건물관리업은 산업현장의 생산설비와 시설로 부터 빌딩, 공동주택까지 영역을 확장하고 있다. 최근 5년간 건물관리업에 종사하는 근로자 수는 지속적으로 증가해 왔으며 해당 산업에 종사하는 재해자 수도 함께 증가하고 있다. 특히 건물관리업에서 발생하는 재해의 약 88.6%가 50인 미만 소규모 사업장에서 발생하며, 사고성 재해가 반복된다는 점에서 소규모 사업장에서 중점적으로 관리해야 하는 위험작업에 대한 정보를 제공하여 집중 관리하도록 할 필요성이 높다. 본 연구는 일의 형태가 다양한 건물관리업의 공정과 단위작 업을 표준화하고, 표준화된 작업의 우선 순위와 중요도를 AHP 기법을 통해 분석한 후 일의 중요도와 업무상 가중치를 제시하여 사업장에서 중점적으로 관리해야 하는 작업을 선별하는데 도움을 주고자 한다. 본 연구에서 제시하는 건물관리업의 표준화된 공정과 단위작업을 기반으로 향후 유해위험요인의 표준평가 모델과 표준가중치 모델을 개발하여 사업장에 적용한다면 건물관리사업의 산업재해 리스크를 체계적으로 관리하는데 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다.
A study wish to present relation of safety characteristic deployment, which has the safety demand, safety characteristic, protection characteristic, safety regulation, safety education of unit work process. Safety characteristic deployment will be used in safety management education system design with a method of safety management system construction of unit work process.
A studies wish to present safety assessment table that is consisted of safety check-up, safety education, safety management for worker's safety management assessment about unit process. And safety management level was survey through case study that use safety assessment table. Safety management assessment table is improved safety management level of unit process, and is developed safety management system by worker confirms assessment items and improves problem.
Safety check-up and individual education, safety status wishes to present included safety assessment table for safety management assessment system construction about unit work process in Study. Safety management assessment table gives each grades about worker of unit work process, safety check-up, education, management and identifies merits and demerits of unit work process, it is that propose safety management assessment system that can reduce accident occurrence possibility.
The main objective of this study is to propose numerical guideline for the improvement of educational environment about high school girls. In order to analyze feature of the somatotype of the high school girls, analysis of this study was performed about 25 body parts such as height(7 parts), width(4 parts), thickness(4 parts), circumference(5 parts), length(4 parts), and body weight. For the specific comparison on body dementions, Mollison's comparison graph were used.
This study was conducted examine the workability of LEFC in relation to unit quantity of water and fiber addition. The LEFC should secure low weight and good flow by mixing light weight aggregate because the fresh concrete should cured so that gaps do not form between the acrlyic wedges and the concrete with the fresh. The slump tests revealed that fresh concrete with 180 units of water and 0.1% fiber content and fresh concrete with 190 units of water and 0.1%, 0.2% fiber content respectively had excellent workability.
This study was conducted examine the workability of LEFC in relation to unit quantity of water and fiber addition. The LEFC should secure low weight and good flow by mixing light weight aggregate because the fresh concrete should cured so that gaps do not form between the acrlyic wedges and the concrete with the fresh. The slump tests revealed that fresh concrete with 180 units of water and 0.1% fiber content and fresh concrete with 190 units of water and 0.1%, 0.2% fiber content respectively had excellent workability.