This study evaluates the potential of various coagulants to enhance the efficiency of total phosphorus removal facilities in a sewage treatment plant. After analyzing the existing water quality conditions of the sewage treatment plant, the coagulant of poly aluminium chloride was experimentally applied to measure its effectiveness. In this process, the use of poly aluminium chloride and polymers in various ratios was explored to identify the optimal combination of coagulants. The experimental results showed that the a coagulants combination demonstrated higher treatment efficiency compared to exclusive use of large amounts of poly aluminium chloride methods. Particularly, the appropriate combination of poly aluminium chloride and polymers played a significant role. The optimal coagulant combination derived from the experiments was applied in a micro flotation method of real sewage treatment plant to evaluate its effectiveness. This study presents a new methodology that can contribute to enhancing the efficiency of sewage treatment processes and reducing environmental pollution. This research is expected to make an important contribution to improving to phosphorus remove efficiency of similar wastewater treatment plant and reducing the ecological impact from using coagulants in the future.
Small hydropower systems have emerged as an attractive solution for areas with low head and flow rates, offering versatility for implementation in diverse locations such as rivers and wastewater treatment plants. This research specifically focuses on exploring the potential of small hydropower generation within wastewater treatment plants. Through the utilization of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis, the study successfully predicted the torque and power generation capacity of the installed turbine. The analysis underscored the effective control of fluid flow achieved through careful turbine design, including considerations of blade shape and quantity. For instance, in the case of the Tancheon wastewater treatment plant, the study revealed the ability to generate a torque of approximately 7000 Nm, translating to an estimated power production of around 48.3 kW per hour. Ultimately, this research significantly contributes to evaluating the feasibility and viability of small hydropower generation within wastewater treatment plants.
자기공명영상(MRI) 장비의 조영제로 흔히 사용되는 가돌리늄(Gd)은 매우 안정된 상태로 하수처리과정에서 거의 제거되지 않고 수환경으로 유입된다고 알려져 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 세 가지의 공법으로 하수처리를 하는 부산 수영 하수처리장에서 채취한 하수 시료의 공정별 용존 희토류 원소의 제거율 및 수환경으로 배출되는 인위적 기원 Gd (Gdanth)의 배출량을 평가하고자 하였다. 용존 희토류 원소는 공정별 처리 단계에 따라 무거운 희토류 원소(Tb-Lu)에 비 해 가벼운 희토류 원소(La-Eu)에서 농도가 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 또한 일부 시료에서 나타난 음의(negative) Sm anomaly (<1)는 생물학적 제거 과정에서 Sm이 입자나 인산염과 흡착되어 함께 제거되었을 가능성을 시사한다. 모든 시 료에서 양의(positive) Gd anomaly (149±50, n=9)를 보였으며, 공정별로 측정된 Gd의 총 농도 중 Gdanth은 약 97% 이 상을 차지하는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 하수처리과정에서 Gdanth 이 거의 제거되지 않고 수영강 하류로 배출된다는 것을 의미한다. 일별 처리용량을 고려하여 각 공정에서 배출되는 Gdanth의 배출량은 259 mmol/day로 추정할 수 있다. 본 연 구의 결과는 하수처리장을 통해 수영만 연안으로 Gdanth이 지속적으로 배출될 것으로 예상되며, 향후 Gd의 중장기적인 관측이 필요함을 시사한다.
The frequent detection and occurrence of micropollutants (MPs) in aquatic ecosystems has raised public health concerns worldwide. In this study, the behavior of 50 MPs was investigated in three different domestic wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Furthermore, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to assess the geographical and seasonal variation of MPs in the WWTPs. The results showed that the concentrations of 43 MPs ranged from less than 0.1 to 237.6 μg L-1, while other seven MPs including 17-ethynylestradiol, 17-estradiol, sulfathiazole, sulfamethazine, clofibric acid, simvastatin, and lovastatin were not detected in all WWTPs. Among the detected MPs, the pharmaceuticals such as metformin, acetaminophen, naproxen, and caffeine were prominent with maximum concentrations of 133.4, 237.6, 71.5, and 107.7 μg L-1, respectively. Most perfluorinated compounds and nitrosamines were found at trace levels of 1.2 to 55.3 ng L-1, while the concentration of corrosion inhibitors, preservatives (parabens), and endocrine disruptors ranged from less than 0.1 to 4310.8 ng L-1. Regardless of the type of biological treatment process such as MLE, A2O, and MBR, the majority of pharmaceuticals (except lincomycin, diclofenac, iopromide, and carbamazepine), parabens (except Methyl paraben), and endocrine disruptors were removed by more than 80%. However, the removal efficiencies of certain MPs such as atrazine, DEET, perfluorinated compounds (except PFHxA), nitrosamines, and corrosion inhibitors were relatively low or their concentration even increased after treatment. The results of statistical analysis reveal that there is no significant geographical difference in the removal efficacy of MPs, but there are temporal seasonal variations in all WWTPs.
본 연구는 점오염원인 하수종말처리장으로부터 배출되는 물의 수질을 분석하고 배출수의 영향을 받는 어류 중 지점들에서 공통적으로 출현하는 어종인 피라미 (Z. platypus) 를 선택하여 조직학적 변화를 참조하천 지점의 수질과 어류 조직을 비교·분석하였다. 2019년 6월 27~28일 하수종 말처리장 4곳 (대전, 전주, 청주, 익산)의 채집 결과, 참조하 천에서 22종 450개체로 가장 많은 종수 및 개체수가 확인 되었다. 지점별로 5개체씩 2~3년생 피라미의 조직표본을 제작하여 아가미와 근육조직 (피부조직)을 관찰한 결과, 참조하천을 제외한 나머지 지점의 조직은 병리적인 양상을 나타내었다. 수질분석 결과, 각 WTP에서는 배출수질 기준을 준수 혹은 더 좋은 수질로 방류하고 있었다. 그러나 하수종말처리수 배출수 및 방류수계 수질에서 오염도지표를 나타내는 항목인 BOD, COD, TP, TN, SS 값이 참조하천에 비해 높은 것으로 나타났다. 빈약한 어류상과 바이오마커로 이용된 종의 조직병리학적 상태는 참조하천에 비해 낮은 수질에서 기인한 것으로 추측되며, 따라서 원인이 되는 하수종말처리장 배출수 수질개선이 이루어져야 할 것으로 사료된다.
In order to determine the location of average concentration and distribution status of dissolved oxygen in the rectangular aeration tank of the sewage treatment plant was analyzed and the difference of dissolved oxygen concentration was remarkable at each location. Compared with the computational fluid dynamics analysis, it was found that the results were consistent with the measurement results by showing the difference of dissolved oxygen concentration between the locations. Based on the measured data, the representative location of dissolved oxygen in aeration tank was selected by using statistical analysis method and the representative location was expressed in three-dimensional coordinates(LWH : 25%, 50%, 33%) from flow direction and left wall. Also the difference between the dissolved oxygen concentration at the actual measurement location and the average concentration value of the entire aeration tank was founded, and the equations for calibrating the automatic measurement data considering the actual measurement location were calculated.
본 사례는 최근 준공된 “구미하수처리장 하수처리수를 이용한 재이용시설”에 대한 것으로 이 시설은 구미하수처리장의 2차 처리수를 원수로, 응집침전시설, 전처리시설, 주처리시설과 재이용수 공급시설로 구성되어 있으며, 설비의 성능 확인을 위한 시운전을 완료하였다. 주처리시설로는 역삼투막(RO Membrane)을 적용하였으며, 하수처리수 내 잔류물질로 인한 역삼투막 성능저하방지와 수요처의 요구수질 충족을 위해 활성탄 주입을 포함한 응집침전공정과 정밀여과막(Micro Filter)을 전처리시설로 구성하였다. 사업 초기단계에 현재 시공된 것과 동일한 공정으로 구성된 Pilot Plant를 건설, 운영하여, 반영된 각 단계별 공정의 적정성과 주요 설계 인자를 확인하였으며, 일부 확인된 개선 사항은 실시설계시 반영하였다.
Two sewage treatment facilities were selected to identify odor emission characteristics, focusing on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and sulfur compounds. The complex odor, 5 kinds of sulfur compounds and 23 kinds of VOCs were analyzed from gas and sludge storages. Hydrogen sulfide was detected in the highest concentration and had the highest odor quotient among the odorous compounds monitored in this study, demonstrating that the contribution of hydrogen sulfide to the complex odor reached up to 90%. For VOCs, the overall contribution to the complex odor was not critical but VOCs can sufficiently trigger an odorous sensation because the sum of the odor quotient reached up to 2.89.
Odor emission factors (OEFs) are important parameters in characterizing odor sources, understanding emission patterns, designing abatement facilities, and providing appropriate control methods. In this study, OEFs for complex odor from grit removal chambers in publicly-owned wastewater treatment plants were determined, and the major operating conditions affecting the emission factors were investigated. In the main study site of “S” wastewater treatment plant, the averaged OEFs from the grit chamber were found to be 466.2, 162.6, and 54.7 OU/m2/min in summer, spring, and winter, respectively. OEFs from two other grit chambers in different wastewater plants were independently measured for comparison, and the values were in the same range as the OEF from S-site at a 95% confidence level. Nevertheless, the OEFs could differ depending on the types of wastewater and the sizes of wastewater treatment plants. Using the multi-variable linear regression method, correlations between OEFs and operating conditions, i.e. activities, from grit chambers were statistically analyzed. The analyses showed that operating conditions, including total suspended solids, water temperature, and temperature difference between water and air, were the most significant parameters affecting the OEF. A linear equation using these three parameters was proposed to estimate the OEF, and can be used to predict an OEF for another grit chamber, without odor measurement.
Modified coagulants were investigated for the removal of phosphorus from secondary effluent of wastewater treatment. The modified coagulants were prepared by mixing alkali earth metal ions such as calcium and magnesium. The basicity of a coagulant influenced on the removal of phosphorus, and coagulants with basicity of 5.9% showed a better removal of total phosphorus than that of 38.5%. Also, coagulants with alkali earth metals enhanced the performance of coagulation by 10% and resulted in 67.1% for total phosphorus removal. Moreover, the removal of suspended solids and chemical oxygen demand was improved using coagulants with low basicity and earth metal ions. Results of this study demonstrated that the use of coagulants with low basicity, and calcium and magnesium ions is recommended to improve wastewater effluent quality.
This study was performed to improve the foaming generated in the effluent of wastewater treatment plant from March 2015 to July 2016. The main cause of foaming was air entrainment by an impinging jet and the internal accumulation by the diffusion barrier. Particularly, the foam growth was most active when there is low tide and larger discharge. To solve this problem, we experimented after installing fine mesh screen and the artificial channel device with underwater discharging outlet in the treated wastewater discharge channel and the outlet, respectively. As a result, the effects of foam reduction by devices ranged 85.0~92.0% and 70.7~85.6%, respectively. In addition, the foam and the noise were easily solved, first of all look to contribute to the prevention of complaints. Our device studies were applied to a single wastewater treatment plant. However, it is considered to be able to apply in other similar cases of domestic sewage treatment plants.
This study was conducted to suggest the cause analysis and mitigation measures of foaming generated in the effluent of wastewater treatment plant. The foam generated in the outlet connected with the tidal river system was identified as structural problems. And the main cause of foaming was air entrainment by an impinging jet and the internal accumulation by the diffusion barrier. In consideration of these conditions, it present the effective ways such as micro-screen and submerged outlet, to mitigate the foaming generated in the water channel and outlet end.
This study has implemented an experiment in which hydrogen sulfide was removed by establishing a two-stage packed tower effector filled with nutritious medium and also filling a tower that was immobilized in ceramic media after isolating and identifying the sulfur oxidizing bacteria from a sewage treatment plant. As a result, strains isolated from the sewage treatment plant were found to be similar, including Bacillus fusiformis, Bacillus anthracis sp., Paenibacillus sp., Serratia marcescens sp., Bacillus thuringiensis. The effector that immobilized isolated strains in the ceramic media achieved an approximately 90% removal rate of hydrogen sulfide, while the sterilized ceramic media not immobilized with isolated strains showed a removal rate of about 65%. In addition, the removal rate of hydrogen sulfide in the primary media packing effector immobilized with sulfur oxidizing bacteria was about 92%, while the secondary effector filled with medium had a hydrogen sulfide removal rate near 100%. In addition, 90% efficiency of removal was shown in conditions of EBCT 60s in the experiment that investigated removal rate of hydrogen sulfide according to residence-time, while the efficiency was rapidly reduced up to 45% in conditions of EBCT 30s. On the other hand, when operating for an extended period time while increasing the concentration of injected hydrogen sulfide, the amount of sulfate was increased from 2 mg/L to 12.7 mg/L, and pH was rapidly reduced to 2.7.
This study has implemented an experiment in which hydrogen sulfide was removed by establishing a two-stage packed tower effector filled with nutritious medium and also filling a tower that was immobilized in ceramic media after isolating and identifying the sulfur oxidizing bacteria from a sewage treatment plant. As a result, strains isolated from the sewage treatment plant were found to be similar, including Bacillus fusiformis, Bacillus anthracis sp., Paenibacillus sp., Serratia marcescens sp., Bacillus thuringiensis. The effector that immobilized isolated strains in the ceramic media achieved an approximately 90% removal rate of hydrogen sulfide, while the sterilized ceramic media not immobilized with isolated strains showed a removal rate of about 65%. In addition, the removal rate of hydrogen sulfide in the primary media packing effector immobilized with sulfur oxidizing bacteria was about 92%, while the secondary effector filled with medium had a hydrogen sulfide removal rate near 100%. In addition, 90% efficiency of removal was shown in conditions of EBCT 60s in the experiment that investigated removal rate of hydrogen sulfide according to residence-time, while the efficiency was rapidly reduced up to 45% in conditions of EBCT 30s. On the other hand, when operating for an extended period time while increasing the concentration of injected hydrogen sulfide, the amount of sulfate was increased from 2 mg/L to 12.7 mg/L, and pH was rapidly reduced to 2.7.
This paper presents PKES(PuKyung -Excel based Simulator) for WWTPs(wastewater treatment plants) by using MS Excel and VBA(Visual Basic for Application). PKES is a user-friendly simulator for the design and optimization of the whole plant including biological and physico-chemical processes for the wastewater and sludge treatment. PKES calculates the performance under steady or dynamic state and allows changing the mathematical model by the user. Mathematical model implemented in PKES is a improved integration model based on ASM2d and ADM1 for simulation of AS(activated sludge) and AD(anaerobic digestion). Gaseous components of N2, N2O, CO2 and CH4 are added for estimation of GHGs(greenhouse gases) emission.The simulation results for comparison between PKES and Aquasim(EAWAG) showed about the same effluent concentrations. As a result of verification using by measured data of BOD, TSS, TN and TP for 2 years of operation, calculated effluent concentrations were similar to measured effluent concentrations. The values of average RMSE(root mean square error) were 1.9, 0.8, 1.6 and 0.2 mg/L for BOD, TSS, TN and TP, respectively. Total GHGs emission of WWTP calculated by PKES was 138.5 ton-CO2/day and GHGs emissions of N2O, CO2 and CH4 were calculated at 21.7, 28.9 and 87.9 ton-CO2/day, respectively. GHGs emission of activated sludge was 32.5 % and that of anaerobic digestion was 67.5 %.