
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 491

        2000.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Service is the source of firm's competitive advantage in recent years. The importance of service quality in any service industry doesn't need to be disputed. Customers have expected the improvement of the quality of service they receive ,so providers are struggling to meet these expectations. This study aims at finding factors of service quality in passenger transportation. An empirical investigation and the measurement on the perceived Service Quality by customers in the passenger transportation system was carried out. The purpose of this study is to clarify the factors of service quality on the basis of service marketing concept. In order to fulfill the objectives, this paper combines research tools that include both empirical study and documentary research. Data was gathered from 239 passengers by the use of questionnaire. In this study, the established hypotheses were generated on the basis of the service quality evaluation (SERVQUAL) model. Research findings through empirical test are as follows. First, five service quality dimensions in passenger transportation are identical to SERVQUAL dimensions defined by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry in 1988. Second, demographic segments such as gender and age don't have significant different dimension of service quality. Third, there is no significant difference between groups by experiences such as price level, abroad tour and vehicle type in determinants of transportation service quality.
        1999.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The importance of service quality in any service industry cannot be disputed. Shippers have increased expectations concerning the quality of shipping service they receive and carriers are struggling to meet these expectations. This struggle between shipper and carriers would suggest that there is room to improve much more understandings of how shipper define shipping service quality in the carriers' perspectives. This is an empirical investigation and study on the measurement of customer response and service quality as perceived by customer in the international transportation logistics system. The purpose of this study is to clarify factors of shipping service quality on the basis of service marketing concept. In order to fulfill the objectives, this paper combined research tools that include both empirical study and documentary research. Data was gathered from 132 freight forwarder by the use of questionnaire. In this study, the established hypotheses were generated on the basis of the service quality evaluation model(SERVQUAL, SERVPERF, and EP) and Gap model.
        1998.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The landscape of rural settlement incurred the loss and worsening of its main feature in the modernization which was progressed by the inner and outer cause - the growth of urbanization and improvement of living and dwelling environment. This study investigates the visual characteristic of land-use in rural and analyzes relations between visual quantities by land-use and a pre(essence of landscape. And it is suggested the basic data of a planning and a management in rural by making clear characteristics and influences of landscape preference elements The visual characteristic of landscape elements that is based on the rural land-use is classified harmony, variety, variables and particulate. And it is classified the object of landscape by recognizing images of landscape produce space, natural environment, settlement place and cultivated land of a special products. In the analysis of landscape preference, it appears that the harmony has a great influence on a suburban, a rural, a mountainous district, and a hamlet in psychology elements and the volume of forest area in visual elements. As a result, it requests rural scenes in harmony with the natural environment. So, the landscape planning which has the regional development and the identity as the rural settlement can be represented by the preservation and development of regional feature.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to suggest the estimation model of `amenity environment` by Perceived Environmental Quality Index(PEQI) model. A questionnaire survey was carried out for the study area of Taegu-Kyungbuk region. Sampling size was 838(427 of Taegu and 411 of Kyungbuk) residents by stratified sampling of each region`s(7 Gu for Taegu, 7 Cities & Gun for Kyungbuk) population. The survey was done during Sep. to Nov. of 1996. The suggested model was composed of four estimation categories and 16 indicators. The four categories were `Cleanness & Quietness`, `Naturalness & Harmony`, `Beauty & Comfort` and `Environmental Conservation Efforts`. And each category has several individual indicators. The weighted means of satisfaction were different by each region. Suseong-gu, Dalseogu, Joong-gu(Taegu), Kimcheon, Andong, and Cheondo(Kyungbuk) showed high environmental satisfaction, but Dong-gu, Seo-gu(taegu), Youngcheon, and Pohang(Kyungbuk) showed lower environmental satisfaction. By Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) of weighting values for each categorirs, `Environmental Conservation Efforts` was estimated as the most important(value of 0.367), and `Naturalness & Harmony`(0.242), `Clenness & Quietness`(0.225), and `Beauty & Comfort`(0.166) were important respectively. Total PEQI`s were estimated as 48.0 for Taegu, and 53.3 for Kyungbuk. PEQI`s for each regions were between 46.2(Dong-gu) and 59.9(Kimcheon). The validity of the suggested model was verified by factor analysis. The four factors were identified as the same categories and indicators. Finally, The LISREL+7 model was suggested as estimation model of `Amenity Environment` for Taegu-Kyungbuk region.
        1992.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구의 목적은 경쟁결과와 성별이 원인지각에 미치는 영향을 검증하는 것이다. 연구를 위한 검사도구는 McAuley등이 1989년에 개발한 원인차원척도 질문지를 우리 설정에 맞게 번안한 후 타당성과 신뢰도를 검증하여 사용하였다. 연구 대상은 중학교 3학년에 재학중인 남자 28명과, 여자 20명으로 총 48명이다. 피험자들은 체육수업의 마지막 단계에서 체육교사에 의하여 배드민턴 기능 평가를 받았으며 성적편차 4점을 기준으로 능력별 대진표를 작성하였다. 작성된 대진표에 따라 피험자들은 서울대학교 체육관에서 배드민턴 경기를 하였고, 경기가 끝나는 즉시 승자와 패자로 분류하여 질문지에 반응하도록 하였다. 자료분석은 이원변량 분석의 통게기법으로 하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 경쟁결과에 따라 내재성, 안정성, 외적 통제가능성, 내적 통제가능성의 원인지각 차원에 유의한 차이가 있었다. 즉, 승자는 패자에 비하여 자신의 결과를 내적이고 안정적인 것으로 원인지각 하였다. 그리고 외적 통제가능하고 내적 통제가능한 것으로 원인지각 하였다. 둘째, 성별에 따라 외적 통제가능성, 내적 통제가능성의 원인지각 차원에 유의한 차이가 있었다. 즉, 남자는 여자에 비하여 자신의 결과를 외적 통제불가능하고, 내적 통제가능한 것으로 원인지각 하였다. 셋째, 경쟁결과와 성별에 따라 외적 통제가능성의 원인지각 차원에서 상호작용 효과가 유의한 것으로 나타났다.
        1990.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The characteristcs of children`s motor performance are slow response, low accuracy, greater var iability, inappropriate response, and ignoring KR when they perform at will. Not only physical growth, development, and maturation but also information processing capacity results in children`s motor performance deficits. In the late 1970s, motor development theorists accepted information processing model to explain the motor performance differences between adults and children. they try to clarify that whether the performance differences are due to structure(capacity) or function (control process) . To date, many researches show that the performance differnces result from children`s lack of control process rather than children`s small capacity. Children do not know how to lable the incoming information, how to rehearse to memorize the information in the long-term store, and how to organize the information already existed in their memory effectively, However, if children have enough information about specific task, they spontaneously develop adult-like memory strategy. This facts are due to their great knowledge base. Therefore, even though their sophisticated memory strategy can not compensate all their motor deficits, the role of teachers and coaches is to give children various movement experiences making their knowledge base bigger.Attribution theorists conceptualize causal ascription, the perceived causes of previous performance, as a major sources of achievement motivation. Therefore, they focus their interest on searching for the causes of events. For any given situation, however, their may be an infinite number of potential reasons why a particular event ocurrs. Many attribution theorists nowadays generally clasify these causes along three causal dimensions (internality, stability, and controllability) . They believe that individuals understand the causes and give meaning them on the basis of these dimensions. Attribution theory deals with two main areas : antecedents of attribution and the consequences of attribution. In sport-related areas, win or lose-attribution link has been the most studied of the two. In order to be a firmly established theory and to be utilized in achievement situation, further research in attribution framework is required in attribution. consequence link and in antecedent-attribution link also in addition to win or lose-antecedent link.