
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 766

        2016.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Ce0.8Sm0.2O2–δ―Sm0.1Sr0.9Cu0.2Fe0.8O3–δ dual-phase membranes were prepared with one-pot method and citric acid sol-gel process. After calcination of the powder at 850 ℃, the dual-phase membranes were prepared by uniaxially pressing the powder. The dual-phase membranes were sintered at 1150 ℃ for 5h with heating/cooling rates of 2 ℃/min. The phase structure and microstructure of the sintered membrane were studied by XRD and SEM. Elemental analysis of the membrane surface and cross section was performed. The oxygen permeation fluxes of Cu-containing dual-phase membranes were evaluated in the temperature range of 800―950 ℃ with He and CO2 as the sweep gas.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Using current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements, the electrical properties of Au and Cu Schottky contacts to n-Ge were comparatively investigated. Lower values of barrier height, ideality factor and series resistance were obtained for the Au contact as compared to the Cu contact. The values of capacitance showed strong dependence on the bias voltage and the frequency. The presence of an inversion layer at the interface might reduce the intercept voltage at the voltage axis, lowering the barrier height for C-V measurements, especially at lower frequencies. In addition, a higher interface state density was observed for the Au contact. The generation of sputter deposition-induced defects might occur more severely for the Au contact; these defects affected both the I-V and C-V characteristics.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 구리 아연 금속합금의 산화 환원 반응과 합성 알루미늄 실리케이트의 흡착 반응을 이용한 폐수 중 중금속 처리에 관한 연구이다. 극세사 형태로 제조된 구리 아연 금속합금이 수용액 중에 서 산화 환원반응에 의해 아연보다 이온화 경향이 작은 중금속은 환원 처리되고, 이온화 된 아연 및 미 반응 중금속은 흡착 처리하여 제거하는 연구이다. 극세사 형태로 제조된 금속합금 물질은 표면적이 커서 1회 처리만으로도 반응 평형에 도달하게 하여 효율이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 크롬(Cr+3)은 redox 반응 1 회 처리만으로도 100.0 % 제거 되었으며, 수은은 98.0 %, 주석 92.0 %, 구리는 91.4 % 정도 제거되었 다. 카드뮴, 니켈, 납도 각각 40.0 %, 50.0 %, 58.0 %가 제거 되었다. 크롬(Cr+3)은 아연과 이온화 경향 차이가 거의 없지만 제거 효율이 높은 것으로 나타났는데 이는 3가 크롬은 이온 상태로 존재하면 redox 반응에서 발생한 OH- 이온과 결합하여 수산화물 침전을 형성하는 것으로 판단된다. Redox 반응 후 증 가한 아연 및 미반응 중금속 농도를 알루미늄실리케이트를 1회 통과하여 거의 100.0 % 제거할 수 있었 다. 이는 합성 알루미늄 실리케이트의 비표면적이 크고 금속 이온의 흡착능력이 우수한 것으로 나타났으 며, 반응 후 알루미늄 이온은 증가하지 않는 것으로 보아 이온 교환이 아닌 흡착으로 아연 및 중금속 이 온들을 제거할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다.
        2016.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For the development of a low-melting point filler metal for brazing aluminum alloy, we analyzed change of melting point and wettability with addition of Sn into Al-20Cu-10Si filler metal. DSC results showed that the addition of 5 wt% Sn into the Al-20Cu-10Si filler metal caused its liquidus temperature to decrease by about 30 oC. In the wettability test, spread area of melted Al-Cu-Si-Sn alloy is increased through the addition of Sn from 1 to 5 wt%. For the measuring of the mechanical properties of the joint region, Al 3003 plate is brazed by Al-20Cu-10Si-5Sn filler metal and the mechanical property is measured by tensile test. The results showed that the tensile strength of the joint region is higher than the tensile strength of Al 3003. Thus, failure occurred in the Al 3003 plate.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, Fe-Cu-Ni-Mo-C low alloy steel powder is consolidated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) process. The internal structure and the surface fracture behavior are studied using field-emission scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy techniques. The bulk samples are polished and etched in order to observe the internal structure. The sample sintered at 900oC with holding time of 10 minutes achieves nearly full density of 98.9% while the density of the as-received conventionally sintered product is 90.3%. The fracture microstructures indicate that the sample prepared at 900oC by the SPS process is hard to break out because of the presence of both grain boundaries and internal particle fractures. Moreover, the lamellar pearlite structure is also observed in this sample. The samples sintered at 1000 and 1100oC exhibit a large number of tiny particles and pores due to the melting of Cu and aggregation of the alloy elements during the SPS process. The highest hardness value of 296.52 HV is observed for the sample sintered at 900oC with holding time of 10 minutes.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) produced using municipal solid waste was pyrolyzed to produce RDF char. For the first time, the RDF char was used to remove aqueous copper, a representative heavy metal water pollutant. Activation of the RDF char using steam and KOH treatments was performed to change the specific surface area, pore volume, and the metal cation quantity of the char. N2 sorption, Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometer (ICP-AES), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were used to characterize the char. The optimum pH for copper removal was shown to be 5.5, and the steam-treated char displayed the best copper removal capability. Ion exchange between copper ions and alkali/alkaline metal cations was the most important mechanism of copper removal by RDF char, followed by adsorption on functional groups existing on the char surface. The copper adsorption behavior was represented well by a pseudo-second-order kinetics model and the Langmuir isotherm. The maximum copper removal capacity was determined to be 38.17 mg/g, which is larger than those of other low-cost char adsorbents reported previously.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cu-30 vol% SiC composites with relatively densified microstructure and a sound interface between the Cu and SiC phases were obtained by pressureless sintering of PCS-coated SiC and Cu powders. The coated SiC powders were prepared by thermal curing and pyrolysis of PCS. Thermal curing at 200 oC was performed to fabricate infusible materials prior to pyrolysis. The cured powders were heated treated up to 1600 oC for the pyrolysis process and for the formation of SiC crystals on the surface of the SiC powders. XRD analysis revealed that the main peaks corresponded to the α-SiC phase; peaks for β-SiC were newly appeared. The formation of β-SiC is explained by the transformation of thermally-cured PCS on the surface of the initial α-SiC powders. Using powder mixtures of coated SiC powder, hydrogen-reduced Cu-nitrate, and elemental Cu powders, Cu-SiC composites were fabricated by pressureless sintering at 1000 oC. Microstructural observation for the sintered composites showed that the powder mixture of PCS-coated SiC and Cu exhibited a relatively dense and homogeneous microstructure. Conversely, large pores and separated interfaces between Cu and SiC were observed in the sintered composite using uncoated SiC powders. These results suggest that Cu-SiC composites with sound microstructure can be prepared using a PCS coated SiC powder mixture.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates the influence of sintering temperature on the magnetic properties and frequency dispersion of the complex permeability of Ni–Zn–Cu ferrites used for magnetic shielding in near-field communication (NFC) systems. Sintered specimens of (Ni0.7Zn0.3)0.96Cu0.04Fe2O4 are prepared by conventional ceramic processing. The complex permeability is measured by an RF impedance analyzer in the range of 1 MHz to 1.8 GHz. The real and imaginary parts of the complex permeability depend sensitively on the sintering temperature, which is closely related to the microstructure, including grain size and pore distribution. In particular, internal pores within grains produced by rapid grain growth decrease the permeability and increase the magnetic loss at the operating frequency of NFC (13.56 MHz). At the optimized sintering temperature (1225-1250°C), the highest permeability and lowest magnetic loss can be obtained.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The morphology, crystal structure and size of aerosol nanoparticles generated by erosion of electrodes made of different materials (titanium, copper and aluminum) in a multi-spark discharge generator were investigated. The aerosol nanoparticle synthesis was carried out in air atmosphere at a capacitor stored energy of 6 J, a repetition rate of discharge of 0.5 Hz and a gas flow velocity of 5.4 m/s. The aerosol nanoparticles were generated in the form of oxides and had various morphologies: agglomerates of primary particles of TiO2 and Al2O3 or aggregates of primary particles of Cu2O. The average size of the primary nanoparticles ranged between 6.3 and 7.4 nm for the three substances studied. The average size of the agglomerates and aggregates varied in a wide interval from 24.6 nm for Cu2O to 46.1 nm for Al2O3.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To achieve the fabrication of high-quality Ag-coated Cu particles through a wet chemical process, we reported herein pretreatment conditions using an ammonium-based mixed solvent for the removal of a Cu2O layer on Cu particles that were oxidized in air for 1 hr at 200 oC or for 3 days at room temperature. Furthermore, we discussed the results of post-Ag plating with respect to removal level of the oxide layer. X-ray diffraction results revealed that the removal rate of the oxide layer is directly proportional to the concentration of the pretreatment solvent. With the results of Auger electron spectroscopy using oxidized Cu plates, the concentrations required to completely remove 50-nm-thick and 2-nm-thick oxides within 5 min were determined to be X2.5 and X0.13. However, the optimal concentrations in an actual Ag plating process using Cu powder increased to X0.4 and X0.5, respectively, because the oxidation in powder may be accelerated and the complete removal of oxide should be tuned to the thickest oxide layer among all the particles. Back-scattered electron images showed the formation of pure fine Ag particles instead of a uniform and smooth Ag coating in the Ag plating performed after incomplete removal of the oxide layer, indicating that the remaining oxide layer obstructs heterogeneous nucleation and plating by reduced Ag atoms.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study demonstrates the effect of freezing conditions on the pore structure of porous Cu-10 wt.% Sn prepared by freeze drying of CuO-SnO2/camphene slurry. Mixtures of CuO and SnO2 powders are prepared by ball milling for 10 h. Camphene slurries with 10 vol.% of CuO-SnO2 are unidirectionally frozen in a mold maintained at a temperature of -30oC for 1 and 24 h, respectively. Pores are generated by the sublimation of camphene at room temperature. After hydrogen reduction and sintering at 650oC for 2 h, the green body of the CuO-SnO2 is completely converted into porous Cu-Sn alloy. Microstructural observation reveals that the sintered samples have large pores which are aligned parallel to the camphene growth direction. The size of the large pores increases from 150 to 300 μm with an increase in the holding time. Also, the internal walls of the large pores contain relatively small pores whose size increases with the holding time. The change in pore structure is explained by the growth behavior of the camphene crystals and rearrangement of the solid particles during the freezing process.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The microstructural properties and electrical characteristics of sputtering films deposited with a Cu-Ga target are analyzed. The Cu-Ga target is prepared using the cold spray process and shows generally uniform composition distributions, as suggested by secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) data. Characteristics of the sputtered Cu-Ga films are investigated at three positions (top, center and bottom) of the Cu-Ga target by X-ray diffraction (XRD), SIMS, 4-point probe and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis methods. The results show that the Cu-Ga films are composed of hexagonal and unknown phases, and they have similar distributions of composition and resistivity at the top, center, and bottom regions of the Cu-Ga target. It demonstrates that these films have uniform properties regardless of the position on the Cu-Ga target. In conclusion, the cold spray process is expected to be a useful method for preparing sputter targets.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cu-Mn compacts are fabricated by the pulsed current activated sintering method (PCAS) for sputtering target application. For fabricating the compacts, optimized sintering conditions such as the temperature, pulse ratio, pressure, and heating rate are controlled during the sintering process. The final sintering temperature and heating rate required to fabricate the target materials having high density are 700oC and 80oC/min, respectively. The heating directly progresses up to 700oC with a 3 min holding time. The sputtering target materials having high relative density of 100% are fabricated by employing a uniaxial pressure of 60 MPa and a sintering temperature of 700oC without any significant change in the grain size. Also, the shrinkage displacement of the Cu-Mn target materials considerably increases with an increase in the pressure at sintering temperatures up to 700oC.
        2016.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pt@Cu/C core-shell catalysts were successfully prepared by impregnation of a carbon support with copper precursor, followed by transmetallation between platinum and copper. The Pt@Cu/C core-shell catalysts retained a core of copper with a platinum surface. The prepared catalysts were used for hydrogen production through catalytic dehydrogenation of decalin for eventual application to an onboard hydrogen supply system. Pt@Cu/C core-shell catalysts were more efficient at producing hydrogen via decalin dehydrogenation than Pt/C catalysts containing the same amount of platinum. Supported coreshell catalysts utilized platinum highly efficiently, and accordingly, are lower-cost than existing platinum catalysts. The combination of impregnation and transmetallation is a promising approach for preparation of Pt@Cu/C core-shell catalysts.
        2016.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Effects of conventional rolling(CR) and differential speed rolling(DSR) on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu-Ni-Si alloy were investigated in detail. The copper alloy with thickness of 3 mm was rolled to 50 % reduction at ambient temperature without lubricant with a differential speed ratio of 2:1. The conventional rolling in which the rolling speed of upper and lower rolls is identical was performed under identical rolling conditions. The shear strain introduced by the CR showed positive values at positions of upper roll side and negative values at positions of lower roll side. However, it showed zero or positive values at all positions for the samples rolled by the DSR. The microstrucure and texture development of the as-rolled copper alloy did not show any significant difference between CR and DSR. The tensile strength of the DSR processed specimen was larger than that of the CR processed specimen. The effects of rolling methods on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the as-rolled copper alloy are discussed in terms of the shear strain.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For a decade, solution-processed functional materials and various printing technologies have attracted increasingly the significant interest in realizing low-cost flexible electronics. In this study, Cu nanoparticles are synthesized via the chemical reduction of Cu ions under inert atmosphere. To prevent interparticle agglomeration and surface oxidation, oleic acid is incorporated as a surface capping molecule and hydrazine is used as a reducing agent. To endow water-compatibility, the surface of synthesized Cu nanoparticles is modified by a mixture of carboxyl-terminated anionic polyelectrolyte and polyoxylethylene oleylamine ether. For reducing the surface tension and the evaporation rate of aqueous Cu nanoparticle inks, the solvent composition of Cu nanoparticle ink is designed as DI water:2-methoxy ethanol:glycerol:ethylene glycol = 50:20:5:25 wt%. The effects of poly(styrene-co-maleic acid) as an adhesion promoter(AP) on rheology of aqueous Cu nanoparticle inks and adhesion of Cu pattern printed on polyimid films are investigated. The 40 wt% aqueous Cu nanoparticle inks with 0.5 wt% of Poly(styrene-co-maleic acid) show the “Newtonian flow” and has a low viscosity under 10 mPa·S, which is applicable to inkjet printing. The Cu patterns with a linewidth of 50~60 μm are successfully fabricated. With the addition of Poly(styrene-co-maleic acid), the adhesion of printed Cu patterns on polyimid films is superior to those of patterns prepared from Poly(styrene-comaleic acid)-free inks. The resistivities of Cu films are measured to be 10~15 μΩ·cm at annealing temperature of 300 ˚C.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study reports the effects of H2S gas concentration on the properties of Cu2ZnSnS4(CZTS) thin films. Specifically, sulfurization process with low H2S concentrations of 0.05% and 0.1%, along with 5% H2S gas, was studied. CZTS films were directly synthesized on Mo/Si substrates by chemical bath deposition method using copper sulfate, zinc sulfate heptahydrate, tin chloride dihydrate, and sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate. Smooth CZTS films were grown on substrates at optimized chemical bath deposition condition. The CZTS films sulfurized at low H2S concentrations of 0.05 % and 0.1% showed very rough and porous film morphology, whereas the film sulfurized at 5% H2S yielded a very smooth and dense film morphology. The CZTS films were fully crystallized in kesterite crystal form when they were sulfurized at 500 oC for 1 h. The kesterite CZTS film showed a reasonably good room-temperature photoluminescence spectrum that peaked in a range of 1.4 eV to 1.5 eV, consistent with the optimal bandgap for CZTS solar cell applications.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cu circuits were successfully fabricated on flexible PET(polyethylene terephthalate) substrates using wettability difference and electroless plating without an etching process. The wettability of Cu plating solution on PET was controlled by oxygen plasma treatment and SiOx-DLC(silicon oxide containing diamond like carbon) coating by HMDSO(hexamethyldisiloxane) plasma. With an increase of the height of the nanostructures on the PET surface with the oxygen plasma treatment time, the wettability difference between the hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity increased, which allowed the etchless formation of a Cu pattern with high peel strength by selective Cu plating. When the height of the nanostructure was more than 1400 nm (60 min oxygen plasma treatment), the reduction of the critical impalement pressure with the decreasing density of the nanostructure caused the precipitation of copper in the hydrophobic region.