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      검색결과 54

      2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      This study focuses on the path planning algorithm for large-scale autonomous delivery using drones and robots in urban environments. When generating delivery routes in urban environments, it is essential that avoid obstacles such as buildings, parking lots, or any other obstacles that could cause property damage. A commonly used method for obstacle avoidance is the grid-based A* algorithm. However, in large-scale urban environments, it is not feasible to set the resolution of the grid too high. If the grid cells are not sufficiently small during path planning, inefficient paths might be generated when avoiding obstacles, and smaller obstacles might be overlooked. To solve these issues, this study proposes a method that initially creates a low-resolution wide-area grid and then progressively reduces the grid cell size in areas containing registered obstacles to maintain real-time efficiency in generating paths. To implement this, obstacles in the operational area must first be registered on the map. When obstacle information is updated, the cells containing obstacles are processed as a primary subdivision, and cells closer to the obstacles are processed as a secondary subdivision. This approach is validated in a simulation environment and compared with the previous research according to the computing time and the path distance.
      2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      In supply chain, most partners except the top level suppliers have inbound and outbound logistics. For example, toll manufacturing companies get unprocessed materials from a requesting company and send the processed materials back to the company after toll processing. Accordingly, those companies have inbound and outbound transportation costs in their total logistics costs. For many cases, the company may make the schedule of distributions by considering only the due delivery dates. However, the inbound and outbound transportation costs could significantly affect the total logistics costs. Thus, this paper considers the inbound and outbound transportation costs to find the optimal distribution plans. In addition, we have considered the inventory holding costs as well with transportation costs. From the experimental results, we have provided the optimal strategies for the distributions of replenishment as well as deliveries.
      2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      This study was conducted to determine seafood product quality change in the fresh food cold chain logistics. Salmon was stored in three different simulated refrigerated distribution environments according to door opening time (0, 20, and 60 s) every 10 min before the samples’ qualities were evaluated. The temperature inside the refrigerator generally rose from the bottom to the top, and it was possible to confirm the rapid change in temperature in the order of A, B, and C as the door opening time increased. It was observed that the freshness of salmon decreased as the door opening time increased through the evaluation of various food qualities of salmon, such as its appearance, color, pH, VBN, moisture content, hardness, general bacteria, and E. coli bacteria. It was confirmed that fresh food quality is strongly associated with delivery temperature, while cold-chain delivery vehicles must reduce heat exposure time during delivery.
      2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      This study focuses on the development of a Last-Mile delivery service using unmanned vehicles to deliver goods directly to the end consumer utilizing drones to perform autonomous delivery missions and an image-based precision landing algorithm for handoff to a robot in an intermediate facility. As the logistics market continues to grow rapidly, parcel volumes increase exponentially each year. However, due to low delivery fees, the workload of delivery personnel is increasing, resulting in a decrease in the quality of delivery services. To address this issue, the research team conducted a study on a Last-Mile delivery service using unmanned vehicles and conducted research on the necessary technologies for drone-based goods transportation in this paper. The flight scenario begins with the drone carrying the goods from a pickup location to the rooftop of a building where the final delivery destination is located. There is a handoff facility on the rooftop of the building, and a marker on the roof must be accurately landed upon. The mission is complete once the goods are delivered and the drone returns to its original location. The research team developed a mission planning algorithm to perform the above scenario automatically and constructed an algorithm to recognize the marker through a camera sensor and achieve a precision landing. The performance of the developed system has been verified through multiple trial operations within ETRI.
      2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      Recently, unmanned logistics delivery systems, such as UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, written as drone below) and autonomous robot delivery systems, have been implemented in many countries due to the rapid development of autonomous driving technology. The development of these new types of advanced unmanned logistics delivery systems is essential not only to become a leading logistics company but also to secure national competitiveness. In this paper, the application of the unmanned logistics delivery system was investigated in terms of market trends, overall technology level of last mile delivery drone and autonomous delivery robot. The direction of response to changes in the last mile delivery service market was checked through a comparison of the technological level between domestic companies that produce last mile devices and advanced foreign companies. As a result of this technology level analysis, the difference between domestic companies and advanced companies was shown using tables and figures to show their relative levels. The results of this analysis reflect the opinions of experts in the field of last-mile delivery technology. In addition, the technology level of unmanned logistics delivery systems for each country was analyzed based on the number of related technology patents. Lastly, insights for the technology level analysis of unmanned last mile delivery systems were proposed as a conclusion.
      2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      Many manufacturers applying third party logistics (3PLs) have some challenges to increase their logistics efficiency. This study introduces an effort to estimate the weight of the delivery trucks provided by 3PL providers, which allows the manufacturer to package and load products in trailers in advance to reduce delivery time. The accuracy of the weigh estimation is more important due to the total weight regulation. This study uses not only the data from the company but also many general prediction variables such as weather, oil prices and population of destinations. In addition, operational statistics variables are developed to indicate the availabilities of the trucks in a specific weight category for each 3PL provider. The prediction model using XGBoost regressor and permutation feature importance method provides highly acceptable performance with MAPE of 2.785% and shows the effectiveness of the developed operational statistics variables.
      2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      This paper considers a joint problem for blood inventory planning at hospitals and blood delivery planning from blood centers to hospitals, in order to alleviate the blood service imbalance between big and small hospitals being occurred in practice. The joint problem is to determine delivery timing, delivery quantity, delivery means such as medical drones and legacy blood vehicles, and inventory level to minimize inventory and delivery costs while satisfying hospitals’ blood demand over a planning horizon. This problem is formulated as a mixed integer programming model by considering practical constraints such as blood lifespan and drone specification. To solve the problem, this paper employs a Lagrangian relaxation technique and suggests a time efficient Lagrangian heuristic algorithm. The performance of the suggested heuristic is evaluated by conducting computational experiments on randomly-generated problem instances, which are generated by mimicking the real data of Korean Red Cross in Seoul and other reliable sources. The results of computational experiments show that the suggested heuristic obtains near-optimal solutions in a shorter amount of time. In addition, we discuss the effect of changes in the length of blood lifespan, the number of planning periods, the number of hospitals, and drone specifications on the performance of the suggested Lagrangian heuristic.
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