본고는 조선후기 조선과 청나라에서 착용한 방한용 모자의 종별과 형식적 특징을 비교하여, 조선 모자의 종류가 많고 조선만의 고유한 특징을 지니고 있음을 밝혔다. 유교를 국시로 삼았던 조선은 衣冠을 갖추어 예의를 지키고자 하였기에, 항상 모자를 착용하여 종류가 많았다. 중국의 모자는 太平巾과 抹額뿐이었지만, 조선의 모자는 網 巾․탕건․笠[갓]을 비롯하여 程子冠․朱子冠․濂溪冠․東坡冠․沖正 冠․方冠등 10여 가지로 다양하였다. 이러한 모자는 선비들의 미적 취향으로 발전된 것이면서, 그것을 만드는 장인의 제작기술은 오늘날까지 전승되어 우리의 고유문화가 되었다. 조선의 방한모자 또한 중국의 것보다 종류가 풍부하였다. 중국의 방한모자는 耳套․耳衣, 태평모에서 개선된 風帽, 抹額에서 발전한 臥兎兒, 氈笠形이나 鉢笠形 으로 제작한 貂帽등 비교적 한정되었으나, 조선의 것은 耳掩을 비롯하여 볼끼 및 額掩[아얌]․護額․護項․風遮(項風遮․小風遮․披 肩․三山巾․陽轉巾) 등 다양하였다. 특히 조선 선비의 상징인 갓을 비롯한 관모들은 추위에 약하여 이것을 보완하기 위해 검은색에, 상투를 세울 수 있도록 위가 트인 독특한 형태로 발전하였다. 이러한 남자들의 방한모자가 점차 여자용과 어린이용으로 확산되면서도, 그 색과 형태는 여전히 유지되어 한국 방한모자의 특징이 되었다.
In this study, we conducted an empirical analysis using structural equation modeling (SEM) by distributing questionnaires to 208 Chinese tourists who constitute the largest proportion of foreign tourists visiting South Korea. The survey was conducted in a face to face (FTF) manner with the aim to contribute to globalization of Korean cuisine through comprehensive analysis of the effects of preference characteristics of Korean wave dramas on the relationship among images, attitudes, and purchase intentions for Korean cuisine. The main actor characteristics among the preference characteristics of Korean wave dramas had a significant effect on the attitudes and purchase intentions for Korean cuisine. However, the thematic characteristics among the preference characteristics of Korean wave dramas did not have a significant effect on the purchase intentions for Korean cuisine; in addition, the production characteristics did not have a significant effect on the attitudes and purchase intentions for Korean cuisine. The eco-friendly and health images of Korean cuisine had a significant effect on the purchase intentions for Korean cuisine, and the attitudes toward Korean cuisine significantly affected the purchase intentions for Korean cuisine. Based on the results of this study, it is considered necessary to continuously publicize Korean cuisine through Korean wave dramas to build positive attitudes toward Korean cuisine through enhanced images of Korean cuisine.
Despite both domestic and overseas markets are depressed due to the global financial crisis - the apparel industry is no exception, the market for the outdoor wears including the hiking ones has been recording a high growth rate, making the outdoor wear a high growth industry. The purpose of this study was to provide some basic data useful to our outdoor businesses to help them respond to consumers' needs in the rapidly growing outdoor markets. For silhouettes, the point was given primarily to the oblique cutting to have it follow the human body curves and thereby, look natural and slim. Another point was given to the color schemes along the cutting lines, so that an effect of optical illusion could be created to make the wears look slim making use of lines and colors. On the other hand, in consideration of the rapidly changing weather conditions during hiking, the details were designed practically by setting appropriate hip lengths, using attachable/detachable hoods as well as applying the Velcro & rubber band-type set-in sleeves for the tail edges. As discussed above, the researcher analyzed the design elements for the outdoor wears and developed some sensuous designs meeting consumers' needs to help our outdoor wear businesses to expand their target base, while awakening them of the importance of the outdoor fashion.
The objective of this study was to investigate the phasic characteristics of the adjustment process to Korean food with an analysis of Japanese independent tourist culture social resistance factors. To collect data for empirical study, a survey was distributed to 284 Japanese tourists through Korean travel agencies. Logistic regression analysis was carried out in order to determine media and cultural beliefs affecting the diffusion process of Korean food. The results showed that cultural beliefs had no significant effects on the diffusion process of most Korean food. However, people who valued similarities between the two countries-South Korea and Japan-demonstrated a significant effect on performance and identification group. Therefore, cultural beliefs did not influence the diffusion of Korean food, although there are surely cultural beliefs and subjective factors affecting their reform decisions.
This study attempted to identify differences in Korean food consumption behaviors between groups of Japanese consumers segmented in accordance to their food-related lifestyles. This study was performed to provide Korean food service companies basic information to implement a strategy for the globalization of Korean food. As a result of the empirical analysis, the food-related lifestyles of Japanese consumers were deduced to the following four factors: "health and safetyoriented lifestyle", "palate and safety-oriented lifestyle", "economic efficiency-oriented lifestyle", and "simplicity-oriented lifestyle". Further, as a result of the cluster analysis, food-related lifestyles were classified into the following three groups: "a group highly interested in food-related life", "an economic efficiency-oriented group", and "a simplicity-oriented group". Second, there were significant differences in demographic characteristics and the characteristics of Korean food consumption behaviors between the groups. Third, also in a comparison of satisfaction with and loyalty to Korean restaurants with crucial attributes during the selection of Korean food, there were significant differences between the groups. Therefore, it is necessary to develop various Korean food products that will cater to Japanese consumers in accordance with each segmented group.
This study was peformed by questionnaire to investigate satisfaction for the menu qualify of Korean traditional food of Japanese tourists. The subjects of this study consisted of 280 Japanese tourists using the Gyeongju and Busan hotel. The results were summarized as follows: 63.9% of the subjects responded that frequency of visiting was 1-2 times a year and 42.1% responded that motivation of visiting was for tour and understanding of korea. Companion with friend scored high as 40.4%, and intention of revisiting was high on 'normal'. On overall satisfaction on korean traditional foods, 'satisfy' scored high as 43.2%. 61.1% of the subjects responded that the taste was the most important factor of food. On frequency of eating, 'over 8 times' scored high as 27.9%, and on motivation of eating, 'with visiting Korea' scored high as 48.2%. On satisfaction for the menu quality of korean traditional food, the highest item was 'taste(3.82 point)' and 'nutrition(3.82 point)', and but 'Japanese mark on menu(2.47 point)', 'Japanese mark on ingredient(2.61 point)' scored low. Overall satisfaction for korean traditional food had an effect on intention of revisiting, and therefore, improving the quality of the traditional food and the strategy for the classification of desires are earnestly requested.
Purpose - Based on preceding studies, this thesis focuses on the finding of the definition and category of mobile tourism application and deriving out its characteristics. And after looking for how they make influences on continuous intention to use, we make empirical study with TAM model.
Research design, data, and methodology - There are many Chinese tourist who visit Korea with user's constant intention to use of tourism application. This study is to find out the definition and category of mobile tourism application through research of preceding study and to fomulate the research model and hypothesis that how tourism application attributes (convenience, interaction, accessibility, local basis, security) affect constant intention to use of mobile tourism application. In order to verify a hypothesis, we conducted a survey for Chinese users of tourism application. In empirical study, we analyzed a structure model for frequency analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, validity analysis through IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0 and IBM SPSS AMOS 21.0
Results - Among tourism applications, convenience, interaction, accessibility and local basis have positive effects on both perceived usefulness and perceived easiness respectively. But security does not. Also perceived easiness has a positive effect on perceived usefulness. Finally, perceived usefulness and perceived easiness have positive effect on constant intent to use.
Conclusions - Tourism application enterprises should put emphasis on design such as menu or function in order to simplify the operation of new services for new customers. Therefore, comfortable user interface and development of useful function can improve tourism application. Consequently, it leads to the promotion of tourism application. Also, when users perceive tourism application as a useful media which is easy, comfortable and useful content, the degree of constant intention to use becomes increased. It is important to provide plentiful and useful contents for customers and to develop user interface such as easy operation because these factors have positive effects on constant demand and use of tourism application.
우리나라의 외국인 관광시장이 빠른 성장을 하는 가운데 ‘방한 아시아여성 관광객’의 비중이 급격하게 늘어나고 있다. 그러나 아직 ‘문화관광기념품’의 기획 및 제작에 이를 반영 하지 못하고 있다. 본 연구는 이와 같은 환경 변화 속에서 문화 관광기념품의 질적 발전을 위해 방한 아시아여성 관광객의 디자인 선호도를 조사하여 앞으로의 문화관광기념품 기획 및 제작에 활용할 수 있는 기초자료로서 하나의 지표를 만드는 것에 목적을 두었다. 조사 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 방한 아시아여성 관광객의 ‘한국 상징 디자인’ 선호도는 평균 24%(동남아 28%, 중국 26%, 일본 17%)로 ‘기타지역 여성 평균’ 41%보다 낮게 나타났다. 2. ‘한국화 기법 디자인’ 선호도 또한 평균 32%(일본 40%, 중국 30%, 동남아 28%)로 ‘기타지역 여성 평균’ 62%보다 낮게 나타났다. 3. ‘한국 상징 디자인 별’ 선호도는 ‘남산’ 36%, ‘숭례문’ 20%, ‘한글’ 17% 순으로 나타났다. 조사결과에 나타난 디자인 별 선호도로 볼 때 방한 아시아여성 관광객의 취향에 적합한 디자인이 필요함을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 지표 결과, 방한 관광객의 기존 상품에 대한 구체적 자료를 토대로 한 세부적 선호도 분석 자료는 앞으로 문화 관광기념품의 기획과 제작에서 보다 구매가치가 높고 매력적인 상품기획에 유용한 지표로서 의미를 지닐 수 있을 것으로 기대하고 있다.
본 연구는 동북아 크루즈관광시장의 성장에 따라 최근 급증하고 있는 국내 기항 크루즈상품 이용자의 관광만족도 분석을 통하여 국내 크루즈항만도시의 관광경쟁력 제고방안을 마련하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 2012년 크루즈관광객 실태조사 결과를 토대로 방한 크루즈관광객을 중국어권, 일어권, 영어권으로 구분하여 관광만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하였다. 연구결과, 각 언어권별로 관광지 일정, 출입국 절차, 교통, 쇼핑 등에서 관광만족도에 차이가 있는 것으로 나타나 향후 크루즈 항만도시별 마케팅 전략 수립에도 이러한 특성의 반영이 필요한 것으로 분석되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 크루즈 관광객 유치증진 및 크루즈항만 활성화를 위한 관광마케팅 전략 수립과 더불어 크루즈관광산업 육성정책 마련에 유용한 정보를 제공한다는 측면에서 큰 의의가 있다.