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        검색결과 401

        2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 노인과 가까운 곳에서 서비스를 제공하고 있는 사회복지사와 노인 돌봄이의 노인자살 인식 을 알아보고자 하였으며, 이를 위해 서울시 지역의 사회복지사, 독거노인돌봄이 40명을 대상으로 주관적 인 반응을 설문조사하고 Q방법론을 적용하여 객관적으로 유형화 하였다. 설문지법으로 수집된 자료는 PC-QUANL Program사용하여 분석하였으며, 그 결과 3가지 유형으로 나타났다. 유형 1은 “가족 결속형”으로 명명하였으며 나이가 들면 인간이 자연히 죽게 되는 데 서둘러 목숨을 끊 을 필요가 없으며, 가족과 터놓고 대화하는 것이 노인이 자살 생각을 막을 수 있는 방법이라고 생각한다. 이들은 삶을 살아감에 가치를 두고 자살을 죄악으로 인식하는 등 노인 자살에 대해 부정적인 인식을 갖는 유형으로 가족 간 의사소통을 통한 활발한 교류가 노인 자살에 관한 예방책이 될 수 있다고 보았다. 유형 2는 “사회적 지지형”으로 명명하였으며 노인자살은 국가와 사회의 책임이 크지만 만성질환의 고 통과 삶에 대한 희망의 부재, 억울함에 대한 분노의 표출로 자살이 일어난다고 생각하고 있으며, 자신의 생명에 대해 스스로 통제할 수 있다고 보고 자살도 하나의 선택권 이라는 견해를 가지고 있다. 이들은 노 인자살의 예방을 위해 국가는 사회안전망을 지원해야 하고 자살시도 징후가 있는 노인을 대상을 빠르게 파악하여 지지체계를 회복하고 자원을 확보함으로써 노인 자살을 예방할 수 있다고 생각 한다. 유형 3은 “자살 인정형”으로 명명하였으며 노인자살은 젊은 층에 비해 사회적 관심과 비중이 적으며 자살은 삶에 대한 뚜렷한 철학이 없는 극단적인 생각이라고 보고 있다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 방사성폐기물 처분장이 건설·운영되고, 폐쇄 후 제도적 관리기간이 끝나게 되어 그 곳에 처분장이 존재한다 는 사실과 위해(hazard)의 정도가 잊혀 지면서 무의식적인(inadvertent) 처분장 인간침입이 일어날 경우 이를 어떻게 평가할 것인지에 대해 기술하였다. 처분장 인간침입을 평가하기 위한 전제조건을 국내 또는 국제적으로 권고한 사항에 근거하여 설 정하고 처분장 인간침입 평가방법론에 대해 기술하였다. 처분장 인간침입 평가 방법론에서는 사회적요인, 인간침입 시나리 오, 방지대책 도출시 상호 관계에 대해 언급하였으며, 시나리오 도출절차에 대해서도 언급하였다. 인간침입 방지대책을 도 출하기 위한 절차를 네 단계로 구분하여, 기본 정보를 도출하는 방법, 일반방지대책을 도출하는 방법, 후보방지대책을 도출 하는 방법, 정형화된 시나리오를 고려하여 최종적으로 인간침입 방지대책을 도출하는 방법 등에 대해 체계적으로 기술하였 다. 본 연구에서 도출된 인간침입 평가 방법론은 향후 인간침입의 가능성을 감소시키고 인간침입 발생 시 위해를 줄이기 위 한 방지대책 마련 시 유용하게 활용될 것으로 판단된다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        IPS(Ideal Production System) is a strategic cost management establishing ideal target cost, innovating cost structure and reduction. However, IPS was commonly used in assembly industry acquiring components and using them to assemble vehicles etc. Applying IPS to steel industry is a new try and not easy because cost elements in flow manufacturing are clustered and obfuscated in a complicated way. This paper proposes ICM (Ideal Cost Management) method adaptive to steel industry. One of the biggest advantages is that ICM could classify and categorize costs in detail according to accounts and manufacturing machines. Based on ICM information, steps of extracting and maximizing ideas are followed effectively. From 2013, ICM was applied successfully to POSCO Pohang Steel Works 38 factories.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, owing to the development of ICT industry and wide spread of smart phone, the number of people who use car sharing service are increased rapidly. Currently two-way car sharing system with same rental and return locations are mainly operated since this system can be easily implemented and maintained. Currently the demand of one-way car sharing service has increase explosively. But this system have several obstacle in operation, especially, vehicle stock imbalance issues which invoke vehicle relocation. Hence in this study, we present an optimization approach to depot location and relocation policy in one-way car sharing systems. At first, we modelled as mixed-integer programming models whose objective is to maximize the profits of a car sharing organization considering all the revenues and costs involved and several constraints of relocation policy. And to solve this problem efficiently, we proposed a new method based on particle swarm optimization, which is one of powerful meta-heuristic method. The practical usefulness of the approach is illustrated with a case study involving satellite cities in Seoul Metrolitan Area including several candidate area where this kind systems have not been installed yet and already operating area. Our proposed approach produced plausible solutions with rapid computational time and a little deviation from optimal solution obtained by CPLEX Optimizer. Also we can find that particle swarm optimization method can be used as efficient method with various constraints. Hence based on this results, we can grasp a clear insight into the impact of depot location and relocation policy schemes on the profitability of such systems.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We consider a satellite mission scheduling problem, which is a promising problem in recent satellite industry. This problem has various considerations such as customer importance, due date, limited capacity of energy and memory, distance of the location of each mission, etc. Also we consider the objective of each satellite such as general purpose satellite, strategic mission and commercial satellite. And this problem can be modelled as a general knapsack problem, which is famous NP-hard problem, if the objective is defined as to maximize the total mission score performed. To solve this kind of problem, heuristic algorithm such as taboo and genetic algorithm are applied and their performance are acceptable in some extent. To propose more efficient algorithm than previous research, we applied a particle swarm optimization algorithm, which is the most promising method in optimization problem recently in this research. Owing to limitation of current study in obtaining real information and several assumptions, we generated 200 satellite missions with required information for each mission. Based on generated information, we compared the results by our approach algorithm with those of CPLEX. This comparison shows that our proposed approach give us almost accurate results as just less than 3% error rate, and computation time is just a little to be applied to real problem. Also this algorithm has enough scalability by innate characteristic of PSO. We also applied it to mission scheduling problem of various class of satellite. The results are quite reasonable enough to conclude that our proposed algorithm may work in satellite mission scheduling problem.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: This study was initiated to estimate expressway traffic congestion costs by using Vehicle Detection System (VDS) data. METHODS : The overall methodology for estimating expressway traffic congestion costs is based on the methodology used in a study conducted by a study team from the Korea Transport Institute (KOTI). However, this study uses VDS data, including conzone speeds and volumes, instead of the volume delay function for estimating travel times. RESULTS : The expressway traffic congestion costs estimated in this study are generally lower than those observed in KOTI's method. The expressway lines that ranked highest for traffic congestion costs are the Seoul Ring Expressway, Gyeongbu Expressway, and the Youngdong Expressway. Those lines account for 64.54% of the entire expressway traffic congestion costs. In addition, this study estimates the daily traffic congestion costs. The traffic congestion cost on Saturdays is the highest. CONCLUSIONS : This study can be thought of as a new trial to estimate expressway traffic congestion costs by using actual traffic data collected from an entire expressway system in order to overcome the limitations of associated studies. In the future, the methodology for estimating traffic congestion cost is expected to be improved by utilizing associated big-data gathered from other ITS facilities and car navigation systems.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Zero-waste is sustainable development for ensuring continuous interactions with the environment as well as for the next generations, while expanding across industries. Zero-waste fashion design does not necessarily mean that we should stop making clothes in order to reduce waste, but we consider the social values of sustainability regarding the environment, humans, and profit. In particular, in the pre-use stage of zero-waste fashion design, fashion designers play critical roles. The purpose of this study is to develop a methodology for the realization of zero-waste fashion design through establishing the typology of zero-waste pattern making (ZWPM) as well as exploring the practical implications of zero-waste fashion design. For the realization of zero-waste fashion design that draws from pattern-making principals, this study categorizes zero-waste fashion design into zero-waste pattern cutting (ZWPC) and non-pattern cutting (NPC). ZWPC is based on drafting patterns on a piece of fabric, which can enable the sharing of patterns and processes, while NPC requires little- or non- cutting/sewing in optimizing a piece of fabric, bringing the possibility of creating indefinite forms. ZWPC is sub-categorized into tailored and non-tailored, and NCP into draped and folded. Then, by implementing the typology in undergraduate design programs, this study tests and completes the design methodology for the realization of zero-waste fashion design.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Companies build the factory automation system to improve management effectiveness and productivity as prime strategies for sustainable growth. But most companies undergo various trials and errors while carrying out the project without elaborate preparation stage for factory automation. In this study, we tried to verify what factors are critical to effectively building distribution automation system, which is a branch of factory automation system. A consulting model for setting up a Material Handling Automation System by utilizing the Stage-Gate Process, which is product development process was studied. 29 material handling automation projects carried out between the year 1990 to 2013 at K-Company were selected. Interviews with the project managers, operators and maintenance personnels, various records and current status of the projects were used as data for structural equations based on the Milan consulting model and existing researches of factory automation, CIM for material handling automation. Creating effective basis of production, material handling system and energy saving system with expert review, when preparing a material handling automation project, help promote the project planning thus contributing to the performance of the resulting system, which appears though rather weakly in our data. Also the effect of material handling automation can be enhanced through sufficient and effective links to the relevant environments such as production logistics management and automated warehouses. More detailed planning characteristics of project promotion or some time-series data of effective Material Handling Automation System could enhace furthur studies. We propose a consulting model for setting up an efficient material handling automation system.
        2015.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        CIS nations are recognized as a emerging market recently because there are abundant natural resources and a lots of investment demand. Furthermore, they are located in the middle of Europe and Asia and that make them have more strategic importance as a logistics hub. So many global companies including domestic ones began to advance into the on-site. and henceforth this tendency will be strong. On the contrary, a research in logistics environment of CIS has rarely been done. This paper provides a way of systematic approach to design logistics network in CIS with real business case and shows the analyzed result of optimization simulation that includes factors have a huge influence on the overall logistics cost.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        원전해체시장이 본격적으로 도래함에 따라 그에 따른 기술연구가 부각되고 있다. 그러한 기술 중 방사선 제염은 직접적인 원전해체 과정 중 가장 초반에 행해지는 작업으로 현장 근로자의 안전확보 및 폐기물 양 감소를 위해 수행되는 중요한 작업 이다. 제염을 통해 폐기물 표면에 존재하는 방사선 물질을 제거하게 되는데 해체에 적용되는 제염기술은 보다 강한 매개체 를 사용하거나 개선된 설비를 활용하여 표면층 제거 정도가 일반적인 제염보다 훨씬 크다. 따라서 제염 계획 수립시 다양 한 관점에서 분석 방법이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 제염기술 선정을 위해 고려해야 할 요인을 설명하였으며, 대표적인 제염 기술 사례 분석을 통해 실제 기술 수행을 위해 원전 설비 내 제염 아이템 선정 및 제염 장비 활용을 위해 검토해야 할 사항 을 제시하였다.