
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 89

        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라의 임금체계는 기본적으로 호봉을 기준으로 임금이 인상되는 연공급체계를 운영하여 왔다. 그러나 지난 1997년 외환위기를 전후로 하여 기업들은 기업의 생산성과 연계되는 임금체계로의 전환을 시도하여 왔는데 아직도 진행중인 단계로 볼 수 있다. 기업들이 그 동안 인간적이고 나름 합리적이었던 연공급 체계를 전환하려고 하는 이유는 국가경제수준에서 저성장체제로의 전환과 기업연령의 증가로 인한 고령자 증가에 따른 인건비부담의 증가, 글로벌화에 따른 경쟁환경의
        2008.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For the past 25 years, Korean semiconductor has experienced enormous growth to be the highest production country in the world. Semiconductor industry is very time sensitive and driven by technology and process, and requires 24-hour full operation. The environment includes many different types of equipment, utilities, different gases and toxic chemicals as well as high voltage electricity. We have performed a survey with 3-shift engineers and workers in one line. The content of the questionnaire was about the correlation between fatigue and performance shaping factor (work type and work ability), and as a result we were able to deduce the correlation, p-value and the pattern of scatter plot. The shape of the model was made of 4 blocks for fatigue, 5 blocks for work type and 5 blocks for work ability, i. e. 14 blocks in total. As a conclusion to this findings, there was a correlation between fatigue and work type and work ability specifically in semiconductor industry, and we need some effort to reduce this.
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문의 목적은 인간작업모델(The Model of Human Occupation: MOHO)을 이론적 틀로 하여 개발된 근로 자역할인식 면담도구(Worker Role Interview: WRI)를 소개하고, 향후 국내에서의 적극적인 사용을 제안하기 위한 것이다. WRI를 이용한 면담조사를 준비하기 위하여 2006년 9월부터 12월까지 WRI Version 9.0의 매뉴얼을 한국어로 1차 번역을 실시하였고, 감수와 수정 과정을 통하여 면담조사 권장질문지와 점수표, 판정기준을 마련하였다. 면담조사를 위하여 작업치료실이 있는 3곳의 산재전문병원을 방문하여 연구의 취지를 설명하였고, 그 중 한 곳에서 직업복귀 가능성이 있고 연구의 취지에 동의하는 산재 환자를 소개받아 2007년 2월 27일 면담조사를 실시하였다. WRI의 평가결과는 최소 17점에서 최대 68점으로 점수화 할 수 있는 데, 클라이언트의 평가 결과 총점 48점으로 전체적으로 직업복귀에 부정적인 측면 보다는 긍정적인 측면이 더 큰 것으로 나타났다. 특히 개인적 사유나 자신의 직업에 대한 가치, 흥미와 관련되어 있는 의지 영역에서 직업복귀를 강하게 지지하는 반응을 보였는데, 이는 클라이언트의 직업복귀에 대한 동기가 강하므로 직업복귀에 성공할 가능성이 높다는 전제 하에 재활서비스가 제공되어야 함을 의미한다. 인간작업모델이라는 새로운 작업치료의 패러다임을 임상에서 적용할 수 있는 간편한 면담평가도구로써 WRI는 심리적, 사회적, 환경적 변인을 통한 직업복귀의 가능성을 예측한다는 점에서 의미가 있으며, 작업치료사가 환자의 기능적 손상이나 장해에만 관심을 두는 것이 아니라 보다 폭넓은 관점에서 환자를 이해하고 접근하여 성공적인 재활프로그램을 계획하는데 도움이 되리라 기대된 다.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper proposes a maintenance method to integrate worker's safety concerns into the process activities of the manufacturing system and it is to be considered as a part of the scope of maintenance engineering. The proposed method incorporates worker's health and safety considerations into maintenance engineering in each of the manufacturing process using reliability analysis. It can help to make a better planning and implementation of maintenance activities for the manufacturing system.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A studies wish to present safety assessment table that is consisted of safety check-up, safety education, safety management for worker's safety management assessment about unit process. And safety management level was survey through case study that use safety assessment table. Safety management assessment table is improved safety management level of unit process, and is developed safety management system by worker confirms assessment items and improves problem.
        2007.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kaplan & Norton introduce the BSC in early 1990s. after introducing the Balanced scorecard, The Balanced scorecard has been evolved in various function. In the various functional Balanced scorecard, this paper focuses on the logistics BSC, and the decision the weights of Key Performance Indicators. In this paper, a combination of Balanced scorecard and AHP-LTV based approach proposed multi-criteria provides a more accurate representation of the problem for measuring company.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Flextime system labor problem appeared by social issue going through a late 97s economic crisis. The most important thing among gravity is that act for factor who do to magnify gulf between rich and poor because do so that may polarize labor market at central part and neighborhood and makes preservation of society integration hardly social economy enemy of flextime system worker's spread. Furthermore, new economy surrounding has attribute that deepen uncertainty social bipolarization according as order by 21th century information-oriented society, globalization, knowledge base economy. Therefore, role of the country that control spread of flextime system in fixed level is more important first of all and application of employment insurance may do that have important meaning and social deliquescence.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Considering in view of China's low price and Japan's high technology, the most important point is the quality of product. To increase the comparative power internationally all workingmen have to fulfill the responsibility to maximize the quality, and this is possible practiced under 'Zero Defect' spirit. To reduce the defect ratio to 'Zero' the workingmen have to recognize own fault, all the manufacturing process should be conducted under 'Fool Proof System', If done under this circumstances, then labor force can work comfortably and safely without nervousness and tiresome. The productivity and quality can increase ultimately and even foreign labor, imbecile child, old-aged labor can participate in work, which can reduce shortage of labor source. Therefore, in this study all defects in manufacturing process, it would be recognized the errors and mistakes caused by human.
        2002.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There are many and various problems due to an occupational disease. These problems result in serious social problems such as individual and family problem, economical loses of company. The objective of this study is to analyze the worker's consciousness and provide the precautionary measures for prevention of an occupational disease. The samples for this study are chosen from the companies with less than 300 employees under charge of the Kangnung Ministry of Labor during three months (2002. 3. 2 ∼ 2002. 5. 31).
        2020.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The present study investigated the patients’ lexicons in unfolding migrant worker-domestic doctor interactions at a free-of-charge medical center for migrants (Center B) against those at a large general hospital (Hospital A) and those at another small free-of-charge hospital (Hospital C). In so doing, the focus was on the patients’ lexicons at Center B against those at the other institutions. Overall, the data at Center B consisted of approximately 80 consultations that the researcher himself participant-observed and audiorecorded at the three institutions over a span of two years. A qualitative investigation of the patients’ lexicons at Center B demonstrated that the patients who visited Center B initiated far more advanced scientific terminologies. Also, they adopted more nominalized forms, The lexical content and form appeared to result from the fact that the migrant patients were advanced degree seekers in agriculture, engineering, and science. Thus, the patients’ lexicons at Center B illustrated that the finding of the previous studies which argued that the patients at free-of-charge clinics were mostly unskilled laborers were oversimplistic and even stereotyping. The present study proposes a more critical applied linguistic study of migrant patient-domestic doctor consultations.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: This study explores how demographic transitions with workforce implications taking place in South Korea are affecting the job market, and proposes a novel conceptual model to analyze the increased role that migrant workers will play as the changes progress in the medium term. Research design, data and methodology: A qualitative approach based on the available published data is used in order to create a conceptual model that could be used to determine the order in which job sector strata will be gradually taken over by migrant workers, as the demographic transitions will create an increasing need for workforce reforms. Results: The study determines that migrant workers will replace domestic Korean workers in a stratified manner, initially in rural areas, followed by regional cities and then in the industrial areas on the edges of big cities, and the strata can be analyzed based on a proposed four-category model to determine where the opportunities will open. Conclusion: It is possible to use a conceptual model for this phenomenon. Extensive Government planning is needed to avoid possible social exclusion problems and to determine how to keep the economies of rural and regional Korean cities economically viable while they are becoming increasingly depopulated.
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