신령버섯의 자실체가 고콜레스테롤을 급여한 Sprague Dawley계 암컷 흰쥐의 지질대사와 생리활성에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위해 생후 5주령의 흰쥐에 표준식이를 급여한 정상 식이군(NC), 정상 식이에 10%의 대두유와 1%의 콜레스테롤을 첨가하여 급여한 고콜레스테롤 식이군(HC), 고콜레스테롤 식이에 신령버섯 자실체 분말을 5% 첨가하여 급여한 군(HC+AB) 등 3개의 실험군으로 나누어 6주간 실험을 수행하였다. 실험동물의 체중증가와 식이효율은 HC에 비해 HC+AB가 유의하게 감소하여 NC와 유사한 수준을 나타냈다. 식이섭취량은 NC에 비해 HC와 HC+AB가 유의하게 낮았다. 혈청의 총콜레스테롤(TC), LDL-콜레스테롤(LDL-C), 중성지방(TG)의 농도는 HC에 비해 NC와 HC+AB가 유의하게 낮았으며 심혈관계 질환의 위험도를 나타내는 동맥경화지수(AI)와 LDLC/HDL-C의 비율도 HC에 비해 NC와 HC+AB가 유의하게 낮았다. 혈청의 알부민, 크레아티닌, 요산 및 총단백질의 농도도 NC와 HC+AB가 HC에 비해 조금 낮았다. 간기능의 척도를 나타내는 혈청의 GOT와 GPT 효소의 활성은 NC,와 HC+AB가 HC에 비해 낮았지만 유의성을 없었고, ALP의 농도는 HC에 비해 NC와 HC+AB가 유의하게 낮아서 신령버섯 자실체 분말의 급여가 흰쥐의 ALP농도를 낮추는 효과가 있었다. 실험 5-6주 사이에 배출된 변을 채취하여 분석한 총지질과 총콜레스테롤의 양은 HC+AB가 NC와 HC에 비해 유의하게 높아 식이로 섭취한 일부의 지방과 콜레스테롤이 장에서 흡수되지 않고 변으로 배출되는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 고콜레스테롤 식이에 신령버섯의 자실체 분말을 5% 수준으로 첨가하여 6주간 급여한 흰쥐의 체중, 혈청의 TC, LDL-C 및 TG의 농도와 동맥경화 수치(AI)가 정상 수준을 유지하고 지방간의 발생도 억제되는 효과가 현저히 나타나 고지방과 고콜레스테롤의 섭취에 의해 발생할 수 있는 심혈관계 질환의 예방과 개선에 신령버섯의 자실체가 효과를 나타내는 것으로 사료된다.
잎새버섯을 병재배 새로운 소득 품목으로 개발하고자 적정 발이방법을 구명하기 위한 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 발이는 모든 처리구에서 6일째 개시가 되었으나, T7(균긁기후 역상)은 9일로 다른 처리보다 3일 늦었다. 발이율은 T3(페트리디쉬)과 T7이 98.9%로 가장 높고, 전체 재배기간은 T7이 51일로 다른 처리구의 46~47일보다 3일 늦은 것으로 나타났다. 수량성은 T3과 T7이 각각 110g과 112g으로 우수하였으나, T7의 방법이 자실체의 발생도 균일하고, 품질도 우수하여(장단비 0.89) 잎새버섯 병재배에 적합한 발이방법으로 판단되었다.
백령버섯 병재배용 배지 주재료는 콘코브 배지보다는 미루나무톱밥 배지 처리구에서 발이 및 생육특성이 가장 양호하였으며, 배지 영양원으로는 면실피, 면실박, 밀기울, 옥수수분, 미강 등이 적합하였고, 배지 혼합 비율은 58% 이내 범위에서 재료별로 질소함량을 고려하여 가감 사용하는 것이 적당하였으며, T-N 함량이 높은 면실박 사용량은 20% 수준으로 조절할 필요가 있었다. 또한, 배지 첨가제는 탄산칼슘 처리가 소석회 처리보다 양호하였으며, 무처리구의 경우 갓과 대의 탄력성은 감소하고 경도는 증가되는 경향을 보였다. 따라서, 백령버섯 병재배용 최적배지는 미루나무톱밥+면실피+면실박+밀기울+옥수수분+탄산칼슘이 40:20:20:15:3:2의 혼합 비율로 조성되는 처리구였다.
The present study was carried out to deduce optimum harvesting time based on fruit traits that were examined with fruits hanging the higher part (HP, higher than or equal to 2m height from the ground) and lower part (LP, lower than or equal to 1.5m height from the ground) on ‘Niitaka’ tree. The fruits of HP compared to of LP tended to be heavy and showed significantly higher soluble solid contents (SSC), hardness and gravity at each of the harvest time. On the basis f the discrepancies of the fruit traits between HP and LP, harvest time for the fruits of LP are acquired to be delayed for raising fruit weight and SSC. Due to the substantial probability of flesh pithiness based on the dramatic decrease of fruit gravity, it is necessary that the fruits of LP distributed just after harvesting or stored for short-term period.
수경재배 시스템에 있어서 배액의 재활용은 생산비 절감 및 환경오염 방지를 위하여 중요하다. 방울토마토를 반촉성 수경재배 하면서 생육 단계별 공급액, 배액 및 잎의 무기성분 분석을 통하여 순환식 수경재배 시스템 개발을 위한 기초자료를 확보하고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 주기적으로 공급액, 배액 및 식물체 잎을 채취한 후 무기물 함량을 분석하였다. 생육 초기에는 배액의 EC가 공급액과 비슷한 약 2.0dS·m-1였지만, 생육 후기로 갈수록 높아져 9화방 착과기에는 4.5dS·m-1였다. 영양생장이 왕성한 생육 초기의 pH는 6.4~6.7 범위였으나 생식생장이 강해진 생육 후기에는 5.9~6.1로 낮아지는 경향이었다. 생육 초기에는 공 급액과 배액의 NO3-N, P, K, Ca 및 Mg 농도가 비슷하였지만 생육 후기로 갈수록 공급액보다 배액의 농도가 높아지는 경향이었다. 생육 초기에 잎의 T-N 함량이 높았지만 후기로 갈수록 낮아지는 경향이었다. K와 Ca 함량은 생육 초기에는 낮았으나 후기로 갈수록 높았으며, P와 Mg 함량은 생육초기부터 후기까지 유사한 수준으로 분석되었다. 이상의 결과는 토마토 수경재배를 배액재 활용에 있어 무기원소 농도 변화를 교정하기 위한 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.
In this study, we investigated the morphological characteristics and antioxidant ability of mushroom cultivar Lentinula edodes ‘Nongjingo’ fruiting bodies after exposure to various light conditions. Color differences between mushrooms treated with mixtures of LED light revealed that mushrooms displayed lighter color shades when compared to the control group (fluorescent light treated mushrooms). Redness increased and yellowness decreased after exposure to all treatments other than the fluorescent control. Measurement of growth characteristics of ‘Nongjingo’ fruiting bodies showed increases after exposure to all mixed LED treatments. In addition, the uniformity of fruiting bodies was higher when using LED light compared to fluorescent light. The measurement of stem diameters did not show a significant difference between the treatments, however, diameters were slightly larger with exposure to white-green LED. Moreover, stem length was longer in the mixed LED treatments when compared to those exposed to fluorescent light. Examination of the ratio of stem diameter to stem length revealed that the diameter of the stem was greater than the length. The antioxidant activity of water extracts made from Nongjingo fruiting bodies grown under mixed LED conditions was compared to those from mushrooms grown under fluorescence light conditions. The highest antioxidant activity was observed from mushrooms treated with white LED; however, no significant difference was found between mushrooms exposed to white-green LED compared to white-blue LED. The treatment showed higher antioxidant ability than vitamin C. Our results confirm that treatment of white LED and white-blue LED affects the growth and antioxidant ability of Nongjingo mushroom fruiting bodies.
We measured the antioxidant activities of Oak mushroom (Lentinula edodes) in browned sawdust medium under conditions of varying LED sources and amounts of light. Consequently, exposure to 200Lx blue LED resulted in highly efficient browning; the most efficient browning was shown at 200Lx, regardless of the type of luminous source. We identified that quantities obtained with the blue luminous source increased compared to those in other treatment plots. The DPPH radical scavenging test conducted to examine antioxidant activity revealed that the red luminous source caused high radical scavenging compared to efficient browning. The fruiting body for Nongjin-go, as a treatment plot with the highest scavenging, under a 400Lx red luminous source was 34.3±1.80% and that for ‘Sanjo 701’ at a 300lx red luminous source was 32.99±1.58%. The polyphenol content, reported to be correlated with DPPH radial scavenging, showed no similar correlation in the ‘Nongjin-go’ variety. By contrast, ‘Sanjo 701’ showed a similar association.
A demand for new mushrooms in the market has given impetus to explore new sources of edible mushrooms. Lepista nuda has an international reputation as an excellent edible species. The combination of its lilac color, solid fleshy structure, good shelf life, and delicious flavor makes it attractive to the market. Therefore the development of commercial cultivation techniques for L. nuda is highly desirable. This study was carried out to develop commercial cultivation techniques of L. nuda for the wild mushroom industry. For commercial cultivation of L. nuda it is required to research into environmental and physical parameters and to develop the new varieties with good productivity and short cultivation period. Twelve of L. nuda were provided from National Agrobiodiversity Center, Korea in 2012. They were investigated mycelia1 growth and formation of fruiting bodies on Agaricus compost. Only five among twelve, KACC51942, KACC52012, KACC52212, KACC52227, and KACC52139, succeeded in initiation and development of fruiting bodies. Spore collection and isolation of monokaryons were obtained from four except KACC52012. We selected four of L. nuda, KACC51942, KACC52212, KACC52227, and KACC52139, as crossing parents to develop the new varieties to shorten cultivation period. They showed different mycelial growth on agar and specific shape and color of fruiting body on button mushroom bed.
Auricularia polytricha has strong decomposition ability on wood fiber and a wide range of temperature adaptation as mid-high temperature mushroom. In addition, Auricularia polytricha does not require light in the mycelial growth period, but it is cultivated in the field because the light promotes the differentiation of fruiting bodies and affects the pigment formation. This study was conducted to investigate the possibility of the cultivation of Auricularia polytricha (Mont.) Sacc. "Geoni" which was bred at Jeonnam Agricultural Research Institute in 2012 at a simple-typed PE film mushroom house, and to compare the quality characteristics of the Auricularia polytricha (Mont.) Sacc. "Geoni" cultivated at air-conditioned mushroom house. Auricularia polytricha (Mont.) Sacc. "Geoni" was cultivated with sawdust-based media (0.9 kg) every 3 days from June 15 to July 13 at air-conditioned mushroom house and PE film mushroom house, and harvested until July 26th. The temperature and the humidity of the air-conditioned mushroom house was maintained at 23°C and 90-9 %. The Irrigation was conducted 1 time per day and 2 to 3 times per day at air-conditioned mushroom house and PE film mushroom house respectively. The harvesting period were the same for each treatment. The fruiting body was 6.0 ㎝ and 5.1 ㎝ in major axis and 4.6 ㎝ and 4.0 ㎝ in minor axis at PE film mushroom house and air-conditioned mushroom house respectively, as a result the size of the fruiting body grown at PE film mushroom house tended to be larger. The thickness of fruiting body was 0.85㎜ and 1.24㎜ at PE film mushroom house and air-conditioned mushroom house respectively. These results are considered to be due to the difference in the humidity control conditions between each treatment. The number of fruiting bodies per bag was 4.3 at PE film mushroom house and more tendency than 3.7 at air-conditioned mushroom house. The springiness of the fruiting body was 1.23 ± 0.21 and 1.01 ± 0.17. the chewiness was 620 ± 89 and 507 ± 128, and the resilience was 0.49 ± 0.03 and 0.35 ± 0.07 at PE film mushroom house and air-conditioned mushroom house respectively. As a whole, it was judged that the physical properties of the fruiting body grown at PE film mushroom house were excellent. Also, when comparing the chromaticity of fruiting body, L(lightness)-a(red color)-b(yellow color) value was 30-5.5-3.9 and 39-6.5-7.5 at PE film mushroom house and air-conditioned mushroom house respectively. The yields did not show differentiated tendency by cultivation time. However, the weight of fruiting body per bag was 308g and 252g at PE film mushroom house and air-conditioned mushroom house respectively. Therefore, according to these result, Auricularia polytricha (Mont.) Sacc. "Geoni" was judged to be a suitable cultivar at PE film mushroom house for summer.
Ganoderma lucidum has been reported to have various biological activities including antioxidant activity. The objective of this study was to compare the antioxidant effects between Ganoderma lucidum (GL) and antler-shaped fruiting body of Ganoderma lucidum (AGL). In vitro antioxidant activities were examined by 2,2-diphenyl-picrylhydrazyl hydrate (DPPH) and 1,2,2-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) radical scavenging activities of GL and AGL ethanol extracts. In the DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities of GL and AGL ethanol extracts, antioxidant activities of AGL extracts (IC50, 66.94 μg/ml and 131.23 μg/ml) was showed higher than GL extracts (IC50, 83.93 μg/ml and 164.54 μg/ml). Total polyphenol content and total flavonoid content (38.00 g GAE/kg extract and 11.58 g NE/kg extract) of AGL were found higher as compared to GL (34.23 g GAE/kg extract and 3.46 g NE/kg extract). In summary, the results of this study demonstrate that AGL extracts had higher antioxidant activities to GL.
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether or not the antler-shaped fruiting body of Ganoderma lucidum (GL) has an anti-inflammatory effect on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)/interferon-γ (IFN-γ)-activated RAW 264.7 macrophage-like cells. To evaluate the anti-inflammatory effects of GL, we examined the inflammatory mediators such as the production of nitric oxide (NO) and the expression of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), activator protein 1 (AP-1), inducible NO synthase (iNOS), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), interleukin-1β (IL-1β), and interleukin-6 (IL-6). LPS/IFN-γ-induced cellular NO production was significantly decreased in GL-treated RAW 264.7 cells. Moreover, Western blotting analysis results demonstrated that reduced protein expression of MAPK families (such as extracellular signal-regulated kinase, c-Jun amino-terminal kinase, and p38 MAPK) and AP-1-targeting inflammatory enzymes (iNOS, COX-2, IL-1β, and IL-6). These results indicated that GL modulates the MAPK/AP-1 signal pathway in inflammatory process. In conclusion, the present study provides important evidence that GL can potentially be used to reduce LPS/IFN-γ-induced inflammatory response by inhibiting the MAPK/AP-1 signaling pathways.
The aim of the study was carried out to investigate a single oral toxicity of a 50% ethanol extract derived from fruiting body of Poria cocus (PCE) using male and female SD rats. Groups consisted of five male and female rats were treated with a single dose of the test substance intragastrically at 0, 5, 50, 300 and 2,000 mg/kg, respectively. Animals were monitored for the mortality and changes in the body weight, clinical signs and gross observation during the 14 days after dosing, upon necropsy. As the results, we could not find any mortality. Compared with the control group, significant weight change was not observed in the experimental group. Also there was no difference in water and food consumption or gross pathological findings at terminal sacrifice among the groups of rat treated with different doses of the test substance. The results suggested that the approximate lethal dose of ACM in both female and male rats were considered as over 5000 mg/kg.
Cordyceps species are diverse and grow worldwide from larval to adult stages of a range of insects. They are traditionally regarded as medicinal mushrooms in Asia for their immune-enhancing properties. Different species of Cordyceps are being cultivated in large scale to fulfill the demand of public consumption as supplementary health food or immune booster. Cultivation of Cordyceps fruiting bodies is a complex process and a controlled environment of temperature, light, humidity etc. along with appropriate medium is a prerequisite for regular, stable fruiting process. Besides environmental factors, recent molecular studies have shown the role of genetic factors that control normal fruiting body production of Cordyceps. Recent progress in our understanding of Cordyceps fruiting in laboratory condition is discussed with some prospect of better fruiting body production of Cordyceps spp. in future.
This study aimed to investigate antioxidant activity of various extracts from fruiting bodies and mycelia of two Phellinus linteus strains and P. baumii. The Phellinus strains have cultivated on oak and mulberry logs. The fruiting bodies species were harvested from each Phellinus strain and used in this study. The tested items include: 2, 2’-azinobis[3-ethylbenzthiazoline]-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS), free radical scavenging assay and determination of total phenolics contents (TPC), ferric reducing antioxidant power assay (FRAP), and DPPH (1, 1-diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl) radical-scavenging activities. Different extractions with 60% Ethyl alcohol, 70% methyl alcohol and heat water were done on the mycellial and fruiting bodies samples of the mushroom species. The methyl alcohol extraction from fruiting body of P. linteus KACC93057P displayed the highest antioxidant activity on ABTS, FRAP, and DPPH assays. The ethyl acetate fraction was concentrated and subjected to an ODS column chromatography, followed by Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography. Finally six compounds 1-6 were detected by preparative reversed-phase HPLC.
This research was relative humidity (65, 75, 85 and 95%) growth characteristics of the oak mushroom (Lentinula edodes) 'Nongjingo’. At the relative humidity was 65% in growth chamber. On this condition the moisture content of medium surface was 60.5%. That was lower than other treatments. That condition makes Pileus was 77.1% and stipe was 65%. Among the growth characteristics according to the relative humidity, the pileus diameter at 75% relative humidity were 45.5mm that largest than other treatment and pileus thickness at 75% relative humidity were largest than other treatment. The stipe thickness at 65% relative humidity were 14.8mm that lagest than other treatment. The number of available stipes at 95% relative humidity were 13.3peace/2kg that largest than other treatment. The comparison yield ability of 1 cycle was 104.2g that result in largest than other treatment at 95% relative humidity. This result was associated to the relative humidity of fruiting bodies, the lower relative humidity result in the lower of yield. However, the lower relative humidity result in the higher number of whago, Especially, at the treatment of 65% relative humidity, all the fruit bodies were produced as Whago (dry). Therefore, the higher relative humidity influenced in the higher yield but produced water mushroom. That result was thought that ‘Nongjingo’ would be possible to produce high quality mushroom by adjusting the relative humidity appropriately.
Cellulose is the most abundant organic polymer constituent of the cell wall of green plants and of various forms of algae. The complexity of lignocellulosic biomass is a major challenge in industrial research. Most mushroom species that naturally grow on soil or wood possess cellulases and the corresponding enzymatic system and, potential candidates for the direct bioconversion of softwood polysaccharides into fermentable sugars. However, there have been fewer studies on mushroom cellulases than on fungi such as Trichoderma spp., exploit the full potential of mushroom cellulases. This review will focus on the current status ofmushroom cellulase research and applications and will provide insight into promising future prospects.
영지버섯과 기타 약용버섯류를 에탄올 용매로 추출하여 농축한 뒤, 100 μg/ml의 농도로 처리하여 아질산염 소거 능을 실험한 결과 양성대조구인 Ascorbic acid는 25%의 소거능을 보이는데 반해 영지버섯 중 ASI 7080은 40%이 상 소거하는 것으로 나타났으며, 그 다음으로는 상황버섯 이 37%를 보였다. ASI 7002도 양성대조구보다 높게 나 타났.고, 그 이외의 다른 실험구는 양성대조구인 Ascorbic acid보다 낮은 아질산염 소거능을 보였다. NO assay 실험을 한 결과, 양성대조구로 쓰인 Ascorbic acid는 항염증 효능이 55%인데 반해 ASI 7002는 78.5% 로 가장 높은 항염증 효능을 보였으며, 그 다음으로 ASI 7063이 67.5%를 보였다. 기타 약용버섯류인 동충하초는 71.2%로 가장 높게 나타났으며, 노루궁뎅이 버섯은 59.7%의 소거능을 보였다. 영지버섯 ASI 7002를 에탄올 용매로 추출하여 농축한 뒤, 농도별(10, 50, 100 μg/ml)로 처리하고 LPS 10 μg/ml 처리한 RAW 264.7 cell 에서 RNA를 추출하여 cDNA를 합성한 후 Real-time PCR kit 를 이용하여 염증 관련 유전자인 iNOS와 COX-2와 TNF-a의 primer를 Table 1과 같이 제작하였고, iNOS와 COX-2와 TNF-a의 발현정도를 본 결과 세 유전자 모두 농도 의존적으로 발현이 억제되는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.
영지버섯의 유효성분 중, 특이적으로 영지버섯에서 검출되는 저분자 성분이며, 다양한 효능을 보이는 ganoderic acid의 함량을 분석하였다. 보유중인 영지균주를 열수, 주 정, 메탄올의 용매로 추출하였고, 추출용매별 ganoderic acid A, F, H의 성분이 많은 것을 선정하였다. 추출용매별 로 ganoderic acid A의 함량이 많은 5균주는 다음과 같다. 우선 열수 추출물에서는 ASI 7013이 0.988 mg/g으로 가 장 높았고 다음으로, ASI 7023, 7059, 7026, 7060순 이었 다. 주정 추출물에서는 ASI 7037이 0.940 mg/g으로 가장 높았고, ASI 7021, 7034, 7026, 7038순 이었다. 메탄올 추출물에서는 ASI 7162가 0.833 mg/g으로 가장 높았고, ASI 7091, 7032, 7056, 7125순 이었다. 다음으로 ganoderic acid F의 함량이 많은 5균주는 다음과 같다. 열수 추출물 에서는 ASI 7101이 0.722 mg/g으로 가장 높았고, ASI 7113, 7011, 7104순 이었다. 주정 추출물에서는 ASI 7037 이 0.811 mg/g으로 가장 높았고, ASI 7007, 7027, 7012, 7014순 이었다. 메탄올 추출물에서는 ASI 7154가 0.657 mg/g으로 가장 높았고, ASI 7151, 7155, 7137, 7139순 이었다. 마지막으로 ganoderic acid H의 함량이 많은 5균 주는 다음과 같다. 열수 추출물에서는 ASI 7013이 0.985 mg/g으로 가장 높았고, ASI 7059, 7135, 7001, 7141순 이었다. 주정 추출물에서는 ASI 7106이 2.842 mg/g으로 가장 높았고, ASI 7089, 7159, 7007, 7002순 이었다. 메 탄올 추출물에서는 ASI 7003이 6.969 mg/g으로 가장 높 았고, ASI 7034, 7169, 7159, 7103순 이었다. 이렇게 추 출용매별로 ganoderic acid 함량의 차이는 추출용매의 극 성에 따른 용해도의 차이로 생각되어지며, 향후 더 깊은 연구가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.