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        검색결과 303

        1997.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to develop a dynamic DSS (Decision Support System) interfaced with GIS (Geographic Information System) and agriculture information network, In this study, DSS was developed to assist services which required tremendous and real time data in national scale. The data transmitte'd from the local area by the agriculture network were stored in DBMS (Data Base Management System) and analyzed by GIS. GIS and database tools used in this study were ARC/INFO 7.1.1 and INFORMIX 4.0. ACSAS (Agriculture Calamity Service Asist System) by the system prototype was constructed to solve the problem about the drought counterplan service which was to take the responsibility in the Ministry of Agriculture. It was easy to transfer, process, and analyze the information using the system. Specially, the meteological, the reservoir storage rate and the drought counterplan information were spatially analyzed by the functions of GIS.
        1996.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Vessles in the world merchant fleet generally operate in either liner or bulk trade. The supply and the demand trend of general cargo ship are both on the ebb, however, those trend of tankers and containers are in slight ascension. Oil tankers are so far the largest single vessel type in the world fleet and the tanker market is often cited as a textbook example of perfect competition. Some shipping statistics in recent years show that there has been a radical fluctuation in spot charter rate under easy charterer's market. This implys that the proper scheduling of tankers under spot market fluctuation has the great potential of improving the owner's profit and economic performance of shipping. This paper aims at developing the TS-DSS(Decision Support System for Tanker Scheduling) in the context of the importance of scheduling decisions. The TS-DSS is defined as the DSS based on the optimization models for tanker scheduling. The system has been developed through the life cycle of systems analysis, design, and implementation to be user-friendly system. The performance of the system has been tested and examined by using the data edited under several tanker scheduling scenarios and thereby the effectiveness of TS-DSS is validated satifactorily. The authors conclude the paper with the comments on the need of appropriate support environment such as data-based DSS and network system for succesful implementation of the TS-DSS.
        1988.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Decision Science or Decision Analysis can be described as a scientific methodolog to provide suitable quantitative information for the decision maker to be able to selected the best feasible alternative on the given decision environment and thus we can say that where there are decision problems, there needs the decision analysis to be applied to them. International shipping is generally said to be the cheapest and most widely used means of transport in international trade and each of the hundreds of seaport. So far as the decision makings in the shipping and port transportation are concerned, of real importance is to understand what the decision problems in each of shipping and port transportation really are and to recognize the meaning of relevance between shipping and seaport in the outworn phrase, that is to say, "The chain is as strong as its weakest link." This paper is intended to present a literature survey on the applied decision analysis to shipping and port transportation problems which have actually been involved in the wide variety of decision environment. At first, the author suggests four divisional framework such as decision analysis in each field of Shipping Economics, Management and Operations of Shipping, Port Economics, and Port Operation and Management, according to the main concern of the decision environment, and then the literature surveys on those four major divisions are described including the problems and solution approaches in each case. The author concludes the paper with the comment on the need of joint research around this area by citing the phrase of "a process of updating the decision makers' intuitions."s' intuitions."quot;