The purpose of this paper was to introduce positive psychology, to the fields of SLA and English education in Korea. Positive psychology investigates how people flourish and seeks the virtues and strengths of humans. It focuses on the factors enabling people and their communities to thrive, instead of focusing on psychological disorders and abnormalities, longstanding issues of general psychology. Its three main research topics include positive emotions, traits, and institutions, all of which have relevance to SLA and L2 education. This paper examined how these topics have been approached in SLA. Much attention has focused on positive emotions, particularly, enjoyment, which has gained momentum in recent years with publications. Empirical studies of the impacts of positive emotions on L2 learning were reviewed with discussion of enjoyment. The paper concludes by discussing directions for future research, applying positive psychology to Korean EFL contexts.
본 연구는 시설토마토 재배지에서 push-pull 전략을 이용해 담배가루이와 천적곤충의 행동을 제어함으로써 담배가루이(Bemisia tabaci)를 친환경적으로 방제하기 위한 기술을 개발하고자 수행하였다. 담배가루이는 노란색에 유인율이 가장 높았으며, 520 nm의 광원에는 유인반응을 복합광원인 450 + 660 nm의 광원에는 회피반응을 보였다. 천적곤충인 담배장님노린재(Cyrtopeltis tenuis)와 미끌애꽃노린재(Orius laevigatus)는 모두 520 nm의 광원에 가장 높은 유인반응을 보였다. 휘발성 물질로는 ocimene과 carvacrol에 대해 기피반응을, methyl isonicotinate에는 유인반응을 보였다. 토마토 온실에 메밀을 투입하였을 경우 천적곤충인 담배장님노린재의 밀도는 무처리 대비 15일간 약 16배로 높게 유지되었다. Push-pull 세부전략들을 종합 처리한 결과, 처리 50일 경과 후 담배가루이의 트랩당 밀도는 무처리 대비 3배 이상 낮게 나타났으며, 이에 따른 시기 별 방제효과는 시간이 경과함에 따라 증가하는 경향을 보인 가운데 최고 68.7%였다.
This study was conducted to develop a technology for environmentally friendly control of Bemisia tabaci by a push-pull strategy in tomato greenhouse. B. tabaci was most attracted to the light source of 520nm, whereas it showed an avoidance response to the complex light treatment of 450+660nm. Two natural enemies, Nesidiocoris tenis and Orius laevigatus were attracted to 520nm. B. tabaci was repellent to volatile organic compounds, ocimene and carvacrol, while methyl isonicotinate showed attractant response. When buckwheat was added into the greenhouse, the density of N. tenis was maintained at about 16 times higher for 15 days. As a result of the combined treatment of push-pull strategy, the density of B. tabaci was 3 times lower and the control effect increased with time and reached up to 68.7%.
This study is investigated the growth characteristics(number of available stipe, pileus diameter, pileus thickness, stipe length, stipe thickness, object weight, comparison yield ability of 1 cycle) and storage characteristics of ‘Sanjo 701’ (S7) cultivars according to relative humidity. The S7 growth characteristics were investigated by quantifying the growth and the characteristics according to the relative humidity, The storage stability was investigated every 5 days and freshness was measured by ‘Minamide Method’. S7 pileus diameter is The higher the relative humidity was confirmed becomes larger and the more increased relative humidity also increase the comparison yield ability of 1 cycle. However, pileus diameter or stipe length This could not see the big difference in the three treatment groups, the plieus thickness was no significant difference in the treatment of 80% and 95%. The fresh weight of S7 decreased significantly at 80% and 95% relative humidity after 10 days of storage, but decreased continuity in 65% humiditiry. The elongation percentage of S7 pileus was observe in 95% relative humidity, values of L, a and b (SCI), showed the highest L value in 65% and the a value in 95%. b values were similar in 65%, 80% and 95% treatments. On the ‘Minamide Method’ measure freshness was changed from the 10th day of storage at relative humidity of 95%, but humidity of 65% and 80% treatments, it changed after 15 days of storage. In this study growth characteristics and yield were increased at higher relative humidity, but storage stability was decreased. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to change the relative humidity to produce high quality mushrooms.
The transcriptomes of four ginseng accessions such as Cheonryang (Korean ginseng cultivar), Yunpoong (Korean ginseng cultivar), G03080 (breeding line of Korean ginseng), and P. quinquefolius (American ginseng) was characterized. As a result of sequencing, total lengths of the reads in each sample were 156.42 Mb (Cheonryang cultivar), 161.95 Mb (Yunpoong cultivar), 165.07 Mb (G03080 breeding line), and 166.48 Mb (P. quinquefolius). Using a BLAST search against the Phytozome databases with an arbitrary expectation value of 1E-10, over 20,000 unigenes were functionally annotated and classified using DAVID software, and were found in response to external stress in the G03080 breeding line, as well as in the Cheonryang cultivar, which was associated with the ion binding term. Finally, unigenes related to transmembrane transporter activity were observed in Cheonryang and P. quinquefolius, which involves controlling osmotic pressure and turgor pressure within the cell. The expression patterns were analyzed to identify dehydrin family genes that were abundantly detected in the Cheonryang cultivar and the G03080 breeding line. In addition, the Yunpoong cultivar and P. quinquefolius accession had higher expression of heat shock proteins expressed in Ricinus communis. These results will be a valuable resource for understanding the structure and function of the ginseng transcriptomes.
지구 환경의 변화로 홍수 빈도 및 강도가 증가하고 있다. 이에 자연현상으로 생각하던 소극적인 자세에서 탈피하여 과학적이고 체계적인 접근 방법으로 적극적 홍수방어체계를 구축하고자 노력하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 자연환경의 변화로 특히 피해가 큰 도시하천으로 대상으로 실시간 강우 및 수위를 모니터링할 수 있는 시스템을 구축하였다. 이를 기반으로 통계적 resampling method 중 하나인 k-nearest neighbors와 bootstrapping 기법을 적용하다. 이러한 모의발생기법 적용을 통하여 수위-유량 관계곡선식 생성 시 발생할 수 있는 불확실성을 저감시키는 기법을 연구하였다. 부산시 온천천 유역 내 설치된 10분 간격의 강우와 수위에 대한 실시간 자료를 기반으로 작성된 수위-유량 관계곡선식은 유량 측정 및 국지성 호우에 의하여 발생할 수 있는 다양한 문제점을 극복하고자 하였다. 이러한 resampling 기법에 의한 모의발생으로 수위에 대한 불확실성을 감소시키며 이로써 신뢰성 있는 자료 생성을 가능할 수 있도록 하였다. 향후 본 연구의 결과는 도시하천의 실시간 모니터링 시스템에 활용이 가능할 것으로 사료된다.