A scintillator using organic materials can be easily manufactured in various shapes and sizes to suit the user’s purpose. A quantum dot (QD)-based scintillator has a number of advantages over commercial scintillators, including emission wavelength control, high-purity emission of a specific wavelength, high photoluminescence efficiency, and good photostability. The organic scintillators doping with various agents into the polymer media to increase scintillation efficiency and to control the emissioning wavelength through energy transfer process. In this study, scintillator enhancement was observed with different QDs material and detection response to gamma and neutron was investigated in energy spectrum. Multishell- structure QDs (CdS/CdZnS/ZnS) were fabricated and utilized to offset the shortcomings of single-shell-structure QDs, and the optical properties and the gamma and neutron detection performance capabilities were evaluated. The results of the evaluation of the detection response of the QD-based scintillator confirmed that the neutron/gamma classification performance was similar to that of a commercial scintillator. Furthermore, the gamma detection efficiency was improved by 34–38% (in the case of 137Cs) compared to a commercial scintillator. This study is especially notable in that the organic scintillator incorporated with the newly fabricated QDs can be utilized for gamma and neutron detection for the operation and decommissioning various nuclear facilities.
In the study, a variation of Haemaphysalis longicornis, a major vector of fever-causing conditions, was statistically analyzed to identify the spatial and climatic factors affecting the time-dependent variations of its population. The survey occurred in different habitats in South Korea. In addition, we developed a predictive model by using a probability function to find the peak occurrence time annually. As a result, the numbers of adults and nymphs were found to be related to temperature and relative humidity and their population peaked at the end of May in all habitats except deciduous forests. This study is expected to provide information on habitat types, times, and climate patterns that require attention to help control H. longicornis populations.
This study presents the results of mosquito surveillance monitoring in Chungnam Province from 2017 to 2020. A total of 130,750 mosquitoes were collected, and we analyze variations of mosquito populations with emphasis on the most abundant species. We also provide the field survey data based on the different habitats in Chungnam Province.
The nuclear fuel that melted during the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011 is still being cooled by water. In this process, contaminated water containing radioactive substances such as cesium and strontium is generated. The total amount of radioactive pollutants released by the natural environment due to the nuclear accident in Fukushima in 2011 is estimated to be 900 PBq, of which 10 to 37 PBq for cesium. Radioactive cesium (137Cs) is a potassium analog that exists in the water in the form of cations with similar daytime behavior and a small hydration radius and is recognized as a radioactive nuclide that has the greatest impact on the environment due to its long half-life (about 30 years), high solubility and diffusion coefficient, and gamma-ray emission. In this study, alginate beads were designed using Prussian blue, known as a material that selectively adsorbs cesium for removal and detection of cesium. To confirm the adsorption performance of the produced Prussian blue, immersion experiments were conducted using Cs standard solution, and MCNP simulations were performed by modeling 1L reservoir to conduct experiments using radioactive Cs in the future. An adsorption experiment was conducted with water containing standard cesium solution using alginate beads impregnated with Prussian blue. The adsorption experiment tested how much cesium of the same concentration was adsorbed over time. As a result, it was found that Prussian blue beads removed about 80% of cesium within 10-15 minutes. In addition, MCNP simulation was performed using a 1 L reservoir and a 3inch NaI detector to optimize the amount of Prussian blue. The results of comparing the efficiency according to the Prussian volume was shown. It showed that our designed system holds great promise for the cleanup and detection of radioactive cesium contaminated seawater around nuclear plants and/or after nuclear accidents. Thus, this work is expected to provide insights into the fundamental MCNP simulation based optimization of Prussian blue for cesium removal and this work based MCNP simulation will pave the way for various practical applications.
There are analytical methods used for measuring activity when light photons are emitted for scintillating-based analytical application. When this electron returns to the original stable state, it releases its energy in the form of light emission (visible light or ultraviolet light), and this phenomenon is called scintillation. Scintillator is a general term for substances that emit fluorescence when exposed to radiation such as gamma-rays. Radioactivity is all around us and is unavoidable because of the ubiquitous existence of background radiations emitted by different sources. The scintillator contributes to these sensing, and it is expected that the inspection accuracy and limit of detection will be improved and new inspection methods will be developed in the future. Moreover, scintillators are chemical or nanomaterial sensors that can be used to detect the presence of chemical species and elements or monitor physical parameters on the nanoscale. In this study, it includes finding use in scintillating-based analytical sensing applications. A chemical and nanomaterial based sensors are self-contained analytical tools that could provide information about the chemical compositions or elements of their environment, that is, a liquid or even gas condition. Herein, we present an insightful review of previously reported research in the development of high-performance gamma scintillators. The major performance-limiting factors of scintillation are summed up here. Moreover, the 2D material has been discussed in the context of these parameters. It will help in designing a prototype nanomaterial based scintillators for radiation detection of gamma-ray.
Radioactive contamination distribution in nuclear facilities is typically measured and analyzed using radiation sensors. Since generally used detection sensors have relatively high efficiency, it is difficult to apply them to a high radiation field. Therefore, shielding/collimators and small size detectors are typically used. Nevertheless, problems of pulse accumulation and dead time still remain. This can cause measurement errors and distort the energy spectrum. In this study, this problem was confirmed through experiments, and signal pile-up and dead time correction studies were performed. A detection system combining a GAGG sensor and SiPM with a size of 10 mm × 10 mm × 10 mm was used, and GAGG radiation characteristics were evaluated for each radiation dose (0.001~57 mSv/h). As a result, efficiency increased as the dose increased, but the energy spectrum tended to shift to the left. At a radiation dose intensity of 400 Ci (14.8 TBq), a collimator was additionally installed, but efficiency decreased and the spectrum was distorted. It was analyzed that signal loss occurred when more than 1 million particles were incident on the detector. In this high-radioactivity area, quantitative analysis is likely to be difficult due to spectral distortion, and this needs to be supplemented through a correction algorithm. In recent research cases, the development of correction algorithms using MCNP and AI is being actively carried out around the world, and more than 98% of the signals have been corrected and the spectrum has been restored. Nevertheless, the artificial intelligence (AI) results were based on only 2-3 overlapping pulse data and did not consider the effect of noise, so they did not solve realistic problems. Additional research is needed. In the future, we plan to conduct signal correction research using ≈10×10 mm small size detectors (GAGG, CZT etc.). Also, the performance evaluation of the measurement/analysis system is intended to be performed in an environment similar to the high radiation field of an actual nuclear facility.
An outbreak of stick insects, Ramulus mikado, as forest pests in South Korea has become a topic of concern. While other countries have reported these insects being severely affected by the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium spp., comprehensive research in South Korea remains limited on this topic. In our two-year investigation, we investigated the infection rate and mortality of R. mikado caused by Metarhizium anisopliae. In 2022, specimens were collected from Cheonggyesan, and in 2023 from Geumamsan. Although no infections were confirmed in the specimens collected in June of both years. Beginning in July, mortality and infection rates were greatly increased. In conclusion, the summer monsoon appears to create hot and humid conditions in the forest, contributing to reduced survival rates for these insects due to infection by M. anisopliae.
대벌레(Ramulus mikado)는 1990년 이후부터 2000년대 초반까지 경북을 중심으로 대발생을 하였던 돌발 해충 으로 2020~2023년에 수도권에서 대발생 사례가 다수 보고 되었다. 대벌레의 대발생 원인으로 기후변화가 지목되 고 있지만, 대벌레 개체군과 생물적·비생물적 환경 조건과의 관계를 이해하기 위한 연구는 매우 부족한 실정이 다. 본 연구에서는 주요 기주식물과 대벌레 발생 양상에 대한 관계를 이해하고자 수행하였다. 2022년부터 2023년 까지 대벌레 대발생 지역 중 하나인 청계산 일대 등산로를 따라 조사구를 선정한 뒤 주요 기주식물이자 우점종인 신갈나무, 아까시나무, 잔털벚나무를 대상으로 대벌레의 발생 밀도를 조사하였다. 그 결과, 조사지점 간의 대벌 레 평균 밀도는 유의한 차이가 발견되지 않았지만, 기주식물에 따른 밀도의 차이는 뚜렷하게 나타났다.
Organic scintillator is easy to manufacture a large size and the fluorescence decay time is short. However, it is not suitable for gamma measurement because it is composed of a low atomic number material. Organic scintillation detectors are widely used to check the presence or absence of radiation. The fluorescence of organic scintillators is produced by transitions between the energy levels of single molecules. In this study, an organic scintillator development study was conducted for use in gamma measurement, alternative materials for secondary solute used in basic organic scintillators were investigated, and the availability of alternative materials, detection characteristics, and neutron/gamma identification tests were performed. In other words, a secondary solute showing an improved energy transfer rate than the existing material was reported, and the performance was evaluated. 7-Diethylamino -4-methylcoumarin (DMC), selected as an alternative material, is a benzopyrone derivative in the form of colorless crystals, has high fluorescence and high quantum yield in the visible region, and has excellent light stability. In addition, it has a large Stokes shift characteristic, and solubility in solvent is good. Through this study, it was analyzed that the absorption wavelength range of DMC coincided with the emission wavelength range of PPO, which is the primary solute. Through this study, it was confirmed that the optimal concentration of DMC was 0.04wt%. As a result of performing gamma and neutron measurement tests using a DMC-based liquid scintillator, it showed good performance (FOM=1.42) compared to a commercial liquid scintillator. Therefore, the possibility of use as a secondary solute was demonstrated. Based on this, if studies on changes in the composition of secondary solute or the use of nanoparticles are conducted, it will be possible to manufacture and utilize a scintillator with improved efficiency compared to the existing scintillator.
The safe, efficient and cost-effective decommissioning and dismantling of radioactive facilities requires the accurate characterization of the radionuclide activities and dose rate environment. And it is critical across many nuclear industries to identify and locate sources of radiation accurately and quickly. One of the more challenging aspects of dealing with radiation is that you cannot see it directly, which can result in potential exposure when working in those environments. Generally, semiconductor detectors have better energy resolution than scintillation detectors, but the maximum achievable count rates are limited by long pulse signals. Whereas some high pure germanium detectors have been developed to operate at high count rates, and these HPGe detectors could obtain gamma-ray spectra at high count rates exceeding 1 Mcps. However, HPGe detectors require cooling devices to reduce the leak currents, which becomes disadvantageous when developing portable radiation detectors. Furthermore, chemicalcompound semiconductor detectors made of cadmium telluride and cadmium zinc telluride are popular, because they have good energy resolution and are available at room temperature. However, CdTe and CZT detectors develop irradiation-induced defects under intense gamma-ray fields. In this Review, we start with the fundamentals of gamma rays detection and review the recent developments in scintillators gamma-ray detectors. The key factors affecting the detector performance are summarized. We also give an outlook on the field, with emphasis on the challenges to be overcome.
목적: 안경사 직무를 분석하여 국가시험 교과목과의 연계성을 확인하고 대학의 시험과목 비율과 교육과정 개발에 기초자료를 제공한다.
방법 : 안경사 872명과 안경광학과 교수 99명을 대상으로 5개의 직무영역과 18개의 일로 구성된 설문을 조사하여 분석하였다.
결과 : 안경사 직무분석에서 작업의 중요도와 필요도가 모두 높은 영역에서 필요능력인 지식과 기술을 도출하여 안경조제가공(39.1%), 시력검사(27.5%) 및 콘택트렌즈(14.8%), 기타(18.6%)의 비중을 통해 안경사 1차 직무 분석(2000년)과 비교해 검안안경사 분야로 안경사의 직무가 이동된 것으로 나타났다.
결론: 안경사 직무에서의 변화는 안경사 국가시험과 대학의 교육과정에 적절히 반영되어야 할 것으로 생각된다.