In this study, the calorimeter was used to experimentally investigate the cooling characteristics of the variable A/C system according to changes in loading time and outdoor dry bulb temperature. The cooling capacity, COP and compressor discharge temperature were measured while changing the loading time of the compressor. To develop the correlation for compressor discharge temperature, loading time, indoor and outdoor dry bulb temperatures, evaporation and condensation temperatures were considered as operating variables. As the loading time increased, the cooling capacity and COP increased. The cooling capacity increased linearly with the loading time. The COP increased more at low loading times than at high loading times. The change in condensing temperature according to the loading time had a small temperature fluctuation range, and the evaporation temperature decreased linearly. The compressor discharge temperature increased linearly with the loading time and outdoor temperature, and the maximum deviation between the experimental value and the correlation was within about 2℃.
In this study, flow analysis was performed using ANSYS CFX to evaluate the performance of the 30kg hydrogen fuel cell hexa-copter drone in hovering flight. In the case of a hydrogen fuel cell hexa-copter drone, a total of four cooling fans are mounted on the drone's body in two pairs on the left and right to cool the fuel cell module. In order to evaluate the effect of the air flow from the cooling fan on the aerodynamic properties of the hydrogen fuel cell drone as the mounted cooling fan operates, the change in thrust for the case where the cooling fan operates and does not operate was compared and analyzed. Looking at the analysis results, it was found that the presence or absence of the drone's cooling fan had little effect on the drone's thrust through the thrust results for the six wings.
선박용 연료전지 시스템의 스택 온도를 일정하게 유지하기 위한 스택 냉각 시스템은 Close-Loop의 청수 라인과 Open-loop의 해수 라인을 적절하게 조합하여 구성할 수 있다. 청수와 해수의 열 교환량은 스택 냉각 시스템에 설치된 3-way 밸브의 열림 정도로 결 정된다. 냉각 시스템의 청수 라인과 해수 라인 각각의 펌프 토출량과 3-way 밸브의 열림률 관계는 명확하게 규명하기 어려우며, 동시 에 연료전지 스택과 결합 되어 동작하기 때문에 난해한 거동을 보인다. 본 연구에서는 냉각 시스템의 구성 요소들과 연료전지 스택이 결합 되어 동작할 때의 관계를 해석하기 위해 통계적 기법을 적용하였으며 필요 데이터를 확보하기 위해 청수 라인과 해수 라인으로 구성된 30KW 급 PEMFC 시스템을 모델링하고, 다양한 조건으로 시뮬레이션하였다. 펌프의 토출량 변화, 부하 조건의 변동 등의 다양 한 시나리오를 통해 도출된 파라미터들은 3-way 밸브 열림률, 시스템 효율, 동적 응답성 등이며 각각 축 재정의, 정규화 기법 등 통계 적 기법으로 시각화되었다. 따라서 본 연구의 접근 방식을 이용하면, 결합 된 설비들의 관계를 시각적 데이터로 명확하게 확인할 수 있으며, 가동 조건을 변경했을 때의 시스템 효율, 소모전력, 시스템의 정상 작동 여부를 예측할 수 있다. 또한, 이와 같은 방법은 복잡 한 시스템의 특성을 정의하는 기초 연구로서 의미가 있으며 선박의 빅데이터를 처리하는 연구 등으로의 발전 가능성을 확인하였다.
In the present study, a calorimeter was used to experimentally investigate the cooling capacity and COP changes according to the pipe length of a variable capacity A/C system with long pipes. Cooling capacity, COP, and compressor discharge temperature were obtained by changing pipe length and loading duty. And the operation status and cycle change process of the A/C system were investigated using some experimental data and P-h diagrams. In long pipes, the pressure drop increases and the operating load on the compressor increases. Additionally, at the same loading duty, cooling capacity and COP decrease and the compressor discharge temperature increases. As loading duty increases, cooling capacity and compressor power consumption increase. Since the temperature deviation between the experimental value and the correlation equation for the discharge temperature of the long-pipe compressor shows a maximum of 10.5℃(50m, L/D : 20/0), the existing correlation equation needs to be modified.
본 연구는 축산시설 내 설치된 무창기공형 집열기의 배기 방향 및 유량 변화를 통해 벽체에 전달되는 일사를 차단, 이를 통한 냉방효과를 검증하려는 목적의 기초 연구로서 무창기공형 집열기 시험장치를 제작, 배기 유량 변화에 따른 위치별 온도 변화 및 이를 통한 열성능 평가를 수행하였다. 실험 결과, 무창기공형 집열기의 유량조건별 집열판 표면온도는 최고 27.7℃, 배기온도는 최고 약 10.9℃ 온도 차이를 확인하였다. 무창기공형 집열기의 유량조건별 열교환 유효도는 0.48∼0.62, 효율은 30%∼90%의 분포로 나타났다. 집열판 에너지는 유량이 증가함에 따라 감소, 집열기 내부 에너지는 유량이 증가함에 따라 증가하였다. 이를 통해 농업시설 외벽에 설치된 무창기공형 집열기의 여름철 미운용으로 인한 집열판 및 내부 온도상승과 이로 인한 벽체로의 열전달 등 무창기공형 집열기로 인한 역효과를 방지할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 집열기 외부로의 강제 배기를 통해 벽체로 직접 투입되는 일사 차단을 통한 냉방효과 또한 구현할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
In this study, the cooling performance of a variable capacity A/C system was experimentally studied. A psychrometric calorimeter was used to obtain performance data of the A/C system using the pulse width modulation method and compare it with the compressor discharge temperature correlation equation. Cooling capacity, COP, and compressor discharge temperature were obtained by changing indoor and outdoor temperatures, refrigerant amount, and loading duty. The following results were obtained by selecting 5 types of refrigerant amount, 3 types of outdoor temperature (fixed indoor temperature), and 2 types of loading duty. As the outdoor temperature increased, cooling capacity and COP according to outdoor conditions decreased. And the higher the loading duty, the greater the cooling capacity, but the COP was minimal. The change in cooling capacity and COP due to the increase in refrigerant amount was not significant. Additionally, the change in compressor discharge temperature is more influenced by the outside temperature than by the loading duty.
Spent nuclear fuel continues to be generated domestically and abroad, and various studies are actively being conducted for interim dry storage and disposal of spent nuclear fuel. The characteristics vary depending on the type of spent nuclear fuel and the initial specifications, and based on these characteristics, it is essential to estimate the burnup and enrichment of spent nuclear fuel as a nondestructive assay. In particular, it is important to estimate the characteristics of spent nuclear fuel with non-destructive tests because destructive tests cannot be performed on all encapsulated spent nuclear fuel in case of intrusion traces in safeguards. Data is made by measuring spent nuclear fuel directly to evaluate burnup of spent nuclear fuel, but computer simulation research is also important to understand its characteristics because past burnup history is not accurately written, and destructive testing is difficult. In Sweden, the dependency of the burnup history in source strength and mass of light-water reactor-type spent nuclear fuel was evaluated, and this part was also applied to MAGNOX in consideration of the possibility of being used to verify DPRK’s denuclearization. SCALE 6.2 TRITON modeling was performed based on public information on DPRK’s 5 MWe Yongbyon reactor, and the source strength of Nb-95, Zr-95, Ru-106, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141, Ce- 144, Eu-154 nuclides were evaluated. Since the burnup of MAGNOX is lower than that of lightwater reactors, major nuclides in decay heat were not considered. The cooling period was evaluated based on 0, 5, 10, and 20 years. In case the discharge timing was different, the total period of discharge and reloading was the same, and the end-cycle burnup was the same, calculations showed that the source strength emitted from major nuclides was evaluated within 2-3% except for Ru-106 and Ce-144 nuclides. Even the burnup step of nuclear fuel is the same, and the reloaded length after discharge is different, i.e., the cooling period between is different at 5, 10, and 20, the source strength of Nb-95, Zr-95, Ce-144, and Cs-137 was evaluated as an error of 1%. Except for Ru-106 and Ce-144, nuclides are highly dependent on burnup. Compared to the case of light-water reactors, the possibility of a decrease in error needs to be considered later because the specific power is low. As a result, radionuclides in released fuel depend on the effects of burnup, discharged and reloaded period, and a cooling period after release, and research is needed to correct the cooling period within the future burnup history. In addition, in this study, it is necessary to select a scenario -based burnup because the standard burnup due to the statistical treatment of discharged fuels was not considered as conducted in previous studies.
Recently, the International Maritime Organization is strengthening regulations for ships operating in polar regions. Hence, insulated multi-core tubes as components for vessels operating in extreme cold need to be investigated in various aspects. Furthermore, the demand for research on electric propulsion vessels is also increasingly growing. Thus, to utilize a 4-core insulated multi-core tube with glass wool as insulation, which was previously developed for ships operating in polar regions, as a water-cooled electrical cable, this study conducted an experiment on the temperature change when water at normal temperature 25℃ was supplied as a coolant under the overcurrent varied from 10A to 25A. As a result, the temperature increase of the core in 10A condition was 3.3℃, but it increased to 13.05℃ in the 25A condition. This showed that a temperature difference of approximately 9.75℃ occurred according to the overcurrent load. However, the coolant inlet and outlet temperatures were relatively uniform around 1℃ in all conditions. This suggests that increasing the residence time by proper control of the coolant flow in the future could achieve a higher cooling effect.
Spent fuels (SFs) are stored in a storage pool after discharge from nuclear power plants. They can be transferred to for the further processes such as dry storage sites, processing plants, or disposal sites. One of important measures of SF is the burnup. Since the radioactivity of SF is strongly dependent on its burnup, the burnup of SF should be well estimated for the safe management, storage, and final disposal. Published papers about the methodology for the burnup estimation from the known activities of important radioactive sources are somewhat rare. In this study, we analyzed the dependency of the burnup on the important radiation source activities using ORIGEN-ARP, and suggested simple correlations that relate the burnup and the important source activities directly. A burnup estimation equation is suggested for PWR fuels relating burnup with total neutron source intensity (TNSI), initial enrichment, and cooling time. And three burnup estimation equations for major gamma sources, 137Cs, 134Cs, and 154Eu are also suggested.
In this study, a smart bench was developed and researched smart benches that can contribute to user convenience and satisfaction by installing them in parks, bus stops, and tourist attractions in line with the rapidly changing construction of smart cities. The smart bench is automatically operated by the control system according to the external temperature and provides additional functions such as charging, lighting, and advertising to improve general bench functions as well as heating in winter and cooling in summer, making it suitable for smart urbanization. The developed smart bench is designed to be strong enough to withstand loads of about 2,500 N. It minimizes the visible parts such as assembled bolts and 220V power supply wires, It can also give aesthetic effects. The development was carried out with the aim of waterproofing and dustproofing of IP44 grade in accordance with the climate of Republic of Korea, which has four seasons, and it is advantageous for long-term use because the paint was selected for the weather ability (discoloration) grade 3 or higher. If smart bench is commercialized, it is believed that various options can be provided to the smart bench market, where buyers had few product options, as the parts were developed in an assembled type so that all functions can be responded in an optional form according to the installation environment and the buyer's budget.
In the present numerical research, develop a high-efficiency fan model to improve the performance of the cooling fan, which accounts for a lot of weight in the efficiency of the cooling tower. For this purpose, analyze the shape of the existing cooling fan model and use CFD. The main variable set in the analysis of the cooling fan model is the pitch angle, and the range of the pitch angle was investigated in the range of 0° to 20°. The purpose of this research is to select the optimum driving condition by using CFD for setting the pitch angle that depends on the existing experience. The research results showed the best results when the pitch angle range was 15°~18°.
After melting glass at a high temperature of about 1,100 degrees in the Cold Crucible Induction Melter (CCIM) of the vitrification facility, radioactive waste is fed into the CCIM to vitrify radioactive waste. Accordingly, since the metal sector of the CCIM contacts the high-temperature molten glass, cooling water is supplied to continuously cool the metal sector. The cooling system is divided into primary and secondary cooling water systems. The primary cooling water flows inside the metal sector of the CCIM to maintain the metal sector within normal temperature, thereby forming a glass layer between the metal sector and the high-temperature melting glass. The secondary cooling system is a system that cools the primary cooling water that cools the metal sector, and removes heat generated from the primary cooling system. In addition, it is designed to stably supply cooling water to the secondary cooling water system through an emergency cooling water system so that cooling water can be stably supplied to the secondary cooling water system in the event of secondary cooling water loss. Therefore, it is designed to maintain the facility stably in the event of loss of cooling water for the CCIM of the vitrification facility.
Spent nuclear fuel (SNF) characterization is important in terms of nuclear safety and safeguards. Regardless of whether SNF is waste or energy resource, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Specific Safety Guide-15 states that the storage requirements of SNF comply with IAEA General Safety Requirement Part 5 (GSR Part 5) for predisposal management of radioactive waste. GSR Part 5 requires a classifying and characterizing of radioactive waste at various steps of predisposal management. Accordingly, SNF fuel should be stored/handled as accurately characterized in the storage stage before permanent disposal. Appropriate characterization methods must exist to meet the above requirements. The characterization of SNF is basically performed through destructive analysis/non-destructive analysis in addition to the calculation based on the reactor operation history. Burnup, Initial enrichment, and Cooling time (BIC) are the primary identification targets for SNF fuel characterization, and the analysis mainly uses the correlation identified between the BIC set and the other SNF characteristics (e.g., Burnup - neutron emission rate) for characterizing. So further identification of the correlation among SNF characteristics will be the basis for proposing a new analysis method. Therefore, we aimed to simulate a SNF assembly with varying burnup, initial enrichment, and cooling time, then correlate other SNF properties with BIC sets, and identify correlations available for SNF characterization. In this study, the ‘CE 16×16’ type assembly was simulated using the SCALEORIGAMI code by changing the BIC set, and decay heat, radiation emission characteristics, and nuclide inventory of the assembly were calculated. After that, it was analyzed how these characteristics change according to the change in the BIC set. This study is expected to be the basic data for proposing new method for characterizing the SNF assembly of PWR.
The hydride reorientation (HR) of the post-irradiated nuclear fuel cladding after use affects the integrity of the spent nuclear fuel. During the dry storage process, which is an intermediate storage method, it was found that the hydride in the circumferential direction is rearranged into radial hydride, and this is believed to be due to factors such as hoop stress, peak temperature, accumulated hydrogen concentration, and cooling rate during the storage period. f(HR) = f(Tmax) + f(σH) + f(CH) + f(△T) + f(10Cy) + f(cooling rate) + ...... To simulate long-term dry storage of spent nuclear fuel, the hydride reorientation behavior was evaluated using unirradiated Zircaloy-4 (CWSRA) cladding with hydrogen charged under various hoop stresses (70, 80, 90, and 110 MPa) at long-term cooling periods (3, 6, and 12 months). Test results showed that as the cooling time increased, the sample with 90 MPa hoop stress at a maximum temperature of 400°C approached the ductility recommendation limit of 2%. In a 90 MPa hoop stress specimen with 3 months cooling period at peak temperature of 400°C, the offset strain was 4.24% at room temperature RCT, while it showed the result of 2.86% for the cooling period of 12 months. On the other hand, the specimen with hoop stress of 110 MPa and cooling period of 12 months showed result of 1.4%. The test results need to take into account errors in hydrogen charging and hydrogen analysis, and it is necessary to consider reproducibility through repeated tests. These results indicate the need for continued attention to the evaluation of the effects of hydride reorientation due to long-term cooling in the context of the integrity of spent fuel.