
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 18

        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 시설 내 소형 수박 재배 시 관수개시점에 따른 토양수분 함량별 생육, 수량 및 생리적 반응 특성의 차이를 구명하고 소형 수박 생산에 유리한 관수조건을 구명하고자 수행하였다. 토양수분 센서를 이용하여 정식 후 14일부터 수확 7 ~ 10일 전까지 관수개시점별 5처리(-10, -20, -30, -40, 50 kPa)를 두어 관수하였다. 토양수분 함량이 가장 낮은 개시점-50 kPa 처리에서 전반적인 지상부 생육특성은 저조하였으나, 근장 및 뿌리 건물율은 증가하였다. 광합성률, 기공전도도 및 증산율 비교 시, 관수개시점-50 kPa 처리에서 가장 낮았고, -20 kPa ~ -40 kPa 처리 시 광합 성률은 높게 조사되었다. 착과율 및 총 상품수량은 -30 kPa 및 -40 kPa 처리에서 각각 84.7 ~ 85.5%, 5,144 ~ 5,305 kg/10a으로 유의하게 증가하였다. 식물체의 외부환경 관련 스트레스 지표 물질로 알려진 프롤린, ABA, 총 페놀 및 시트룰린의 함량은 토양수분 함량이 낮아질수록 증가하였으며, 특히 관수개시점-50 kPa 처리에서 가장 높게 조사 되었다. 따라서 이와 같은 결과를 종합해 볼 때, 시설 내 안정적인 소형 수박 생산을 위하여 관수개시점을 -30 kPa ~ -40 kPa 수준으로 조정하여 토양수분 함량을 조절하는 것이 수박 생육 향상 및 상품수량 증대에 가장 유리한 것으로 판단되었다.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of the present study was to determine the best model to describe and quantify the changes in live body weight, height at withers, height at rump, body length and chest girth of Holstein cows raised under Korean feeding conditions for 50 months. The five standard growth models namely polynomial linear regression models, regression of growth variables on the first and second-order of ages in days (model 1) and regression of growth variables on age covariates from first to the third-order (model 2) as well as non-linear models were fitted and evaluated for representing growth pattern of Holstein cows raised in Korean feeding circumstances. Nonlinear models fitted were three exponential growth curve models; Brody, Gompertz, and von Bertalanffy functional models. For this purpose, a total of 22 Holstein cows raised in Korea used in the period from April 2016 to May 2020. Each model fitted to monthly growth curve records of dairy cows by using PROC NLIN procedure in SAS program. On the basis of the results, nonlinear models showed the lower root mean square of error (RMSE) for live body weight, height at withers, height at rump, body length and chest girth (12.22, 1.95, 1.55, 4.04, 2.06) with higher correlation coefficiency (R2) values for live body weight, height at withers, height at rump, body length and chest girth (0.99, 0.99, 0.99, 1.00, 1.00). Overall, the evaluation of the different growth models indicated that the Gompertz model used in the study seemed to be the most appropriate one for standard growth of Holstein cows raised under Korean feeding system.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Barley is an important cereal gain which is traditionally used in some nations of Asia and North Africa, and there has been growing interest in using barley as an ingredient in food due to their nutritional value and high content of phyto-constituents. However, no study report on comparative feed value between sprouted barley, cornflake and alfalfa hay. Therefore, in this study we aimed to evaluate the chemical composition, amino acid profile and mineral content of 6 day sprouted barley fodder (SBF) compared with cornflake and alfalfa hay using by AOAC method, as an alternative feed ingredient. Results showed that SBF had higher content of crude protein, acid detergent insoluble crude proteins and neutral detergent insoluble crude protein than alfalfa hay and cornflake; cornflake had higher crude fiber, neutral detergent fiber content than SBF and alfalfa hay; alfalfa hay had higher crude fiber, crude ash, acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber and lignin level than SBF and cornflake. Also, significant differences were found on amino acid content among them (p<0.01). The most abundant amino acid in SBF was glutamate (123 g/kg DM), which is higher than in alfalfa hay (1.27%) or cornflake (1.58%). However, methionine (1.33%) and cysteine (1.53%) were the least abundant amino acids in SBF compared with cornflake or alfalfa hay. Furthermore, our study results exhibited that SBE comprise a good sources of minerals including ferrous (90.01 mg/kg) followed by zinc (20.50 mg/kg), magnesium (0.20 mg/kg) and sodium (0.03 mg/kg) as compared to cornflake and alfalfa hay. The present research findings, confirmed that the nutritional values of SBF are comparable to those of cornflake and alfalfa hay. Hence, SBF can be a better alternative feed ingredient for cornflake or alfalfa hay. However, feeding trials will be required to determine acceptability of SBF for ruminant production.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study was designed to determine the effect of barn or cycle of grazing on changes of biochemical metabolites in prepartum and changes of milk composition in postpartum of dairy cows. For this purpose, a total of sixteen 25 months old Holstein primiparous dairy cows were allocated in two groups (n=8) with an average body weight of 571.61 ± 35.30 kg (Barn) and 578.10 ± 39.20 kg (Grazing). The study was conducted from June 2018 to October 2018. Results revealed that barn raised dairy cows had a higher increase in their serum albumin and calcium level on day 14 prepartum. However, the level of palmitic acid, saturated fatty acid increased significantly, and the level of fat, oleic acid, γ-linoleic acid, arachidonic acid and unsaturated fatty acids decreased significantly in barn raised dairy cow’s milk on day 14 postpartum. There were no significant differences observed with respect to all other biochemical metabolites, fatty acids and minerals between barn raised and cycle grazing dairy cows during prepartum and postpartum. Our study results could serve to a better understanding of barn raised cow with respect to changes of biochemical metabolites in prepartum and changes of milk composition, fatty acids and minerals content in grazing dairy cows in postpartum for estimating their physiological status.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An experiment was carried out to assess the effect of feed selenium-lysine (Se-Lys) supplementation on milk compositions and serum biochemical indices in Saanen dairy goats in Korea. A total of twelve 36 months old Saanen lactating dairy goats (47±6.21 kg) fed the similar dry matter intake twice a day at 2% of BW (DMI) (10.9% moisture of concentrate and 19% moisture of roughage), milk yield (2.5 kg/d) and parity (2) were randomly selected and subjected for the present study, divided into two groups with six goats in each group. The goats in the control group received rice hulls (10 g/ day) only, and did not receive Se-Lys; goats in the treatment group were fed 0.06 g of Se-Lys with 10 g of rice hulls every day before feeding roughage for six weeks. The milk sample was collected every week, and its compositions were analyzed. The results of the present study showed that there is no significantly increased milk production in Se-Lys treated group goats when compared with control group goats. But, Se-Lys treatment significantly increased the milk protein content (3.98±0.16%), fat (3.72±0.27%), lactose (4.07±0.14%), total solids (12.51±0.28%) and urea (14.42±1.45 mg/dl) content as compared to the control group goats (p<0.05). The somatic cell counts (207,740±28.81 cells/ml) were significantly lower in the Se-Lys treated group than in the control group (p<0.05). Also, the results of the current study showed that supplementation of Se-Lys were significantly decreased the blood biochemical indices of IL-6 (34.34±6.04 pg/ml), TNT-α (0.56±0.22 ng/ml), MDA (5.07±1.03 ng/ml), GPx-1 (9.07±5.17 ng/ml), sCD4 (2.64±1.02 ng/ml) and sCD8 (5.08±2.08 ng/ml) level when compared with without addition of Se-Lys group dairy goats (p<0.05). On the other hand, the selenoprotein P (1,580.18±127.62 ng/ml) level was significantly higher in Se-Lys supplemented group than in the control group (p<0.05). Based on the study results, it was concluded that feed Se-Lys supplementation may improve milk yield with positively improved protein, fat, lactose, total solids, urea content, and biochemical indices without negative effects on milk production traits.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main objective of this experiment was to investigate effects of two different feeding systems on body weight, milk yield, milk composition, and mineral and fatty acids content of Holstein dairy cows’ milk. Sixteen of 25 months-old Holstein dairy cows were assigned to two groups (n=8) to study effects of the feeding system for 150 days. Two feeding systems were compared for five months; Group 1 was housed indoors and mainly fed a concentrate diet, Group 2 was maintained outdoors for five-seven hours/day on various kinds grass in a pasture. The experiment was conducted June-October 2017. Results revealed the indoor-fed cows had higher body weight, that was significant compared with the outdoor-based feeding system of Holstein dairy cows (p<0.05). Indoor-raised milking cows had higher milk yield (32.45 kg) as compared with pasture-raised milk yield (26.44 kg). Cows fed indoors significantly increased milk yield, total protein content, lactose, citric acid level, and lowered level of total solid and free fatty acids relative to the pasture-fed milking cows (p>0.05). There were higher levels of mineral content and fatty acid content in the milk of indoor-fed dairy cows than the pasture-raised dairy cows (p>0.05). Our study results demonstrated the potential benefits of the indoor feeding system for increased body weight, milk yield, mineral and fatty acids content summer through autumn when low pasture growth rates and quality may otherwise limit production.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 Holstein 암소 34두로부터 조사된 체고 측정 기록에 대해 세 가지 비선형 성장곡선을 적용하여 성장모형을 추정하고, 추정된 성장모형의 모수를 이용하여 Holstein 암소의 성장특성에 대한 기초자료를 제공하고자 실시하였다. Gompertz, von Bertalanffy 및 Logistic 모형으로 추정된 성장곡선 함수식은 각각 Ht=457.2e-1.705e-0.02552t, Ht=465.4(1-0.417e-0.0.01724t)3 및 Ht=1079.1(1+12.682e-0.04275t)-1이였다. 최대성장시기를 나타내는 변곡점( )은 Gompertz, von Bertalanffy 및 Logistic에 대해 각각 616.039, 419.253 및 1759.728일로 추정되었다. 변곡점에서의 체고 증가속도 추정치는 Gompertz, von Bertalanffy 및 Logistic에 대해 각각 0.138, 0.109 및 0.366cm으로 나타났으며, 변곡점에서의 체고는 각각 176.5, 137.9 및 539.5cm으로 추정되었다. 오차 평균 제곱합의 결과를 보면 Logistic, von Bertalanffy 그리고 Gompertz 모형 순으로 적합도가 좋은 것으로 판단된다.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 1인 가족 증가 및 핵가족화로 인해 미니수박에 대한 소비가 증가되고 있다. 따라서 미니수박에 대한 표준재배법을 확립하기 위하여, 재배유형에 따른 재식거리가 미니수박의 생육, 수량성, 과실특성과 라이코펜 및 당 함량 등에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 정식 30일 및 90 일후 생육은 재배유형별로 재식거리가 클수록 생육이 양호하였으며, 수확기의 후기생육은 포복형 재배보다는 아치형이나 ∩자형에서 가장 양호하였다. 주당 착과수는 재 배유형별로 유의한 차이는 없었으나, 단위면적당 수량은 밀식재배가 가능한 ∩자형이 아치형과 포복형에 비해 50% 이상 높았으며, 당도가 다소 증가하였다. ‘Minimi’의 과실당 종자수는 대과종인 ‘삼복꿀’과 비슷하였으나, 종자 100립중은 ‘삼복꿀’의 1/3크기로 작았다. 라이코펜 함량은 ‘삼복꿀’보다 ‘Minimi’에서 30% 이상 높았고, 당성 분은 유의한 차이가 없었다. 따라서 미니수박의 재배방식은 ∩자형 지주재배가 포복재배나 아치형에 비해 단위면적당 수량과 품질이 높았으며, 재식거리는 120×40cm에서 수광량, 생육, 수량 및 품질 등에서 가장 양호하였다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A diverse of recommendation has been made for the structure and management of dairy cows, despite demanding research, the relationship between lactation number and various factors is yet to be established. The present study was aimed to investigate the covariance among lactation number, growth performance, calving interval, and milk production was considered to increase an efficiency of selection schemes and to manage more efficiently Holstein dairy cows that have been raised on small-scale family farms in Republic of Korea. For that purpose, the data were observed from 850 Holstein dairy cows, which a total of 3929 milking, since April 2016 - January 2017. We measured the body weight, height, age, calving interval, and milk production of the each dairy cow. Also, information about the date of lactation, calving interval, and milk production was recorded using an automatic milking system(AMS) with identification numbers. Milk production was calculated per udder quarter in the AMS. Our study results showed the increased average body weight(p>0.05) in 1, 2, 3, and 4th lactating dairy cows and afterwards, we noticed the tendency on the average body weight(p<0.05) per lactation progressed. There was no significant difference noticed on height measurement of dairy cows. From the processing data of 850 Holstein dairy cows, the lactation number 1 and 7 had a greater calving interval with significantly lowered milk production, and the lactation number 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 had significantly lowered the calving interval(p<0.05) with a greater milk production. From our study results, we evidenced that there is a significant relationship between the lactation number, growth performance, calving interval, and milk yield, and the maximum production of milk occurring in the 3rd and 4th lactation dairy cows. The achieved results from this study can be used by the small-scale farmers to encourage the structure and management of growth performance, calving interval, and milk yield in Holstein dairy cows in Korea.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The 1940s and 1950s were a period of both great chaos and great change for the Jeju region. The April 3rd Incident of 1948 and the ensuing Korean War, beginning in 1950, were events that altered society greatly, but very little research has been done on how these events impacted residential architecture. Furthermore, as the related sources and materials from this period are somewhat lacking, there appears to be a need to systematically organize these sources and materials to help us better understand the impact of these events on residential architecture. This research aims to serve as a basis for the conservation and utilization of cultural assets by analyzing the historical sites related to the April 3rd Incident and the distribution of residential architecture from that period. The research was done through analyzing original source documents and by visiting relevant sites. First, for the original source documents, we selected newspaper articles from media organizations and periodicals from administrative organizations that what we deemed to be relatively objective and the most factual. Second, for the on-site visits, we surveyed some still-existing residential architecture and analyzed the testimonies of residents who lived in those areas. Analyses of residential architecture typically include design, space, material, composition and facilities, however our analysis focused primarily on design and space. Based on sources from the April 3rd Incident, we analyzed the residential architecture as being characterized by damage spatial distribution, especially in areas where the leaders of the suppression were concentrated. The regional distribution of lost villages, places of refuge, massacre sites, and fortresses designed primarily for defensive purposes was interesting, but we interpret it to be a reflection of the strategy of suppression by the punitive force. In addition, in order to rebuild the society after the Korean war of the 1950s, refugee camps were constructed and destroyed homes were rebuilt. With the exception of temporary fortress built primarily for defensive purposes,these were built with materials that were totally different from traditional Jeju architecture, such as cement and wood. The most interesting differences, however, were those of design and space composition. This research was limited by the fact that we did not analyze the specific years of completion or the size of the structures, and thus there still remains a need for a survey of diverse source materials and research.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        시설재배지에서 수용성 규산칼륨 처리가 수박의 생육, 수량, 양분흡수 및 토양특성에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위해 수용성 규산칼륨을 무처리, 1.63mM, 3.25mM, 6.50mM의 4수준을 두어 토양관주 처리하였으며, 처리시기는 착과전 2회와 착과후 4회로 총 6회를 7일 간격으로 처리하였다. 시험후 토양화학성은 수용성 규산처리에 따라 pH, EC 유효인산, 치환성 K, Ca, Mg, NO3-N은 증가하였으며, 유기물 함량은 대조구와 비슷하였다. 수확 기 수박 생육 특성 중 경경, 생중 및 건물중은 수용성 규산칼륨 처리에서 두껍고 무거웠으며, 만장과 절수는 유의적인 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 수박 수확기 잎에 함유되어 있는 무기성분 함량은 수용성 규산칼륨 수준이 높아짐에 따라 N은 감소하고 P와 K는 증가하였으나 Ca 과 Mg는 차이가 없었다. 생육단계별 엽록소함량은 착과 전에는 수용성 규산칼륨처리에 따른 차이가 없었으나 착과후 및 수확기로 갈수록 수용성 규산칼륨 수준이 높아짐에 따라 엽색도가 높아지는 경향을 보였다. 흰가루병 발생정도는 대조구에 비하여 수용성 규산칼륨 수준이 높을수록 발생정도가 낮았다. 수박의 과중은 수용성 규산 칼륨 처리에 의해 0.1~0.5kg/개 무거워졌으며, 당도는 0.5~0.6 oBrix 정도 높아졌고, 상품수량은 대조구에 비하여 2~4% 증수되었다. 이상의 결과 시설수박 재배지에 수용성 규산칼륨 처리는 양분흡수 증가, 수박 상품수량 증가 및 흰가루병 발생 억제로 시설 수박재배에 친환경적인 방법으로 안정생산에 활용할 수 있으리라 본다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Presently, the first pregnancy age of dairy heifers attended National Dairy Herd Improvement Program (NDHI) in Korea has increased, and more research have been requested to evaluate the possibility of decreasing the first pregnancy age of dairy heifers. Accordingly, this study was investigated the effects of the month of age at the first service and pregnancy on the reproductive efficiency of Holstein heifers. For these, the reproductive performance of heifers was analyzed by evaluating the effects of first insemination service at 12-14 months of age (12 month old), 15-16 months of age (15 month old), 17-19 months of age (17 month old), and > 20 months of age (20 month old) in Holstein heifers. The service numbers per conception in the first insemination months were 1.85±1.22, 1.59±0.77, 1.58±0.72, and 1.76±0.97 times at 12, 15, 17 and 20 months of age, respectively. The conception rates in the first service were 51.2, 57.8, 54.8, and 52.9% at 12, 15, 17 and 20 months of age, respectively. The conception ages were 453.2±78.9, 512.1±75.9, 590.1±98.0, and 713.0±74.5 days in the heifers serviced firstly at 12, 15, 17 and 20 months of age, respectively. There was significantly difference in the conception age among groups (p<0.05). The cumulative conception rates in the heifers serviced firstly at 12, 15, 17 and 20 months of age were 51.21, 57.8, 54.8 and 53.0% by the first service, 29.8, 30.1, 32.3, 23.5% by the second service, and 19.0, 12.1, 12.9 and 23.5% by the third service, respectively. The service numbers per conception in the first pregnancy months were 1.31, 1.55, 2.0, 2.05 times at 12, 15, 17 and 20 months of the first service age, respectively. The service numbers per conception in the 12 and 15 months of age were significantly lower than those in the 17 and 20 months of age (p<0.05). The rates of repeat-breeder were 6.0, 11.3, 22.0, and 41.0% in the heifers serviced firstly at 12, 15, 17 and 20 months of age, respectively. These results demonstrate that first pregnancy of Holstein heifers should be conducted at 15 months of age, because the age at first pregnancy in heifers can be substantially influenced through implementation of reproductive management and performance.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to analyze the accuracy of estrus detection of heat detector and analysis of estrus behavior (mounting and mounted), and the evaluation of conditions required for improving reproductive efficiency in Holstein dairy cows fitted with a estrous detector. The heat detection system consists of estrous detector based on wireless sensor and an electric bulletin board displayed estrus behavior data. When cow mounting other cows, the accuracy of estrus behavior displayed an electric bulletin board were 87.5% (mounting other cows only), 100% (mounting other cows but not standing), 80.0% (mounting other cows with standing for 1∼4 seconds), 90.0% (mounting other cows but not standing for 1∼4 seconds), 80% (mounting other cows with standing for more than 5 seconds) and 90.0% (mounting other cows but not standing for more than 5 seconds). When cow mounted other cows, the accuracy of estrus behavior displayed an electric bulletin board were 100% (mounted other cows but not standing), 100% (mounted other cows with standing for 1∼4 seconds), 100% (mounted other cows but not standing for 1∼4 seconds) and 100% (mounted other cows with standing for more than 5 seconds). Circadian distribution of first observed in estrus were 59.1% (am 8∼pm 6) and 40.9% (pm 6∼am 8). Distribution for the number of estrus behavior were 40.9% (less than 3 times), 36.4% (4∼6 times) and 22.7% (more than 4 times). The conception rates relative to interval from first estrus behavior to insemination for estrus periods were 23.1% (less than 11 hours) and 55.6% (12∼20 hours).
        2013.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to improve the reproductive efficiency of dairy herds by comparison and analyzing estrous appearance rate, conception and non-conception rate according to the stage of lactation using the lactation and reproductive records of average (less than 10,000 liters milk in 305 days) and high yielding (more than 10,000 liters milk in 305 days) Holstein cows (n=102). Milk production and reproduction data were collected between January 2010 and December 2012 from Holstein cows kept in the commercial dairy farms. Average (n=32) and high yielding (n=24) Holstein cows used to analyze the relationship between milk yield and reproductive performance. Our results showed that estrous appearance rate according to the stage of lactation was 25.0% (30∼59d), 40.6% (60∼ 89d), 25% (90∼110d) and 9.4% (>111d) in average yielding cows and 16.7% (30∼59d), 20.8% (60∼89d), 12.5% (90 ∼110d) and 50.0% (>111d) in high yielding cows, respectively. Conception rate according to the stage of lactation was 87.5% (30∼59d), 61.5% (60∼ 89d), 75.0% (90∼110d) and 66.7% (>111d) in average yielding cows and 25.0% (30∼59d), 0% (60∼89d), 33.3% (90∼ 110d) and 50.0% (>111d) in high yielding cows, respectively. Days between parturition and conception was 23.7% (<149d), 0% (150∼209d) and 0% (>210 d) in average yielding cows and 69.0% (<149 d), 77.8% (150∼209d) and 38.9% (>210d) in high yielding cows, respectively. Conception rate from 110 days postpartum in high yielding cows was 41.7% (110∼150d), 50.0% (151∼180d) and 50.0% (>181d). Body condition score (BCS) in 120 days postpartum was 2.64±0.1 in average yielding cows and 2.28±0.1 in high yielding cows, respectively.