연구에서 나노 알루미나와 마그네지아의 첨가에 의한 304 스테인레스 스틸에 170 ℃ 2시간 열 경화시켰다. 레이저유도 분광학에 의한 코팅된 시료를 전하결합 장치와 SEM을 활용한 장치를 설계 하여 시험 측정하였다. 이 결과 나노 알루미나와 마그네지아가 함유된 세라믹 코팅이 나노 무기화합물이 함유되지 않은 시료보다 부착성, 내스크래치성이 우수하였으며, 또한 산용액속에서 시료의 질량감소의 변화가 매우 작았다. 그리하여 본 연구는 304 스테인레스 스틸의 내부식성을 개선하기 위해 시료가 코 팅되었으며, 분석공정이 설계되어 고분해능 CCD와 함께 분석되었다. 요즈음, 스테인레스 스틸의 코팅은 산업에 특이응용이 발전됨에 따라 위생학, 우주항공, 기기장치, 관측 등의 분야 등에 산업적 요구가 증 가되고 있다.
Chrysene 및 Pyrene 유도체를 합성하였고, 열적 안정성은 phenanthrene기를 도입한 BC6이 mp: 406oC 이었다. 용액상태에서 Host-Dopant 시스템으로 각각의 분광특성을 측정하여 NP5-BC1, NP5-BC5 system이 우수한 결과를 얻을 수 있었고, 이들의 밴드갭은 3.04, 2.66, 2.67eV 이었다.
In this study, optical emission spectroscopy was used to monitor the plasma produced during the RF magnetron sputtering of a BaTiO3 target. The intensities of chemical species were measured by real time monitoring with various discharge parameters such as RF power, pressure, and discharge gas. The emission lines of elemental and ionized species from BaTiO3 and Ti targets were analyzed to evaluate the film composition and the optimized growth conditions for BaTiO3 films. The emissions from Ar(I, II), Ba(I, II) and Ti(I) were found during sputtering of the BaTiO3 target in Ar atmosphere. With increasing RF power, all the line intensities increased because the electron density increased with increasing RF power. When the Ar pressure increased, the Ba(II) and Ti(I) line intensity increased, but the Ar+ line intensity decreased with increasing pressure. This result shows that high pressure is of greater benefit for the ionization of Ba than for that of Ar. Oxygen depressed the intensity of the plasma more than Ar did. When the Ar/O2 ratio decreased, the intensity of Ba decreased more sharply than that of Ti. This result indicates that the plasma composition strongly depends on the discharge gas atmosphere. When the oxygen increased, the Ba/Ti ratio and the thickness of the films decreased. The emission spectra showed consistent variation with applied power to the Ti target during co-sputtering of the BaTiO3 and Ti targets. The co-sputtered films showed a Ba/Ti ratio of 1.05 to 0.73 with applied power to the Ti target. The films with different Ba/Ti ratios showed changes in grain size. Ti excess films annealed at 600˚C did not show the second phase such as BaTi2O5 and TiO2.
The compound of 2,6-Bis[(9-phenylcarbazolyl)ethenyl]naphthalene (BPCEN-1), 2-[6-1-Cyano-2-(9-phenylcarbazoly)vinylnaphthyl]-3-(9-phenylcarbazolyl)acrylonitrile (BPCEN-2), 2,6-Bis[4-(1-naphthy l)phenylamino styrenyl] naphthalene (BNPASN-1), 2-[6-1-Cyano-2-(naphthylphenylaminophenyl) vinylnaphthyl]-3-(naphthylphenylaminophenyl)acrylonitrile (BNPASN-2) was analyzed electrochemically and spectroscopically and can be obtained by bonding phenylcarbazolyl, naphthylphenylaminophenyl and -CN ligands to 2,7-naphthalene. The electrochemical and spectroscopic study resulted in the P-type (BPCEN-1, BNPASN-1) being changed to N-type (BPCEN-2, BNPASN-2) according to -CN bonding despite having the same structure. The value of band gap(Eg) was revealed to be small as HOMO had shifted higher and LUMO lower. The Eg value for naphthylphenylaminophenyl ligand was reduced because it has a smaller HOMO/LUMO value than that of phenylcarbazolyl from a structural perspective. The electrochemical HOMO/LUMO values for BPCEN-1, BPCEN-2, BNPASN-1, BNPASN-2 were measured to be 5.55eV / 2.83eV, 5.73eV / 3.06eV, 5.48eV / 2.78eV, and 5.53eV / 2.98eV, respectively. By -CN ligand, the UV max, Eg and PL max were shifted to longer wavelength in their spectra and the luminescence band could be also confirmed to be broad in the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum.
The benzophenone derivatives(4-CH3O-4'-NO2 and 3,4'-di-NO2) are synthesized by the Fridel-Craft acylation and the nitration method. Electrochemical redox potentials of the benzophenone derivatives (4-CH3O, H, 3-Cl, 3-NO2, 4-NO2, 4-CH3O-4'-NO2, 3,4'-di-NO2) are measured by using cyclic voltammometry. In the relationship of summing Hammett value and redox potential, we find a proportional constant(σ) that shows a good relation with an electrochemical property and a reactivity of the benzophenone derivatives. The benzophenone substituted with the electron donating groups(4-OCH3 and 4-OCH3-4'-NO2) are higher the energy in the LUMO level, then increasing a band-gap energy(Eg), their Egs are obtained as a 3.94 eV and 3.59 eV, respectively.
질산, 불산 및 과염소산을 사용하여 플루토늄 옥사이드 을 녹여 Pu 기준용액을 제조한후 UV-Visible-Near IR 분광기를 이용하여 Pu 흡수 스펙트럼 특성을 관찰하였다. 산성, 중성 및 알칼리 매질에서 Pu(III), Pu(IV) 및 Pu(VI)에 대한 분광학적 특성을 조사하였다. 또한 알칼리 및 산 농도 증가에 따른 Pu(VI) 흡수 스펙트럼에 대한 특성 피크 세기 및 위치를 관찰하였다. 염산 및 수산화나트륨 매질에서 환원제 첨가에 따른 Pu(VI) 산화수 변화를 측정하였다.