
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 159

        2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to apply new sporting events, which could be intriguing for school children and boost their class participation, into P.E. instruction in an effort to further their attitude, interest and basic physical fitness. The subjects
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This is a paper that shows how poetic dialogue plays upon poems between three different authors, William Butler Yeats, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth. Many of Yeats' poems broach a gentle issue of how they respond to their poetic precursors. "Among School Children" can be read as an updated version of a Romantic "conversation" poem. Coleridge applied the term "conversational poem" to "The Nightingale," one of twenty-tree poems in Lyrical Ballads of 1798. Earlier than this, a phrase Sermoni propriora ("suitable for conversation") appears in his "Reflections, On Having Left a Place of Retirement." These two poems demonstrate Coleridge's conscious efforts at experimenting with conversational speech as a legitimate poetic language. Coleridge's conversational mode is in full bloom in such remarkable poems as "The Lime-Tree Bower My Prison" and "Frost at Midnight," the latter a masterful lyric that paves ways for Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey" in its compositional mode and structure. The traffic between the two Romantic authors and "Among School Children" is obvious--a noticeable parallelism is developed in terms of diction, figures, thematic structure, and rhetorical devices. Yeats's "Among School Children" serves as a poetic testimony to the on-going lyrical dialogue that explores possible links between the workings of different poetic minds and that creates remarkable echoing effects.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is an attempt to practice Jungian ways into a great poem of Yeats’s, “Among School Children,” over which home and foreign academic societies concerned have been under much controversy till now. But it is very regrettable that I have no belief if the views issued from some noted scholars in the societies have been plausible or appropriate. In the sense, as suggested by the title, the encounter between Great psychologist C. G. Jung and Great poet W. B. Yeat is very significant in that they both had pursued the same ultimate subject as a supreme state of humanity respectively represented as archetype of ‘Self’ and ‘Unity of Being.’ For Jungian ways applied to the poem, first symbols, images and psychological situations lurking in it can be useful as the interpretative clues. These representations can function as faithful agents helping us to reach the gate of the poetic truth, urging us to mobilize Jungian esoteric terms corresponded to several kinds of psychological situations people must go through. ‘Great Mother,’ maternal archetype, who stands for earth and womb and takes two characteristics, construction and destruction, possessing opposite qualities of Witch Kali and Virgin Mary, exercises serious effect upon a male child as an earthly hero. Some ideal aim or mission that the hero strives to grasp is just equivalent to hurriedly return to the womb as his biological origin, namely secular realization of the principle of ‘entrophy’ meaning the second principle of thermodynamics; does mean the hero’s life whatever else? It can be associated with the biblical situation, Pieta, the holy picture describing Mary’s lamenting in bitter grief with embracing his dead son, Jesus Christ. In fact, the hero is determined to death resulting from energetic emission of burning libido, which can be embellished with either establishment of duty or sacrifice to community. Thus, ‘Great mother’ longing for the runaway baby from her womb, in turn, is expecting his death to suffice emptiness of womb and heal her chronic complex, hysteria. In conclusion, in the poem, we can find that the destiny that after “children” in the “school” go through a initial step of ‘individuation,’ the perfect state which further can be indivisible, they, absurd beings, are cast into the tough world with each secular mission is just to aid the scheme of ‘Great Mother.’ “school” is a temple teaching “dance” and “children” in it dancers learning “dance.” Accordingly, the enigmatic relation of “dancer” and “dance” in the eighth stanza would be unraveled: The former can come under an archetypal pattern and the latter can correspond to its practitioner. Thus, “dance,” playing a role of ‘complex’ as compelling force and driving us to imitate it, tires us, dancers, finally to death, as an erotic dancer Salome’s dance murdered a spiritual dancer John the Baptist. After all, we can never get to the core of “dance” only to hang around its brink, which Yeats should know. As usual, getting captivated by “dance,” we continually shout hoarse to others: Shall we dance?
        2004.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 상자와 나무토막 검사는 손의 기능, 즉 조작능력을 평가하는 방법으로 보다 객관적이고 일상생활에서 많이 쓰는 손의 기능을 검사할 수 있는 가장 기본적이고 간단한 검사방법이다. 따라서 본 연구는 서울의 초등학생을 대상으로 일반적인 특성(성, 연령, 우세한 손)과 신체적인 특성(앉은키, 몸무게)에 따른 상자와 나무토막 검사의 정상아동 표준치를 제시하여서, 아동 치료에 기초가 되는 자료를 제공하고자 하였다.연구방법 : 연구 대상자는 서울에 위치한 한 초등학교에 다니는 남학생 85명(45.2%), 여학생 103명(54.8%)으로 전체 188명이였다. 자료는 8세에서 13세까지 6집단으로 나누고, 평균, 표준편차, 백분위 점수로 나타내었다.결과 : 상자와 나무토막 검사에서 평균값은 성별, 연령, 우세손에 따라 계산되었다(남자: 80.15, 여자: 75.68). 성별에 따라 점수를 비교했을 때, 남자 학생들의 점수가 왼손, 오른손 손 검사에서 모두 높은 점수를 얻었다(p<0.05).결론 : 본
        2004.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the relations among Korean phonological processing skills, English vocabulary knowledge, and the learning of new English words in 6th grade children. The children were tested in phonological awareness, phonological short-term memory, and naming speed tasks, as well as English vocabulary and paired-associate learning of Korean-English word pairs. Most tasks were significantly correlated with English vocabulary and paired-associate learning. In regression analyses, phonological awareness, short-term memory, and naming speed significantly predicted English vocabulary; and English vocabulary and naming speed predicted paired-associate learning. These results suggest that Korean phonological awareness, naming speed, and short-term memory are associated with English vocabulary knowledge and learning. These findings support the transfer of phonological processing skills across second languages.
        2004.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The factors of obesity related with food habits were assessed to provide information for nutrition education database. The subjects in this study were 234 primary school children in Busan. Children were classified into normal and obese groups(mildly obese, moderately obese and severely obese) by obesity index. In self-recognition of body image, only 28.6% of MI group considered themselves as 'overweight or obese'. 87.2% of the subjects controlled their weight method with exercise. With regard to meal speed, 64.5% of the subjects ate fast(≤15 min.). The study also found that 79.8% of the subjects ate breakfast, 56.4% of the subjects them were moderate by obese, 40.8% of the subjects ate snacks after dinner. Eating speed, meal volume and snacks money per day were significantly different in obesity. Preference for eating out was Korean Chinese, Western and Japanese food, in order. Favorite food for snack, such as ddukbokki, fruits, milk. fried foods and candy and caramel were significantly different in obesity(p〈0.05). However hamberger, pizza and chocolate were not significantly different in obesity. The most preference snack for all the subjects were fruits and ice cream. In food preference, potato, dduk, meats, fishes, cheese, milk, ice cream were significantly different in obesity. The distasteful food for subjects were patbab, vegetables, shellfishes and salt-fermented foods. From above results, obesity of children was related to meal speed, meal volume and snacks motley per day. Therefore, these results suggest that continuous and practical nutrition education to change food habits art necessary to avoid child obesity.
        2002.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to survey the concern for health, nutrition knowledge, and nutritional attitude of the elementary school children's mothers, to investigate the correlations among them, and to estimate their effects on the growth of their children. The questionnaire was answered by 780 mothers in the Busan area. The concerns over health and nutritional attitude were above average in all items. The perception and accuracy with respect to nutrition knowledge were 90.3% and 77.0%, respectively, and the mean score of the nutrition knowledge was 17.5 on a basis of twenty-five. This indicates that the subjects had a comparatively deep concern for health and good knowledge of nutrition, and professed a relatively desirable attitude. These results indicate a desirable dietary attitude for children as well as parents. The correlation coefficients between nutrition knowledge and a concern for health, and between nutrition knowledge and nutritional attitude were very low. This suggests that the subjects' knowledge of nutrition does not develop into practice. The correlation coefficient was high (r=.610) between the concern for health and the nutritional attitude. In conclusion, the nutrition education program for mothers should be developed to add good practice to knowledge, thus increasing the concern for health, correcting their faulty knowledge of nutrition, teaching the good nutrition, and taking a practical attitude toward the use of their present nutritional knowledge.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        폴드만의 “Among School Children” 읽기는, 언어의 근본적 비유성, 즉 말해진 것과 다른 것(들)을 의미하는 속성에 근거한 그의 해체론 전개에 중요한 예이다. 이 시에 관한 그의 논의의 초점은 마지막 시행 “How can we know the dancer from the dance?”가, 전통적 해석들에서와는 달리, 수사의문문이 아니라 문법적 의문문으로 읽힐 수 있으며, 이 때 이 시행은 예술적 형식과 내용 사이 그리고 더 나아가 기호와 지시체(또는 의미) 사이의 숨겨진 차이성을 드러낸다는 데 있다. 드만에게 있어서 이 차이성은 언어의 자의성과 언어 기호의 비고착성에 직결되며, 이들은 다시 의미의 불확정성을 넘어 읽기의 불가능성으로까지 이어진다. 의미의 불확정성은, 다시 말하면, 주어진 표현에 적용될 문맥을 결정할 수 없다는 말이 된다. 그러나 퍼스에 따르면, 의미작용(signification)이 무한한 기호과정에 속해있긴 하지만, 해석의 공동체(community)라는 의미작용 외부의 원리에 의해 의미작용에 제한을 가할 수 있다. 에코는 이 원리로부터 비록 어떤 해석을 배타적으로 또는 우선적으로 옳은 것이라고 판단하는 것은 불가능하지만, 적어도 그 해석이 부적절하다는(illegitimate) 것은 문맥을 통해 결정할 수 있다는 결론을 이끌어낸다. 이때 문맥이란, 한 텍스트내의 특정한 표현이 문제가 될 때, 그 표현을 들러 싼 텍스트 자체, 더 정확히 말해서, 그 텍스트의 요소들 사이에서 최소한으로 요구되는 일종의 일관성이라 할 수 있으며 이 텍스트의 일관성은 해석의 최소 조건이 된다. 드만의 “Among School Children” 읽기는 이 조건에 비추어 부적절함이 드러난다. 결국, 해석의 최소 조건에 의해 의미의 불확정성은 읽기의 불가능성이 아니라 텍스트가 허용하는 범위 내에서의 다양한 읽기 가능성으로 이어지는 것이다.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to survey dietary intakes of 739 elementary students, 4-6grades, in Won-Ju area, in 1998, to enhance the effect of school foodservice. The results were as follows : 1. Most investigated students had nuclear family with one brother or one sister. 2. The average height of boys and girls was 141.0±7.7cm and 141.4±8.0cm, and the average weight of them was 35.7±8.5kg and 36.1±8.5kg, respectively. There was no significant difference between boys and girls. 3. The rates of obesity were 12.2% in urban, 7.4% in rural and 0% in remote rural area by Rohrer index and 22.9% in urban 13.9% in rural and 0% in remote rural area by the rate based on standard weight. 4. All nutrients intake of investigated students were sufficient according to recommended dietary allowances. All nutrients intake of boys were higher than those of girls. Calcium intake of children with well educated mother was higher than that of children with poorly educated mother. Children in remote rural area had lower carbohydrate, calory and calcium intake than those in other areas. 5. Students without breakfast had lower protein and iron intake and higher calory from snack than those with breakfast. 6. Students who thought themselves to be obesity had low intake of carbohydrate, total calory and calory from snack and students with regular exercise had high intake of protein, iron, calcium and calory from snack. 7. Students with unbalanced diet, snack intake in large quantities and irregular meal had lower protein, fat, iron and calcium intake and higher calory from snack than other students. As a result, Students without breakfast often had lower all nutrients except calory from snack than other students, significantly. Problems of nutrients intake of elementary students in Won-Ju area were high rate of obesity, high intake of protein, unbalanced nutrients intake of students without meal or students with excessive eating and limited calcium intake of students with poorly educated mother. It is important to confirm desirable food habits for balanced nutrients intake in all areas and to increase calcium intake of students in remote rural area.
        2000.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to find the standard value of hand width, of grip strength and of pinch strength by age, sex, and by left hand and right hand and also to find how the general characteristics influences grip strength and pinch strength. Martin Vigorimeter (List No. 17-27-01) was used for measuring grip strength, and the pinch gauge (0∼30 lbs) of B&L engineering for measuring pinch strength. The subjects of this study are the children at the age of three to seven years, who attending the babies' play room, kindergarten and the primary school in Seoul and the Kyungki province area. They all were normally developed without any significant neurology problem. wo hundred girls and two hundred boys were partifipated in this study. They were divided into ten subgroups according to the age of six month interval. Each group consisted of forty children of twenty boys and twenty girls. Analysis of data presents the technical statistics upon the hand width of right and left hand and the grip strength and pinch strength according to the age and sex. Multiple regression analysis using mixed liner model was operated in order to find how the general characteristics (of the age, sex, and side of hand) influence hand width, grip strength, and pinch strength individually. Also, we calculated the correlation among hand width, grip strength and pinch strength under the condition of controlling general characteristics; and to find correlation between the right hand and the left hand of the age and sex, we carried out paired t-test and came to the conclusion as follows: 1. Hand width is significantly increased with the increase of age (p<0.01). The increase of hand width according to age, boy is wider than that of girl significantly (p<0.01), and the right hand is wider than that of the left hand significantly (p<0.01). 2. Grip strength is significantly increased as the age and hand width increased (p<0.01). The increase of grip strength according to the age, boy is stronger than that of girl significantly (p<0.01), and grip strength of the right hand is stronger than that of the left hand(p<0.01). 3. Three-jaw pinch strength is increased as the age, hand width and grip strength are increased(p<0.01). But there is no significant difference of three-jaw pinch strength according to sex and the side of hand(p>0.05). 4. Tip pinch strength is significantly increased as the age and grip strength are increased(p<0.05). The increase of tip pinch strength according to the age, boy is stronger than that of girl significantly (p<0.05), but there is no significant difference between the right hand and the left hand(p>0.05). 5. Lateral pinch strength is significantly increased as the age and grip strength are increased(p<0.01). But the increase of lateral pinch strength, there is no significant difference according to the hand width, sex and the side of hand(p>0.05). 6. The test of correlation among hand width, grip strength and pinch strength showed the correlation between grip strength and pinch strength was stronger than the correlation between hand width and pinch strength(0.3<r<0.7). There was strong correlation between each pinch strength(0.3<r<0.7). Above all, the correlation of three-jaw pinch strength and tip pinch strength was strongest(0.7<r<1.0). 7. The test of hand width according to the age and sex, and the difference between the right hand and the left hand in grip strength and pinch strength showed that there was significant difference against all the test of hand width, of grip strength, and of pinch strength in the age group from seven years and six months to seven years and eleven months than the age group under six years, specially in girls group(p<0.05).
        2000.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study was performed to investigate the prevalence rate of idiopathic scoliosis and to determine the effect of exercise training on scoliotic angle in elementary school children. In this study, two out of five elementary schools in Seosan city were chosen by random sampling. Seven hundred sixty four students (from four grade to the sixth grade student) were selected in two schools. Screening tests were conducted to find idiopathic scoliosis. Among the 764 individuals, 139 subjects who showed positive sign in physical examination took whole spine radiography. Thirty six subjects who had a curve of 10 or greater and consented to participate in the exercise program were selected for the exercise program. The exercise program was performed four times a week for 5 months. The results of this study were as follows: 1) One hundred thirty nine subjects showed positive sign in the scoliosis screening test. 2) The overall prevalence of curve of greater in X-ray finding was 8.15%. The prevalencies of curve of greater in male and female were 7.1% and 9.2%, respectively. 3) Scoliosis curves were observed at thoracic area (48.4%), at thoracolumbar area (27.4%) and at lumbar area(24.4%). 4) Right side curve was 59.7%, and left side curve was 40.3%. 5) After the 5 month exercise program for scoliosis, the Cobb's angle was significantly decreased. 6) There was no significant difference of Cobb's angle change respect to sex, grades, and scoliosis curve site. Results shown here indicates that an early detection and early exercise for scoliosis can result in decreased the Cobb's angle in elementary school children.
        2000.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study is to survey the eating habits and nutritional knowledge of children in Pusan, with a view to uncovering problems and their underlying causes and cultivating desirable dietary habit and nutrition for children. Three hundred and fifty six elementary school students were asked questions about their eating habits and nutritional knowledge as well as general information about their personal characteristics. The results showed: 1. Only 53.5% of the subjects had breakfast every day. Seventy-six percent of the subjects had dinner every day. Only 40% of the children took meals and talked with family at both breakfast and dinner. Thus there was little opportunity for dietary guidance by parents. 2. About half of the subjects answered that their appetite decreased after eating snack foods between meals. A third of the subjects liked the baked goods as snacks. Because of their high sugar and fat content, they can damage children's health, resulting in child diabetes and tooth decay. For this reason, careful education is necessary to allow children to be able to select snack foods that are appropriate in kind and quantity. 3. About 85% of the subjects had an unbalanced diet. Therefore systematic nutrition education at school is necessary to instill in children the value of balanced diet. 4. Children preferred rice to other cereals as a staple food. They disliked kimchi, seasoned and blanched foods and salads as subsidiary foods. It is therefore necessary to teach children systematically the nutritional advantage of cereals and vegetables and to heighten their awareness of Korean food culture. 5. Children had a low level of nutritional knowledge. The knowledge of specific nutrients was lower than that of foods. In conclusion, systematical educational programs need to be developed at elementary school. These should include information about achieving a balanced diet, good eating habit, meal management and Korean dietary culture. Nutritional education at home must be emphasized.
        2000.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        W. B. Yeats’ “Among School Children” was the result of the poet’s visit to an elementary school. Apparently, it seems to be the record of his visit and his imagining Maud Gonne’s life and his life. When it is closely examined, it is proved to contain his philosophical thoughts regarding the reality and actuality. As is well known, Yeats lost his interest in Christianity early in his childhood and studied the mysticism, the esotericism, the occultism, and the Orientalism including the old Indian philosophy and Buddhism from childhood to adulthood. Sometimes he studied the various pagan philosophy systematically and sometimes unsystematically. It is natural that his poetry shows the reflection of his philosophy as his poetic aim was to put himself into the poetry. This paper proves the influence of Buddhism on his poem, “Among School Children”. The first chapter deals with the background of this poem’s making and surveys the contents of this poem. The second chapter summarizes his study of Mysticism and the Indic philosophy focussing on Buddhism. This chapter also explicate the main ideas of Buddhism; the Great Wheel, the emptiness, non-self-being, metempsychosis, the Law of Karma, etc. The third chapter examines the poem “Among School Children” in the light of Buddhism. First the poem is proved to be based on the idea of the Great Wheel. The speaker and the persons who are imagined by the poet are chained to the Wheel and cannot escape from it. They have to be reincarnated according to the law of Karma, that is they are suffering the metempsychosis. The law of Karma emphasizes relativity/relatedness among objects. The people named and/or appeared in this poem are related to each other, and have no self-being. The fourth chapter discusses the poem’s development from dualism to monism. Western philosophy is basically based on dualism but Buddhism is monism. We can conclude that Yeats’ thoughts on the actuality and the reality are based on monism in this poem. But his acceptance of Buddhism was not literally, but he adopted and changed it to his purpose. His “Unity of Being” is originated from Buddhism but is not the same as that of Buddhism. He insists that the real life should be valued when the spirit and the body come to be united. In Buddhism, all the actuality is emptiness itself, but Yeats affirms the actuality. In Buddhism, reincarnation and/or re-living is taking different body from the former body, but Yeats thinks we are reincarnated or re-live by feeling and accepting other people’s selves. These are main points of difference between Buddhism and Yeats.
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