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        검색결과 270

        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study was designed to investigate health-related life habits, food preference, body composition for proper dietary habits, health promotion of communities in Incheon area. The effects of personal characteristics and health-related life habits such as gender, age, having breakfast, smoking, drinking, and exercise were analyzed using a surveying. 961 community subjects (262 males and 699 females) were investigated using a questionnaire and Inbody. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, chi squared test, and one-way ANOVA (analysis of variation) with SPSS/WIN 21.0. The result of gender distribution showed there were 262 males and 699 females, and with respect to the effect of gender on healthrelated life habits, smoking, drinking, and exercise showed significant differences (p<0.05), whereas having breakfast was not significantly difference (p>0.05). Therefore, the present provide evidence of a relationship between health-related life habits and gender. Regarding the effect of BMI on health-related life habits, exercise showed significant differences (p<0.05), whereas smoking, drinking, and having breakfast were not significantly difference (p>0.05). Thus, the present study also provides evidence of a relationship between health-related life habits and BMI. Our analysis shows that food preference and body composition were significant different from health-related life habits such as smoking, drinking, exercise, and having breakfast (p<0.05). Our analysis showed that body composition was significant differences from health related habits such as smoking, drinking, exercise, and breakfast (p<0.05). In conclusion, the present study suggests that diet guidelines support and improve health promotion designed by communities.
        2015.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2015.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Agriculture is classified as a hazardous industry worldwide according to NIOSH and ILO. However, farmers are vulnerable compared to people working in fields (such as mining and construction) that have a greater attention on safety and health. One of the hazardous factors in agriculture would be injury mortality related to extreme environmental conditions. Wearable items in agriculture (including clothing) are the nearest environment of the human body; subsequently, to understand the current state can be a way to establish an active prevention strategy against heat stress health risks from summertime agriculture work. This study investigates agricultural work wear and accessories that elderly farmers use. This study enrolled 120farmers (49males and 71 females) working in nine separate sites on different days. The average age of subjects was 61 years-old. Investigators examined the types of working posture, clothing, and items that the farmers used and/or wore. They also interviewed farmers to understand why they used such items when working. Nine surveys were conducted in 6 regions of South Korea from July 2012 to September, 2012. Environmental conditions were measured at 1.2 m heights above the ground at each site. The types of footwear (in order of foot wrapped area and thermal insulation) farmers wore were slippers, rubber shoes, loafers, running shoes, and boots. For example, the smallest area of the foot was wrapped by slippers while boots wrapped the largest area of the foot. This footwear also had different sole thickness. Loafers were used by the largest number of farmers. The second largest number of farmers used rubber shoes and boots. A total of 77.5% of farmers put on socks, and 85.9% of females and 65.3% of males put on socks. The types of hats which farmers wore were a baseball cap, a bucket hat, a sun cap, a hat for farmers, a towel, and a straw hat. The percentage of farmers wearing no hat during work was 39.2%. Baseball caps were worn by large number of male farmers but the largest percentage of female farmers wore ‘hat for farm work’. More than 50% of farmers working in PVC greenhouses did not wear hats and 25.0% of the farmers working in the fields did not wear hats. Accessories consisted of a belt, a scarf/towel, arm sleeves, gloves, a waist bag, a mask, and tools (weed whacker, scissors, hoe, foam seat pad, pick, rice-planting machine, ice-pack, sickle, shovel, lumbar pad, and integrated umbrella chair). Farmers wore lighter footwear as the weather condition was hotter. Footwear showed a difference with facility (ᵪ2=15.117, df=5, p=0.010) and had a relationship with facility. Lighter footwear was used in the PVC greenhouses rather than fields. The large number of the farmers wore loafers or boots in the fields, but the largest number of farmers in PVC greenhouses wore rubber shoes. A hat showed a difference with facility (ᵪ2=8.844, df=1, p=0.003) Hats had a significant relationship with facilities with more used in the fields rather than in PVC greenhouses. Elderly farmers wore a hat with shorter brim in the PVC greenhouse than in the fields. The type of footwear seemed related with facilities as well as weather. Farmers tended to wear lighter footwear when the weather is hotter or they work in PVC greenhouse. The majority of elderly farmers wore loafers and rubber shoes which had indistinguishable thin soles. The type of hats showed a difference between facilities (as well as gender) and only 31.7% of all participants used long brims.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Feminist therapy, based on feminist philosophy, has the aim of supporting and strengthening the powers of social minority groups, including women, and bringing change to society through these efforts. Its basic principle is that of equality, seeking freedom from any prejudice or oppression coming from gender differences. Through the analysis of a commercial entitled “Show,” by Korea Telecom, this study discusses how women, and especially women’s sense of ethics, are viewed in society. The commercial has been analyzed according to ethical theories, and a tentative conclusion has been reached: Women’s ethics is more relationshiporiented and caring than that of men, and it is the product of experiences, and learned through a system. Men and women are not innately different in terms of ethics, but rather the difference is something experienced, learned, and encouraged, and people acquire this difference in the course of interacting with others in order to survive. Taking this into consideration, the current study proposes and discusses a new method of dealing with ethics in feminist therapy: The fact that difference exists should be acknowledged, and an effort should be made to ‘show’ various effects of this difference.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to provide fundamental data on the awareness of radiation, specifically the differences between general awareness, psychological state and harmful effects. Data was collected from 334 University students in the Chungbuk region through a self-administered questionnaire. According to the results of the reliability and factor analysis, the awareness of radiation was 2.80, with a Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.815 and KMO of 0.798. Factor analysis extracted three components of the awareness of radiation, which we named general awareness (factor 1), psychological state (factor 2), and harmful effect (factor 3). There were significant differences in the general awareness of natural radiation and radiation-containing foods (p<0.05), whereas no significant differences were found in the general awareness of radiation food supply (p>0.05). Also, the psychological state showed a significant difference in exposure inspection, future exposure, and radiation-containing food (p<0.05), whereas no significant differences were found in the refusal of radiation inspection (p>0.05). The harmful effects showed a significant difference in the rejection of radiation (p<0.05), but no significant differences in the cancer and genetic effects, diseases and physical harmfulness (p>0.05). A significant positive result (p<0.05) was found for the psychological state according to the harmful effects of radiation. Based on this study, detailed and continuous education must be accomplished by increasing the awareness of radiation and the acceptance level, conveying a proper understanding of radiation and assisting subjects with receiving the information they desire through various educational mediums.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목 적: 안경광학과 학생들의 대학생활 적응과 학과 적응을 성별에 따른 각각 다른 관점에서의 접근을 통해 부적응 학생들의 생활지도 및 진로지도에 좀 더 차별화되고, 입체적인 접근을 돕고자 한다. 방 법: 충청지역 안경광학과 3년제 대학생 156명과 4년제 대학생 187명으로 총 343명의 재학생을 대상으로 하였으며, 성별에 따라 대학생활 적응도와 학과 적응도를 비교 분석하였다. 결 과: 성별에 따른 대학생활 적응과 학과 적응에서 대학생활 적응도는 남학생은 3.24와 여학생은 3.12로 남학생이 다소 높은 대학생활 적응도를 나타내었으며, 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다(p=0.00). 인지적 차원과 정서적 차원의 적응도는 각각 남학생이 3.78과 2.51로 3.54와 2.19의 여학생 보다 다소 높은 학과 적응 도를 나타내었으며, 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다(p=0.00과 0.00). 환경적 차원의 적응도 에서도 남학생3.15와 여학생 3.04로 남학생이 다소 높은 적응도를 나타내었지만, 유의한 차이를 나타내지는 않았다. 결 론: 미래 전문 의료분야에서 일하게 될 남녀 안경광학과 학생들의 정서적 불안정성의 심각성을 안광학계 모두가 인지하고, 이에 대한 예방과 증진을 위해 지속적인 관심과 이에 대한 방안 모색이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among recognition, preference, and purchasing characteristics for Changnyeong onions and garlic as well as festival satisfaction among participants at agricultural product festivals in the Changnyeong region. Results showed that festival satisfaction of ‘place of festival’ was highest while ‘convenience facility & event contents’ earned the lowest scores. Most subjects (90.5%) had purchased Changnyeong agricultural and processed products. A major purchasing type was fresh agricultural products (66.7%). The pathways to recognize Changnyeong agricultural products were mostly ‘promotion by related institutions’ (22.0%), ‘family · relatives’ (20.8%), ‘mass media’ (16.6%), and ‘festivals and events’ (16.1%). The most considered factors for purchasing regional products were ‘geographical origin’ and ‘ingredients’. Changnyeong onion showed higher scores for recognition and preference and rate of purchase experience and intention than for garlic. The correlation coefficients of recognition and preference for onion and galic were 0.603 (p<0.001) and 0.598 (p<0.001), respectively. The explanation power (R2) of related variables for purchase of Changnyeong onions was 0.258. The regression coefficients (β) for ‘recognition’, ‘preference’ and ‘convenient facility & event contents’ were positive, whereas the regression coefficient for ‘price’ was negative. Recognition, preference, and convenient facility & event contents with garlic purchase showed a positive relationship (R2=0.253). The most effective promotion method to increase sales of Changnyeong agricultural products was ‘local festivals and events’ (27.8%).
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 대학생을 대상으로 하여 컴포트 푸드(comfort food)의 구성요인과 종류, 그리고 희노애락의 4개 정 서에 따른 컴포트 푸드의 섭취에 성차가 존재하는가를 확인하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 대학생 425명을 연구 참가 자로 선정하여 설문조사를 실시하였다. 그 결과 첫째, 남학생과 여학생 모두에서 따뜻함과 위안을 주는 음식, 즐 거운 추억을 떠올리게 하는 음식, 맛있는 음식을 컴포트 푸드의 개념으로 가장 높게 지각하고 있었으며, 음식 외 적 요소에서 부담 없는 음식, 편리한 음식을 컴포트 푸드의 개념으로 가장 낮게 지각하고 있었다. 그러나 건강을 고려한 음식에서는 여자가 남자보다 컴포트 푸드로 더 적합하게 생각하는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 컴포트 푸드의 종류로 남자는 고기류, 찌개 및 백반, 술을 보고하였고, 여자는 찌개 및 백반, 과일 및 야채, 고기류를 보고하였 다. 남자가 음식종류를 선호하고 여자가 스낵 종류를 선호한다는 가설을 지지되지 않았다. 셋째, 제시된 4개의 정서에 따라 섭취하는 컴포트 푸드의 종류를 살펴본 결과, 부정적 정서를 경험하는 상황에서는 남녀 모두 주로 술, 초콜릿, 매운 음식 그리고 음료를 선호하고 있었으며, 긍정적 정서를 경험하는 상황에서는 남녀 모두 치킨이 공통적으로 선호되었으며 여학생들은 다양한 음식들을 컴포트 푸드로 선택한 것에 반해 남학생들은 술을 주요 상위권의 음식으로 선택하고 있었다. 마지막으로 본 연구의 제한점과 후속연구에 대해서 논의하였다.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        There is scarce research in the domain of sustainable marketing and renewable energy, despite the importance of this area. The consumers should adopt and increase the use of renewable energy (RE) because renewable energy sources contribute to reduce the dangerous gas emissions and resource depletion. Therefore, the understanding of what drives the consumer demand for RE is essential. Sustainable marketing has an important role in creating and promoting sustainable patterns and levels of consumption of the end users. In this study, considering the theory of reasoned action (TRA), the knowledge about renewable energy (RE_KNOW), the attitude toward RE (RE_ATT), the willingness to pay more for RE (RE_WPM) and the predisposition to ecological consumer behaviour (ECCB) were analysed as determinants of the intention to use RE (RE_INT). Moreover, the effects of RE_KNOW on RE_ATT and on ECCB and the effects of RE_ATT on ECCB and on RE_WPM were also assessed. Based on an online survey, the reliability, and convergent and discriminant validity of the constructs were assessed presenting good values. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the proposed relations. The results confirm all the determinants of RE_INT except the RE_WPM. The ECCB is the stronger determinant of the RE_INT, followed by the RE_ATT. The beliefs – attitude – intention link was found which supports the TRA. The effect of RE_KNOW is stronger on ECCB than on RE_ATT, and the effect of RE_ATT is stronger on ECCB than on RE_WPM. Furthermore, the moderator effects of sex and age were evaluated through multi-group analysis. For women and men, the proposed relations do not have significant differences. However, for the younger group, RE_ATT is the only significant determinant of RE_INT whereas, for the older one, ECCB and RE_WPM are the significant ones. For younger individuals, RE_KNOW has a direct, positive effect on RE_ATT which in turn has a direct, positive and strong effect on RE_INT, in accordance with the theory of reasoned action; RE_ATT has a direct, positive and stronger effect on ECCB than RE KNOW has. For older individuals, the relation RE_KNOW– RE_ATT – RE_INT is not significant. This research offers insights that help the electricity companies to develop sustainable marketing strategies in order to increase the use of RE. The results of this study indicate that the theory of reasoned action broadly support the attitude-behavior link for consumer RE use. However, for specific groups, the older one, this is not the case. To capture younger consumers it is important that companies develop marketing strategies to increase RE_KNOW and consequently to strengthen RE_ATT to obtain strong RE_INT and RE use. However, to conquer older consumers the effort should be putted more on the reinforcement of ECCB and on the RE_WPM. Therefore, the marketers need to develop different strategies for different target groups to promote the electricity products. Campaigns about renewable energies, their advantages and impact on the environment should be targeted to younger consumers in order to increase the knowledge and attitude toward RE However, to attain more willingness to pay a price premium for green electricity by the older consumers, the companies should document and communicate well the environmental benefits of their green offers. Moreover, for this older group, the promotion of other consumer sustainable behaviors will be desirable since they will have a positive impact on the intention to use RE.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article investigates how failure severity and attribution influence the level of satisfaction in men and women. In an experimental study, we find women’s satisfaction declines more than men’s satisfaction as failure severity increases, but only for consumer-caused failure not for company-caused failure. We also suggest the process underlying these differences by testing the mediation effect. The mediation analysis suggests that women have lower satisfaction than men when the service failure is caused by consumers because as outcome severity increases women have a higher tendency than men to avoid self-blame out of a defensive motivation.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Despite the recent economic downturn, the worldwide sales of luxury fashion brands have increased. The luxury fashion market may have become more profitable and yet, at the same time, more competitive. The relationship between consumers and a luxury fashion brand is the type of relation that starts with an affinity towards a particular brand name and is manifested through the purchase of the goods (Okonkwo 2007).Luxury consumption generally involves purchasing luxury products and brands which can symbolise luxury values to an individual. Even though luxury consumption has always been associated with prestige-seeking behaviour, it goes beyond that. Consumers nowadays are looking for luxury brands and goods that are able to fulfil their own functional and emotional values or, specifically, perceived luxury values. Advertising is essential in selling luxury brands and most luxury brands are willing to invest in advertising. One of the main objectives of luxury brand advertising is to help consumers develop a good understanding of the perceived values that luxury brands can offer as compared to non-luxury brands. Only after perceived luxury values are well understood, will consumers be persuaded to purchase the brands. Luxury fashion brands are one of the most profitable and fastest-growing luxury sectors, yet at the same time most researchers tend to agree that the value perceptions associated with luxury fashion brands are poorly understood and under-investigated. Values in general can be regarded as beliefs that guide the selection or evaluation of desirable behaviours or end states (Schultz & Zelezny 1999). Luxury values explain why consumers desire and purchase one luxury brand rather than another. This is because luxury values associated with a specific luxury fashion brand influences consumers’ preference over another brand. There is a wealth of models for perceived luxury values and many researchers have attempted to measure perceived luxury values. Previous research has revealed that luxury values may consist of multiple dimensions. For example, luxury values may involve exclusivity, perceived quality, brand awareness and brand identity (Phau & Prendergast 2000). Vigneron & Johnson (2004) proposed five perceived luxury values which comprise conspicuous value, uniqueness value, quality value, hedonic value, and extended self-value. Subsequent to the study done by Vigneron & Johnson (2004), Wiedmann, Hennigs & Siebels (2007) extended and summarised nine perceived luxury values in relation to luxury fashion brand consumption which are: price value, usability value, quality value, uniqueness value, self-identity value, hedonic value, materialistic value, conspicuousness value and prestige value.Gender, in particular, has not been carefully examined in the luxury context. Since many luxury fashion brands are purchased as gifts for the opposite gender, good understandings of the gender differences in perceptions towards key luxury values becomes essential in this luxury market. Extended from Wiedmann et al.’s study (2007) and using a two (male and female endorser) by two (male and female consumer) factorial and quasi-experimental design, this study examines the impact of gender on consumer responses to seven key luxury values, including the appearance, quality, uniqueness, materialistic, hedonic, conspicuous, and prestige value. The sample included more than three hundred young consumers in Australia. Confirmatory factor analyses were used to test the validity and reliability of each value construct. T-tests were conducted to examine the difference between the male and female consumers with regards to each of the luxury value. The study found that, when exposed to the male-endorser advertisement, male and female consumers have significant different perceptions towards only three key luxury values including appearance, hedonic and prestige value. However, when exposed to the female-endorser advertisement, male and female consumers have different perceptions on all of the key values examined except the materialistic and quality value. The results reveal that gender is a key consideration in luxury brand marketing, particularly in the context of new luxury brand advertising. On one hand, the same advertisement may lead to different consumer perceptions on the luxury values of the advertised brand. On the other hand, some key perceived values (such as quality or materialistic) may not be influenced by gender (neither the gender of the endorser or the consumer). The findings of this study are important as they enable luxury marketers to understand the impact of gender in luxury brand marketing. The implications go beyond luxury fashion brands to other sectors of the luxury market.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aim of this study is to investigate the nutrition knowledge, dietary behaviors, and dietary habits by the gender in high school students in Chungnam province. Girls students had a higher score than boys students for nutritional knowledge, not in the significant difference. However, boys students had a higher score for dietary behaviors than girls students. Dietary habits showed a significant difference in the unbalanced food habit and eating speed by the gender, and the eating speed of boys students was faster than that of girls students. For boys students, the nutritional knowledge and dietary behaviors did not have the significant correlation. Otherwise, girls students had the positive correlation between the nutritional knowledge and dietary behaviors, and had the characteristics of behaviors that the higher the nutritional knowledge score, the better eating habit. In addition, the boys and girls students had the positive correlation between the score of nutritional knowledge and the frequency of breakfast, and the score of nutritional knowledge and the frequency/regularity of breakfast, respectively. Because some dietary habits/behaviors are related closely to their nutritional knowledge, the high school students need the systematic and steady nutritional education to apply their known nutritional knowledge to actual life.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study conducted a survey to analyze awareness, preferences, and the current state of consuming environmentally friendly organic food while eating-out in 435 adults aged 20 and above in Daegu, Korea. Most subjects (95%) showed awareness of environmentally friendly organic food, and 88.5% of subjects answered environmentally friendly organic food is ‘needed’. The percentage of eating out for families was 58.9%, and 49.0% of subjects said they eat out one to three times per month on average. In addition, subjects preferred a price range between 10,000 and 20,000 won per person when eating out, and they mostly favored Korean restaurants when ordering environmentally friendly organic food. Analysis of awareness of environmentally friendly organic food showed that among ‘health’ factors, ‘environmental’ factors, ‘social’ factors, and ‘dietary essential’ factors, ‘health’ factors showed the highest percentage for awareness. A survey on preferred foods by gender showed that both genders preferred vegetables the most. The results show that subjects in their 20s and 30s favored vegetables and fruits while subjects in their 40s preferred vegetables and grain animal products. Analysis of preferred types of environmentally friendly organic foods showed that men preferred polished rice while women preferred brown rice. Subjects in their 20s and 30s preferred strawberries, whereas those in their 40s preferred cherry tomatoes and those in their 50s and above favored tomatoes (p<0.001). Among root and tuber crops (63.4%), sweet potato was the most preferred. Among fruits, subjects preferred apples while among special crops, they most preferred oyster mushrooms; both genders preferred Korean beef. The most preferred livestock product of subjects in their 20s was pork, whereas subjects in their 30s preferred Korean beef. Subjects in their 40s preferred Korean beef and pork in the same proportions, whereas subjects in their 50s and above favored eggs the most.