
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 10

        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현대는 스마트폰이나 태블릿PC, 전용 단말기로 전자책을 읽을 수 있는 시대이다. 최첨단 시대일수록 네트워크에 기반을 둔 정보의 공유와 보존이 바탕을 이루는 디지 털화가 이루어져 있다. 즉 디지털화는 ‘정보의 공유와 보존’으로부터 나와야 하며 효 율적인 ‘공유와 소통’을 위한 작업이 이루어져야 한다. 이런 의미에서 세계 한자학자 들의 연구문헌 DB 구축은 종이라는 2차원적 정보매체를 세계 모든 사람에게 어디서 나 제공할 수 있는 3차원의 정보로 바꾸는 것으로 DB 속에 있는 다양한 정보를 공 유하고 소통할 수 있게 하는 작업이다. 그래서 본 연구에서 구축하고자 하는 세계 한자학자 연구문헌 DB는 현 시대에서 무엇보다 필요한 것이다. 구축된 세계 한자학 자 연구문헌 DB는 한자학사와 중국학, 언어학사 등의 넓은 영역에서 정확하고 통합적인 학술적 기초자료를 마련함으로써 앞으로 학계의 심화 연구 발전에 큰 역할을 하게 될 것이라 기대된다.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Humanities is originally a comprehensive discipline, and all disciplines must be formed under the foundation of humanities. To do so, humanities researchers should break their own castles, return to their original positions based on the humanistic reflection, and try various academic methods. Humanities should no longer be the recipient of the data and the user's role alone. But rather they are expected to play the role of the data curator, the leading role in data production and construction and use of a common platform, and the attempt to use the platform in various ways by the constant re-datafication make all relevant researchers enable collaboration. In addition, it is necessary to have the ability to solve problems through multi-fields, trans-fields, or cross-fields, which can be achieved not only by building basic knowledge in all fields of studies, but also by sharing interest, active participations, and diverse collaborations. We need to have critical and rational perspectives, and inclusive attitudes based on acceptance of differences, and all of these can be supported by our endeavors to solve structural problems.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The logic premise and discipline foundation of the construction of Chinese graphology are the unique attributes of the Chinese character system. The most basic feature of the Chinese character is “single character”. The number of “single characters” is as many as hundreds, and their long-history uninterrupted use makes the standardization of the Chinese characters quite essential. The essence of Chinese characters system is ideographic .While the function of single characters or isolated language structure, as recorded in the process of Chinese characters using history, is sometimes to differentiate, which can be taken as a complement with grammatical means. Based on this, Chinese graphology has its independent research object and scope that is the structure ontology and the structure use. This provides that the Chinese character is not only a basic discipline, but also an applied discipline. Under certain historical conditions, it can even become a “famous school”. The research of Chinese characters will inevitably involve two levels, the body and the use of the characters. Phonography does not have such attributes as Chinese characters, so it can not be a specific object of study. As a phonetic character, the number must be very limited, and can be marked for all words. The definition of the properties of the character is unclear, and the object and scope of study is vague, which makes the study of the relations between “Chinese character” and “words” a problem during the process of Chinese characters study.
        2013.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        本文首先將漢字學領域中的相關學科,透過圖表,呈現彼此之關係;更綜觀當前社會發展方向,發現若干與文字有關之領域,並非傳統「文字學」或「現代漢字學」所能涵括,例如:一、透過現代科技,將古文字形進行數位化,俾能在電腦上呈現、儲存、修改、打印、交換。二、將《說文解字》等傳統研究資料進行信息化,以查尋文字各種屬性,提升研究效率。三、古今漢字綜合查尋,除字形外,尚包括讀音、解釋,以及構詞、成語、筆順等。四、蒐集古今漢字,經由音義比對,析出異體字,以備未來擴大編碼之用。五、比較兩岸及日本現行漢字,並與韓國、越南歷史漢字作比較研究。六、當前學習中文的外國人士日益增多,學習漢字者已不限於母語為漢語的學生,漢字教學方法必須重新調整,或採用多媒體生字卡、漢字筆順動畫、多功能電子辭典等。製作此類漢字教學的輔助工具,必須以文字知識與電腦科技相結合。基於上述種種工作,本文論述「應用文字學」推廣之必要性,並將近年日受重視之「漢字教學」問題,歸入文字應用研究範圍之中。 其次,本文指出有關文字的應用研究,以「形聲字聲符兼表字義」、「現代形聲字的聲符表音率」、「漢字教學」等三個問題最具關鍵性,而三者皆以「形聲字」為核心。從研究上說,形聲字總量、聲符數量、聲符之衍生、聲符兼義比率、聲符之表音率等,皆為亟需解決之問題;從教學上說,漢字以形聲結構數量最多,若能知曉何字聲符兼義,能掌握形聲字讀音的變化,教學時即可舉一反三。然而,由於聲符總數超過1300組,此等龐大整理工作,應由大型教學或研究機構負責,或透過合作研究模式,方有成功之可能。因此,本文以形聲字聲符兼表字義之研究為例,闡述其方法與歷程,盼望為學界之後續研究提供參考。
        2013.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        漢字是漢字文化圈中中日韓越四國語文的表述文字,歐西語文則主要由拉丁字母組合而成。 由於種種原因,過往以拉丁字母表述漢字的情況並非罕見。然而在東西文化交流與全球一體化的過程中,亦曾出現過一些以漢字或漢字元素表述西方語文的理論和著作。本文選取了其中部分著作,按其內容分成「語音譯寫」與「同源再生」兩個類別, 並藉此分別探討其在語言文化及教育學術上的功能,特別是漢字化西方語文在漢字研究、漢字教育及提升語文互懂性方面所帶來的啟示。 本文寫作過程中,筆者有幸訪問了「漢字化德文」(2013) 作者, 德國漢字工作者——藍霄漢(Sky Darmos) 先生,謹此致謝。
        2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The number of non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students in Hong Kong is increasing year by year. Their needs for education are increasing too. The educators and their NCS parents very concern how well these NCS students can adopt to the learning environment in Hong Kong, and have better academic performance, especially in Chinese language learning. Researchers believe that if the NCS students can learn Chinese language as earliest as possible, like in kindergarten stage, they can catch up with the local Chinese language curriculum requirement and standard much easier. Researchers worked with three kindergartens, and designed school-based Chinese language curriculum especially for these NCS young students. The curriculum emphasized the development of NCS young students’ listening and speaking abilities, strengthen their Chinese character learning ability and also teaching reading and writing skills. After one-year teaching experiment, it is found that the academic performance of these NCS young students’ was very impressive. They have great improvement in the learning of the sound, shape and meaning of Chinese characters. This presentation will report the research findings.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2009.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Access數據庫在古文字、漢字斷代、漢字學專書等研究領域都具有廣泛 的應用前景。韓國擁有大量的漢字文獻,其中經部小學類的文獻還沒有進行 數字化的整理,這就給該領域的研究帶來很大的不便。研究者要在浩繁的文 獻中花費大量時間以尋找自己需要的信息。Access數據庫對漢字學研究方 面有如下優點:第一,快速便捷的資料檢索。在數據庫基礎上,可以進行多 路径的快速檢索。例如,通過《玉篇》知識庫,瞬間可得到某個字的全部信 息。第二,資料的自動統計分析。漢字的統計分析需要在窮盡性資料統計的 基礎上給出各種統計數據,利用數據庫的自動分析統計功能,這些資料也可 以很快獲得。第三,強大的功能。Access是數據庫管理系統容巨量大,可 以方便地與Microsoft Office中的其他組件,如Word, Excel, Outlook等 進行類型轉換。而且可以支持Web,該功能可以使用戶在網上浏览資料,已 達到最大程度的資源共享。本論文以“朝鮮時代刊行字典類研究資料庫”為 例,介紹了Access數據庫的基本知識和應用。