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        검색결과 642

        1998.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study was carried out for the comparative study on the collection of bovine follicular oocytes by ultrasound-guided ovum pick-up(OPU) and slaughterhouse-derived (SHD) ovary aspiration and in vitro production of bovine embryos with the follicular oncytes in Korean native cows. Bovine follicular nocytes were observed with a 6.5 MHz convex-array ultrasound transducer designed for intravaginal use and the oocytes were collected with the aspiration equipment attached to the ultrasonograph. Bovine ovaries were collected and transported in phosphate buffered saline from the local slaughterhouse, the follicular oocytes were collected by the aspiration method. The collected follicular oocytes in good quality were matured, fertilized and cultured in the media. The total number of the visible follicles and the recovery rate of follicular oocytes were increased in ultrasonography following follicle stimulating hormone(FSH) treatment in Korean native cows. The mean recovery rate of oocytes was 66.2, 52.8 and 41.7% in the FSH-OPU, non-treatment-OPU and SHD ovaries, respectively. The mean number of recorved oocytes per cow were not significantly(P<0.05) different between the FSH-OPU(14.011.54) and SHD(17.1i6.21) groups, but the numbers in both groups were significantly(P<0.05) higher than the number in the non-treatment-OPU(3.71.57) group. The mean number of usable nocytes in Grade T /11 per ovary was 6.3, 4.8 and 1.3 in the cows of the SHD, FSH-OPU and non-treatment-OPU groups, respectively. The in vitro developmental rate to the blastocyst was not significantly different between the oocytes obtained via OPU(37.1%) and SHD(29.3%). Therefore, the ultrasound-guided OPU technique can be applied to the production of excellent embryos from the high-quality cows, and for the large scale production of in vitro bovine oocytes and embryos, the SHD ovary aspiration method is valuable.
        1998.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Anti-phospholipid antihodies (aPL) have important roles in various pregnancy complications such as recurrent miscarrige, growth retardation, placental abruption and stillbirth. However, their biological actions on preimplantation development of oocytes are still unclear. In this study, we investigated whether either aPL containing sera or phospholipids could affect in vitro fertilization and development of mouse oocytes. Sera used in this study were collected from three patients and the presence of aPL in the sera was confirmed by enzymatic-linked immunosorbent assay. When mouse oocytes were cultured in a serum-free, Chatot, Ziomek and Bavister (CZB) medium (Experiment 1), addition of aPL-containing sera (10%) to CZB medium did not. significantly (P>0.05) influence sperm penetration of oocytes. However, development to the blastocyst stage was significantly (P<0.05) inhibited by serum addition, and formation of morulae (16-23% vs. 58%) and blastocysts (0-4% vs. 21%) was markedly reduced compared with no addition (Experiment 2). In Experiment 3, pronuclear stage embryos were cultured for 96 h in GZB medium supplemented with 1 g /ml phosphatidyl ethanolamine, 1 g/ml phosphatidyl inositol or 1 g /ml phosphatidyl choline. No increase in embryo development was found after addition of the phospholipids to CZB medium. These results suggest that 1) aPL have an inhibitory role in preimplantation development of mouse embryos, and that 2) the action of aPL may be related to a specific phospholid (s) rather than the tested phospholipids in the present study.
        1998.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        실험1. 난구-난자 복합체(CIO)와 나화난자(DO)의 성숙배양 개시후 3~24시간 동안 각각의 난자에 행성숙 진행상태를 Hㅐㄷ촌ㅅ 33342로 염색하여 관찰하였다. GV기는 성북배양 개시후 3시간에 GVBD기는 6시간에, MI기는 13시간에, AnaI-Tel I 기는 16시간만에, M II기는 24시간에 각각 관찰되었으며, CIO와 DO에 있어 각각의 핵성숙 진행 비율의 차이는 인정되지 않았다. 실험2. 실험 1에서 결정된 각각의 핵성숙 시간에 CIO
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken in an effort to develop a cryopreservation system of immature and mature porcine oocytes. For this aim, the experiments were designed to examine the effect of cryoprotectants and equdibration time on the viability of frozen-thawed oocytes by using trypan blue(TB) and fluorescene diacetate(FDA) test. The viability of frozen immature oocytes evaluated by TB test was slightly higher than that of frozen mature oocytes. The viability(25.O%) after IVM of frozen-thawed immature oocytes greatly decreased that(42.9%) of oocytes just after thawing, but it was higher than frozen-thawed mature oocytes(15.8%). When immature oocytes were equilibrated for 10, 20 and 30 minutes before freezing the oocyte viability was 20.0, 31.3 and 42.9%, respectively. There was a tendency for long equilibration before oocyte freezing to be more effective for the immature oocytes and a short equilibration time for mature oocytes. Although there was no difference in viability index of frozen oocytes hetween the viability test methods, the index of TB test was slightly higher than that of FDA test. The viability(FDA test) of frozen-immature oocytes with 3 different crtoprotectants was 22.2% for propylene glycol(PG), 9.3% for polyehtylene glycol(PEG) and 65.6% for PG+PEG, in which PG+PEG was more protective against freezing effect.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Supplementation of maturation medium with additional granulosa cells has beneficial effect on in vitro maturation of bovine follicular oocytes and their subsequent cleavage and development in vitro. However, maturation system using granulosa cells have some disadvantages that collection of granulosa cells is cumbersome and metabolic activity of the cells is variable according to ovarian cycle or follicular size. We hypothesized that bovine immsture oocytes matured without granulosa cell coculture can fertilize and develop normally if the medium volume per oocyte is reduced during in vitro maturation. Immature oocytes were matured for 24 hours in a TCM199 containing 10% fetal calf serum, anterior pitultary hormone (0.02 AU /ml Antrinⓡ) and estradiol with or without granulosa cells in vitro. In Group 1, 35 to 40 oocytes were matured in a well of 4-well plastic dish containing 500 l of maturation medium and granulosa cells, and 9 to 10 oocytes were matured in a 50-l drop of maturation medium without granulosa cells in Group 2. After maturation, oocytes were coincubated with sperm for 30 hours in a modified Tyrode's medium (IVF). Inseminated oocytes were cultured in a microdrop (30 l) of a synthetic oviduct fluld medium (SOFM) containing BSA, Minimum Essential Medium essential and non-essential amino acids for 9 days. As a preliminary experiment, we investigated the beneficial effect of granulosa cells during maturation on subsequent cleavage and development using the same type of culturedishes (4-well dish). Granulosa cells could not increase embryo cleavage after fertilization but significantly improved (p<0.05) embryo development to expanding blastocyst (Table1 and 2). In Group 1, 68 and 80% of inseminated oocytes have cleaved at 30 hours and 2 days after IVF, respectively, which is similar (p>0.05) to the result of Group 2 (69% at 30 hours and 78% at 2 days after IVF). The oocytes in Group 2 showed 21 and 11% of developmental rates to expanding and hatching blastocysts, respectively, which was not significantly different (p>0.05) from those (20 and 10%, respectively) of oocytes in Group 1. In conclusion, it has been clarified that a microdrop culture system without granulosa cells for in vitro maturation can support bovine embryonic development to blastocyst in vitro as readily as a granulosa cell coculture system.