본 연구는 단기소득임산물 중 산림임업통계자료에 의한 생산량과 수요가 증가하고 있는 추세인 약용수 (꾸지뽕나무, 마가목, 헛개나무) 자생지를 대상으로 식물사회학적 방법에 의해 군락을 구분하여 식생 구조를 파악하고 Ordination CCA에 의한 군락구조와 환경요인의 상관관계를 분석하여 산채류 재배지 환경조성에 필요한 생태학적 기초자료를 제공하기 위하여 2021∼ 2022년에 수행되었다. 우리나라 꾸지뽕나무 자생지는 주로 남부지역에 분포하고 5개 지역, 11개 조사구를 대상으로 조사하였고, 마가목 자생지는 주로 고산지역에 분포하고 3개 지역, 8개 조사구를 대상으로 조사하였으며, 헛개나무 자생지는 중부 계곡부에 분포하고 5개 지역, 17개 조사구를 대상으로 조사하였다. 각 분류군의 중요치를 살펴보면, 꾸지뽕나무군락에서 나타난 중요치는 꾸지뽕나무가 61.10으로 가장 높았고 다음으로 팽나무, 곰솔, 새덕이, 때죽나무, 소사나무, 졸참나무, 상수리나무 등의 순으로 나타났고, 마가목군락에서는 신갈나무가 57.21로 가장 높았고 다음으로 마가목 42.58, 사스래나무, 피나무, 당단풍나무, 시닥나무, 층층나무, 함박꽃나무, 주목 등의 순으로 나타났으며, 헛개나무군락에서는 헛개나무가 64.58로 가장 높았고 다음으로 느티나무, 층층나무, 고로쇠나무, 졸참나무, 까치박달, 가래나무 등의 순으로 나타났다. 중요치가 높은 주요 분류군에 대한 흉고직경급을 분석한 결과 꾸지뽕나무군락에서는 꾸지뽕나무, 팽나무, 새덕이 및 소사나무는 어린 개체의 밀도를 높게 나타내고 있어 당분간은 이들 수종의 우점 상태가 계속 증가 될 것으로 보인다. 마가목군락에서 마가목은 역 J자형을 하고 있어 우점 상태가 계속 증가할 것으로 보이며, 신갈나무, 사스래나무 및 피나무는 정규분포형의 밀도를 나타내고 있어 당분간은 이들 수종의 우점 상태가 계속될 것으로 판단된다. 헛개나무군락에서는 까치박달과 가래나무는 역 J자형을 하고 있어 우점 상태가 계속 증가할 것으로 보이며, 헛개나무, 느티나무, 층층나무 및 고로쇠나무는 각 층에서 전체적으로 개체의 밀도가 높아 계속적으로 높은 우점도를 유지할 것으로 예상된다. TWINSPAN에 의해 분류된 3분류군의 30개 군락과 11개의 환경 요인으로 CCA ordination 결과, 해발고가 가장 높은 상관관계를 보였고, 꾸지뽕나무군락은 pH, C.E.C, Ca2+ 및 Mg2+ 는 가장 높고, 해발고는 낮고 남동사면과 남서사면의 경사는 완만하였으며, P2O5는 높은 지역과 낮은 지역에 골고루 분포하였다. 마가목군락은 해발고는 높고, 북사면의 경사는 다소 급하고, O.M과 T-N은 가장 많으나, 그 외 양료들은 적으며, pH는 낮게 나타났다. 헛개나무군락은 북동사면과 북서사면에서 해발고와 경사는 중간 지역이고, P2O5는 높게 나타났다.
1-Deoxynojirimycin(1-DNJ) was hardly detected by general UV detector. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed 1-DNJ, a effective functional material in which was contained the leaves of Cudrania tricuspidata and its tea by gas-chromatography. Synthesized a TMS derivative by attaching trimethylsilyl group to 1-DNJ, analyzed this by GC, and could detect a good peak. The leaves of Cudrania tricuspidata contains 1154.83±56.67 ug/g.d.w of 1-DNJ and tea of Cudrania tricuspidata leaves does 8.01±0.61 ug/g.d.w. This means the contents of 1-DNJ was nearly identical to each other. The larger size of the leaves had the more contents of 1-DNJ and the middle region of collection was the highest than any other collective regions of leaves.
Background : Cudrania tricuspidata Bureau belonging to the mulberry family has attracted much attention as a nutrition ingredient many times as many as the mulberry tree. In this study, we examined the inhibitory effect of hot water extract of Cudrania tricuspidata Bureau fruits (CT-F) on inflammation and inflammatory diseases such as diabetes and gastiritis in cell-level experiments and animal models using mice.
Methods and Results : The inhibitory effect of CT-F was investigated in LPS_stimulated RAW264.7 macrophages. Treatment with CT-F significantly inhibited the production of inflammatory mediators such as NO, IL-6 and TNF-a. The inhibitory effect of CT-F was shown to be related to inhibition of NF-kB activation in LPS-stimulated macrophages. In in vivo diabetic models using mice, treatment of CT-F lowered the level of blood glucose in alloxan-induce type-1 diabetic model as well as db/db type-2 mice model. CT-F also dramatically inhibited gastiritis induced by EtOH/HCl in mice.
Conclusion : Hot water extract of Cudrania tricuspidata Bureau fruits was effective for inhibition of inflammation, diabetes and gastirits. Therefore, CT-F is thought to be a beneficial candidate for development of functional foods to prevent inflammation-associated diseases.
In order to develop as a natural source of anticancer materials of Cudrania tricuspidata, the cytotoxicity of methanol extracts by harvesting parts and times against 8 cell lines including 293 (normal kidney cells) and A-431 (epidermoid carcinoma cells) were investigated using MTT assay. All harvesting parts had hardly cytotoxicity against 293. And methanol extracts of stem bark and root bark showed very high cytotoxicities against 7 cancer cell lines. The cytotoxicity was the highest against HeLa (cervix adenocarcinoma cells) and followed by MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma cells), AGS (stomach adenocarcinoma cells), HT-29 (colon adenocarcinoma cells), HepG2 (hepatoblastoma cells), A549 (lung carcinoma cells) and A-431. By the way, leaf extract had a cytotoxicity against only AGS and ripe fruit extract had no cytotoxicity. Among harvesting times, the cytotoxicity of root bark were high from April to September but that of stem bark showed a little difference. These results showed that anticancer activities of Cudrania tricuspidata extracts were eventful changes by harvesting parts and times.
To evaluate the availability of Cudrania tricuspidata Bureau as a natural source of antimicrobials, the antimicrobial activity of methanol extracts of harvested parts was investigated using the paper disc diffusion method. The extracts from leaves and root bark had broad antimicrobial activity against various bacteria, including Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, Listeria monocytogenes, Enterobacter aerogenes, Enterococcus faecalis, Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. choleraesuis, Vibrio vulnificus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and inhibited Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Listeria monocytogenes, agents of food poisoning especially well. The extract from ripe fruit had a very high antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus with a 20.2 mm of clear zone at 50 mg/mL sample concentration. These results indicated that Cudrania tricuspidata could be used as new source for developing natural antimicrobial agents.
To obtain the information on antioxidant activity by harvesting parts and time in Cudrania tricuspidata Bureau, total phenolic contents, flavonoid contents, superoxide dismutase (SOD) like activity and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH) radical scavenging activity of methanol extracts from Cudrania tricuspidata were investigated. Total phenolic contents was the highest in leaf [30.2~38.8 mg/g dry weight (DW)] and followed by root bark, stem bark, fruit, root except bark and stem except bark. Among harvesting time, total phenolic contents of leaf was the highest as 38.1~38.8 mg/g DW in May and June, and then decreased to October. Root bark harvested in April and May contained 26.6~27.8 mg/g DW total phenolic compounds and total phenolic content fell to a very low values at 1.8 mg/g DW in February. Flavonoid contents was very high in leaf and root bark. Especially, root bark harvested in April had the highest of flavonoid contents as 23.2 mg/g DW. As a result of simple linear regression analysis of total phenolic contents on flavonoid contents according to harvesting parts, it showed a high correlation (p 〈 0.001) with 0.57~0.97 R2 (coefficient of determination). As RC50 value, that was, the concentration of sample required for 50% reduction of DPPH absorbance, was 13.7~20.5 μg/mL in leaf so DPPH radical scavenging activity was very high. But SOD like activity of 1,000 μg extract/mL MeOH was a low value of 0.3~9.2% in all samples.
꾸지뽕나무의 대량번식을 위한 상토와 생장조절제 처리에 따른 삽목 번식에 관한 시험을 수행한 바, 삽목상토는 미풍화토에서 양호하여 숙지삽과 녹지삽에서 각각 56.9%, 62.3%의 발근율을 보였고, 생장조절제는 IBA 100 ppm처리에서 발근이 양호하여 숙지삽에서 57.9%, 녹지삽에서는 89.2%의 발근율을 보였다.