
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 122

        2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        这篇论文是提供韩国汉文语法教育的研究方向。虽然汉文目前不属于口语,然以汉文撰写的典籍史料浩瀚如海。于是理解与解读此一方面的人极为少数。由于面临了危机,需要提供一种有效率、有系统、有科学的汉文教育法。本文核心有两方面:一、通过汉文语法基本知识引起韩国人兴趣并提高解读能力。二、以教授的立场给学习者提供汉文语法教育的研究方向。本文主要探讨领域为形态教育与语法教育论以及汉文语法教育史的研究方向。将上述内容整理为如下:1 形态教育论的研究方向在此主要进行的是形成单词(词、词汇、词组)的形态论研究,且需要有系统地探讨合成法与派生法。在形态论研究里,不仅包含依照语法性质而分类的单词的词类论,还需研究虚词功能。在形态教育论里,所谈到的形态论内容,必须给学习者提供容易且有意思的教育方法。2 语句教育论的研究方向在此主要进行的是通过汉字语(词)语句构造进行汉文构造研究, 通过汉文文章构造类型进行语句教育研究, 通过汉文文章类型教育进行解读能力研究,语句教授法研究, 语句评价论研究等。3 汉文语法教育史的研究方向韩国汉文语句教育史在1945年光复之后由美国军政制定,然后自担任过渡期的“教授要目期”,一直到学校正在进行的2009年改定教育过程期为止,在初中高中汉文教育课程里,必须通过汉文语法教育的变迁过程及其内容来进行研究。
        2012.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 그동안 학계에서 여러 이견이 있었던 보어 개념에 대해 문제점과 타당 성을 검토하고 일정한 방법과 기준을 통해 해결책을 제시하고자 하였다. 일반 언 어학 관점으로 볼 때 보어라는 개념 자체가 정의 내리기 어려운 측면이 있고 이를 한문에 적용하는 과정에서 한문 문법 서술 체계의 기준을 정하지 못함으로 인해 여러 문제가 노정되었다고 보여진다. 문제 해결을 위해서는, 한문에서 무엇을 보 어로 볼 것이냐가 아닌 한문에 과연 보어가 존재하느냐에 대한 논의가 선행되어 야 한다. 본고에서는 한문에서 소위 보어로 분석되어지는 언어 현상이 실제는 보 어가 아닐 수 있으며 따라서 보어라는 용어를 상정할 필요성이 없다는 소견을 제시하였다. 학문 문법의 측면에서 보면 한문을 좀더 정치하게 분석하기 위해 동사 뒤의 명사성 성분 및 유관 언어 현상을 세밀히 나누는 것이 필요하겠지만 학교 문법의 각도에서 보자면 실제 한문 독해력 신장과는 일정 정도 거리가 있는, 문법 을 위한 문법이라는 논란의 여지가 있을 수 있다. 따라서 목적어와 보어를 하나로 통일하여 목적어라는 개념을 쓰는 방안, 혹은 또 다른 용어, 예컨대 ‘客語’를 상정 하는 방안 등을 통해 간략하면서도 명확한 학교 문법 서술을 고려할 필요가 있을 것으로 생각된다.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out under the premise that lack of grammatical education with overall emphasized fluency is not desirable and the grammatical education can function fully to improve the communicative competence. To support this, the studies that attempted comparative linguistics, universal language theories, and attempts of linguistic typology were examined. However, such efforts are limited in explaining the overall Korean grammatical education systematically. As a method to resolve such problems, a suggestion of actively utilizing grammatical categories were provided. The categorization by grammatical systems is quite familiar since it was applied to all languages for a long time and is a concept that can be usefully utilized in comparative linguistics or linguistic typology. In addition, the overall grammatical factors could be examined systematically. As the meanings, functions, and constraints of combinations among the grammatical factors are compared, which could not be done when examining the individual grammatical factor, the differences can be clearly recognized. This study provided an example of expressing negatives and also suggests the methods to use the grammatical categories for Korean educational grammatical system in the sites of Korean education in detail.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main goal of this study is to provide the educational contents of French grammar by means of English grammar. As one of their strong points, English has simplified the verbal and nominal inflections, but French has done the regular shape of its pronunciation. As a matter of course, they differ in the pronunciation, words, and expressions. Nevertheless, French and English have shared so many things through their history: their vocabulary and grammar on the Greco-Roman legacy have had mutual influences through Norman Conquest(1066) and the industrial revolution. So these two languages have grammatical common concepts, which are not at all: for example, the parts of speech, word order, modes, tense, passive voice, relative clauses, etc. There is not only grammatical similarity but also difference between these two languages. Basically, they have the word order SVO but French has the case SOV that contains clitic pronouns. They also show subtle disparities in the mood, the tense, the frame of verbal sub-categorization, the hiatus, etc. Though they broadly have common concepts of the article, its ordinary uses are not same. In the passive voice and the relative clauses, there is a little subtle distinction. But English grammar helps students to understand French grammar. In consequence, students who have knowledge of the former can easily acquaint the latter. Professors may lead students to reach to a higher level of French grammar by explaining common concepts and emphasizing different ones between these two languages
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There are many studies which have investigated biases hidden in ELT materials, particularly reading texts. But English grammar books haven't received much attention regarding the issue because their contents are considered as instruments for explaining grammar points. This paper thoroughly examines biases in an English grammar book, Grammar in Use Intermediate(GIUI), with regard to the following two aspects: idealization of the culture of native speakers of English, and gender bias. The findings show that materialism tends to be considered as a norm putting so much emphasis on money. With regard to gender bias, there are mixed results. Males are more dominant than females with respect to appearing as main characters, initiating conversations, and being mentioned ahead of the other gender. Males and females are treated equally in participating at active sports and pursuing various occupations. On the other hand, unethical or unlawful acts are alloted to males overwhelmingly more often than to females. The findings of this study can be used as a list for checking hidden biases in English teaching materials.
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is time for German language teachers in Korea to strive for qualitative development. One of the tasks to achieve this is to develop German grammar books that explain the German language system in a way that suits Korean students. We should develop books on language learning, including German grammar, in accordance with the standard of the Gemeinsamer Europäischer Referenzrahmen. We should adjust the selection and order of the parts of grammar depending on the level of difficulty, frequency and the importance of communication. There should be beginner, intermediate and advanced levels in German grammar. In this paper, I have made suggestions for the beginner level. The task in the future is to implement and systemize these suggestions all the way down to the details of each part of speech. It is not overstatement to say that the strength of Korean students is their understanding of grammar. Instead of considering this strength as weakness, we should find a way to use it effectively in order to facilitate more qualitative German education.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examines social grammars of naming patterns from a sociolinguistic perspective, focusing on the names for the Chinese and Italian restaurants located in the Manhattan area of New York City and the state of South Carolina. Logit analysis and t-test were mainly used in this quantitative analysis of naming patterns. The findings of this paper are as follows: (1) whether restaurants are named with ethnic connotation or not are determined more by cultural variables rather than by economic variables, (2) the economic variables are statistically significant but only weakly determine naming patterns, i.e. the marginal effects of the logit analysis is very small, and (3) the only influential economic variable is the reverse attitude toward information use, which implies that the number of computers within a restaurant is directly or indirectly related to the ethnicity of the owner and its naming pattern. Overall, this paper is an attempt to broaden the contents and methodologies of the previous studies on the relationship between brand naming patterns and ethnicity from the sociolinguistic perspective.
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The is the commonest word in English. This word is also known as one of the most difficult grammatical items for Korean learners of English as a foreign language. This paper focuses on the non-generic use of the English definite article, and examines the grammatical descriptions of the article in Advanced English Grammar and English Grammar in Use. It reveals that some of the important usages of the definite article are not included in 'the grammar books', and observes, following Park and Song (2001), that these unlisted usages cause much difficulty for Korean learners to improve accuracy in the article use. Underscoring the organic view of language, the paper proposes that a comprehensive and systematic understanding of 'grammar' is prerequisite for optimum efficiency in teaching the English definite article to Korean EFL learners.
        2008.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라 학자들이 서구 어학 이론으로 漢文의 語學的특성을 구명하기 시작한 것은 1908년 元泳義의 初等作文法을 시작으로, 1916년에 辛在英이 漢文義讀自解를, 1917년에는 姜邁가 漢文法提要를, 1921년에는 永昌書館에서 實地應用作文大方등이 발간된 후 약 40 년간 공백기를 두고 1960년대와 1970년대 사이에 발간된 문법서는 1960년 丁南洙의 漢文解釋을 시작으로 1971년 6월 許世旭의 漢文通論, 7월 權重求의 漢文大綱, 1973년 文璇奎의 漢文敎疑書, 1975년 趙鍾業의 漢文通釋, 1976년 洪寅杓의 漢文文法, 1977년 박지홍의 표준 漢文法등이 발간되었다. 본고는 1975년 趙鍾業의 漢文通釋의 문법이론 분석에 이어서 1976년 洪寅杓의 漢文文法에 수록된 品詞理論을 분석하려 한다. 특히 초기에 간행된 한문 문법서의 문법 이론이 40년간의 공백기를 거친 후 다시 발간된 한문 문법서에 어 떻게 수용․변모 되었는가 파악할 수 있을 것이고, 이후 발행된 한문 문법서에는 어떻게 반영되었는가도 거론될 것이다. 漢文文法에서는 단어의 종류를 單詞와 複詞로 나누었는데 크게 5 가지로 나누어 설명하고 있다. ‘詞의 種類’에서는 音節數에 의해 분류되는 ‘衍聲複詞’와 두 개의 품사가 연결되어 단어를 형성하는 合意複詞로 분석될 것이다. ‘品詞의 分類’ 에서는 實辭와 虛辭의 종류와 개념을 설명하고, ‘品詞의 結合’에서는 聯合關係, 組合關係, 結合關係등이 서구 이론의 입장에서 분석될 것이다. 저자는 ‘品詞의 等級’에서 甲級, 乙級, 丙級으로 나누었는데 이는 어떤 품사가 주로 문장의 성분 으로 쓰이는가를 논한 것이다. ‘品詞의 活用’은 品詞의 轉成을 설명한 것으로 제 시된 예문을 통해 統辭的機能에 의해 품사가 변하는 것과 造語的側面에서의 품사가 변하는 것으로 분석될 것이다.
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