The purpose of this study was to introduce and evaluate a nursing ethics seminar course designed for senior nursing students at a university to address the ethical challenges they faced during clinical practice. The course was offered as an elective and 22 students who had completed various clinical practicums over four semesters participated. The participants led discussions on ethical issues they encountered during their clinical practice. To evaluate the effectiveness of the course, an open-ended survey was conducted at the end of the course. The findings were categorized into three main themes: Individual Growth, Collaborative Opportunities, Suggestions for Improvement. The first category is comprised of ‘Experienced emotional acceptance and relaxation’, ‘Felt comforted and encouraged’, ‘Gained clarity’, and ‘Experienced personal growth’. The second category consists of ‘Self-reflection within a group’, ‘Diverse learning opportunities’, ‘Pleasures of discussion-based learning.’ Third category is comprised of ‘Modifying the lesson structure’ and ‘Optimizing the learning space.’
Division of the risk management, APQA(Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency) is conducting the IRA(Import Risk Assessment) to prevent the introduction of pests when importing foreign agricultural products. In the 2023 IRA, 55 cases of 19 items from 23 countries was analyzed, and fresh avocado(variety: HASS) from the Philippines was concluded in September 2023 and can be imported in accordance with appropriate phytosanitary measures. The main issue in the IRA of fresh avocado fruits from the Philippines was whether HASS variety avocados were host plants of Bactrocera dorsalis. As a result of the risk analysis, B. dorsalis were included in the pest list that needs to be managed by special risk management. As a risk management for B. dorsalis, one trap using methyl-eugenol is installed per 20 ha once a week. After surveying, if the population is more than 2/trap/day, control measures such as adding traps and spraying pesticides are necessary. As equivalence, regionalization, and transparency have been strengthened with the recent entry into force of the mega FTA, a higher level of scientific basis is required. Accordingly, division of the risk management, APQA is working harder to improve its expertise, and we need your cooperation and attention of the IRAs.
Lymphoma, which accounts for 3.5% of all oral cancers, is further divided into Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). NHL accounts for 96% of lymphomas, and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common subtype accounting for 32% of NHL. In the oral cavity, extra-nodal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma may develop in the dentoalveolar region of the maxilla or mandible. It can also mimic inflammatory lesions that occur around periodontal tissues, such as periapical granuloma and chronic osteomyelitis. Misdiagnosis of jaw lymphoma can delay appropriate treatments and worsen the prognosis. Therefore, to avoid delay in diagnosis, clinicians should identify the possible malignancy based on unusual symptoms, clinical findings, radiographic examinations, and histopathological evaluation. We present two cases of DLBCL in the right posterior mandible of a 64-year-old man who was initially misdiagnosed as acute apical abscess and in the right posterior maxilla of an 81-year-old woman who was initially misdiagnosed as chronic periodontitis. These cases demonstrate that it is important for both pathologists and clinicians to consider malignant lesions such as lymphomas in the differential diagnosis of apical radiolucency.
EBV-positive mucocutaneous ulcer (EBVMCU) is an indolent, superficial lymphoproliferative disorder that occurs in either iatrogenic or age-associated immunocompromised patients with latent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. Although EBVMCU is histologically similar with other lymphoproliferative disorders, such as EBV-positive diffuse large B cell lymphoma, the diseases are classified as distinct entities by the World Health Organization with different clinical manifestations, prognosis, and genetic profiles. EBVMCU commonly shows spontaneous regression by conservative management, reduction or cessation of immunosuppressive treatment, but local progression is possible. Complete remission of disease can be achieved with combination of surgical resection, chemotherapy and local radiation therapy. Herein, we report 2 cases of oral superficial lymphoproliferative disorders arising adjacent to the gnathic bone with striking differences in prognosis and bone involvement. One of the cases induced extensive osteomyelitis in the underlying bone. Furthermore, we discussed the differential diagnosis of EBVMCU and reviewed the former literature.
Three different cats who had chronic kidney disease (CKD) were treated for more than one month with fluid therapy in an animal clinic. Although this long-term treatment and hospitalization, there was no clinical improvement in clinical signs as well as serum biochemical indexes including blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (CREA), and phosphate (PHOS). All cases were then injected three times with allogeneic stem cells through an intravenous route for treatment on Day 0, 7, and 14 or 30. On the same day, clinical observation and blood tests for serum biochemistry were conducted together. Upon administrating stem cells to the CKD cats, clinical conditions and the indexes of BUN and CREA were clinically improved within normal ranges. Additionally, one of the cats who had the renal cysts presented clinical improvement with showing decreased cysts size than before.
목적 : 보건의료 분야의 다직종연계교육(InterProfessional Education; IPE)에 대하여 국내에 보고된 문헌을 고찰하고, 작업치료학과가 참여한 일본의 군마대학 교육사례를 제시하는 것이다.
방법 및 결과 : 2019년 12월에 전자데이터 베이스인 KMBASE, Google Scholar, KISTI, RISS와 KoreaMed에서 InterProfessional Education 주제어로 검색하여 국내 학술지에 보고된 자료를 수집하였다. 최종 리뷰에 포함된 16편의 논문 유형은 원저 8편, 종설 8편을 차지하였다. 연구 분야는 의학 7편, 간호학 4편, 약학 2편, 보건의료 공동연구가 3편이였다. IPE에 대한 용어 및 개념, 교육이론 및 방법은 국내외 문헌분석과 사례를 바탕으로 제시하였다. 2010년부터 세계보건기구(World health Organization; WHO)와 IPE 교육모델과 학습 효과를 공유하고, 2013년부터는 WHO 협력센터로 지정된 군마대학 의학부 보건학과의 팀 의료 교육에 대하여 실습교과목 중심으로 교육 목적 및 학습성과 검증에 대하여 소개하였다.
결론 : 국내 작업치료에 처음 소개된 IPE에 대한 연구를 시작으로 작업치료 교육과 임상에서도 참여와 협업에 대한 필요성 인식은 물론, 도입을 고려한 체계적인 연구가 활발하게 논의되었으면 한다.
Complicated crown-root fractures are considered rare occurrences in young permanent dentition; however, they often present complicated and unpredictable treatment options. The most common treatment option for crown-root fractured teeth is reattachment of fractured segment, but if it is thought impossible to maintain, it should be extracted. However, when unfavorable crown-root fracture occurs in the adolescents, extraction of fractured teeth is expected to be poor due to excessive resorption of alveolar and prosthetic replacement cannot be performed immediately, various treatment options should be considered. This report suggests root submergence in the complex crown-root fracture in growing patients is performed and the functional and aesthetic results including preservation of the alveolar bone are obtained.
Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia (FCOD) is benign and exhibits multifocal involvement of tooth-bearing areas of the jaw. Initially, the lesions are radiolucent but become mixed. In late stages, the lesions change into a radiopaque mass with a thin radiolucent rim. Most FCOD cases are asymptomatic, and conservative treatment is recommended. However, surgical intervention is necessary in secondary infected cases. Because of hypovascularity, infected lesions are difficult to manage and do not respond to antibiotic medications. This clinical report describes the treatment of secondary infection of an FCOD lesion with both conservative and surgical interventions.
Since 1995 the special act for safety management of public facilities have been enacted in Korea. Since then undergoing safety accidents great and small, legal system was revised several times for safety promotion. As part of its efforts Korea Infrastructure Safety & Technology Corporation have periodically evaluated the building safety inspection or diagnosis reports based on Special Act for Safety Control of Public Structures and published annual casebook. This study investigates and examines the cases of bad or poor reports until now. This paper aims at reasoning out the technical and institutional improvement plan for error-prone problems when safety inspection of buildings.