In this study, the calorimeter was used to experimentally investigate the cooling characteristics of the variable A/C system according to changes in loading time and outdoor dry bulb temperature. The cooling capacity, COP and compressor discharge temperature were measured while changing the loading time of the compressor. To develop the correlation for compressor discharge temperature, loading time, indoor and outdoor dry bulb temperatures, evaporation and condensation temperatures were considered as operating variables. As the loading time increased, the cooling capacity and COP increased. The cooling capacity increased linearly with the loading time. The COP increased more at low loading times than at high loading times. The change in condensing temperature according to the loading time had a small temperature fluctuation range, and the evaporation temperature decreased linearly. The compressor discharge temperature increased linearly with the loading time and outdoor temperature, and the maximum deviation between the experimental value and the correlation was within about 2℃.
In the present study, a calorimeter was used to experimentally investigate the cooling capacity and COP changes according to the pipe length of a variable capacity A/C system with long pipes. Cooling capacity, COP, and compressor discharge temperature were obtained by changing pipe length and loading duty. And the operation status and cycle change process of the A/C system were investigated using some experimental data and P-h diagrams. In long pipes, the pressure drop increases and the operating load on the compressor increases. Additionally, at the same loading duty, cooling capacity and COP decrease and the compressor discharge temperature increases. As loading duty increases, cooling capacity and compressor power consumption increase. Since the temperature deviation between the experimental value and the correlation equation for the discharge temperature of the long-pipe compressor shows a maximum of 10.5℃(50m, L/D : 20/0), the existing correlation equation needs to be modified.
In this study, the cooling performance of a variable capacity A/C system was experimentally studied. A psychrometric calorimeter was used to obtain performance data of the A/C system using the pulse width modulation method and compare it with the compressor discharge temperature correlation equation. Cooling capacity, COP, and compressor discharge temperature were obtained by changing indoor and outdoor temperatures, refrigerant amount, and loading duty. The following results were obtained by selecting 5 types of refrigerant amount, 3 types of outdoor temperature (fixed indoor temperature), and 2 types of loading duty. As the outdoor temperature increased, cooling capacity and COP according to outdoor conditions decreased. And the higher the loading duty, the greater the cooling capacity, but the COP was minimal. The change in cooling capacity and COP due to the increase in refrigerant amount was not significant. Additionally, the change in compressor discharge temperature is more influenced by the outside temperature than by the loading duty.
In this study, a smart bench was developed and researched smart benches that can contribute to user convenience and satisfaction by installing them in parks, bus stops, and tourist attractions in line with the rapidly changing construction of smart cities. The smart bench is automatically operated by the control system according to the external temperature and provides additional functions such as charging, lighting, and advertising to improve general bench functions as well as heating in winter and cooling in summer, making it suitable for smart urbanization. The developed smart bench is designed to be strong enough to withstand loads of about 2,500 N. It minimizes the visible parts such as assembled bolts and 220V power supply wires, It can also give aesthetic effects. The development was carried out with the aim of waterproofing and dustproofing of IP44 grade in accordance with the climate of Republic of Korea, which has four seasons, and it is advantageous for long-term use because the paint was selected for the weather ability (discoloration) grade 3 or higher. If smart bench is commercialized, it is believed that various options can be provided to the smart bench market, where buyers had few product options, as the parts were developed in an assembled type so that all functions can be responded in an optional form according to the installation environment and the buyer's budget.
After melting glass at a high temperature of about 1,100 degrees in the Cold Crucible Induction Melter (CCIM) of the vitrification facility, radioactive waste is fed into the CCIM to vitrify radioactive waste. Accordingly, since the metal sector of the CCIM contacts the high-temperature molten glass, cooling water is supplied to continuously cool the metal sector. The cooling system is divided into primary and secondary cooling water systems. The primary cooling water flows inside the metal sector of the CCIM to maintain the metal sector within normal temperature, thereby forming a glass layer between the metal sector and the high-temperature melting glass. The secondary cooling system is a system that cools the primary cooling water that cools the metal sector, and removes heat generated from the primary cooling system. In addition, it is designed to stably supply cooling water to the secondary cooling water system through an emergency cooling water system so that cooling water can be stably supplied to the secondary cooling water system in the event of secondary cooling water loss. Therefore, it is designed to maintain the facility stably in the event of loss of cooling water for the CCIM of the vitrification facility.
선박용 엔진에서 배출되는 배기가스에는 다량의 수분과 미세먼지를 포함하고 있다. 미세먼지에는 여과성 미세먼지와 배기 배 출 후 액상으로 변화하는 응축성 미세먼지가 포함되어 있으며 배출 전에 걸러지는 고체상 미세먼지보다 응축성 미세먼지가 더 많은 것으 로 보고되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 배기가스의 배기열과 수분을 회수하고 응축성 미세먼지를 제거하기 위한 실험장치를 실험실 내의 가스 보일러 배기가스를 이용하여 테스트 하였다. 배기가스는 1차적으로 냉각방식으로 수분과 응축성 미세먼지가 제거되고 2차적으로 흡수제 방식에 의해 추가적으로 수분이 제거되었다. 상대습도 측정에 의한 배기가스 수분 제거율을 계산하면 1단계 배기냉각 방식으로 73%, 2단 계 흡수제 방식으로 90% 제거되는 것으로 측정되었다. 이 과정에서 응축성 미세먼지는 80~90% 제거되는 것으로 측정되었다. 개발 시스템 에 의해 회수된 열은 공정열로 활용할 수 있으며, 회수된 물은 수처리 과정을 통해 공정수로 활용할 수 있다. 또한 현재 관리 규제가 되고 있지 않지만 미세먼지의 주요 원인인 응축성 미세먼지를 효과적으로 제거할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
Test of the operating characteristics and energy saving performance of a container cooling system that reduces the operating energy of a refrigeration system using a loop thermosyphon heat exchanger that removes heat by temperature difference between outdoor and indoor was performed. As a result of the experiments, when the loop thermosyphon and the refrigeration system were operated simultaneously, the refrigeration system operated intermittently by reducing the heat load. As the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor increased, the operating time of the refrigeration system decreased and the energy efficiency rate increased. Energy efficiency rate showed a tendency to increase with increasing temperature difference, and the predicted correlation of energy efficiency rate using the performance of the loop thermosyphon heat exchanger and the refrigeration system was relatively consistent with the experimental value.
The efficient nutrient solution cooling system consisting of buffer tank, three-way valve, and heat pump et al. was developed for hydroponics of leafy vegetables at high temperatures period. It was designed in such a way that the buffer tank was first cooled to enable precise temperature control of the nutrient solution with small capacity heat pump. Developed system was installed in the NFT hydroponics farm cultivating leafy vegetables and performance evaluation was carried out. For cultivation of Lalique lettuce(Lactuca sativa var.), the temperature of nutrient solution tank, buffer tank, and the root zone, the performance of cooling system, and the environment of greenhouse were analyzed. Also, by measuring the growth and yield of lettuce, the effect of cooling nutrient solution on the growth of lettuce NFT hydroponics was analyzed.
In this paper, a heat exchange system using cooling dehumidification and mixing process was proposed as an experimental study for a white smoke reduction heat exchanger system under winter condition. The white smoke reduction heat exchange system is divided into an EA part, SA part, W part and mixing zone. For the operating conditions, three types (Cases 1, 2, and 3) were selected depending on whether EA fan, SA fan, and A-W heat exchanger were operated. In addition, in order to visualize the white smoke exhausted from the mixing zone, it was photographed using CCTV. In order to investigate the performance of the white smoke reduction heat exchange system, the temperature reduction rate and absolute humidity reduction rate of EA and the heat recovery rate of W were calculated. The temperature change of EA and SA according to operating conditions was most effective in Case 3, and the temperature and absolute humidity at the outlet of the mixing zone were greatly reduced. From the results of the white smoke visualization, it was confirmed that the white smoke generation mechanism was different depending on the operating conditions, and the amount of white smoke generation was greatly reduced.
The enhancement of heat transfer in cooling system of cylindrical lithium-ion battery pack is numerically investigated by installing fins on the cooling plate. Battery Design StudioⓇ software is used for modeling electro-chemical heat generation in the battery and the conjugated heat transfer is analyzed with the commercial package STAR-CCM+. The result shows that installing fins on the cooling plate increases the convective heat transfer on the surface and thus lowers the maximum temperature of the battery pack. As the length and thickness of the fins increase, heat transfer in the battery pack improves. Considering the geometry and airflow of the battery pack, the optimal values for the length and thickness of the fin are both 2mm. As the convective heat transfer coefficient of the surface increases, the maximum temperature of the battery pack is greatly reduced and the temperature gradient is greatly improved.
This study was conducted to provide a basis for raising farm income by increasing the yield and extending the cultivation period by creating an environment where crops can be cultivated normally during high temperatures in summer. The maximum cooling load of the multi-span greenhouse with a floor area of 504 m2 was found to be 462,609 W, and keeping the greenhouse under 32°C without shading the greenhouse at a high temperature, it was necessary to fog spray 471.6 L of water per hour. The automatic fog cooling control device was developed to effectively control the fog device, the flow fan, and the light blocking device constituting the fog cooling system. The fog cooling system showed that the temperature of the greenhouse could be lowered by 6°C than the outside temperature. The relative humidity of the fog-cooled greenhouse was 40-80% during the day, about 20% higher than that of the control greenhouse, and this increase in relative humidity contributed to the growth of cucumbers. The relative humidity of the fog cooling greenhouse during the day was 40-80%, which was about 20% higher than that of the control greenhouse, and this increase in relative humidity contributed to the growth of cucumbers. The yield of cucumbers in the fog-cooled greenhouse was 1.8 times higher in the single-span greenhouse and two times higher in the multi-span greenhouse compared to the control greenhouse.
In this study, the cooling and heating amount, temperature, flow rate of turbine type heat meter for water source heat-pump system were experimentally investigated at the standard operating conditions. The obtained cooling and heating capacity from the heat meter were deviated within 5.0%, 3.8% comparing with the precise values calculated from an accredited test facility. Even though the accumulated cooling and heating amount values of the heat meter had a small difference comparing with the precise values, the temperatures of heat meter showed greatly different values comparing with the precise temperature. Therefore, it is highly recommended to develop the heat meter which is appropriate for the water source heat pump systems.
본 연구는 4연동 벤로형 유리온실의 냉·난방 부하를 고려한 PV 시스템의 적정 패널 설치 면적을 도출하기 위하여 BES 기법을 이용하여 온실 및 PV 시스템의 에너지 모델을 설계하였으며 동적 에너지 시뮬레이션을 수행하였다. 대상 작물은 파프리카로 선정하였으며 작물의 적정생육온도를 고려하여 냉·난방장치 및 환기장치의 가동조건을 설정하였다. 2012년부터 2016년까지 총 5년 동안의 기간별 냉·난방부하 및 최대 냉·난방 부하를 환 기팬의 환기량 조건 별로 분석을 실시하였다. 온실의 냉 ·난방 부하 산정과 함께 PV 시스템의 설치 각도에 따른 전력 생산량을 분석하였으며 신재생에너지 공급의무비율을 적용하여 최적 PV 시스템 설계 방안을 도출하였다. 환기팬의 환기량 60AE·hr-1 조건에서 대상 온실의 기간 평균 냉방 부하로 인한 전력 소모량은 174,310kWh, 기간 평균 난방 부하로 인한 전력 소모량은 458,903kWh 로 총 633,213kWh의 전력 소모량이 산정되었다. PV 시스템은 설치 각도를 30o로 설정하는 조건에서 가장 높은 전력 생산량이 나타났으며 월별 최적 각도를 적용하는 조건에서는 고정형 PV 시스템보다 약 5.7% 많은 전력 을 생산하는 것으론 산정 되었다. 최종적으로 대상 온실에 적합한 PV 시스템 패널 면적을 도출한 결과, 고정형 PV 시스템은 521m2의 패널이 필요한 것으로 산정되었고, 가변형 PV 시스템의 경우 494m2의 패널이 필요한 것으로 산정되었다. 본 연구를 통하여 4연동 벤로형 유리온실의 냉·난방 부하를 고려한 PV 시스템의 필요 패널 설치 면적을 도출할 수 있었으며 PV 시스템의 온실 적용 가능성 및 경 제성 평가의 기초 자료로 활용 가능할 것으로 판단된다. 한편, 본 연구에서는 작물 특성 데이터를 확보하지 못하여 작물의 에너지 교환을 고려하지 않았다. 보다 정확한 결과를 도출하기 위해서는 현장 실험 데이터에 기반을 둔 추가 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.