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        검색결과 606

        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study investigated the effects of different seeding rates on growth characteristics and seed productivity of the “Kowinearly” cultivar of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) in paddy fields. Sowing Kowinearly in paddy fields under growing rice at the rates of 20, 30, 40, and 50 kg/ha resulted in seed yields of 1.57, 1.92, 2.06, and 2.09 ton/ha, respectively. Seed yield of Kowinearly was the highest at a seeding rate of 50 kg/ha (p<0.05), at which the cultivar was able to survive in winter and the weed ratio was low. Under these conditions, most growth characteristics such as winter survival (85%), weed ratio (10%), stems per square meter (1,006) were superior than those sown at other seeding rates (p<0.05). In addition, it has been reported that the economic efficiency of the 50 kg/ha seeding rate was higher than that of the other seeding rates.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of development new variety ‘Miho’ (Hordeum vulgare L.) is a favorite with livestock feed and develop varieties resistant to disease and lodging. ‘Miho’ was carrying out the growth habit of group Ⅲ with green and mid-wide leaf. Awn that is related to preference of livestock is a semi-smooth awn. This cultivar had 96 cm of culm length, 650 of spikes per m2. Heading date of ‘Miho’ was April 27, and maturing date on May 30, which were later than cultivar ‘Youngyang’. It also showed strong winter hardiness, and similar resistance to shattering and bariy yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV) compared with those of check one. The best thing among the traits of a good quality with the plant green at the latter growing period. The average forage dry matter yield in the regional yield trial was about 13.1, 12.1 MT per ha in upland and paddy field, respectively, which were 9%, 2% higher than that of the check cultivar. It’s also showed 6.8% crude protein, 27.1% ADF (acid detergent fiber), and 67.5% TDN (total digestible nutrients), including higher silage quality for whole crop barley. This cultivar would be suitable for the area whose average minimum temperature was above -8℃ January in Korean peninsula.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The goals of enterprises are to use resources efficiently, minimize the costs or reduce unsuitable products with efficient process or production environment and take competitive advantages through efforts such as proper supply of good products, etc. so as to satisfy diversified customers and survive in rough competition. To reduce production costs, it’s inevitable to make unsuitable products during the production in manufacturing process. Therefore, this researcher grasped LED assembly process and drew the results of productivity improvement through process analysis so as to improve productivity by process anlaysis.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To improve rice productivity in Myanmar, we evaluated two Korean rice cultivars and one Myanmar rice cultivar comprised of planting density and fertilization amount in three experiments from rainy season 2014 to dry and rainy season 2015. In the planting density experiment during wet season 2014, the rice yield in ‘Yeongpoong’ and ‘Shwethweyin’ cultivars increased considerably under high planting density but there was no significant differences in rice yield of ‘Dasan 2’ cultivar between planting density treatment. In dry season cultivation 2015, rice yield increased considerably under high planting density at all experimental cultivars. In wet season cultivation 2015, the rice yield of ‘Dasan 2’ and ‘Yeongpoong’ cultivars was significantly increased except ‘Shwethweyin’ cultivar. The yield of ‘Dasan 2’ cultivar was high in rainy season but there was much variation in yield among the planting density treatment and cultivation years. The yield of ‘Yeongpoong’ cultivar was higher in wet season cultivation than dry season cultivation and significantly increased with planting density. In the fertilization amount experiment, the yield of ‘Dasan 2’ cultivar cultivated in wet season 2014 was increased considerably with increasing fertilization amount but there was no difference between ‘Yeongpoong’ and ‘Shwethweyin’ cultivar. The yield of ‘Yeongpoong’ cultivar cultivated in dry and wet season 2015 was increased significantly with increasing fertilization amount. The Myanmar rice cultivar ‘Shwethweyin’ was no difference in yield with increasing fertilization amount. The yield of Korea cultivars ‘Dasan 2’ and ‘Yeongpoong’ was increased significantly with increasing fertilization amount but there was some yearly and seasonal variation. From the above results, if cultivation techniques would be applied in Myanmar, it is possible to raise productivity by using Korean rice cultivars.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nitrogen (N) fertilizer management is one of the important aspects of economic production of sorghums in sustainable agriculture. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of different N application rates and its split N application methods on productivity, growth characteristics, N accumulation, N use efficiency (NUE), and feed value of Sorghum × Sudangrass hybrids. Treatments consisted of five N application rates (0, 150, 200, 250, and 300 kg ha-1) and two split N application methods (40% in basal N, 30% at the growing stage, and 30% after the first harvest vs. 50% in basal N and 50% after the first harvest). Plant height, leaf width, and stem diameter were increased (p≤0.05) with increasing N fertility rates at each harvest. Chlorophyll content (expressed as SPAD values) was the highest at a rate of 300 kg N ha 1 (first harvest, 46.32; second harvest, 33.09). It was the lowest at zero N (first harvest, 21.56; second harvest, 18.5). Total N, N uptake, and NUE were increased with higher N rates. Split N application had little effect on total N, amount of N uptake, or NUE. Total dry matter yields were the highest (21,715 kg ha-1) at a rate of 300 kg N ha-1. It was the lowest (10,054 kg ha-1) at zero N. Our results suggest that more than 300 kg N ha-1 can improve dry matter yield to be above 116% compared to zero N, thus enhancing the agronomic characters of sorghums. However, no significant effect had been found for split N application. Further work is needed to determine the optimal N levels and the effect of split N application rates.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The object of this study conducted to investigate the effect of paddy-upland rotation cropping system on soil properties and crop productivity in newly reclaimed tidal land. Five types of paddyupland rotation cropping system were evaluated : Rice-Rice (RR) Rice-Maize (RM), Mize-Maize (MM), Rice-Soybean (RS), Soybean-Soybean (SS). The soil bulk density was the lowest RM treatment, and soil pH was a tendency to be lower in all treatments of the paddy-upland rotation cropping system. RM treatment showed a higher moisture content and lower Electrical conductivity than RR treatment. Results of maize productivity in paddy-upland rotation cropping system, Except for the stem diameter growth, RM treatment showed good growth and productivity than MM treatment. Soybean growth and yield increased in the rotated upland cultivation from rice-paddy field compared to the SS treatment. But, overall treatments indicated poor growth and yield. In this study, we offer the effects of paddyupland rotation cropping system on the soil properties and upland crop growth and yield, and also out results can be provide supporting basic data that introduced paddy-upland rotation in reclaimed tidal land.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Industry 4.0’s goal is the ‘Smart Factory’ that integrates and controls production process, procurement, distribution and service based on the fundamental technology such as internet of the things, cyber physical system, sensor, etc. Basic requirement for successful promotion of this Industry 4.0 is the large supply of semiconductor. However, company I who produces dicing blades has difficulty to meet the increasing demand and has hard time to increase revenue because its raw material includes high price diamond, and requires very complex and sensitive process for production. Therefore, this study is focused on understanding the problems and presenting optimal plan to increase productivity of dicing blade manufacturing processes. We carried out a study as follows to accomplish the above purposes. First, previous researches were investigated. Second, the bottlenecks in manufacturing processes were identified using simulation tool (Arena 14.3). Third, we calculate investment amount according to added equipments purchase and perform economic analysis according to cost and sales increase. Finally, we derive optimum plan for productivity improvement and analyze its expected effect. To summarize these results as follows : First, daily average blade production volume can be increased two times from 60 ea. to 120 ea. by performing mixing job in the day before. Second, work flow can be smoother due to reduced waiting time if more machines are added to improve setting process. It was found that average waiting time of 23 minutes can be reduced to around 9 minutes from current process. Third, it was found through simulation that the whole processing line can compose smoother production line by performing mixing process in advance, and add setting and sintering machines. In the course of this study, it was found that adding more machines to reduce waiting time is not the best alternative.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 강원도 홍천군의 한우 거세우 3,926두의 도체등급판정 성적과 부분육 수율 조사자료를 이 용하여 도체등급판정과 관련된 형질들(도체중, 등지방두께, 등심단면적, 마블링 및 육량지수)과 부분육 생산관련 형질들(부분육 중량과 수율, 지방중량과 비율, 뼈 중량과 비율) 사이의 상관관계를 규명하기 위하여 실시하였다. 분석에 이용된 자료의 도축일령과 도체중의 평균치는 각각 952.53일과 454.58㎏이 었으며, 부분육 수율, 지방율 및 뼈율의 평균치는 각각 61.69%, 26.54% 및 11.77%였다. 도체중은 부분 육 중량, 지방중량, 뼈 중량 및 지방율과 정의 상관관계가 있었으며, 부분육 수율과는 부의 상관관계가 있었다. 등지방두께는 부분육 수율과는 부의 상관관계가 그리고 지방율과는 정의 상관관계가 있었으며, 등심단면적은 부분육 수율 및 지방율과 모두 정의 상관관계가 있었다. 마블링은 부분육 수율과의 상관 계수가 유의성이 인정되지 않는 작은 -0.01이었으며 지방율과의 상관계수가 유의성은 인정되었지만 작 은 크기의 양수인 +0.04였다. 육량지수는 부분육 수율 및 지방율과의 상관계수가 비교적 큰 크기의 +0.51 및 -0.57로 나타났다. 상관계수의 크기를 가지고 비교했을 때, 5개의 도체등급관련 형질 중 도 체중은 부분육 중량, 지방중량 및 뼈 중량에 가장 큰 영향을 미치며, 육량지수는 부분육 수율과 지방율 에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 판단되었다. 도체중에 대한 부분육 중량과 지방중량의 단순 직선회귀 계수는 각각 +0.562 및 +0.364㎏, 그리고 육량지수에 대한 부분육 수율 및 지방율의 단순 직선회귀계 수는 각각 +0.341 및 -0.445%로 나타나서 도체중이 1㎏씩 증가할수록, 도체에서 회수되는 부분육 중 량이나 지방중량은 각각 0.562㎏ 및 0.364㎏ 증가할 것으로 예측되었으며, 육량지수가 1% 증가할수록 도체를 구성하는 부분육 비율은 0.341% 증가하고 지방의 비율은 0.445% 감소할 것으로 예측되었다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study amied to determine the effect of species and seed mixture on productivity, botanical composition and forage quality in middle mountainous region (Geosan) pasture. Total seven experimental pastures (T1 : Orchardgrass, T2 : Timothy, T3 : Tall fescue, T4 : Perennial ryegrass, T5 : Kentucky bluegrass, T6 : Timothy + Orchardgrass + Tall fescue + Alfalfa, T7 : Timothy + Orchardgrass + Kentucky bluegrass + White clover) were established in autumn, 2014 and evaluated for productivity and agronomic characteristics for 2015. Plant heigh was high in Orchardgrass and Perennial ryegrass pasture. Dry matter (DM) content was high in Kentucky bluegrass. Botanical composition in 1st harvest was high in shrub, but the grass composition was high in 2nd and 3rd harvest. Fresh and DM yield were higher in Orchardgrass and Perennial ryegrass (p<0.05); whreras, Kentucky bluegrass was the lowest. In seed mixture pasture, yields of T6 plot (Tall fescue) were higher than those of T7 (Kentucky bluegrass). Average CP (crude protein) content of 2nd and 3rd cutting time was 16.91 and 14.79%, respectively and Kentucky blue grass was the highest in 3rd cutting time by 17.57%. IVDMD (in vitro dry matter digestibility) showed low in 1st cutting and Kentucky bluegrass was the lowest in every cutting time. TDN (total digestible nutrient) content was the highest in 3rd cutting and the lowest in 1st cutting. These results indicated that Orchardgrass, Perennial ryegrass and T6 are recommendable for productivity and Timothy, Perennial ryegrass and T7 are recommendable for forage quality.