본 연구에서는 중국 길림성 연변 주 지역의 ‘연변황우’ 소비자 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였음. 먼저 국내외 브랜드 인지 및 구매 의사에 관한 이론을 검토하고 소비자의 브랜드 인식 등의 이론을 바탕으로 연구 가설을 제시하였음. ‘연변황우’에 대한 소비자 구매 의사에 영향을 미치는 요인을 구축하여 분석을 실시하였음. 연구 결과 1. ‘연변황우’ 브랜드 이미지는 소비자의 구매 의사에 긍정적인 영향을 미치며 소비자의 ‘품질 감지’ 요인에 정(+)의 영향을 미침. 2. ‘위험 감지’ 요인에는 부(-)의 영향을 미침. ‘품질 감지’ 요인은 ‘연변황우’ 구매 의사에 긍정적인 영향을 미침. 3. ‘연변황우’의 브랜드 이미지 관리를 강화해야하며 이는 브랜드의 연구관련에 새로운 분야 탐색에 중요한 의의가 있음.
반추동물의 급여 단백질 효율성은 반추위 내 미생물 발효에 따른 우회단백질, 미생물체단백질, 사료 및 미생물체의 아미노산 구성 등에 의해 결정된다. 실험 1은 주요 단백질 사료원료 중 국내 한우 사육에 주로 이용되는 사료원료 15종[옥수수(남미), 옥수수(우크라이나), 단백피(국내), 단백피(중국1), 단백피(중국2), 대두박(국내), 대두박(미국), 대두박(브라질), DDGS(미국), 팜박(인도네시아), 채종박(캐나다), 루핀(미국), 미강(국 내), 주정박(국내), 타피오카(인도네시아)]의 반추위 내 단백질과 아미노산의 우회 수준을 측정하였다. 캐뉼라 장착 한우 암소를 이용하여 in situ 실험을 진행하였다. 우회 단백질 함량은 타피오카(인도네시아)에서 59.98%로 가장 높았다. 타피오카(인도네시아)는 총 우회 아미노산 함량이 73.73% 로 가장 높았으며, glutamic acid (Glu)와 alanine (Ala)이 72.17%, 75.23%로 가장 높았다. 실험 2에서는 실험 1과 같은 원료를 사용해 반추위 내 미생물 발효 특성에 따른 미생물체 아미노산 조성분석을 실시하였다. 실험 결과 채종박(캐나다)의 pH는 6.99 (p<0.05), 미생물 단백질 합성량은 326.53mg/100mL (p<0.05), NH3-N의 농도는 단백피(중국 1)가 48.20mg/100mL (p<0.05)로 높았다. 옥수수(우크라이나)의 총 VFA 농도는 97.92mM (p<0.05)이었다. 미생물의 총 아미노산 함량은 대두박(미국) 52.07%로 높았으며 아미노산 조성은 모든 시험 사료에서 Glu가 높았다. 따라서, 본 연구는 한우의 급여 단백질 사료원에 대한 반추위 내 우회단백질, 우회아미노산함량과 반추위 내 미생물 아미노산 조성에 대한 연구를 실시하였으며, 향후 한우 단백질 급여사료원에 대한 대사단백질(MP) 공급체계의 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.
번식효율은 농가수입에 직접적으로 영향을 미치는 요인으로 암소뿐 만 아니라 씨수소의 번식효율은 중요한 경제형질로 여겨지고 있다. 본 연구에서 는 한우 씨수소에 대한 번식효율을 분석하기 위하여 2010~2017년에 전북지역 분만기록 62,284개와 이에 사용된 132두의 KPN에 따른 인공수정 수태율을 분석하였다. 종부차수(NAIPC)가 증가함에 따라 분만간격(CI), 공태기간(CCI)이 유의적으로 증가하였으며(P<0.05), 임신율은 낮아졌다. 첫 종부 임신율은 62.365%로 나타났으나, 3차 이후에는 48.147 이하로 급격히 낮아졌으며, 6차 이후에는 15.664% 이하로 낮아졌다. KPN과 인공수정사 모두 수태율에 크게 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. KPN에 따른 수태율은 39.154~70.621%로 분석되었으며, 인공수정사에 따른 수태율 은 22.237~85.517%로 나타났다. 인공수정 실패 시 같은 KPN의 재사용율은 20% 내외로 특별한 경향은 보이지 않았다. 첫 종부 기록만을 이용하여 상대적 추정 수태율(ESCR)을 분석한 결과 KPN1041이 가장 높은 11.107%로 나타났으며, KPN1112는 가장 낮은 -20.591%로 나타나 31.698%의 차이를 보였다. 본 연구결과 인공수정사 뿐 만 아니라 전북지역에서 사용되고 있는 KPN에 따라 번식효율이 크게 영향 받을 수 있는 것으로 나타났다.
The milk fever and mastitis that occur during the colostrum period in dairy cattle cause great damage in the dairy industry by causing a rapid decline in the cattle’s health and decreasing milk production. In order to prevent this, gradual milking (GM), calcium injection with gradual milking (CG), and calcium injection with complete milking (CC) methods are used. However, differences in effectiveness between these methods have not been established. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the effects of each preventive method on milk fever and mastitis. The results of this study showed that while there was a significant negative correlation of GM with milk fever and mastitis (r = –0.657, p < 0.05), there was no correlation of CG and CC with milk fever and mastitis. The incidence of milk fever was significantly lower in CG and CC than in GM (p < 0.05) but no differences in the incidence of mastitis were observed between the three groups. No significant differences in the rate of recovery from milk fever and mastitis were observed between the three groups. The recurrence rate of milk fever was significantly higher in CG and CC than in GM (p < 0.05), though no differences in the recurrence rate of mastitis were observed. This study showed an inverse relationship between the incidence rates of milk fever and mastitis when calcium injection was not used during the colostrum period. When calcium injections were used, the incidence of milk fever was reduced without affecting the incidence of mastitis regardless of the milking method, but the recurrence rate of milk fever was increased. The results of this study would be useful for controlling blood calcium concentrations and establishing efficient milking strategy in order to effectively prevent milk fever and mastitis in dairy cattle during the colostrum period.
Nitric oxide (NO)-induced protein S-nitrosylation triggers mitochondrial dysfunction and was related to cell senescence. However, the exact mechanism of these damages is not clear. In the present study, to investigate the relationship between in vitro aging and NO-induced protein S-nitrosylation, oocytes were treated with sodium nitroprusside dihydrate (SNP), and the resultant S-nitrosylated proteins were detected through biotin-switch assay. The results showed that levels of protein S-nitroso thiols (SNO)s and expression of S-nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR) increased, while activity and function of mitochondria were impaired during oocyte aging. Addition of SNP, a NO donor, to the oocyte culture led to accelerated oocyte aging, increased mitochondrial dysfunction and damage, apoptosis, ATP deficiency, and enhanced ROS production. These results suggested that the increased NO signal during oocyte aging in vitro, accelerated oocyte degradation due to increased protein S-nitrosylation, and ROS-related redox signaling.
In this study, the physicochemical characteristics and fluoride adsorption capacity of the bone char pyrolyzed at different temperatures; 200℃, 300℃, 350℃, 400℃, 500℃, 600℃, and 700℃ were investigated. Analytical studies of the synthesized bone char including; SEM-EDS, XRD, BET and FT-IR, showed the presence of hydroxyapatite(HAP), which is the main substance that adsorbs fluoride from aqueous solutions containing high fluoride concentrations. Bone char pyrolyzed from 350∼700℃ specifically revealed that, the lower the temperature, the higher the fluoride adsorption capacity and vice versa. The loss of the fluoride adsorption function of HAP (OH- band in the FTIR analysis) was interpreted as the main reason behind this inverse correlation between temperature and fluoride adsorption. Bone char produced at 350°C hence exhibited a fluoride adsorption capacity of 10.56 mgF/g, resulting in significantly higher adsorption compared to previous studies.
This study was performed to evaluate the effect of heat stress on the status of physiological responses, blood parameter, serum T3 and cortisol, and heat shock proteins (HSP 27, 70, and 90) of Hanwoo cattle. Six Hanwoo steers (242.8 ± 7.2 kg of BW) were housed in the climate-controlled respiration chambers. The experiment consisted of 7 days (control; 0 day) at thermoneutral (air temperature (Ta) of 15oC and relative humidity (RH) of 60%; temperature-humidity index (THI) = 64), and by 3 and 6 days (treatment groups) at heat stress (Ta of 35oC and RH of 60%; THI = 87). Body temperature of each parts (frank, rump, perineum and foot) and rectal temperature elevated in heat stress groups (3 days and 6 days) than the control group (0 day). Respiration rates increased in 3 days and 6 days (88.5 ± 0.96 bpm and 86.3 ± 0.63 bpm, respectively) from 0 days (39.5 ± 0.65 bpm). Feed intake significantly decreased in heat stress groups (3 days and 6 days, 3.7 ± 0.14 kg and 4.0 ± 0.15 kg, respectively) than the control group (0 day, 5.0 ± 0.00 kg). In addition, final BW significantly decreased in heat stress groups (3 days and 6 days, 211.8 ± 4.75 kg and 215.5 ± 3.50 kg, respectively) than the control group (0 day, 240.0 ± 25.00 kg). However, heat stress has no significant effect on blood parameter, serum T3 and cortisol. Nevertheless, heat stress increased HSPs mRNA expression in liver tissue, and serum concentration of HSPs. Despite Hanwoo cattle may have high adaptive ability to heat stress, our results suggested that heat stress directly effect on body temperature and respiration rate as well as serum and tissue HSPs. Therefore, we are recommended that HSPs could be the most appropriate indicators of Hanwoo cattle response to heat stress.
Sexed sperm can contribute to increase the profitability of the cow industry through the production of offspring of the craved sex, such as males for meat or females for dairy production. Therefore, the utilization of sexed sperms plays a very important role in the production of offspring of superior cattle. In this study, we examined the pregnancy rates and calves sexing proportion of male and female calves produced using AI, both performed using sexed and conventional sperm. In the result, the conception rates after ET were 73.3% (33/45) sexed semen and 52% (55/104) conventional semen. Thus, the sex ratio for sexed-semen inseminations was 70% (21/30) females for singleton births within a 272 to 292 day gestation interval. The sex ratio for conventional semen was 61% (34/56) females for births. As a result, it is suggested that the use of sex classification sperm will play a very important role in the offspring production of Korean bovine.
한국에 있어서 한우는 경제 동물일 뿐 만 아니라 중요한 유전자원 중 하나이다. 그러나 현재 한우의 번식 능력 개량을 위한 연구는 매우 미흡한 실정이다. 한우의 번식 능력에 대한 기초 자료를 확보하기 위해 전북지역(정읍시)에서 인공수정 된 암소 총 33,281두에 대한 105,017개의 번식기록(2010-2017)을 이용하여 임신기간(GP), 분만 후 첫 종부기간(CFSI), 분만 후 임신간격(CCI), 수태당 종부회수(NAIPC), 첫 종부 임신율 (FSCR)을 계산하여 분석에 활용하였다. 전체적으로 GP 는 287.602±4.797일, CFSI와 CCI는 각각 77.513±34.417 및 88.433±42.194일 이였다. 또한 FSCR는 62.365%였으며, NAIPC 는 1.411회로 나타났다. 2017년의 FSCR과 NAIPC는 각각 67.497% 및 1.344회로 2013년 62.366% 및 1.402에 비해 유의적으로 증가하였다(p<0.05). 가을과 겨울에는 번식기간이 더 길었으며, NAIPC는 봄과 여름에 비해 유의적으로 증가하는 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). 3~7산차 암소의 경우 NAIPC가 1.323±0.669~1.339±0.689회로 다른 그룹에의 1.401±0.772~1.446±0.854회 보다 우수한 것으로 나타났다. 반면, 1산차 암소의 경우 FSCR와 NAIPC가 각각 60.217% 및 1.506±0.937회로 가장 저조한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과 한우의 번식효율은 산차에 따라, NAIPC는 계절에 따라 영향 받는 것으로 나타났으며, 전체적인 번식효율은 과거에 비해 지속적으로 향상되고 있는 것으로 나타났다.
Milk fever is a metabolic disease with manifestation of clinical signs due to hypocalcemia, which usually occurs within 48-72 h after delivery. However, even after a successful treatment of milk fever, recurrence of milk fever may occur, and studies on recurrent milk fever are still lacking. Accordingly, the present study was conducted for the purpose of identifying the characteristics of recurrent milk fever according to farm, season, parity, and dystocia that can cause physiological changes in the mother during peri- and postpartum periods. The analysis results showed that the incidence rate of initial and recurrent milk fever according to breeding farm was 5.7%-14.1% and 3.1%-7.2%, respectively, demonstrating a positive correlation between the initial and recurrent milk fever (r = 0.613, p < 0.01). With respect to season, the incidence rate of initial and recurrent milk fever during summer was 12.3% and 7.5%, respectively, which were significantly higher than that of other seasons (p < 0.05). In addition, the recurrence rate, the ratio of recurrence relative to initial milk fever, was highest during summer with 62.7%. Regarding parity, the incidence rate of initial and recurrent milk fever in 3rd parity was 11.1% and 5.8%, respectively, which was significantly higher than in 1st and 2nd parity (p < 0.05). Furthermore, the recurrence rate in 4th parity was 64.1%, showing a pattern of increase in incidence rate with increase in parity. Finally, there were no differences in the incidence rate of initial and recurrent milk fever according to eutocia and dystocia. The findings indicated that the incidence rate of initial milk fever should be reduced to effectively prevent the recurrent milk fever, while animals with 3rd parity or higher should be expected to occur high rate of recurrent milk fever, especially during summer, and the necessary preparations should be made for intensive treatment of such individuals.
The Jeju Black Cattle (JBC) are a type of traditional Korean native cattle with a characteristic black fur that covers the entire body. Semen analysis is the most commonly used procedure to evaluate male fertility potential. This study was to evaluate the quality of 10 JBC bulls belonging to Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Promotion Institute. [JBC A∼J grade]. The freezing medium (20% egg yolk plus 20% triladyl) was added in semen sample to a final concentration of 100×106 sperm/ml. For sperm cooling, diluted semen was filled in 0.5 ml plastic straws and then kept in refrigerator at 4°C for 2 h. They were placed in 7 cm over liquid nitrogen (LN2) vapor for 10 min and then directly plunged into LN2 for storage. Thawing was done by transferring the frozen straws into water bath at 37°C for 30 sec for analysis. The sperm motility, vitality and morphology in each group was assessed using the Sperm Analysis Imaging System (SAIS Plus; Medical Supply Co, Ltd., Korea), eosin-nigrosin stain and diff-quik kit. There was no difference in the motility of the fresh groups (87.4 ~ 100%), while it was difference in the frozen-thawed groups (42.8 ~ 98.6%) (p<0.05). The best motility was shown in JBC-B (100/fresh and 98.6%/frozen-thawed). There was significant difference in the vitality of the fresh group (19.8 ~ 59.2%) and frozen-thawed group (21.2 ~ 49.8%)(p<0.05). The highest vitality was also shown in JBC-B (59.2/fresh and 49.8%/frozen-thawed). Morphologically, in fresh semen the highest normal ratio was indicated in JBC-E (90.9%) and in frozen-thawed group the highest was in JBC-C (90.2%). These results demonstrated that the analysis including motility, vitality and morphology of fresh or frozen-thawed semen is valuable to select the high quality sperm using for reproduction.