상태에서 수확한 작약을 건조 저장법으로 -1℃에서 60일 저장한 후 절화 수명과 절화품질을 조사하였다. ‘의성작약’은 홑 꽃이었고 나머지 품종은 겹꽃이었다. 개화시기는 5월 10일부터 18일 사이였으며, ‘Etched Salmon’, ‘Monsieur Jules Elie’, ‘Gilbert’, ‘Henry Bockstoce’는 개화일이 5월 10일로 가장 빨랐고, ‘Elsa Sass’는 5월 18일로 가장 늦었다. 식물체 키는 74.6∼107.8cm 였고, 절화 무게는 ‘Henry Bockstoce’ 품종 이 89.8g으로 가장 무거웠고, ‘Angel Cheeks’ 품종이 26.7g으 로 가장 가벼웠다. 꽃의 주된 색은 흰색, 빨강색, 분홍색, 자주색 이었다. -1℃에서 60일간 저장 후에 꽃과 잎의 상태가 아주 양 호한 품종은 ‘Kansas’, ‘Ole Faithful’, ‘Sonw Mountain’이 었다. 절화수명은 ‘Nick Shaylor’ 품종이 8일로 가장 길었고, 다음으로 ‘Blush Queen’, ‘Elsa Sass’ 품종이 7일이었으며, ‘Gilbert’, ‘Highlight’ 품종이 1일로 가장 짧았다. 작약은 저온 장기 저장에서 일부 품종을 제외하고는 꽃과 잎에 저온장해 증 상이 발생하였다. 이와같은 결과는 작약재배시에 품종 선택과 수확후 저온 장기 저장을 통하여 유통기간을 연장하고 하고자 할 때 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
Naturally occurring left ventricular hyperplasia is a rare but lethal disease. There are very few reports of this cardiac disease in captive nonhuman primates. In a colony of Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey) at California National Primate Research Center, a large number of rhesus macaques were diagnosed by autopsy with naturally occurring left ventricular hypertrophy without obvious underlying diseases over a 22-year period. The confirmatory diagnosis of ventricular hypertrophy was based on findings of notable left ventricular concentric hypertrophy with reduced left ventricular lumen, which is very similar to human ventricular hypertrophy cases. This report discusses an 11-year-old Macaca fascicularis monkey (Cynomolgus monkey, crab-eating macaque), weighing 2.95 kg, that was presented for enrollment in a pharmacokinetic (PK) study. During the PK experiment, the monkey died following a sudden decrease in percutaneous oxygen saturation and heart rate. Gross and histological examinations of the heart were performed. On gross pathology, the left ventricular wall was thickened, and the chamber lumen was reduced. In histopathological examination using hematoxylin- eosin and Masson-trichrome stains, fibrosis and myocyte disarray were not observed, but an increased cell density, compared to the normal heart, was confirmed. The autopsy results confirmed left ventricular hyperplasia as the major cause of death.
Background : The objective of this study was to investigate antioxidant activities, inhibitory activities against heme induced colonic epithelial cell proliferations, anti-inflammatory activities and anthocyanin profiles in the anthocyanin rich fraction (ARFAM) from fruits of Aronia melanocarpa, where these are considered functional substances and available food coloring agents in Korea. Methods and Results : Anthocyanins were identified by reversed-phase C18 column chromatography and HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS analysis. To compare the antioxidative and anti-inflammatory capacity of Aronia melanocarpa berries, recognized for their high content of anthocyanins, isolation method was developed to obtain high-purity anthocyanins in the extract. Anthocyanin-rich fractions (ARFAM) enriched in anthocyanins were found to be potent strong inhibitory activity towards heme induced colonic epithelial cell proliferations are associated with an increased risk of colon cancer than acidic ethanol extract (AME). The immunomodulation properties were assessed in growth of both human B and T cells, its cytokines secretion such as IL-6 (interleukin-6) and TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-alpha). AME enhanced interleukin-6 and reduced tumor necrosis factor-a production, whereas ARFAM only had a effect in increasing of IL-6 expression. Conclusion : These results demonstrated that there was no major relationship between the antioxidative and immunomodulation capacities of AME and ARFAM.
Although much effort has been made to find agronomically important loci in the soybean plant, extensive linkage disequilibrium and genome duplication have limited efficient genome-wide linkage analyses that can identify important regulatory genes. In this respect, recombination block-based analysis of cultivated plant genomes is a potential critical step for molecular breeding and target locus screening. We propose a new three-step method of detecting recombination blocks and comparative genomics of bred cultivars. It utilizes typical reshuffling features of their genomes, which have been generated by the recombination processes of breeding ancestral genomes. To begin with, mutations were detected by comparing genomes to a reference genome. Next, sequence blocks were examined for likenesses and difference with respect to the reference genome. The boundaries between the blocks were taken as recombination sites. All recombination sites found in the cultivar set were used to split the genomes, and the resulting sequence fragments were named as core recombination blocks (CRBs). Finally, the genomes were compared at the CRB level, instead of at the sequence level. In the genomes of the five Korean soybean cultivars used, the CRB-based comparative genomics method produced long and distinct CRBs that are as large as 22.9 Mb. We also demonstrated efficiency in detecting functionally useful target loci by using indel markers, each of which represents a CRB. We further showed that the CRB method is generally applicable to both monocot and dicot crops, by analyzing publicly available genomes of 31 soybeans and 23 rice accessions.
Resequencing data is actively used for searching QTL or analyzing genetic diversity in the crops. However, the complexity of genome, caused by genome duplication, limits the utility of genome-wide association studies and linkage analyses to identify genes that regulate agronomically valuable traits. Here, we propose a comparative genomics approach based on core or common variation-based recombination blocks (CRB) using single nucleotide variation (SNV) density information. We found that the soybean genomes are assembled with long and distinct CRBs as large as 10Mb. CRB-based comparative genomics enabled us to accurately identify recombination blocks at the whole-chromosome level. We identified the Ih locus that determines the yellow hilum color in soybeans using CRB-based mapping with representative indel markers. These results suggest that the CRB-based comparison method is a promising platform for molecular breeding and map-based cloning.