Background: Muscle activities of gluteus maximus (GM) and hamstring (HAM) have important roles in the stability and mobility of the hip joint during various functional activities including bridge and prone hip extension exercises.
Objects: The purpose of this study is to investigate muscle activities of GM, multifidus (MF) and HAM during three different bridge exercises in healthy individuals.
Methods: Twenty healthy subjects were participated. Electromyography device was used to measure muscle activities of GM, MF and HAM. Each subject was asked to perform three different bridge exercises with hip abduction (0°, 15°, 30°) in random order. One-way repeated measures analysis of the variance and a Bonferroni post hoc test were used. Statistical significance was set at α = 0.01.
Results: The muscle activity of GM was significantly different among three conditions (hip abduction 0°, 15°, 30°) (adjusted p-value [Padj] < 0.01). The muscle activity of GM was significantly greater during bridge exercise with hip abduction 30° compared to 0° and 15° (Padj < 0.01). There was no significant difference in the muscle activity of MF and HAM muscle (Padj > 0.01). The ratio of muscle activity (ratio = GM/HAM) during bridge exercise with hip abduction 30° was significant greater compared to the hip abduction angles 0° and 15° (Padj < 0.01).
Conclusion: Bridge exercise with hip abduction 30° can be recommended to selectively facilitate the muscle activity of GM and improve the ratio of muscle activity between GM and HAM.
Background: Studies suggest that induced emotional changes can affect the sensory-motor system involved in the practice of muscle activity and movement in physical aspects. Previous studies have shown focused on effects just feedback on muscle activity associated with emotions but rarely have focused induced emotional change on gross motor function such as muscle activity.
Objects: The purpose of this study was to compare biceps activity and emotion that before and after viewing a video was induced positive or negative emotion.
Methods: The study enrolled 34 healthy male and female who scored at normal points on the Center for Epidermiological Studies-Depression Scale. The study measured over two weeks, showing subjects pleasant and sad videos one by one in a week. We performed to measure the biceps brachii activity which is maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) and the visual analog mood scale (VAMS) scores before and after one week. The significance level was set to α = 0.05.
Results: There was no significant difference in muscle activity of the biceps brachii before and after each video was viewed (p > 0.05). However, the visual analogue mood scale showed an increase in VAMS after viewing each video (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: We figured out induced emotional changes are cause actual emotional changes but there are no differences in muscle activity. In this research, watching the video with a short time looks like insufficient to change muscle activity. Nevertheless, there might be different when we check various muscles with sufficient time for viewing the video. Further study is needed to measure a variety of muscles with more time for viewing the video.
본 논문은 「영규사실기」의 내용에 의거하여 그의 생애사와 의병활동 을 확인해보고, 왜 그런 기록이 등장했는지, 불교와 유교측 간에 영규에 대한 시각에 어떤 차이가 있는지 등에 대한 논의를 진행하였다. 전체적으로 보면 「영규사실기」는 임진왜란을 전후로 하는 시점에서 영규가 전란을 준비하는 과정, 그리고 의병장들의 전투 기록의 두 부분으로 나뉜다. 「영규사실기」에서는 영규가 전란이 일어날 것을 미리 예지하고 있었던 것으로 묘사하고 있다. 그가 나무를 쪼개 무예훈련을 했다던가, 단단한 나무를 발견하면 따로 숨겨두었다는 것은 스스로 미래의 전란을 대비하는 과정이었던 것으로 서술하고 있다. 또한 조헌과 고경명 등 호남지역의 의병장을 하게 되는 이들이 갑사로 찾아오는 장면은 이른 시기에 의병모집을 했던 배경을 설명하기 위한 것으로 보인다. 「영규사실기」에서처럼 사실(史實)이 확인되지 않는 내용으로 영규를 미화하거나, 유교적 이데올로기에 충실한 인물로 묘사하는 것 등은 유교 지식인들이 쓴 영규 관련 자료에서 보편적으로 발견된다. 불교 측이 영규를 선양하는 것에 대해 소극적인 태도를 보이는 반면에, 유교 측에서는 적극적으로 영규의 의병활동에 따른 계율논쟁을 변증하고, 그의 충절을 부각시켜왔다. 이는 영규의 의병부대가 전란 초기에 전과를 올림으로써 조선정부의 위기상황을 전환시키는데 기여했던 것과 무관하지 않을 것이다. 19세기에 「영규사실기」와 같은 문헌이 등장하고, 계룡산에 사우를 세우는 등 영규에 대한 추숭작업이 이루어졌던 것은 이러한 불교와 유교 간의 누적된 시각적 불균형을 해소하기 위한 유교 지식인들의 노력일 가능성이 크다. 이는 결국 불교 승려로서가 아니라, 왕조를 위해 절명한 의병장으로서의 영규를 추숭하려 했던 그들의 의지가 배경으로 작용한 결과일 것이다.
Background: Investigation in gender differences of kinetics and kinematics for individuals with patellar femoral pain syndrome (PFPS) was not sufficiently performed. Objects: The purpose of this study is that whether there is a difference depending on gender from muscle activity and strength and knee valgus angle during controlled single-leg squat which is widely used as clinical movement test for the patient with PFPS. Methods: 20 young adults (10 men, 20.0±2.1 years; 10 women, 20.4±2.1 years) with PFPS were voluntarily recruited in this study. Muscle activity and strength and knee valgus angle were collected during single-leg squat. Independent t-test and Mann-Whitney test were used to compare the differences between groups of male and female. Results: Rectus femoris (t=-2.204, p=.041) and vastus medialis oblique (t=-2.151, p=.045) muscle activity of women were significantly higher than male group. Normalized muscle strength of hip and knee muscles showed a significant difference between men and women (p<.05). Valgus angle of the knee in women (t=-2.450, p=.025) were increased significantly than men. Conclusion: The therapist would consider the characteristics of these gender differences during performing movement test, exercise, and education for the individuals with PFPS.
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is a painful condition that arises from e+M8xercise-induced muscle damage after unaccustomed physical activities. Various therapeutic interventions have been applied to reduce the intensity and duration of DOMS-related symptoms. Recently, pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) intervention has been introduced as an alternative noninvasive treatment for DOMS. This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled experiment was conducted to examine the effects of PEMF therapy on DOMS in elbow flexors at 24, 48, and 72 hours after the experimental DOMS induction. Thirty healthy volunteers ( yrs, cm, and kg) participated in this study. Each was randomly assigned to a PEMF or placebo group. On the first day, DOMS was induced in the elbow flexors by repeated isokinetic motions at low () and fast () speeds in all subjects. Thereafter, the PEMF group received 15-min daily treatment with a PEMF device. The placebo group received sham treatment of the same duration. Overall, PEMF application was more effective than the sham treatment in reducing the physiological symptoms associated with the DOMS including perceived soreness, median frequency, and electromechanical delay of the surface electromyography. In addition, median frequency and isokinetic peak torque of the PEMF group recovered to the pre-DOMS induction level earlier than the placebo group. In conclusion, this study suggests that PEMF can be applied as a new recovery strategy in reducing DOMS symptoms. Further experiments are required to examine the effect of the PEMF treatment on different types of exercise conditions and to determine the optimal treatment dosage and duration in a real clinical setting.
This study was investigated the effects of marinating beef with thirteen different commercial vinegars on quality traits of Biceps femoris (BF) muscle of Hanwoo. Samples were divided into thirteen portions and injected with vinegar which was equivalent to 10% of the sample weight. The samples were all marinated for 15 hrs at 4℃ for experiments. The pH and cooking loss were tended to decrease (p<0.05) on all the vinegars and swollen rate was increased only on pomegranate vinegar. Shear force was decreased on all the thirteen commercial vinegars except persimmon vinegar. Most of commercial vinegars had influenced on water holding capacity, excluding omija-persimmon, pomegranate and grape vinegars. The yield was the greatest with the aloe-apple (p<0.05). Redness (a) was stable on aloe-apple and omija-persimmon vinegars. With an improvement of experimental design and process for future work, the results could be suggested to industrial utilization wherein low-quality meat could be improved by simple marination.
The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of patellar height on quadriceps muscles' electromyography (EMG) activity during a squat exercise in adults with patella baja. For the study, we recruited 15 volunteers who had patella baja on the right side. We measured the EMG activity of the right rectus femoris, vastus medialis oblique, and vastus lateralis muscles during squat exercises under two conditions, specifically with and without an infra-patellar strap. The infra-patellar strap was applied below the tested patella to elevate the patella to a normal height. A paired t-test was used to compare the effects of patella height on EMG activity of the quadriceps muscles. The EMG activity of the rectus femoris (RF), vastus medialis oblique (VMO), and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles were significantly decreased during the squat exercise with the infra-patellar strap compared to the same exercise without the infra-patellar strap (p<.05), while the VMO/VL ratio was not different significantly between two conditions (p>.05). The findings of this study suggest that an infra-patellar strap may benefit people with patellar baja, as changes in patellar height could improve the efficiency of the quadriceps muscles.
The purpose of this study was to suppose basis data the influence of different chair type and pelvic control on quadriceps muscle activity and strength during knee joint extension isometric exercise in hemiplegic patients. This research were investigated in ten healthy adults and tens hemipelgic patients. Surface electromyography (EMG) and Biodex system were used to collect kinematic data and muscle activity, respectively. Independent t-test, paired t-test and one-way repeated ANOVA were used to determine a statistical significance. The results showed as follows: (1) Posterior pelvic angles in healthy group and hemiplegic group were significantly different on isokinetic equipment (p<.05). (2) Different chair type and pelvic control on quadriceps muscle activity and strength were significantly different in hemiplegic patients (p<.05). From the result of this research, posterior pelvic angle control during knee joint extension isometric exercise in hemiplegic patients on isokinetic equipment is necessary to increase quadriceps muscle strength in hemiplegic patients.
The development of Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) was studied at various constant temperatures ranging from 15 to 32.5℃, with 65±5% RH, and a photoperiod of 16L:8D. Mortality of the 1<SUB>st</SUB>-2<SUB>nd</SUB> and the 3<SUB>rd</SUB>-4<SUB>th</SUB> stage nymphs were similar at most temperature ranges while at high temperature of 32.5℃, more 3<SUB>rd</SUB>-4<SUB>th</SUB> stage individuals died. The total developmental time ranged from 13.8 days at 15℃ to 4.9 days at 30.0℃ suggesting that the higher the temperature, the faster the development. However, at higher end temperature of 32.5℃ the development took 6.4 days. The lower developmental threshold temperature and effective accumulative temperatures for the total immature stage were 6.8℃ and 105.9 day-degrees, respectively and the nonlinear shape of temperature related development was well described by the modified Sharpe and DeMichele model. The normalized cumulative frequency distributions of developmental period for each life stage were fitted to the three-parameter Weibull function. The attendance of shortened developmental times was apparent with 1<SUB>st</SUB>-2<SUB>nd</SUB> nymph, 3<SUB>rd</SUB>-4<SUB>th</SUB> nymph, and total nymph stages in descending order. The coefficient of determination r² ranged between 0.80 and 0.87.
To construct a life table and development model Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), its adult longevity and fecundity were studied at various constant temperatures ranging from 15 to 32.5℃, with 65±5% RH, and a photoperiod of 16L:8D. Adult longevity of the greenbug gradually increased with decreasing temperature below 32.5℃. Total fecundity was not significantly different at all temperatures except at 32.5℃. Daily fecundity gradually increased from 25.0℃. It was 3.6 at 27.5℃ and as temperatures either went down or up, it decreased to 1.4 at 15.0℃ and 0.4 at 32.5℃. Net reproduction rate (Ro) was highest with 47.6 at 25.0℃. The intrinsic rate of increase per day (r<SUB>m</SUB>) and the finite rate of increase per day (λ) were highest with 0.4 and 1.5 at 30.0℃, respectively and the doubling time (Dt) was shortest with 0.98 at 32.5℃. The mean generation time (T) was 8.41 at 30.0℃.
Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is often attributed to malalignment and maltracking of patella within the patellofemoral joint. Most exercise for PFPS has focused on selectively strengthening the vastus medialis oblique muscle (VMO). This study was designed to identify the effect of medial, lateral wedge and difference of Quadriceps angle (Q-angle) on vastus medialis oblique/vastus lateralis muscle (VL) activity ratios. The subjects were twenty young adult males who had not experienced any knee injury. They were asked to perform isometric contraction exercises in three postures using medial and lateral wedge. The EMG activity of the VL and VMO were recorded in three postures by surface electrodes and normalized by %MVC values derived from seated, isometric knee extensions. The normalized EMG activity levels (%MVC) of the VL and VMO for the three postures of the lower extremities were compared using 2-way repeated measures ANOVA with 1 between-subject factor (group), and 1 within-subject factor (wedge). Results of repeated measures of ANOVA's revealed that the medial wedge isometric contraction exercise produced significantly greater EMG activity of VMO/VL ratios in Group I (Q-angle or less) (p<.05). But, the medial wedge isometric contraction exercise was no significant difference of VMO/VL ratios in Group II (Q-angle or more) (p>.05). These results have important implications for selective VMO muscle strengthening exercises in PFPS patients.
To compare the effects of forward walking and backward walking on surface electromyographic analysis of quadriceps muscles at treadmill grades of 0%, 5% and 10%, subjects were randomized to eleven athletics (5 females, 6 males), with a mean age of 17.8 years, and a SD of 4.66 years. The values of the surface electromyographic (SEMG) activity of the rectus femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL) and vastus medialis oblique (VMO) were measured during forward walking and backward walking on a treadmill at grades of 0, 5 and 10%. The subjects walked for approximately 10 seconds at 4.0 km/h. The data were analyzed by repeated measuring of the two-way ANOVA and analyzed by a paired t-test between forward walking and backward walking. The SEMG activity levels of the RF, VL and VMO were the highest when both the forward walking and backward walking increased incrementally for treadmill grades of 0% to 10%, but the VMO/VL ratio had no significant changes. The SEMG activity levels of the RF, VL and VMO were significantly different between directions. However, SEMG activity levels of the RF, VL, VMO and VMO/VL ratio did not show significant difference among the treadmill grades. No statistically significant interactions were detected between the direction of walking and treadmill grade. Backward walking on the treadmill at 4 km/h and grades of 0%, 5%, 10% elicited a greater SEMG activity on the quadriceps muscles than did forward walking under the same conditions. The results suggest that the quadriceps may be effectively activated by performance at treadmill grades of 10%. This investigation confirms that backward walking up an incline may place additional muscular demands on individuals.
Physical therapists have been using biofeedback training to induce improvements in various circumstances. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of visual and tactile feedback using electrical stimulation on quadriceps strength. Nineteen women without known impairment of the neuromusculoskeletal system volunteered for this study. Subjects were randomly allocated into three groups: visual feedback, tactile feedback, and control group. The torque of isometric knee extension force was measured. Subjects were asked to exert the maximal isometric contraction force of quadriceps over a 30 second period. The resting period of 10 minutes was given after the maximal isometric contraction to avoid the muscle fatigue. In between groups comparison, significant differences of the peak torque and the torque area were found on the performance of the maximal isometric contraction of quadriceps (p<.05). The values peak of torque and torque area were significantly higher during visual feedback than tactile feedback. The results of this study suggest that visual feedback is more powerful than tactile feedback (p<.01).
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of electrical stimulation biofeedback on motor learning of quadriceps muscle isometric exercise in 3 patients who have undergone total knee replacement surgery. A multiple baseline design across subjects was used. The electrical stimulation biofeedback was provided with each patient during quadriceps isometric exercise, which last 10 to 14 sessions with 10 repetitions each sessions. After training patients received 4 retention tests. Maximum muscle activity was measured pre- and post- electrical stimulation biofeedback training and retention test to evaluate the effect of biofeedback training. Maximum isometric muscle activity of quadriceps was increased after electrical stimulation biofeedback training in all subjects. The results indicate that a electrical stimulation biofeedback training is a useful method to improve motor learning of quadriceps isometric exercise in total knee replacement.