서울시 경동시장 및 인근 대형마트에서 유통 중인 건조 수산물 150여 건을 시료로, ICP-MS를 이용하여 규격 미설정 중금속인 비소, 크롬, 니켈에 의한 오염도를 확인하고 그에 따른 위해도를 분석하였다. 크롬과 니켈은 검출량 및 위해도 분석 결과, 유의할 만한 결과를 확인할 수 없었다. 비소 검출량의 경우 건조어류 1.76±1.36 (0.00- 7.34), 건조연체류 3.38±2.42 (0.06-7.89), 건조해조류 1.99±1.33 (0.28-5.97), 건조갑각류 6.62±2.50 (3.30-13.57) ppm으로, 현재 건조 농산물 일부 및 한약재에서의 3 ppm 이하 규정을 간접적으로 적용했을 때, 건조갑각류는 분석에 사용된 시료 21건 모두 기준 이상으로 검출되었고, 건조연체류는 총 20건 중 50%에 해당하는 10건이 기준 이상, 건조 어류는 총 108건 중 15건(13.9%)이 기준 초과, 건조 해조류는 35건 중 6건(17.1%)의 시료가 기준을 초과 한 결과를 보였다. 시료 건수에 따른 한계에도 불구하고, 위 결과를 통해 각 품목별 및 세부 품목별 미 규격 중금속 오염에 대한 지속적인 자료 축적과 규격 설정의 필요성을 확인할 수 있었다. 비록 %PTWI 분석 결과 아직은 안전한 것으로 확인되었지만, 중금속은 여러 경로로 인체 내로 유입되며 위해도는 총합으로써 평가해야 하므로, 해양 및 수산물의 오염으로 인한 건강 위해 가능성에 대한 확인은 다각적인 연구와 검토가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
In the automotive industry, the platinum titanium anodes (Pt/Ti anode) play a significant role in electroplating of chromium coating on the vehicle’s shock absorber piston rod. In this paper, the structure of Pt/Ti anode was designed to obtain high quality and save time for the electroplating process. The structure of anode was designed in 2D & 3D modeling and analyzed by CATIA and ABAQUS program, respectively. The structural modeling of the anode was analyzed and carried out using a finite element method (FEM) by applied various loads. The manufacture anodes were installed in an electroplating bath in order to test the efficiency of chromium coating on shock absorber piston rod and safety of anode structure. The results presented indicate that the structural analysis is safe after applied loads due to the allowable stress is higher than the maximum equivalent stress about 4 times, and the chromium coating test obtained high-efficiency results.
Heavy metals resulted from the increase of human industrial activity are introduced into the environment through rainfall and wastewater, and have harmful effects on inhabitants. In this study, we investigated biological responses such as survival rate, growth rate, emergence rate and sex ratio, and morphological effects of mentum deformity in Chironomus plumosus, an indicator organism to evaluate pollutions on aquatic ecosystem. The survival rate of C. plumosus showed time- and dose-dependent decrease after chromium and copper exposures. Growth rate decreased at 4th day after chromium exposure and significantly reduced at exposure to relatively high concentration (copper 1000 mg L-1) for all exposure times. In addition, we observed that the emergence rate by exposure to copper 1000 mg L-1 was significantly lower than that of the control group. The imbalance of sex ratios showed at relatively low concentrations (chromium 10 and 50 mg L-1) with the high proportion of female and at the relative high concentration (copper 1000 mg L-1) with the high proportion of male. Furthermore, the morphological mentum deformities of C. plumosus observed in the exposed group according to chromium and copper exposure. These results suggest that the heavy metal exposure in environment may influence biosynthetic and morphological stresses of benthic invertebrate C. plumosus, and aquatic midge C. plumosus are potential indicators for toxicity assessment of heavy metals such as chromium and copper.
This study investigates the microstructural properties of CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy (HEA) oxynitride thin film. The HEA oxynitride thin film is grown by the magnetron sputtering method using nitrogen and oxygen gases. The grown CoCrFeMnNi HEA film shows a microstructure with nanocrystalline regions of 5~20 nm in the amorphous region, which is confirmed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM). From the TEM electron diffraction pattern analysis crystal structure is determined to be a face centered cubic (FCC) structure with a lattice constant of 0.491 nm, which is larger than that of CoCrFeMnNi HEA. The HEA oxynitride film shows a single phase in which constituting elements are distributed homogeneously as confirmed by element mapping using a Cs-corrected scanning TEM (STEM). Mechanical properties of the CoCrFeMnNi HEA oxynitride thin film are addressed by a nano indentation method, and a hardness of 8.13 GPa and a Young’s modulus of 157.3 GPa are obtained. The observed high hardness value is thought to be the result of hardening due to the nanocrystalline microstructure.
For diamond/metal composites it is better to use diamond particles coated with metal carbide because of improved wettability between the diamond particles and the matrix. In this study, the coating of diamond particles with a chromium carbide layer is investigated. On heating diamond and chromium powders at 800~900 oC in molten salts of LiCl, KCl, CaCl2, the diamond particles are coated with Cr7C3. The surfaces of the diamond powders are analyzed using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The average thickness of the Cr7C3 coating layers is calculated from the result of the particle size analysis. By using the molten salt method, the Cr7C3 coating layer is uniformly formed on the diamond particles at a relatively low temperature at which the graphitization of the diamond particles is avoided. Treatment temperatures are lower than those in the previously proposed methods. The coated layer is thickened with an increase in heating temperature up to 900 oC. The coating reaction of the diamond particles with chromium carbide is much more rapid in LiCl-KCl-CaCl2 molten salts than with the molten salts of KCl-CaCl2.
Crystal structure of the L12 type (Al,X)3Ti alloy (X = Cr,Cu) is analyzed by X-ray diffractometry and the nonuniform strain behavior at high temperature is investigated. The lattice constants for the L12 type (Al,X)3Ti alloys decrease in the order of the atomic number of the substituted atom X, and the hardness tends to increase. In a compressive test at around 473K for Al67.5Ti25Cr7.5, Al65Ti25Cr10 and Al62.5Ti25Cu12.5 alloys, it is found that the stress-strain curves showed serration, and deformation rate dependence appeared. It is assumed that the generation of serration is due to dynamic strain aging caused by the diffusion of solute atoms. As a result, activation energy of 60-95 kJ/mol is obtained. This process does not require direct involvement. In order to investigate the generation of serrations in detail, compression tests are carried out under various conditions. As a result, in the strain rate range of this experiment, serration is found to occur after 470K at a certain critical strain. The critical strain increases as the strain rate increases at constant temperature, and the critical strain tends to decrease as temperature rises under constant strain rate. This tendency is common to all alloys produced. In the case of this alloy system, the serration at around 473K corresponds to the case in which the dislocation velocity is faster than the diffusion rate of interstitial solute atoms at low temperature.
본 연구는 넙치 치어 (평균 체장 13.3±1.6 cm, 평균 체중 25.6±3.7 g)를 수중 6가크롬에 10일간 0, 0.5,1.0, 2.0 mg L-1 의 농도로 노출시켜 독성영향 판단하기 위해 수행되었다. 넙치 hemoglobin과 hematocrit와 같은 혈액학적 성상은 수중 크롬노출에 의해 유의적으로 감소하였다. 혈장 무기성분인 calcium과 magnesium은 크롬노출에 의해 유의적인 변화는 나타나지 않았다. 혈장 무기성분인 glucose와 cholesterol과 같은 1.0 mg L-1 이상의 크롬노출에 의해 유의적으로 증가하였지만, total protein은 유의적인 변화는 나타나지 않았다. 혈장 효소성분인 AST, ALT, ALP는 크롬노출에 의해 유의적인 증가가 나타났다. 본 실험의 결과는 수중 크롬노출은 넙치의 혈액 및 혈장성분에 유의적인 변화를 유발하며, 이러한 지표 의 변화는 수중 크롬노출의 독성영향을 판단하는 주요한 지표가 될 것이다.
Fe-Si-Cr ferroalloy is predominantly produced by carbothermic reduction. In this study, silicothermic and carbothermic mixed reduction of chromite ore to produce Fe-Si-Cr alloy is suggested. As reductants, silicon and silicon carbide are evaluated by thermochemical calculations, which prove that silicon carbide can be applied as a raw material. Considering the critical temperature of the change from the carbide to the metallic form of chromium, thereduction experiments were carried out. In these high temperature reactions, silicon and silicon carbide act as effective reductants to produce Fe-Si-Cr ferroalloy. However, at temperatures lower than the critical temperature, silicon carbide shows a slow reaction rate for reducing chromite ore. For the proper implementation of a commercial process that uses silicon carbide reductants, the operation temperature should be kept above the critical temperature. Using equilibrium calculations for chromite ore reduction with silicon and silicon carbide, the compositions of reacted metal and slag were successfully predicted. Therefore, the mass balance of the silicothermic and carbothermic mixed reduction of chromite ore can be proposed based on the calculations and the experimental results.
Materials design and processing development proposed in this study, aims at contributing to high wear resistant and friction characteristics. To find wear resistant and friction with inner elbow pipe, it is needed hardness and frictional condition test to be capable of supplying with high Cr casting steel. The result of HTV(heat treatment in vacuum) shows that hardness increased with increasing Cr content in % carbide phase. It was about 7∼10% of hardness improvement compared to original casting elbow pipe. This behavior of the hardness of Cr casting steel was explained by the types of chemical bonds that hold atoms together in Cr carbide phase. Through the friction coefficient and wear loss test, with the increasing of Cr wt% reduction in the coefficient of friction and wear loss.
말똥성게 (Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus)의 생식세포 및 pluteus 유생을 이용하여 중금속인 Arsenic (As)와 Chromium (Cr)이 정상 수정률 및 배아 발생률에 미치는 독성 영향을 조사하였다. H. pulcherrimus의 수정률 및 배아 발생률에 미치는 As와 Cr의 독성은 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100 ppb의 농도에서 조사하였다. 0.5 M KCl 용액을 이용하여 방란 및 방정을 유도하였고, 정상 수정률 및 배아발생률은 수정 후 각각 10분 및 64시간째 관찰하였다. As와 Cr을 첨가하지 않은 대조구에서 정상 수정률과 배아 발생률은 각각 94%와 93% 이상을 나타냈다. 이들 중금속 첨가에 의해 수정률은 아무런 변화가 나타나지 않았지만 배아 발생률은 농도 의존적 감소하는 것으로 나타났으며, As의 첨가에 의해 배아 발생률은 6.25 ppb에서 유의적으로 감소하였으며 (P⁄0.01), Cr의 경우는 25 ppb에서 유의적인 감소를 나타냈다 (P⁄0.05). H. pulcherrimus의 정상 배아 발생률에 대한 LOEC는 As의 경우는 6.25 ppb를 Cr은 25 ppb를 나타냈다. 이들 연구결과로 해양생태계 내에서 As가 6.25 ppb, Cr이 25 ppb를 초과하는 농도일 때는 H. pulcherrimus와 같은 무척추동물의 정상부화율은 급격히 감소할 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로, H. pulcherrimus의 정상 배아 발생률을 이용한 생물학적 평가방법은 중금속과 같은 유해물질에 대한 해양생태계의 영향을 판단하기 위한 시험방법으로 유용하게 이용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
One of the trace constituents included in cement clinker, chromium, has become prominent and highly noticed lately as a social issue both inside and outside of this country because it affects the human body negatively. The purpose of the present study was to investigate leaching properties of water-soluble hexavalent chromium by different manufacturing conditions of cement clinker. Raw materials were prepared to add different SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 sources. After the raw materials, such as limestone, sand and clay, iron ore was pulverized and mixed, and the raw meal was burnt at 1450˚C in a furnace with an oxidizing atmosphere. Leaching of soluble hexavalent chromium showed a tendency to decrease with an increasing LSF and IM. However, leaching of soluble hexavalent chromium increased with an increasing S.M. Alkali contents of iron source minerals is closely related to the leaching properties of soluble hexavalent chromium. Green sludge has the highest content of alkali added; leaching of water-soluble hexavalent chromium was mostly high. In order to reduce the water-soluble hexavalent chromium in cement, reducing the alkali content in raw materials is important.
The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal firing condition and composition for Al2TiO5 crystal, which is suitable for stable coloration in glazes at high temperatures, using Cr2O3 as chromophore for the synthesis of Al2TiO5 system pigments. Al2TiO5 has a high refractive index and good solubility of chromophore in the Al2TiO5 lattice, making this structure a good candidate for the development of new ceramic pigments. Pigments were synthesized by using Al2O3 and TiO2 mainly. Various amounts of Cr2O3 such as 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 mole were also added. Each compound was synthesized at 1300˚C, 1400˚C, and 1500˚C for 2 hours and cooled naturally. The crystal structure, solubility limit, and color of the synthesized pigments were analyzed by XRD, SEM, Raman spectroscopy, UV and UV-vis. The changes in color as the result of applying 6 wt% of the synthesized pigments to lime barium glaze were expressed as CIE-L*a*b* values. A Cr2O3 0.03 mole doped Al2TiO5 brown pigment was successfully synthesize at 1400˚C, and the values of CIE-L*a*b* parameters were L* = 44.62, a* = 3.10, and b* = 17.25. In the case of the pigment synthesized at 1500˚C, the brown color was obtained at 0.01 mole and 0.02 mole Cr2O3, and the CIE-L*a*b* values were 55.34, 1.73, 28.64, and 49.39, 0.51, 21.33, respectively. At 1500˚C, the maximum limit of solid solution was 0.03 mole Cr2O3. The glazed sample showed green color, and the values of the CIEL* a*b* parameters were L* = 45.69, a* = -0.98, and b* = 20.38.
Since it was developed by Joseph Aspdin, cement has been a common construction materials up to the present time.However, there are trace constituents in cement clinker. One of the trace constituents included in cement clinker, chromium,has become prominent and highly noticed lately as a social issue both inside and outside of this country because it affects thehuman body negatively. The aim of the present study was to investigate the concentration of water-soluble hexavalent chromiumin cement clinker by using industrial by-products. For that reason, raw materials were prepared to add different SiO2 , Al2O3,and Fe2O3 sources. After the raw materials such as the limestone, the sand and the clay, iron ore was pulverized and mixed,and the raw meal was burnt at about 1450oC in a furnace with an oxidizing atmosphere. The part in the raw materials of theclinker was substituted with slag, sludge, etc. and this was used to manufacturing cement clinker. To investigate the water-soluble hexavalent chromium content in clinker, raw meal was prepared by changing the modulus, the type, and the contentof clinker materials and tested concentrations of hexavalent chromium in the clinkers. To determine Cr+6 formation of theclinker, tests were done with raw meals adding chromium by using different industrial by-products. Consequently because thechromium was to be included in the raw materials of the clinker, production of Portland cement clinker was included with thechromium. Also, the chromium was converted into hexavalent chromium in the burning process.
This study aimed at investigating the gene expression profile in basal ganglia of hexa-valence chromium exposed rat based on cDNA array analysis. For cDNA array, Sprague-Dawley male rats (300 ± 25 g) were administrated with 15 mg/kg B.W/day of potassium dichromate by gavage (0.3 ml) dissolved in saline for 10 days (n=5). For dose-related gene expression analysis, rats were administrated with 0, 1, 5 mg/kg B.W/day of potassium dichromate for 10 days. Control rats were administrated with equal volume of saline (n=5). For cDNA array analysis, RNA samples were extracted from brain tissue and reverse-transcribed in the presence of [α32P]-dATP. Membrane sets of the Atlas array II and Toxicology array kits were hybridized with cDNA probe sets. RT-PCR and Northern blot hybridization methods were employed for validation and assessment of the dose-related gene expression profile, respectively. Among the 2352 cDNAs, 43 genes showed significant (>two-fold) changes in expression. 22 genes were up-regulated and 21 genes were down-regulated in the 15 mg/kg B.W/day hexa-valence chromium treated group than control. According to the Northern blot hybridization analysis, heat shock protein 47, neurodegeneration associated protein 1 and pituitary specific growth factor 1a genes were up-regulated, but Gamma-aminobutyl-acid a1 subunit, neuroligin2, brain calcium-transporting plasma membrane type ATPase genes were down-regulated even in the low-dose of hexa-valence chromium exposed group (1 mg/kg B.W/day) than control. Genes that detected in this study may be closely related to the hexa-valence chromium-induced neurotoxicity in the rat basal ganglia and addition study of these genes can give some more useful information about the neuro-toxic mechanism by hexa-valence chromium.