현대는 스마트폰이나 태블릿PC, 전용 단말기로 전자책을 읽을 수 있는 시대이다. 최첨단 시대일수록 네트워크에 기반을 둔 정보의 공유와 보존이 바탕을 이루는 디지 털화가 이루어져 있다. 즉 디지털화는 ‘정보의 공유와 보존’으로부터 나와야 하며 효 율적인 ‘공유와 소통’을 위한 작업이 이루어져야 한다. 이런 의미에서 세계 한자학자 들의 연구문헌 DB 구축은 종이라는 2차원적 정보매체를 세계 모든 사람에게 어디서 나 제공할 수 있는 3차원의 정보로 바꾸는 것으로 DB 속에 있는 다양한 정보를 공 유하고 소통할 수 있게 하는 작업이다. 그래서 본 연구에서 구축하고자 하는 세계 한자학자 연구문헌 DB는 현 시대에서 무엇보다 필요한 것이다. 구축된 세계 한자학 자 연구문헌 DB는 한자학사와 중국학, 언어학사 등의 넓은 영역에서 정확하고 통합적인 학술적 기초자료를 마련함으로써 앞으로 학계의 심화 연구 발전에 큰 역할을 하게 될 것이라 기대된다.
Humanities is originally a comprehensive discipline, and all disciplines must be formed under the foundation of humanities. To do so, humanities researchers should break their own castles, return to their original positions based on the humanistic reflection, and try various academic methods. Humanities should no longer be the recipient of the data and the user's role alone. But rather they are expected to play the role of the data curator, the leading role in data production and construction and use of a common platform, and the attempt to use the platform in various ways by the constant re-datafication make all relevant researchers enable collaboration. In addition, it is necessary to have the ability to solve problems through multi-fields, trans-fields, or cross-fields, which can be achieved not only by building basic knowledge in all fields of studies, but also by sharing interest, active participations, and diverse collaborations. We need to have critical and rational perspectives, and inclusive attitudes based on acceptance of differences, and all of these can be supported by our endeavors to solve structural problems.
The logic premise and discipline foundation of the construction of Chinese graphology are the unique attributes of the Chinese character system. The most basic feature of the Chinese character is “single character”. The number of “single characters” is as many as hundreds, and their long-history uninterrupted use makes the standardization of the Chinese characters quite essential. The essence of Chinese characters system is ideographic .While the function of single characters or isolated language structure, as recorded in the process of Chinese characters using history, is sometimes to differentiate, which can be taken as a complement with grammatical means. Based on this, Chinese graphology has its independent research object and scope that is the structure ontology and the structure use. This provides that the Chinese character is not only a basic discipline, but also an applied discipline. Under certain historical conditions, it can even become a “famous school”. The research of Chinese characters will inevitably involve two levels, the body and the use of the characters. Phonography does not have such attributes as Chinese characters, so it can not be a specific object of study. As a phonetic character, the number must be very limited, and can be marked for all words. The definition of the properties of the character is unclear, and the object and scope of study is vague, which makes the study of the relations between “Chinese character” and “words” a problem during the process of Chinese characters study.
The number of non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students in Hong Kong is increasing year by year. Their needs for education are increasing too. The educators and their NCS parents very concern how well these NCS students can adopt to the learning environment in Hong Kong, and have better academic performance, especially in Chinese language learning. Researchers believe that if the NCS students can learn Chinese language as earliest as possible, like in kindergarten stage, they can catch up with the local Chinese language curriculum requirement and standard much easier. Researchers worked with three kindergartens, and designed school-based Chinese language curriculum especially for these NCS young students. The curriculum emphasized the development of NCS young students’ listening and speaking abilities, strengthen their Chinese character learning ability and also teaching reading and writing skills. After one-year teaching experiment, it is found that the academic performance of these NCS young students’ was very impressive. They have great improvement in the learning of the sound, shape and meaning of Chinese characters. This presentation will report the research findings.