The era of logistics 4.0 in which new technologies are applied to existing traditional logistics management has approached. It is developing based on the convergence between various technologies, and R&D are being conducted worldwide to build smart logistics by synchronizing various services with the logistics industry. Therefore, this study proposes a methodology and technology strategy that can achieve trend analysis using patent analysis and promote the development of the domestic smart logistics industry based on this. Based on the preceding research, eight key technology fields related to smart logistics were selected, and technology trends were derived through LDA techniques. After that, for the development of the domestic logistics industry, the strategy of the domestic smart logistics industry was derived based on analysis including technology capabilities. It proposed a growth plan in the field of big data and IoT in terms of artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, and marketability. This study confirmed smart logistics technologies by using LDA and quantitative indicators expressing the market and technology of patents in literature analysis-oriented research that mainly focused on trend analysis. It is expected that this method can also be applied to emerging logistics technologies in the future.
Industrial complexes are areas where manufacturing companies are integrated, and logistics between tenant companies play a very important role, but idle resources can occur depending on the situation if each company operates independently. Accordingly, this study aimed to reduce overall logistics costs and increase corporate productivity by looking at ways to share and utilize logistics resources such as warehouses and transportation equipment to efficiently utilize logistics resources in industrial complexes and implementing a logistics sharing platform that can share these idle resources. To this end, this study conducted a research survey on the logistics status of manufacturing companies in Ulsan-Mipo Industrial Complex, based on this analysis, the necessity of logistics resource types and utilization of industrial complex resident companies, and based on this, a service model for logistics resource sharing was studied. In addition, it was intended to analyze the operational characteristics of the existing logistics system to derive improvements and to derive optimal measures to utilize information on shared idle resources. This study confirmed the importance of sharing and utilizing idle resources to optimize logistics resources in industrial complexes, and is expected to contribute to reducing logistics costs and increasing logistics efficiency of tenant companies.
Recently Korea and China’s logistics industry developed rapidly. Because two countries’ industry have complementarity, there are broad basis and area for cooperation between China and Korea. This study compares and analyzes the logistics development trends and competitiveness of two countries, and suggests mutual win-win logistics cooperation between the two countries based on macro cooperation of government and micro cooperation of enterprises. This is important for the two countries to participate in the global supply chain system, promote regional cooperation in Northeast Asia, and enhance the efficiency and competitiveness of the logistics industry.
경제성장이 고도화되면 일반적으로 산업구조는 제조업에서 서비스산업으로 변화한다. 한국의 각 산업별 노동시장을 살펴보면 이런 현상이 명확히 나타나고 있다. 특히 무역의존도가 높은 한국산업에서 물류산업의 중요성이 부각되고 있다. 물류산업의 노동시장에서 대졸여부에 따른 임금격차가 존재하고 심화되고 있다는 것이 통계자료로 확인되었다. 이것은 동산업의 노동시장이 학력에 따라 분절되었다는 것을 의미한다. 인적자본론을 적용하여 고졸이하를 인적자본이 없는 저학력 노동으로, 대졸이상을 인적자본이 체화된 고학력노동으로 구분하여 독립 생산요소로 설정하였다. 이런 전제하에 3요소(자본, 저학력 노동자, 고학력 노동자) 콥-다글라스 생산함수를 상정하고, 외생변수로 산출량, 세계화와 중립적 기술진보를 포함한 학력별 노동수요 추정식을 유도하여 결정요인분석을 시행하였다. 추정결과 물류산업에서는 생산요소의 상대가격(, , )과 같은 노동시장의 내적요인이 저학력노동수요와 고학력노동수요에 영향을 미치지 못하였다. 반면 산출량, 세계화와 기술진보와 같은 물류산업의 외생적 변화가 물류산업의 학력별 노동시장에 유의미하게 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 즉 산출량변화에 대해 저학력노동수요가 고학력노동수요보다 더 탄력적으로 영향을 미친다. 세계화 진전은 고학력노동수요의 증가로 나타났고 기술진보는 저학력노동수요의 감소와 고학력노동수요의 증가에 영향을 친 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 추정결과를 바탕으로 다음과 같은 정책적 대안을 마련할 수 있다. 첫째 경기변동에 따라 저학력노동수요 변화가 더 심하기 때문에 저학력 노동의 고용안정 정책이 필요하다. 둘째, 기술진보는 생산성을 향상시켜 총생산량을 높이지만 물류산업 노동시장에서는 저학력 노동수요의 감소로 실업이 발생할 수 있기 때문에 이것에 대비한 노동정책이 필요하다. 셋째, 세계화의 진전은 고학력노동수요의 증가를 유발하므로 물류산업에 필요한 인재양성정책이 필요하다.
In general, companies operate systematically in response to financial risks such as exchange rates and liquidity, while they are vulnerable to risks in the manufacturing and sales processes. In particular, logistics refers to the activities for planning, managing and implementing efficient flows from the starting point of goods and products to the point of consumption, The purpose of this study was to develop key risks and key risk management indicators (KRIs) for risks that undermine logistics efficiency so that logistics risks can be effectively prevented and managed. As a result, 40 risk management indicators (KRIs) were developed in a total of six categories in the logistics sector, and the definition, calculation method and early warning grade of each KRI were presented so that companies could prevent risks in advance in logistics activities and contribute to enhancing efficiency of their work.
This study established the evaluation index system of green logistics of Changjitu in Chinarelated to environment, resource, economics and technology. It derived the weight value of indexes by using AHP method analyzing interviews logistics researchers and surveys. Based on the results, the paper described the problems of Changjitu's green logistics and proposed some development suggestions.
오늘날 물류 서비스 산업에서는 수요예측을 통해 불확실성을 줄여나가는 것이 경영상 매우 중요한 이슈로 제기되고 있다. 비교적 시장 점유율이 견고하게 유지되는 제조산업과는 달리 물류 서비스 산업은 매우 빠른 속도로 시장이 성장하고 변화하기 때문에, 시장 환경의 변화를 반영하여 정확한 수요 예측에 기반한 적절한 물류 서비스 공급을 위한 운송 및 인력 공급 계획을 수립하여 운용하여야 한다.
본 연구는 물류 서비스 업계를 위하여 추세 요소, 계절 요소 등 수요에 영향을 미치는 요소를 분석하고, 영향 효과를 산출하여 물류 서비스 산업을 위한 수요예측 시스템에 반영하는 방안을 연구하였다. 특히 지역 특산물, 기상효과, 음력으로 발생하는 명절 효과 등 수요를 크게 변화시키는 중요 영향 요소에 의한 수요 변동을 수요 예측에 활용하는 방안을 도출함으로써, 물류 서비스 산업계의 수요 예측을 위하여 분해법(Decomposition Method)을 제시하였다.
This paper to empirical examine the date from 2007 to 2010 China's ODI in 103 countries, found that a lot of overseas theory and experience hypotheses to explain China's ODI is not suitable for a large part. China's outward FDI to the investing countries are the main factors that affect the size and potential of the markets, the open level of market, such as the degree of technological development. But China's enterprises towards the presence of exchange and other financial risks that are not realize. The average wage level, the exchange rate of the traditional FDI determinants influenced the theory and existing research findings conflicting results were obtained. The strategic implications for Korean government and enterprises are as follow: First, China to take advantage of new investment source need to target strategies. Second, the extension of Korea's market should be expanded. Third, the investment environment should be open for the Chinese capital in Korea. Fourth, the response to M&A of China's enterprises should be prepared in advance. Fifth, we should be prepared that compete with foreign manufactured products by China's enterprises.
The logistics industry in Incheon is lack of basic usage for logistic information. As development of logistics industry the companies recognized the importance of logistics informatization. But due to a small scale of logistic companies it is difficult to equip the basic infrastructure for logistics informatization. To investigate the status of informatization of logistics companies in Incheon, we divide questionnaire by the aspects of information operations, aspects of information needs, information effects and policy aspects of planning and support information. By the result of survey we suggest the supporting plan for Incheon logistics industry.
Incheon port is located near the Seoul metropolitan area and it is gateway port to Korea. It has the efficient location conditions in geography and economics. Many logistics industry had been developed taking the advantage of above conditions. Since Incheon International Airport opened in 2001, the function in logistics had been grown gradually. But most of logistics companies in Incheon are lack of basic usage of logistic information. To identify the status for logistic industry in Incheon we analysed various statistical data and literature in this study. From the survey results, we found that logistic industry has higher weight than other industries. It is sure that logistics industry is the specific industry in Incheon.