
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 17

        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ui-Gum-Bu(義禁府) is regarded as a key organization that reflects the power of the royal authority, mainly because it directly obeys the king’s command and retains the power to punish or pardon government officials for severe crimes such as treason or significant breach of Confucian ethics. For this reason, Ui-Gum-Bu held a higher place in the organizational hierarchy of the government than other similar offices such as Hyung-J o(刑 曹), Sa-Heon-Bu(司憲府) and Po-Do-Cheong(捕盜廳). This characteristic of Ui-Gum-Bu is also evident in the architectural style and composition of the office building. The figures of the Ui-Gum-Bu office is depicted in detail in the paintings listed in Gum-Oh-Gye-Cheop(金吾契帖, a record of Ui-Gum-Bu office meetings, and descriptions in the code book Gum-Oh-Hun-Rog(金吾契帖), both written in 18th century. The purpose of this study is to reveal the overall transition process of the Ui-Gum-Bu office building from the beginning until its demolition in the early 20th century. Based on research materials of 18th century, its architectural composition and characteristics will be dealt in detail.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The former administration office building of Kyeong-seong-bu(京城府) was a building converted from the Japanese residency-general's of Kyeong-seong(京城理事廳) which was originally built as the Japanese consulate in J oseon(日本領事館). It was too worn and too small as a Kyeong-seong-bu administration office even with several annexes. Kyeong-seong-bu tried to build a new big administration office building at the vacant north side of the same site, which was closely faced to the rotary in front of the Bank of J oseon(朝鮮銀行前廣場). But this trial was ended in vain due to insufficient budget. Therefore Kyeong-seong-bu built a new administration office building in another site and moved to it in 1926 with debts. For paying for the debts Kyeong-seong-bu sold the former site after partitioning with new roads through it. As a result the nature of the former site and its surroundings was changed. This study traces the changes and inquires how the authorities in the colonial J oseon and various commercial powers of Kyeong-seong-bu behaved for their own interests in the meantime. It makes use of the historical records and documentary literatures between early 1910s and early 1930s.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In 1961, the Republic of Korea’s first newly-constructed government building was completed. The government building, as ROK office, was erected as a twin with the USOM office in Sejong-ro. The reason why the ROK office and the USOM office were erected as a twin building is that the two offices were part of Foreign Operation Administration’s Seoul Buildings Project in 1954. Within the project, the FOA office and the ROK office were rarely separated, and naturally, the ROK office was built according to the US standards. The planning, design, and construction phases which led by the US government were involved in the US architecture, engineering-construction companies. Because those AEC companies were familiar with the US technology and standards. In the phase of construction, Korean companies took part in the process under the supervise of Vinnell Corporation. The US expected to transfer its ‘modern’ and ‘developed’ technology through this process. The completed ROK office was widely known as the ‘modern style (hyundae-sik)’ building, which was body forth as glasses and new facilities. These factors were what the US emphasized for exporting architecture. The modifier, ‘modern style (hyundae-sik)’, given to the ROK office in the 1950s was a synonym for any new feeling that had never been seen hitherto. The newness of the ROK office, the ‘modern style (hyundae-sik)’ building, was specified as materials and facilities that indicates modern technology while in the absence of adequate knowledge.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the site and erection of the Government Complex Seoul which was a project attempted to assemble dispersed government buildings in a certain place. The study focuses on the fact that the project is situated between the 1960s’ making of capital Seoul and Seoul urban planning, and the way how the project achieved symbolism in capital Seoul. The project, one of the 1960s’ Major Government Buildings, led both plan of capital Seoul and transforming city Seoul. The 1960s’ Major Government Building Plan had identical drive with the 1950’s Major Government Building Plan, however the 1960s’ had additional layer: Seoul urban planning. After restoration of the Capital building, Sejongro the capital street was planned to the site arranging government offices. The Government Complex Seoul was set to be a modern building on a site with historical context according to the plan. Because of the site, the Government Complex Seoul was constructed in aware of other buildings that represented a competitive high-rise atmosphere in the late 1960s, including the Capital building nearby. PAE International’s plan was completed through a series of design modification, and it boasted a vertical aspect, unlike the horizontal-looking plan that was already won after the design competition. The Government Complex Seoul tried to acquire the symbolism in the central space of the capital Seoul and high-rised city Seoul. “The new construction method” was a requirement to achieve the height.
        2012.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recent projects for transferring Public Office buildings and estimation of appropriate construction expense are highly important for both government and construction firms. Moreover, estimation and management of construction expense can be regarded as extremely important duties for effective execution of a national budget as nation’s finance is invested in the Public office building projects progressed by the government. To progress one project for Public office building, not only the organization demanding the project but also an investment screening organization, a budget-managing organization, a feasibility assessment institution and many other related organizations participate in the project and a lot of decisions arisen from the project operation are made on the basis of construction expenses calculated for relevant stages. And estimation of rational construction expense is also critical for designers in order to create design within the fixed budget simultaneously with securing the quality and efficiency of structures to the maximum. Therefore this research suggested an improvement process to analyze problems in current construction expense management process and to administer the construction expenses effectively.
        2009.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the symbolic meaning of pattern designs attached on the main building of Chungcheongnam-do Provincial Government (CPG). While most of researches mainly focused on the value and evaulation of the CPG building in terms of architectural history, relatively little insight has been gained on the symbolic meaning and nature of the pattern designs. What kind of connections are related between the emblem of Governor-General of Chosun(Korea) and those of CPG? What symbolic meanings are engraved on the pattern designs? The researcher then took up the task of elucidating symbolic meanings of patterns and their relation to the building. The existing pattern on the outer wall of the CPG building consists of the symbol of sun(太陽輪), mums(菊花輪), and angle of stairs(雁木角). According to the Japanese studies of emblems, these visual elements symbolize ‘the sun of Japan’((日の丸) or ‘the emperor’, ‘the royal family’, and ‘rays of the sun’. Based on these preliminary findings, the researcher considered the following in-depth connections: (1) relations with the emblem of Governor-General of Chosun, (2) relations with the emblems of local autonomous entity, Kyoungsung in Chosun. (3) relations with the emblem designs of the local provinces in Japan etc. In conclusion, patterns of the main building were not just an architectural decoration, but they had significant meanings utilizing design elements and methods adopted by local autonomous entities in Japan. The patterns found at the ceilling and floor of hall in the CPG building were associated with the emblem of Governor-General of Chosun. Therefore, all the patterns of the CPG building are powerful symbols that have meanings for the colonial rule by using the shape and method of city identities that Japanese local provinces had enacted. That is, it came out into the open that they were designed for special meanings that Korean and Japanese are united as a single body(內鮮一體) for a subject of the Emperor of Japan(皇國臣民).
        2009.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A prediction of construction cost in preparation for construction document is calculated in compliance with the unit cost in Public construction of korea. This eventually means that the reasonable construction cost of a building can't be determined before construction document phase cost of construction is settled and that the cost of construction is calculated inefficiently because of connection failing between cost management of detailed estimation and information. To improve those problems, therefore, Cost estimating model of structural building elements with approximate quantity survey method is suggested in this research. The model predict the amount of materials and the cost of construction on the basis of historical similar cases. In the direction of data analysis of this research, ratio statistics value is put to practical use to fit into the peculiarities of approximate estimate of each work trade on the basis of actual data amount of materials of historical cases. In addition, the construction phase is connected through the result of a approximate estimate sorted by elements, details work trade.
        2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        When managers predict exact construction cost at early stage and design phase, they can reduce construction cost in a more efficient way than to predict at construction stage. But present of public construction cost estimation and management almost after the construction documents design phase. Therefore, construction cost management in the early stage and schematic design phase to generally use approximate estimating is not correct. Accordingly, this study analyze problem of current cost estimating method and a concrete cost plans make using case information of actual cost to analyze in schematic design phase. Possible to check going on the suitable design, this study conducts the preliminary research for the development of cost estimating model.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        현대 건축은 복잡하고 이질적인 경향들과 요소들의 공존 안에서 발전해 오고 있는데, 비 물질화와 디지털 미디어 기술의 만남으로 인해 현대 건축에서는 피막으로서 표피에 관심이 더욱 집중되고 있고, 표피디자인에 관한 다양한 시도들이 진행되면서 건축표피 디자인에 관한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 최근 각 지방자치단체들은 공공건축 디자인이 도시 이미지나 생활공간의 질, 나아가 도시 경쟁력을 높이기 위한 중요한 요소라는 점을 인식해 관련법을 정비하고 새롭게 만드는데 많은 관심과 노력을 기울이고 있으며, 그 범주 안에 공공청사의 표피디자인도 포함된다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 도시 이미지 향상에 중요한 요소로 평가되고 있는 공공청사의 표피디자인에 관해 연구를 진행하였다. 연구의 방법으로는 문헌조사와 사례조사로 이루어지며, 특히 사례조사에서 분석방법을 건축 표피디자인의 구성요소인 형태, 장식, 재료, 패턴, 색채 5가지로 나누어 특성을 분석하고 경향별로 세분화 하여 표피디자인 구성요소를 분석 하였다. 공공청사 사례분석 결과 표피디자인은 도시와 건축, 도시민과 소통의 매개체로서 도시의 이미지와 브랜드를 형성하고, 향상시키는데 중요한 역할을 한다고 할 수 있다.